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3 days
Test Coverage
import type { ServerResponse } from 'http';

import type { IUser, IIncomingMessage, IPersonalAccessToken } from '';
import { CredentialTokens, Rooms, Users } from '';
import { Random } from '';
import { escapeRegExp, escapeHTML } from '';
import { Accounts } from 'meteor/accounts-base';
import { Meteor } from 'meteor/meteor';

import { ensureArray } from '../../../../lib/utils/arrayUtils';
import { SystemLogger } from '../../../../server/lib/logger/system';
import { addUserToRoom } from '../../../lib/server/functions/addUserToRoom';
import { createRoom } from '../../../lib/server/functions/createRoom';
import { generateUsernameSuggestion } from '../../../lib/server/functions/getUsernameSuggestion';
import { saveUserIdentity } from '../../../lib/server/functions/saveUserIdentity';
import { settings } from '../../../settings/server';
import { i18n } from '../../../utils/lib/i18n';
import type { ISAMLAction } from '../definition/ISAMLAction';
import type { ISAMLUser } from '../definition/ISAMLUser';
import type { IServiceProviderOptions } from '../definition/IServiceProviderOptions';
import { SAMLServiceProvider } from './ServiceProvider';
import { SAMLUtils } from './Utils';

const showErrorMessage = function (res: ServerResponse, err: string): void {
    res.writeHead(200, {
        'Content-Type': 'text/html',
    const content = `<html><body><h2>Sorry, an annoying error occured</h2><div>${escapeHTML(err)}</div></body></html>`;
    res.end(content, 'utf-8');

export class SAML {
    public static async processRequest(
        req: IIncomingMessage,
        res: ServerResponse,
        service: IServiceProviderOptions,
        samlObject: ISAMLAction,
    ): Promise<void> {
        // Skip everything if there's no service set by the saml middleware
        if (!service) {
            if (samlObject.actionName === 'metadata') {
                showErrorMessage(res, `Unexpected SAML service ${samlObject.serviceName}`);

            throw new Error(`Unexpected SAML service ${samlObject.serviceName}`);

        switch (samlObject.actionName) {
            case 'metadata':
                return this.processMetadataAction(res, service);
            case 'logout':
                return this.processLogoutAction(req, res, service);
            case 'sloRedirect':
                return this.processSLORedirectAction(req, res);
            case 'authorize':
                return this.processAuthorizeAction(req, res, service, samlObject);
            case 'validate':
                return this.processValidateAction(req, res, service, samlObject);
                throw new Error(`Unexpected SAML action ${samlObject.actionName}`);

    public static async hasCredential(credentialToken: string): Promise<boolean> {
        return (await CredentialTokens.findOneNotExpiredById(credentialToken)) != null;

    public static async retrieveCredential(credentialToken: string): Promise<Record<string, any> | undefined> {
        // The credentialToken in all these functions corresponds to SAMLs inResponseTo field and is mandatory to check.
        const data = await CredentialTokens.findOneNotExpiredById(credentialToken);
        if (data) {
            return data.userInfo;

    public static async storeCredential(credentialToken: string, loginResult: { profile: Record<string, any> }): Promise<void> {
        await CredentialTokens.create(credentialToken, loginResult);

    public static async insertOrUpdateSAMLUser(userObject: ISAMLUser): Promise<{ userId: string; token: string }> {
        const {
            defaultUserRole = 'user',
        } = SAMLUtils.globalSettings;

        let customIdentifierMatch = false;
        let customIdentifierAttributeName: string | null = null;
        let user = null;

        // First, try searching by custom identifier
        if (
            userObject.identifier.type === 'custom' &&
            userObject.identifier.attribute &&
        ) {
            customIdentifierAttributeName = userObject.identifier.attribute;

            const query: Record<string, any> = {};
            query[`services.saml.${customIdentifierAttributeName}`] = userObject.attributeList.get(customIdentifierAttributeName);
            user = await Users.findOne(query);

            if (user) {
                customIdentifierMatch = true;

        // Second, try searching by username or email (according to the immutableProperty setting)
        if (!user) {
            const expression = => `^${escapeRegExp(email)}$`).join('|');
            const emailRegex = new RegExp(expression, 'i');

            user = await SAML.findUser(userObject.username, emailRegex);

        const emails = => ({
            address: email,
            verified: settings.get('Accounts_Verify_Email_For_External_Accounts'),

        let { username } = userObject;
        const { fullName } = userObject;

        const active = !settings.get('Accounts_ManuallyApproveNewUsers');

        if (!user) {
            // If we received any role from the mapping, use them - otherwise use the default role for creation.
            const roles = userObject.roles?.length ? userObject.roles : ensureArray<string>(defaultUserRole.split(','));

            const newUser: Record<string, any> = {
                name: fullName,
                globalRoles: roles,
                services: {
                    saml: {
                        provider: userObject.samlLogin.provider,
                        idp: userObject.samlLogin.idp,

            if (customIdentifierAttributeName) {
      [customIdentifierAttributeName] = userObject.attributeList.get(customIdentifierAttributeName);

