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3 days
Test Coverage
import type { ISetting, SettingValue } from '';
import { Emitter } from '';
import _ from 'underscore';

import { SystemLogger } from '../../../server/lib/logger/system';

const warn = process.env.NODE_ENV === 'development' || process.env.TEST_MODE;

type SettingsConfig = {
    debounce: number;

type OverCustomSettingsConfig = Partial<SettingsConfig>;

export interface ICachedSettings {
     * @description: The settings object as ready
    initialized(): void;

    has(_id: ISetting['_id']): boolean;

    getSetting(_id: ISetting['_id']): ISetting | undefined;

    get<T extends SettingValue = SettingValue>(_id: ISetting['_id']): T;

    getByRegexp<T extends SettingValue = SettingValue>(_id: RegExp): [string, T][];

    watchMultiple<T extends SettingValue = SettingValue>(_id: ISetting['_id'][], callback: (settings: T[]) => void): () => void;

    watch<T extends SettingValue = SettingValue>(_id: ISetting['_id'], cb: (args: T) => void, config?: OverCustomSettingsConfig): () => void;

    watchOnce<T extends SettingValue = SettingValue>(
        _id: ISetting['_id'],
        cb: (args: T) => void,
        config?: OverCustomSettingsConfig,
    ): () => void;

    change<T extends SettingValue = SettingValue>(
        _id: ISetting['_id'],
        callback: (args: T) => void,
        config?: OverCustomSettingsConfig,
    ): () => void;

    changeMultiple<T extends SettingValue = SettingValue>(
        _ids: ISetting['_id'][],
        callback: (settings: T[]) => void,
        config?: OverCustomSettingsConfig,
    ): () => void;

    changeOnce<T extends SettingValue = SettingValue>(
        _id: ISetting['_id'],
        callback: (args: T) => void,
        config?: OverCustomSettingsConfig,
    ): () => void;

    set(record: ISetting): void;

    getConfig(config?: OverCustomSettingsConfig): SettingsConfig;

    watchByRegex(regex: RegExp, cb: (...args: [string, SettingValue]) => void, config?: OverCustomSettingsConfig): () => void;

    changeByRegex(regex: RegExp, callback: (...args: [string, SettingValue]) => void, config?: OverCustomSettingsConfig): () => void;

    onReady(cb: () => void): void;

 * Class responsible for setting up the settings, cache and propagation changes
 * Should be agnostic to the actual settings implementation, running on meteor or standalone
 * You should not instantiate this class directly, only for testing purposes
 * @extends Emitter
 * @alpha
export class CachedSettings
    extends Emitter<
            '*': [string, SettingValue];
        } & {
            ready: undefined;
            [k: string]: SettingValue;
    implements ICachedSettings
    ready = false;

    store = new Map<string, ISetting>();

     * The settings object as ready
    initialized(): void {
        if (this.ready) {
        this.ready = true;
        SystemLogger.debug('Settings initialized');

     * returns if the setting is defined
     * @param _id - The setting id
     * @returns {boolean}
    public has(_id: ISetting['_id']): boolean {
        if (!this.ready && warn) {
            SystemLogger.warn(`Settings not initialized yet. getting: ${_id}`);

     * Gets the current Object of the setting
     * @param _id - The setting id
     * @returns {ISetting} - The current Object of the setting
    public getSetting(_id: ISetting['_id']): ISetting | undefined {
        if (!this.ready && warn) {
            SystemLogger.warn(`Settings not initialized yet. getting: ${_id}`);

     * Gets the current value of the setting
     * - In development mode if you are trying to get the value of a setting that is not defined, it will give an warning, in theory it makes sense, there no reason to do that
     * - The setting's value will be cached in memory so it won't call the DB every time you fetch a particular setting
     * @param _id - The setting id
     * @returns {SettingValue} - The current value of the setting
    public get<T extends SettingValue = SettingValue>(_id: ISetting['_id']): T {
        if (!this.ready && warn) {
            SystemLogger.warn(`Settings not initialized yet. getting: ${_id}`);
        return as T;

     * Gets the current value of the setting
     * - In development mode if you are trying to get the value of a setting that is not defined, it will give an warning, in theory it makes sense, there no reason to do that
     * @deprecated
     * @param _id - The setting id
     * @returns {SettingValue} - The current value of the setting
    public getByRegexp<T extends SettingValue = SettingValue>(_id: RegExp): [string, T][] {
        if (!this.ready && warn) {
            SystemLogger.warn(`Settings not initialized yet. getting: ${_id}`);

        return [].filter(([key]) => _id.test(key)).map(([key, setting]) => [key, setting.value]) as [string, T][];

