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2 days
Test Coverage
import { Omnichannel } from '';
import type { ILivechatAgent, IUser, SelectedAgent, TransferByData } from '';
import { isOmnichannelRoom, OmnichannelSourceType } from '';
import { LivechatVisitors, Users, LivechatRooms, Messages } from '';
import {
} from '';
import { check } from 'meteor/check';

import { callbacks } from '../../../../../lib/callbacks';
import { i18n } from '../../../../../server/lib/i18n';
import { API } from '../../../../api/server';
import { isWidget } from '../../../../api/server/helpers/isWidget';
import { canAccessRoomAsync, roomAccessAttributes } from '../../../../authorization/server';
import { hasPermissionAsync } from '../../../../authorization/server/functions/hasPermission';
import { addUserToRoom } from '../../../../lib/server/functions/addUserToRoom';
import { closeLivechatRoom } from '../../../../lib/server/functions/closeLivechatRoom';
import { settings as rcSettings } from '../../../../settings/server';
import { normalizeTransferredByData } from '../../lib/Helper';
import type { CloseRoomParams } from '../../lib/LivechatTyped';
import { Livechat as LivechatTyped } from '../../lib/LivechatTyped';
import { findGuest, findRoom, settings, findAgent, onCheckRoomParams } from '../lib/livechat';
import { findVisitorInfo } from '../lib/visitors';

const isAgentWithInfo = (agentObj: ILivechatAgent | { hiddenInfo: boolean }): agentObj is ILivechatAgent => !('hiddenInfo' in agentObj);

        rateLimiterOptions: {
            numRequestsAllowed: 5,
            intervalTimeInMS: 60000,
        async get() {
            // I'll temporary use check for validation, as validateParams doesnt support what's being done here
            const extraCheckParams = await onCheckRoomParams({
                token: String,
                rid: Match.Maybe(String),
                agentId: Match.Maybe(String),

            check(this.queryParams, extraCheckParams as any);

            const { token, rid, agentId, ...extraParams } = this.queryParams;

            const guest = token && (await findGuest(token));
            if (!guest) {
                throw new Error('invalid-token');

            if (!rid) {
                const room = await LivechatRooms.findOneOpenByVisitorToken(token, {});
                if (room) {
                    return API.v1.success({ room, newRoom: false });

                let agent: SelectedAgent | undefined;
                const agentObj = agentId && (await findAgent(agentId));
                if (agentObj) {
                    if (isAgentWithInfo(agentObj)) {
                        const { username = undefined } = agentObj;
                        agent = { agentId, username };
                    } else {
                        agent = { agentId };

                const roomInfo = {
                    source: {
                        type: isWidget(this.request.headers) ? OmnichannelSourceType.WIDGET : OmnichannelSourceType.API,

                const newRoom = await LivechatTyped.createRoom({ visitor: guest, roomInfo, agent, extraData: extraParams });

                return API.v1.success({
                    room: newRoom,
                    newRoom: true,

            const froom = await LivechatRooms.findOneOpenByRoomIdAndVisitorToken(rid, token, {});
            if (!froom) {
                throw new Error('invalid-room');

            return API.v1.success({ room: froom, newRoom: false });

// Note: use this route if a visitor is closing a room
// If a RC user(like eg agent) is closing a room, use the `livechat/room.closeByUser` route
    { validateParams: isPOSTLivechatRoomCloseParams },
        async post() {
            const { rid, token } = this.bodyParams;

            const visitor = await findGuest(token);
            if (!visitor) {
                throw new Error('invalid-token');

            const room = await findRoom(token, rid);
            if (!room) {
                throw new Error('invalid-room');

            if (! {
                throw new Error('room-closed');

            const language = rcSettings.get<string>('Language') || 'en';
            const comment = i18n.t('Closed_by_visitor', { lng: language });

            const options: CloseRoomParams['options'] = {};
            if (room.servedBy) {
                const servingAgent: Pick<IUser, '_id' | 'name' | 'username' | 'utcOffset' | 'settings' | 'language'> | null =
                    await Users.findOneById(room.servedBy._id, {
                        projection: {
                            name: 1,
                            username: 1,
                            utcOffset: 1,
                            settings: 1,
                            language: 1,

                if (servingAgent?.settings?.preferences?.omnichannelTranscriptPDF) {
                    options.pdfTranscript = {
                        requestedBy: servingAgent._id,

