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import type { IAppsTokens, RequiredField } from '';
import apn from 'apn';
import EJSON from 'ejson';

import type { PushOptions, PendingPushNotification } from './definition';
import { logger } from './logger';

let apnConnection: apn.Provider | undefined;

declare module 'apn' {
    // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/naming-convention
    interface Notification {
        setContentAvailable: (value: boolean | 1 | 0) => void;
        set category(_value: string | undefined);
        set body(_value: string);
        set title(_value: string);

export const sendAPN = ({
}: {
    userToken: string;
    notification: PendingPushNotification & { topic: string };
    _removeToken: (token: IAppsTokens['token']) => void;
}) => {
    if (!apnConnection) {
        throw new Error('Apn Connection not initialized.');

    const priority = notification.priority || notification.priority === 0 ? notification.priority : 10;

    const note = new apn.Notification();

    note.expiry = Math.floor( / 1000) + 3600; // Expires 1 hour from now.
    if (notification.badge !== undefined) {
        note.badge = notification.badge;

    if (notification.sound !== undefined) {
        note.sound = notification.sound;

    if (notification.contentAvailable != null) {

    // adds category support for iOS8 custom actions as described here:
    // RemoteNotificationsPG/Chapters/IPhoneOSClientImp.html#//apple_ref/doc/uid/TP40008194-CH103-SW36
    note.category = notification.apn?.category;

    note.body = notification.text;
    note.title = notification.title;

    if (notification.notId != null) {
        note.threadId = String(notification.notId);

    // Allow the user to set payload data
    note.payload = notification.payload ? { ejson: EJSON.stringify(notification.payload) } : {};

    note.payload.messageFrom = notification.from;
    note.priority = priority;

    note.topic = notification.topic;
    note.mutableContent = true;

    void apnConnection.send(note, userToken).then((response) => {
        response.failed.forEach((failure) => {
            logger.debug(`Got error code ${failure.status} for token ${userToken}`);

            if (['400', '410'].includes(failure.status ?? '')) {
                logger.debug(`Removing token ${userToken}`);
                    apn: userToken,

export const initAPN = ({ options, absoluteUrl }: { options: RequiredField<PushOptions, 'apn'>; absoluteUrl: string }) => {
    logger.debug('APN configured');

    if (options.apn.gateway) {
        // We check the apn gateway i the options, we could risk shipping
        // server into production while using the production configuration.
        // On the other hand we could be in development but using the production
        // configuration. And finally we could have configured an unknown apn
        // gateway (this could change in the future - but a warning about typos
        // can save hours of debugging)
        // Warn about gateway configurations - it's more a guide

        if (options.apn.gateway === '') {
            // Using the development sandbox
            logger.warn('WARNING: Push APN is in development mode');
        } else if (options.apn.gateway === '') {
            // In production - but warn if we are running on localhost
            if (/http:\/\/localhost/.test(absoluteUrl)) {
                logger.warn('WARNING: Push APN is configured to production mode - but server is running from localhost');
        } else {
            // Warn about gateways we dont know about
            logger.warn(`WARNING: Push APN unknown gateway "${options.apn.gateway}"`);
    } else if (options.production) {
        if (/http:\/\/localhost/.test(absoluteUrl)) {
            logger.warn('WARNING: Push APN is configured to production mode - but server is running from localhost');
    } else {
        logger.warn('WARNING: Push APN is in development mode');

    // Check certificate data
    if (!options.apn.cert?.length) {
        logger.error('ERROR: Push server could not find cert');

    // Check key data
    if (!options.apn.key?.length) {
        logger.error('ERROR: Push server could not find key');

    // Rig apn connection
    try {
        apnConnection = new apn.Provider(options.apn);
    } catch (err) {
        logger.error({ msg: 'Error trying to initialize APN', err });