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2 days
Test Coverage
import type { IAppsTokens, RequiredField, Optional, IPushNotificationConfig } from '';
import { AppsTokens } from '';
import { serverFetch as fetch } from '';
import { pick } from '';
import Ajv from 'ajv';
import { JWT } from 'google-auth-library';
import { Match, check } from 'meteor/check';
import { Meteor } from 'meteor/meteor';

import { settings } from '../../settings/server';
import { initAPN, sendAPN } from './apn';
import type { PushOptions, PendingPushNotification } from './definition';
import { sendFCM } from './fcm';
import { sendGCM } from './gcm';
import { logger } from './logger';

export const _matchToken = Match.OneOf({ apn: String }, { gcm: String });

const ajv = new Ajv({
    coerceTypes: true,

export type FCMCredentials = {
    type: string;
    project_id: string;
    private_key_id: string;
    private_key: string;
    client_email: string;
    client_id: string;
    auth_uri: string;
    token_uri: string;
    auth_provider_x509_cert_url: string;
    client_x509_cert_url: string;
    universe_domain: string;

export const FCMCredentialsValidationSchema = {
    type: 'object',
    properties: {
        type: {
            type: 'string',
        project_id: {
            type: 'string',
        private_key_id: {
            type: 'string',
        private_key: {
            type: 'string',
        client_email: {
            type: 'string',
        client_id: {
            type: 'string',
        auth_uri: {
            type: 'string',
        token_uri: {
            type: 'string',
        auth_provider_x509_cert_url: {
            type: 'string',
        client_x509_cert_url: {
            type: 'string',
        universe_domain: {
            type: 'string',
    required: ['client_email', 'project_id', 'private_key_id', 'private_key'],

export const isFCMCredentials = ajv.compile<FCMCredentials>(FCMCredentialsValidationSchema);

// This type must match the type defined in the push gateway
type GatewayNotification = {
    uniqueId: string;
    from: string;
    title: string;
    text: string;
    badge?: number;
    sound?: string;
    notId?: number;
    contentAvailable?: 1 | 0;
    forceStart?: number;
    topic?: string;
    apn?: {
        from?: string;
        title?: string;
        text?: string;
        badge?: number;
        sound?: string;
        notId?: number;
        category?: string;
    gcm?: {
        from?: string;
        title?: string;
        text?: string;
        image?: string;
        style?: string;
        summaryText?: string;
        picture?: string;
        badge?: number;
        sound?: string;
        notId?: number;
        actions?: any[];
    query?: {
        userId: any;
    token?: IAppsTokens['token'];
    tokens?: IAppsTokens['token'][];
    payload?: Record<string, any>;
    delayUntil?: Date;
    createdAt: Date;
    createdBy?: string;

export type NativeNotificationParameters = {
    userTokens: string | string[];
    notification: PendingPushNotification;
    _replaceToken: (currentToken: IAppsTokens['token'], newToken: IAppsTokens['token']) => void;
    _removeToken: (token: IAppsTokens['token']) => void;
    options: RequiredField<PushOptions, 'gcm'>;

class PushClass {
    options: PushOptions = {
        uniqueId: '',

    isConfigured = false;

    public configure(options: PushOptions): void {
        this.options = {
            sendTimeout: 60000, // Timeout period for notification send

        // After requesting the certificate from Apple, export your private key as
        // a .p12 file anddownload the .cer file from the iOS Provisioning Portal.

        //, port 2195
        //, port 2195

        // Now, in the directory containing cert.cer and key.p12 execute the
        // following commands to generate your .pem files:
        // $ openssl x509 -in cert.cer -inform DER -outform PEM -out cert.pem
        // $ openssl pkcs12 -in key.p12 -out key.pem -nodes

        // Block multiple calls
        if (this.isConfigured) {
            throw new Error('Configure should not be called more than once!');

        this.isConfigured = true;

        logger.debug('Configure', this.options);

        if (this.options.apn) {
            initAPN({ options: this.options as RequiredField<PushOptions, 'apn'>, absoluteUrl: Meteor.absoluteUrl() });

    private replaceToken(currentToken: IAppsTokens['token'], newToken: IAppsTokens['token']): void {
        void AppsTokens.updateMany({ token: currentToken }, { $set: { token: newToken } });

    private removeToken(token: IAppsTokens['token']): void {
        void AppsTokens.deleteOne({ token });

    private shouldUseGateway(): boolean {
        return Boolean(!!this.options.gateways && settings.get('Register_Server') && settings.get('Cloud_Service_Agree_PrivacyTerms'));

    private async sendNotificationNative(
        app: IAppsTokens,
        notification: PendingPushNotification,
        countApn: string[],
        countGcm: string[],
    ): Promise<void> {
        logger.debug('send to token', app.token);

        if ('apn' in app.token && app.token.apn) {
            // Send to APN
            if (this.options.apn) {
                sendAPN({ userToken: app.token.apn, notification: { topic: app.appName, ...notification }, _removeToken: this.removeToken });
        } else if ('gcm' in app.token && app.token.gcm) {

