import type { IMessage, IOmnichannelRoom } from '';
import { isEditedMessage } from '';
import { LivechatVisitors } from '';
import { callbacks } from '../../../../lib/callbacks';
import { isTruthy } from '../../../../lib/isTruthy';
import { settings } from '../../../settings/server';
function validateMessage(message: IMessage, room: IOmnichannelRoom) {
// skips this callback if the message was edited
if (isEditedMessage(message)) {
return false;
// message valid only if it is a livechat room
if (!(typeof room.t !== 'undefined' && room.t === 'l' && room.v && room.v.token)) {
return false;
// if the message hasn't a token, it was NOT sent from the visitor, so ignore it
if (!message.token) {
return false;
// if the message has a type means it is a special message (like the closing comment), so skips
if (message.t) {
return false;
return true;
async (message, { room }) => {
if (!validateMessage(message, room)) {
return message;
const phoneRegexp = new RegExp(settings.get<string>('Livechat_lead_phone_regex'), 'g');
const msgPhones = message.msg.match(phoneRegexp)?.filter(isTruthy) || [];
const emailRegexp = new RegExp(settings.get<string>('Livechat_lead_email_regex'), 'gi');
const msgEmails = message.msg.match(emailRegexp)?.filter(isTruthy) || [];
if (msgEmails || msgPhones) {
await LivechatVisitors.saveGuestEmailPhoneById(room.v._id, msgEmails, msgPhones);
await'livechat.leadCapture', room);
return message;