            if (generateUsername === true) {
                username = await generateUsernameSuggestion(newUser);

            if (username) {
                newUser.username = username;
       = || SAML.guessNameFromUsername(username);

            if (userObject.language) {
                if (i18n.languages?.includes(userObject.language)) {
                    newUser.language = userObject.language;

            const userId = Accounts.insertUserDoc({}, newUser);
            user = await Users.findOneById(userId);

            if (user && userObject.channels && channelsAttributeUpdate !== true) {
                await SAML.subscribeToSAMLChannels(userObject.channels, user);

        if (!user) {
            throw new Error('Failed to create user');
        // creating the token and adding to the user
        const stampedToken = Accounts._generateStampedLoginToken();
        await Users.addPersonalAccessTokenToUser({
            userId: user._id,
            loginTokenObject: stampedToken as unknown as IPersonalAccessToken,

        const updateData: Record<string, any> = {
            'services.saml.provider': userObject.samlLogin.provider,
            'services.saml.idp': userObject.samlLogin.idp,
            'services.saml.idpSession': userObject.samlLogin.idpSession,
            'services.saml.nameID': userObject.samlLogin.nameID,

        // If the user was not found through the customIdentifier property, then update it's value
        if (customIdentifierMatch === false && customIdentifierAttributeName) {
            updateData[`services.saml.${customIdentifierAttributeName}`] = userObject.attributeList.get(customIdentifierAttributeName);

        // Overwrite mail if needed
        if (mailOverwrite === true && (customIdentifierMatch === true || immutableProperty !== 'EMail')) {
            updateData.emails = emails;

        // Overwrite fullname if needed
        if (nameOverwrite === true) {
   = fullName;

        // When updating an user, we only update the roles if we received them from the mapping
        if (userObject.roles?.length) {
            updateData.roles = userObject.roles;

        if (userObject.channels && channelsAttributeUpdate === true) {
            await SAML.subscribeToSAMLChannels(userObject.channels, user);

        await Users.updateOne(
                _id: user._id,
                $set: updateData,

        if ((username && username !== user.username) || (fullName && fullName !== {
            await saveUserIdentity({ _id: user._id, name: fullName || undefined, username });

        // sending token along with the userId
        return {
            userId: user._id,
            token: stampedToken.token,

    private static processMetadataAction(res: ServerResponse, service: IServiceProviderOptions): void {
        try {
            const serviceProvider = new SAMLServiceProvider(service);

        } catch (err: any) {
            showErrorMessage(res, err);

    private static async processLogoutAction(req: IIncomingMessage, res: ServerResponse, service: IServiceProviderOptions): Promise<void> {
        // This is where we receive SAML LogoutResponse
        if (req.query.SAMLRequest) {
            return this.processLogoutRequest(req, res, service);

        return this.processLogoutResponse(req, res, service);

    private static async _logoutRemoveTokens(userId: string): Promise<void> {
        SAMLUtils.log(`Found user ${userId}`);

        await Users.unsetLoginTokens(userId);
        await Users.removeSamlServiceSession(userId);

    private static async processLogoutRequest(req: IIncomingMessage, res: ServerResponse, service: IServiceProviderOptions): Promise<void> {
        const serviceProvider = new SAMLServiceProvider(service);
        await serviceProvider.validateLogoutRequest(req.query.SAMLRequest, async (err, result) => {
            if (err) {
                SystemLogger.error({ err });
                throw new Meteor.Error('Unable to Validate Logout Request');

            if (!result?.nameID || !result?.idpSession) {
                throw new Meteor.Error('Unable to process Logout Request: missing request data.');

            let timeoutHandler: NodeJS.Timer | null = null;
            const redirect = (url?: string | undefined): void => {
                if (!timeoutHandler) {
                    // If the handler is null, then we already ended the response;

                timeoutHandler = null;

                res.writeHead(302, {
                    Location: url || Meteor.absoluteUrl(),

            // Add a timeout to end the server response
            timeoutHandler = setTimeout(() => {
                // If we couldn't get a valid IdP url, let's redirect the user to our home so the browser doesn't hang on them.
            }, 5000);

            try {
                const loggedOutUsers = await Users.findBySAMLNameIdOrIdpSession(result.nameID, result.idpSession).toArray();
                if (loggedOutUsers.length > 1) {
                    throw new Meteor.Error('Found multiple users matching SAML session');

                if (loggedOutUsers.length === 0) {
                    throw new Meteor.Error('Invalid logout request: no user associated with session.');

                await this._logoutRemoveTokens(loggedOutUsers[0]._id);

                const { response } = serviceProvider.generateLogoutResponse({
                    nameID: result.nameID || '',
                    sessionIndex: result.idpSession || '',
                    inResponseToId: || '',

                serviceProvider.logoutResponseToUrl(response, (err, url) => {
                    if (err) {
                        SystemLogger.error({ err });
                        return redirect();