            // Send to GCM
            // We do support multiple here - so we should construct an array
            // and send it bulk - Investigate limit count of id's
            // TODO: Remove this after the legacy provider is removed
            const useLegacyProvider = settings.get<boolean>('Push_UseLegacy');

            if (!useLegacyProvider) {
                // override this.options.gcm.apiKey with the oauth2 token
                const { projectId, token } = await this.getNativeNotificationAuthorizationCredentials();
                const sendGCMOptions = {
                    gcm: {
                        apiKey: token,
                        projectNumber: projectId,

                    userTokens: app.token.gcm,
                    _replaceToken: this.replaceToken,
                    _removeToken: this.removeToken,
                    options: sendGCMOptions as RequiredField<PushOptions, 'gcm'>,
            } else if (this.options.gcm?.apiKey) {
                    userTokens: app.token.gcm,
                    _replaceToken: this.replaceToken,
                    _removeToken: this.removeToken,
                    options: this.options as RequiredField<PushOptions, 'gcm'>,
        } else {
            throw new Error('send got a faulty query');

    private async getNativeNotificationAuthorizationCredentials(): Promise<{ token: string; projectId: string }> {
        const credentialsString = settings.get<string>('Push_google_api_credentials');
        if (!credentialsString.trim()) {
            throw new Error('Push_google_api_credentials is not set');

        try {
            const credentials = JSON.parse(credentialsString);
            if (!isFCMCredentials(credentials)) {
                throw new Error('Push_google_api_credentials is not in the correct format');

            const client = new JWT({
                email: credentials.client_email,
                key: credentials.private_key,
                keyId: credentials.private_key_id,
                scopes: '',

            await client.authorize();

            return {
                token: client.credentials.access_token as string,
                projectId: credentials.project_id,
        } catch (error) {
            logger.error('Error getting FCM token', error);
            throw new Error('Error getting FCM token');

    private async sendGatewayPush(
        gateway: string,
        service: 'apn' | 'gcm',
        token: string,
        notification: Optional<GatewayNotification, 'uniqueId'>,
        tries = 0,
    ): Promise<void> {
        notification.uniqueId = this.options.uniqueId;

        const options = {
            method: 'POST',
            body: {
                options: notification,
            ...(token && this.options.getAuthorization && { headers: { Authorization: await this.options.getAuthorization() } }),

        const result = await fetch(`${gateway}/push/${service}/send`, options);
        const response = await result.text();

        if (result.status === 406) {
  'removing push token', token);
            await AppsTokens.deleteMany({
                $or: [
                        'token.apn': token,
                        'token.gcm': token,

        if (result.status === 422) {
  'gateway rejected push notification. not retrying.', response);

        if (result.status === 401) {
            logger.warn('Error sending push to gateway (not authorized)', response);

        if (result.ok) {

        logger.error({ msg: `Error sending push to gateway (${tries} try) ->`, err: response });

        if (tries <= 4) {
            // [1, 2, 4, 8, 16] minutes (total 31)
            const ms = 60000 * Math.pow(2, tries);

            logger.log('Trying sending push to gateway again in', ms, 'milliseconds');

            setTimeout(() => this.sendGatewayPush(gateway, service, token, notification, tries + 1), ms);

    private getGatewayNotificationData(notification: PendingPushNotification): Omit<GatewayNotification, 'uniqueId'> {
        // Gateway currently accepts every attribute from the PendingPushNotification type, except for the priority
        // If new attributes are added to the PendingPushNotification type, they'll need to be removed here as well.
        const { priority: _priority, ...notifData } = notification;

        return {

    private async sendNotificationGateway(
        app: IAppsTokens,
        notification: PendingPushNotification,
        countApn: string[],
        countGcm: string[],
    ): Promise<void> {
        if (!this.options.gateways) {

        const gatewayNotification = this.getGatewayNotificationData(notification);