                // We'll send the transcript by email only if the setting is disabled (that means, we're not asking the user if he wants to receive the transcript by email)
                // And the agent has the preference enabled to send the transcript by email and the visitor has an email address
                // When Livechat_enable_transcript is enabled, the email will be sent via livechat/transcript route
                if (
                    !rcSettings.get<boolean>('Livechat_enable_transcript') &&
                    servingAgent?.settings?.preferences?.omnichannelTranscriptEmail &&
                    visitor.visitorEmails?.length &&
                ) {
                    const visitorEmail = visitor.visitorEmails?.[0]?.address;

                    const language = servingAgent.language || rcSettings.get<string>('Language') || 'en';
                    const t = (s: string): string => i18n.t(s, { lng: language });
                    const subject = t('Transcript_of_your_livechat_conversation');

                    options.emailTranscript = {
                        sendToVisitor: true,
                        requestData: {
                            email: visitorEmail,
                            requestedAt: new Date(),
                            requestedBy: servingAgent,

            await LivechatTyped.closeRoom({ visitor, room, comment, options });

            return API.v1.success({ rid, comment });

        validateParams: isPOSTLivechatRoomCloseByUserParams,
        authRequired: true,
        permissionsRequired: ['close-livechat-room'],
        async post() {
            const { rid, comment, tags, generateTranscriptPdf, transcriptEmail } = this.bodyParams;

            await closeLivechatRoom(this.user, rid, { comment, tags, generateTranscriptPdf, transcriptEmail });

            return API.v1.success();

    { validateParams: isPOSTLivechatRoomTransferParams, deprecation: { version: '7.0.0' } },
        async post() {
            const { rid, token, department } = this.bodyParams;

            const guest = await findGuest(token);
            if (!guest) {
                throw new Error('invalid-token');

            let room = await findRoom(token, rid);
            if (!room) {
                throw new Error('invalid-room');

            // update visited page history to not expire
            await Messages.keepHistoryForToken(token);

            const { _id, username, name } = guest;
            const transferredBy = normalizeTransferredByData({ _id, username, name, userType: 'visitor' }, room);

            if (!(await LivechatTyped.transfer(room, guest, { departmentId: department, transferredBy }))) {
                return API.v1.failure();

            room = await findRoom(token, rid);
            if (!room) {
                throw new Error('invalid-room');

            return API.v1.success({ room });

    { validateParams: isPOSTLivechatRoomSurveyParams },
        async post() {
            const { rid, token, data } = this.bodyParams;

            const visitor = await findGuest(token);
            if (!visitor) {
                throw new Error('invalid-token');

            const room = await findRoom(token, rid);
            if (!room) {
                throw new Error('invalid-room');

            const config = await settings();
            if (!config.survey?.items || !config.survey.values) {
                throw new Error('invalid-livechat-config');

            const updateData: { [k: string]: string } = {};
            for (const item of data) {
                if ((config.survey.items.includes( && config.survey.values.includes(item.value)) || === 'additionalFeedback') {
                    updateData[] = item.value;

            if (Object.keys(updateData).length === 0) {
                throw new Error('invalid-data');

            if (!(await LivechatRooms.updateSurveyFeedbackById(room._id, updateData))) {
                return API.v1.failure();

            return API.v1.success({ rid, data: updateData });

