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5 hrs
Test Coverage
import { api } from '';
import type { IMessage } from '';
import { isDirectMessageRoom, isEditedMessage, isOmnichannelRoom, isRoomFederated } from '';
import { Subscriptions, Users } from '';
import type { ActionsBlock } from '';
import moment from 'moment';

import { callbacks } from '../../../../lib/callbacks';
import { getUserDisplayName } from '../../../../lib/getUserDisplayName';
import { isTruthy } from '../../../../lib/isTruthy';
import { i18n } from '../../../../server/lib/i18n';
import { hasPermissionAsync } from '../../../authorization/server/functions/hasPermission';
import { settings } from '../../../settings/server';

const APP_ID = 'mention-core';
const getBlocks = (mentions: IMessage['mentions'], messageId: string, lng: string | undefined) => {
    const stringifiedMentions = JSON.stringify(mentions);
    return {
        addUsersBlock: {
            type: 'button',
            appId: APP_ID,
            blockId: messageId,
            value: stringifiedMentions,
            actionId: 'add-users',
            text: {
                type: 'plain_text',
                text: i18n.t('Add_them', undefined, lng),
        dismissBlock: {
            type: 'button',
            appId: APP_ID,
            blockId: messageId,
            value: stringifiedMentions,
            actionId: 'dismiss',
            text: {
                type: 'plain_text',
                text: i18n.t('Do_nothing', undefined, lng),
        dmBlock: {
            type: 'button',
            appId: APP_ID,
            value: stringifiedMentions,
            blockId: messageId,
            actionId: 'share-message',
            text: {
                type: 'plain_text',
                text: i18n.t('Let_them_know', undefined, lng),
    } as const;

    async (message, { room }) => {
        // TODO: check if I need to test this 60 second rule.
        // If the message was edited, or is older than 60 seconds (imported)
        // the notifications will be skipped, so we can also skip this validation
        if (isEditedMessage(message) || (message.ts && Math.abs(moment(message.ts).diff(moment())) > 60000) || !message.mentions) {
            return message;

        const mentions = message.mentions.filter(({ _id, type }) => _id !== 'all' && _id !== 'here' && type !== 'team');
        if (!mentions.length) {
            return message;

        if (isDirectMessageRoom(room) || isRoomFederated(room) || isOmnichannelRoom(room)) {
            return message;

        const subs = await Subscriptions.findByRoomIdAndUserIds(
  { _id }) => _id),
            { projection: { u: 1 } },

        // get all users that are mentioned but not in the channel
        const mentionsUsersNotInChannel = mentions.filter(({ _id }) => !subs.some((sub) => sub.u._id === _id));

        if (!mentionsUsersNotInChannel.length) {
            return message;

        const canAddUsersToThisRoom = await hasPermissionAsync(message.u._id, 'add-user-to-joined-room', message.rid);
        const canAddToAnyRoom = await (room.t === 'c'
            ? hasPermissionAsync(message.u._id, 'add-user-to-any-c-room')
            : hasPermissionAsync(message.u._id, 'add-user-to-any-p-room'));
        const canDMUsers = await hasPermissionAsync(message.u._id, 'create-d'); // TODO: Perhaps check if user has DM with mentioned user (might be too expensive)
        const canAddUsers = canAddUsersToThisRoom || canAddToAnyRoom;

        const { language } = (await Users.findOneById(message.u._id)) || {};

        const actionBlocks = getBlocks(mentionsUsersNotInChannel, message._id, language);
        const elements: ActionsBlock['elements'] = [
            canAddUsers && actionBlocks.addUsersBlock,
            (canAddUsers || canDMUsers) && actionBlocks.dismissBlock,
            canDMUsers && actionBlocks.dmBlock,

        const messageLabel = canAddUsers
            ? 'You_mentioned___mentions__but_theyre_not_in_this_room'
            : 'You_mentioned___mentions__but_theyre_not_in_this_room_You_can_ask_a_room_admin_to_add_them';

        const useRealName = settings.get<boolean>('UI_Use_Real_Name');

        const usernamesOrNames ={ username, name }) => `*${getUserDisplayName(name, username, useRealName)}*`);

        const mentionsText = usernamesOrNames.join(', ');

        // TODO: Mentions style
        void api.broadcast('notify.ephemeralMessage', message.u._id, message.rid, {
            msg: '',
            mentions: mentionsUsersNotInChannel,
            tmid: message.tmid,
            blocks: [
                    appId: APP_ID,
                    type: 'section',
                    text: {
                        type: 'mrkdwn',
                        text: i18n.t(messageLabel, { mentions: mentionsText }, language),
                } as const,
                Boolean(elements.length) &&
                        type: 'actions',
                        appId: APP_ID,
                    } as const),
            private: true,

        return message;