        for (const gateway of this.options.gateways) {
            logger.debug('send to token', app.token);

            if ('apn' in app.token && app.token.apn) {
                return this.sendGatewayPush(gateway, 'apn', app.token.apn, { topic: app.appName, ...gatewayNotification });

            if ('gcm' in app.token && app.token.gcm) {
                return this.sendGatewayPush(gateway, 'gcm', app.token.gcm, gatewayNotification);

    private async sendNotification(notification: PendingPushNotification): Promise<{ apn: string[]; gcm: string[] }> {
        logger.debug('Sending notification', notification);

        const countApn: string[] = [];
        const countGcm: string[] = [];

        if (notification.from !== String(notification.from)) {
            throw new Error('Push.send: option "from" not a string');
        if (notification.title !== String(notification.title)) {
            throw new Error('Push.send: option "title" not a string');
        if (notification.text !== String(notification.text)) {
            throw new Error('Push.send: option "text" not a string');

        logger.debug(`send message "${notification.title}" to userId`, notification.userId);

        const query = {
            userId: notification.userId,
            $or: [{ 'token.apn': { $exists: true } }, { 'token.gcm': { $exists: true } }],

        const appTokens = AppsTokens.find(query);

        for await (const app of appTokens) {
            logger.debug('send to token', app.token);

            if (this.shouldUseGateway()) {
                await this.sendNotificationGateway(app, notification, countApn, countGcm);

            await this.sendNotificationNative(app, notification, countApn, countGcm);

        if (settings.get('Log_Level') === '2') {
            logger.debug(`Sent message "${notification.title}" to ${countApn.length} ios apps ${countGcm.length} android apps`);

            // Add some verbosity about the send result, making sure the developer
            // understands what just happened.
            if (!countApn.length && !countGcm.length) {
                if ((await AppsTokens.col.estimatedDocumentCount()) === 0) {
                    logger.debug('GUIDE: The "AppsTokens" is empty - No clients have registered on the server yet...');
            } else if (!countApn.length) {
                if ((await AppsTokens.countApnTokens()) === 0) {
                    logger.debug('GUIDE: The "AppsTokens" - No APN clients have registered on the server yet...');
            } else if (!countGcm.length) {
                if ((await AppsTokens.countGcmTokens()) === 0) {
                    logger.debug('GUIDE: The "AppsTokens" - No GCM clients have registered on the server yet...');

        return {
            apn: countApn,
            gcm: countGcm,

    // This is a general function to validate that the data added to notifications
    // is in the correct format. If not this function will throw errors
    private _validateDocument(notification: PendingPushNotification): void {
        // Check the general notification
        check(notification, {
            from: String,
            title: String,
            text: String,
            sent: Match.Optional(Boolean),
            sending: Match.Optional(Match.Integer),
            badge: Match.Optional(Match.Integer),
            sound: Match.Optional(String),
            notId: Match.Optional(Match.Integer),
            contentAvailable: Match.Optional(Match.Integer),
            apn: Match.Optional({
                category: Match.Optional(String),
            gcm: Match.Optional({
                image: Match.Optional(String),
                style: Match.Optional(String),
            userId: String,
            payload: Match.Optional(Object),
            createdAt: Date,
            createdBy: Match.OneOf(String, null),
            priority: Match.Optional(Match.Integer),

        if (!notification.userId) {
            throw new Error('No userId found');

    private hasApnOptions(options: IPushNotificationConfig): options is RequiredField<IPushNotificationConfig, 'apn'> {
        return Match.test(options.apn, Object);

    private hasGcmOptions(options: IPushNotificationConfig): options is RequiredField<IPushNotificationConfig, 'gcm'> {
        return Match.test(options.gcm, Object);

    public async send(options: IPushNotificationConfig) {
        const notification: PendingPushNotification = {
            createdAt: new Date(),
            // createdBy is no longer used, but the gateway still expects it
            createdBy: '<SERVER>',
            sent: false,
            sending: 0,

            ...pick(options, 'from', 'title', 'text', 'userId', 'payload', 'badge', 'sound', 'notId', 'priority'),

                ? {
                        apn: {
                            ...pick(options.apn, 'category'),
                : {}),
                ? {
                        gcm: {
                            ...pick(options.gcm, 'image', 'style'),
                : {}),

        // Validate the notification

        try {
            await this.sendNotification(notification);
        } catch (error: any) {
            logger.debug(`Could not send notification to user "${notification.userId}", Error: ${error.message}`);

export const Push = new PushClass();