    { authRequired: true, permissionsRequired: ['view-l-room', 'transfer-livechat-guest'], validateParams: isLiveChatRoomForwardProps },
        async post() {
            const transferData = this.bodyParams as typeof this.bodyParams & {
                transferredBy: TransferByData;
                transferredTo?: { _id: string; username?: string; name?: string };

            const room = await LivechatRooms.findOneById(this.bodyParams.roomId);
            if (!room || room.t !== 'l') {
                throw new Error('error-invalid-room');

            if (! {
                throw new Error('This_conversation_is_already_closed');

            if (!(await Omnichannel.isWithinMACLimit(room))) {
                throw new Error('error-mac-limit-reached');

            const guest = await LivechatVisitors.findOneEnabledById(room.v?._id);
            if (!guest) {
                throw new Error('error-invalid-visitor');

            transferData.transferredBy = normalizeTransferredByData(this.user, room);
            if (transferData.userId) {
                const userToTransfer = await Users.findOneById(transferData.userId);
                if (userToTransfer) {
                    transferData.transferredTo = {
                        _id: userToTransfer._id,
                        username: userToTransfer.username,

            const chatForwardedResult = await LivechatTyped.transfer(room, guest, transferData);
            if (!chatForwardedResult) {
                throw new Error('error-forwarding-chat');

            return API.v1.success();

        authRequired: true,
        permissionsRequired: ['change-livechat-room-visitor'],
        validateParams: isPUTLivechatRoomVisitorParams,
        deprecation: {
            version: '7.0.0',
        async put() {
            // This endpoint is deprecated and will be removed in future versions.
            const { rid, newVisitorId, oldVisitorId } = this.bodyParams;

            const { visitor } = await findVisitorInfo({ visitorId: newVisitorId });
            if (!visitor) {
                throw new Error('invalid-visitor');

            const room = await LivechatRooms.findOneById(rid, { projection: { ...roomAccessAttributes, _id: 1, t: 1, v: 1 } }); // TODO: check _id
            if (!room) {
                throw new Error('invalid-room');

            const { v: { _id: roomVisitorId = undefined } = {} } = room; // TODO: v it will be undefined
            if (roomVisitorId !== oldVisitorId) {
                throw new Error('invalid-room-visitor');

            const roomAfterChange = await LivechatTyped.changeRoomVisitor(this.userId, room, visitor);

            if (!roomAfterChange) {
                return API.v1.failure();

            return API.v1.success({ room: roomAfterChange });

    { authRequired: true, permissionsRequired: ['view-l-room'], validateParams: isLiveChatRoomJoinProps },
        async get() {
            const { roomId } = this.queryParams;

            const { user } = this;

            if (!user) {
                throw new Error('error-invalid-user');

            const room = await LivechatRooms.findOneById(roomId);

            if (!room) {
                throw new Error('error-invalid-room');

            if (! {
                throw new Error('room-closed');

            if (!(await Omnichannel.isWithinMACLimit(room))) {
                throw new Error('error-mac-limit-reached');

            if (!(await canAccessRoomAsync(room, user))) {
                throw new Error('error-not-allowed');

            await addUserToRoom(roomId, user);

            return API.v1.success();

    { authRequired: true, permissionsRequired: ['view-l-room'], validateParams: isLiveChatRoomSaveInfoProps },
        async post() {
            const { roomData, guestData } = this.bodyParams;
            const room = await LivechatRooms.findOneById(roomData._id);
            if (!room || !isOmnichannelRoom(room)) {
                throw new Error('error-invalid-room');

            if (
                (!room.servedBy || room.servedBy._id !== this.userId) &&
                !(await hasPermissionAsync(this.userId, 'save-others-livechat-room-info'))
            ) {
                return API.v1.unauthorized();

            if (room.sms) {

            // We want this both operations to be concurrent, so we have to go with Promise.allSettled
            const result = await Promise.allSettled([LivechatTyped.saveGuest(guestData, this.userId), LivechatTyped.saveRoomInfo(roomData)]);

            const firstError = result.find((item) => item.status === 'rejected');
            if (firstError) {
                throw new Error((firstError as PromiseRejectedResult).reason.error);

            await'livechat.saveInfo', await LivechatRooms.findOneById(roomData._id), {
                user: this.user,
                oldRoom: room,

            return API.v1.success();