            } catch (e: any) {

    private static async processLogoutResponse(req: IIncomingMessage, res: ServerResponse, service: IServiceProviderOptions): Promise<void> {
        if (!req.query.SAMLResponse) {
            SAMLUtils.error('Invalid LogoutResponse, missing SAMLResponse', req.query);
            throw new Error('Invalid LogoutResponse received.');

        const serviceProvider = new SAMLServiceProvider(service);
        await serviceProvider.validateLogoutResponse(req.query.SAMLResponse, async (err, inResponseTo) => {
            if (err) {

            if (!inResponseTo) {
                throw new Meteor.Error('Invalid logout request: no inResponseTo value.');

            const logOutUser = async (inResponseTo: string): Promise<void> => {
                SAMLUtils.log(`Logging Out user via inResponseTo ${inResponseTo}`);

                const loggedOutUsers = await Users.findBySAMLInResponseTo(inResponseTo).toArray();
                if (loggedOutUsers.length > 1) {
                    throw new Meteor.Error('Found multiple users matching SAML inResponseTo fields');

                if (loggedOutUsers.length === 0) {
                    throw new Meteor.Error('Invalid logout request: no user associated with inResponseTo.');

                await this._logoutRemoveTokens(loggedOutUsers[0]._id);

            try {
                await logOutUser(inResponseTo);
            } finally {
                res.writeHead(302, {
                    Location: req.query.RelayState,

    private static processSLORedirectAction(req: IIncomingMessage, res: ServerResponse): void {
        res.writeHead(302, {
            // credentialToken here is the SAML LogOut Request that we'll send back to IDP
            Location: req.query.redirect,

    private static async processAuthorizeAction(
        req: IIncomingMessage,
        res: ServerResponse,
        service: IServiceProviderOptions,
        samlObject: ISAMLAction,
    ): Promise<void> { = samlObject.credentialToken;

        // Allow redirecting to internal domains when login process is complete
        const { referer } = req.headers;
        const siteUrl = settings.get<string>('Site_Url');
        if (typeof referer === 'string' && referer.startsWith(siteUrl)) {
            service.redirectUrl = referer;

        const serviceProvider = new SAMLServiceProvider(service);
        let url: string | undefined;

        try {
            url = await serviceProvider.getAuthorizeUrl();
        } catch (err: any) {
            SAMLUtils.error('Unable to generate authorize url');
            url = Meteor.absoluteUrl();

        res.writeHead(302, {
            Location: url,

    private static processValidateAction(
        req: IIncomingMessage,
        res: ServerResponse,
        service: IServiceProviderOptions,
        _samlObject: ISAMLAction,
    ): void {
        const serviceProvider = new SAMLServiceProvider(service);
        SAMLUtils.relayState = req.body.RelayState;
        serviceProvider.validateResponse(req.body.SAMLResponse, async (err, profile /* , loggedOut*/) => {
            try {
                if (err) {
                    throw new Error('Unable to validate response url');

                if (!profile) {
                    throw new Error('No user data collected from IdP response.');

                // create a random token to store the login result
                // to test an IdP initiated login on localhost, use the following URL (assuming SimpleSAMLPHP on localhost:8080):
                // http://localhost:8080/simplesaml/saml2/idp/SSOService.php?spentityid=http://localhost:3000/_saml/metadata/test-sp
                const credentialToken =;

                const loginResult = {

                await this.storeCredential(credentialToken, loginResult);
                const url = Meteor.absoluteUrl(SAMLUtils.getValidationActionRedirectPath(credentialToken, service.redirectUrl));
                res.writeHead(302, {
                    Location: url,
            } catch (error) {
                res.writeHead(302, {
                    Location: Meteor.absoluteUrl(),

    private static async findUser(username: string | undefined, emailRegex: RegExp): Promise<IUser | undefined | null> {
        const { globalSettings } = SAMLUtils;

        if (globalSettings.immutableProperty === 'Username') {
            if (username) {
                return Users.findOne({


        return Users.findOne({
            'emails.address': emailRegex,

    private static guessNameFromUsername(username: string): string {
        return username
            .replace(/\W/g, ' ')
            .replace(/\s(.)/g, (u) => u.toUpperCase())
            .replace(/^(.)/, (u) => u.toLowerCase())
            .replace(/^\w/, (u) => u.toUpperCase());

    private static async subscribeToSAMLChannels(channels: Array<string>, user: IUser): Promise<void> {
        const { includePrivateChannelsInUpdate } = SAMLUtils.globalSettings;
        try {
            for await (let roomName of channels) {
                roomName = roomName.trim();
                if (!roomName) {

                const privRoom = await Rooms.findOneByNameAndType(roomName, 'p', {});

                if (privRoom && includePrivateChannelsInUpdate === true) {
                    await addUserToRoom(privRoom._id, user);

                const room = await Rooms.findOneByNameAndType(roomName, 'c', {});
                if (room) {
                    await addUserToRoom(room._id, user);

                if (!room && !privRoom) {
                    // If the user doesn't have an username yet, we can't create new rooms for them
                    if (user.username) {
                        await createRoom('c', roomName, user);
        } catch (err: any) {