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6 hrs
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import { api } from '';
import type { IUser } from '';
import { Users } from '';
import type { Response } from '';
import { serverFetch as fetch } from '';
import { Meteor } from 'meteor/meteor';

import { SystemLogger } from '../../../../server/lib/logger/system';
import { hasPermissionAsync } from '../../../authorization/server/functions/hasPermission';
import { FileUpload } from '../../../file-upload/server';
import { RocketChatFile } from '../../../file/server';
import { settings } from '../../../settings/server';
import { checkUrlForSsrf } from './checkUrlForSsrf';

export const setAvatarFromServiceWithValidation = async (
    userId: string,
    dataURI: string,
    contentType?: string,
    service?: string,
    targetUserId?: string,
): Promise<void> => {
    if (!dataURI) {
        throw new Meteor.Error('error-invalid-data', 'Invalid dataURI', {
            method: 'setAvatarFromService',

    if (!userId) {
        throw new Meteor.Error('error-invalid-user', 'Invalid user', {
            method: 'setAvatarFromService',

    if (!settings.get('Accounts_AllowUserAvatarChange')) {
        throw new Meteor.Error('error-not-allowed', 'Not allowed', {
            method: 'setAvatarFromService',

    let user: IUser | null;

    if (targetUserId && targetUserId !== userId) {
        if (!(await hasPermissionAsync(userId, 'edit-other-user-avatar'))) {
            throw new Meteor.Error('error-unauthorized', 'Unauthorized', {
                method: 'setAvatarFromService',

        user = await Users.findOneById(targetUserId, { projection: { _id: 1, username: 1 } });
    } else {
        user = await Users.findOneById(userId, { projection: { _id: 1, username: 1 } });

    if (!user) {
        throw new Meteor.Error('error-invalid-desired-user', 'Invalid desired user', {
            method: 'setAvatarFromService',

    return setUserAvatar(user, dataURI, contentType, service);

export function setUserAvatar(
    user: Pick<IUser, '_id' | 'username'>,
    dataURI: Buffer,
    contentType: string,
    service: 'rest',
    etag?: string,
): Promise<void>;
export function setUserAvatar(
    user: Pick<IUser, '_id' | 'username'>,
    dataURI: string,
    contentType?: string,
    service?: 'initials' | 'url' | 'rest' | string,
    etag?: string,
): Promise<void>;
export async function setUserAvatar(
    user: Pick<IUser, '_id' | 'username'>,
    dataURI: string | Buffer,
    contentType: string | undefined,
    service?: 'initials' | 'url' | 'rest' | string,
    etag?: string,
): Promise<void> {
    if (service === 'initials') {
        await Users.setAvatarData(user._id, service, null);

    const { buffer, type } = await (async (): Promise<{ buffer: Buffer; type: string }> => {
        if (service === 'url' && typeof dataURI === 'string') {
            let response: Response;

            const isSsrfSafe = await checkUrlForSsrf(dataURI);
            if (!isSsrfSafe) {
                throw new Meteor.Error('error-avatar-invalid-url', `Invalid avatar URL: ${encodeURI(dataURI)}`, {
                    function: 'setUserAvatar',
                    url: dataURI,

            try {
                response = await fetch(dataURI, { redirect: 'error' });
            } catch (e) {
      `Not a valid response, from the avatar url: ${encodeURI(dataURI)}`);
                throw new Meteor.Error('error-avatar-invalid-url', `Invalid avatar URL: ${encodeURI(dataURI)}`, {
                    function: 'setUserAvatar',
                    url: dataURI,

            if (response.status !== 200) {
                if (response.status !== 404) {
          `Error while handling the setting of the avatar from a url (${encodeURI(dataURI)}) for ${user.username}`);
                    throw new Meteor.Error(
                        `Error while handling avatar setting from a URL (${encodeURI(dataURI)}) for ${user.username}`,
                        { function: 'RocketChat.setUserAvatar', url: dataURI, username: user.username },

      `Not a valid response, ${response.status}, from the avatar url: ${dataURI}`);
                throw new Meteor.Error('error-avatar-invalid-url', `Invalid avatar URL: ${dataURI}`, {
                    function: 'setUserAvatar',
                    url: dataURI,

            if (!/image\/.+/.test(response.headers.get('content-type') || '')) {
                    `Not a valid content-type from the provided url, ${response.headers.get('content-type')}, from the avatar url: ${dataURI}`,
                throw new Meteor.Error('error-avatar-invalid-url', `Invalid avatar URL: ${dataURI}`, {
                    function: 'setUserAvatar',
                    url: dataURI,

            return {
                buffer: Buffer.from(await response.arrayBuffer()),
                type: response.headers.get('content-type') || '',

        if (service === 'rest') {
            if (!contentType) {
                throw new Meteor.Error('error-avatar-invalid-content-type', 'Invalid avatar content type', {
                    function: 'setUserAvatar',

            return {
                buffer: dataURI instanceof Buffer ? dataURI : Buffer.from(dataURI, 'binary'),
                type: contentType,

        const fileData = RocketChatFile.dataURIParse(dataURI);

        return {
            buffer: Buffer.from(fileData.image, 'base64'),
            type: fileData.contentType,

    const fileStore = FileUpload.getStore('Avatars');
    user.username && (await fileStore.deleteByName(user.username));

    const file = {
        userId: user._id,
        size: buffer.length,

    const result = await fileStore.insert(file, buffer);

    const avatarETag = etag || result?.etag || '';

    setTimeout(async () => {
        if (service) {
            await Users.setAvatarData(user._id, service, avatarETag);
            void api.broadcast('user.avatarUpdate', {
                username: user.username,
    }, 500);