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5 hrs
Test Coverage
import { Omnichannel } from '';
import type { IUser } from '';
import type { ServerMethods } from '';
import { LivechatVisitors, LivechatRooms, Subscriptions, Users } from '';
import { Match, check } from 'meteor/check';
import { Meteor } from 'meteor/meteor';

import { hasPermissionAsync } from '../../../authorization/server/functions/hasPermission';
import { methodDeprecationLogger } from '../../../lib/server/lib/deprecationWarningLogger';
import { normalizeTransferredByData } from '../lib/Helper';
import { Livechat } from '../lib/LivechatTyped';

declare module '' {
    // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/naming-convention
    interface ServerMethods {
        'livechat:transfer'(transferData: {
            roomId: string;
            userId?: string;
            departmentId?: string;
            comment?: string;
            clientAction?: boolean;
        }): boolean;

// Deprecated in favor of "livechat/room.forward" endpoint
// TODO: Deprecated: Remove in v6.0.0
    async 'livechat:transfer'(transferData) {
        methodDeprecationLogger.method('livechat:transfer', '7.0.0');
        const uid = Meteor.userId();
        if (!uid || !(await hasPermissionAsync(uid, 'view-l-room'))) {
            throw new Meteor.Error('error-not-allowed', 'Not allowed', { method: 'livechat:transfer' });

        check(transferData, {
            roomId: String,
            userId: Match.Optional(String),
            departmentId: Match.Optional(String),
            comment: Match.Optional(String),
            clientAction: Match.Optional(Boolean),

        const room = await LivechatRooms.findOneById(transferData.roomId);
        if (!room || room.t !== 'l') {
            throw new Meteor.Error('error-invalid-room', 'Invalid room', { method: 'livechat:transfer' });

        if (! {
            throw new Meteor.Error('room-closed', 'Room closed', { method: 'livechat:transfer' });

        if (!(await Omnichannel.isWithinMACLimit(room))) {
            throw new Meteor.Error('error-mac-limit-reached', 'MAC limit reached', { method: 'livechat:transfer' });

        const subscription = await Subscriptions.findOneByRoomIdAndUserId(room._id, uid, {
            projection: { _id: 1 },
        if (!subscription && !(await hasPermissionAsync(uid, 'transfer-livechat-guest'))) {
            throw new Meteor.Error('error-not-authorized', 'Not authorized', {
                method: 'livechat:transfer',

        const guest = await LivechatVisitors.findOneEnabledById(room.v?._id);

        if (!guest) {
            throw new Meteor.Error('error-invalid-visitor', 'Invalid visitor', { method: 'livechat:transfer' });

        const user = await Meteor.userAsync();

        if (!user) {
            throw new Meteor.Error('error-invalid-user', 'Invalid user', { method: 'livechat:transfer' });

        const normalizedTransferData: {
            roomId: string;
            userId?: string;
            departmentId?: string;
            comment?: string;
            clientAction?: boolean;
            transferredBy: ReturnType<typeof normalizeTransferredByData>;
            transferredTo?: Pick<IUser, '_id' | 'username' | 'name'>;
        } = {
            transferredBy: normalizeTransferredByData(user, room),

        if (normalizedTransferData.userId) {
            const userToTransfer = await Users.findOneById(normalizedTransferData.userId);
            if (!userToTransfer) {
                throw new Meteor.Error('error-invalid-user', 'Invalid user to transfer the room');
            normalizedTransferData.transferredTo = {
                _id: userToTransfer._id,
                username: userToTransfer.username,

        return Livechat.transfer(room, guest, normalizedTransferData);