     * Get the current value of the settings, and keep track of changes
     * - This callback is debounced
     * - The callback is not fire until the settings got initialized
     * @param _ids - Array of setting id
     * @param callback - The callback to run
     * @returns {() => void} - A function that can be used to cancel the observe
    public watchMultiple<T extends SettingValue = SettingValue>(_id: ISetting['_id'][], callback: (settings: T[]) => void): () => void {
        if (!this.ready) {
            const cancel = new Set<() => void>();

                this.once('ready', (): void => {
                    cancel.add(this.watchMultiple(_id, callback));
            return (): void => {
                cancel.forEach((fn) => fn());

        if (_id.every((id) => {
            const settings = =>;
            callback(settings as T[]);
        const mergeFunction = _.debounce((): void => {
            callback( => as T[]);
        }, 100);

        const fns = => this.on(id, mergeFunction));
        return (): void => {
            fns.forEach((fn) => fn());

     * Get the current value of the setting, and keep track of changes
     * - This callback is debounced
     * - The callback is not fire until the settings got initialized
     * @param _id - The setting id
     * @param callback - The callback to run
     * @returns {() => void} - A function that can be used to cancel the observe
    public watch<T extends SettingValue = SettingValue>(
        _id: ISetting['_id'],
        cb: (args: T) => void,
        config?: OverCustomSettingsConfig,
    ): () => void {
        if (!this.ready) {
            const cancel = new Set<() => void>();
                this.once('ready', (): void => {
                    cancel.add(, cb, config));
            return (): void => {
                cancel.forEach((fn) => fn());
        } && cb( as T);
        return this.change(_id, cb, config);

     * Get the current value of the setting, or wait until the initialized
     * - This is a one time run
     * - This callback is debounced
     * - The callback is not fire until the settings got initialized
     * @param _id - The setting id
     * @param callback - The callback to run
     * @returns {() => void} - A function that can be used to cancel the observe
    public watchOnce<T extends SettingValue = SettingValue>(
        _id: ISetting['_id'],
        cb: (args: T) => void,
        config?: OverCustomSettingsConfig,
    ): () => void {
        if ( {
            cb( as T);
            return (): void => undefined;
        return this.changeOnce(_id, cb, config);

     * Observes the given setting by id and keep track of changes
     * - This callback is debounced
     * - The callback is not fire until the setting is changed
     * - The callback is not fire until all the settings get initialized
     * @param _id - The setting id
     * @param callback - The callback to run
     * @returns {() => void} - A function that can be used to cancel the observe
    public change<T extends SettingValue = SettingValue>(
        _id: ISetting['_id'],
        callback: (args: T) => void,
        config?: OverCustomSettingsConfig,
    ): () => void {
        const { debounce } = this.getConfig(config);
        return this.on(_id, _.debounce(callback, debounce) as any);

     * Observes multiple settings and keep track of changes
     * - This callback is debounced
     * - The callback is not fire until the setting is changed
     * - The callback is not fire until all the settings get initialized
     * @param _ids - Array of setting id
     * @param callback - The callback to run
     * @returns {() => void} - A function that can be used to cancel the observe
    public changeMultiple<T extends SettingValue = SettingValue>(
        _ids: ISetting['_id'][],
        callback: (settings: T[]) => void,
        config?: OverCustomSettingsConfig,
    ): () => void {
        const fns = =>
                (): void => {
                    callback( => as T[]);
        return (): void => {
            fns.forEach((fn) => fn());

     * Observes the setting and fires only if there is a change. Runs only once
     * - This is a one time run
     * - This callback is debounced
     * - The callback is not fire until the setting is changed
     * - The callback is not fire until all the settings get initialized
     * @param _id - The setting id
     * @param callback - The callback to run
     * @returns {() => void} - A function that can be used to cancel the observe
    public changeOnce<T extends SettingValue = SettingValue>(
        _id: ISetting['_id'],
        callback: (args: T) => void,
        config?: OverCustomSettingsConfig,
    ): () => void {
        const { debounce } = this.getConfig(config);
        return this.once(_id, _.debounce(callback, debounce) as any);

     * Sets the value of the setting
     * - if the value set is the same as the current value, the change will not be fired
     * - if the value is set before the initialization, the emit will be queued and will be fired after initialization
     * @param _id - The setting id
     * @param value - The value to set
     * @returns {void}
    public set(record: ISetting): void {
        if ( && === record.value) {
        }, record);
        if (!this.ready) {
            this.once('ready', () => {
                this.emit('*', [record._id,]);
        this.emit('*', [record._id,]);

    public getConfig = (config?: OverCustomSettingsConfig): SettingsConfig => ({
        debounce: 500,

    /** @deprecated */
    public watchByRegex(regex: RegExp, cb: (...args: [string, SettingValue]) => void, config?: OverCustomSettingsConfig): () => void {
        if (!this.ready) {
            const cancel = new Set<() => void>();
                this.once('ready', (): void => {
                    cancel.add(this.watchByRegex(regex, cb, config));
            return (): void => {
                cancel.forEach((fn) => fn());
        [].forEach(([key, setting]) => {
            if (regex.test(key)) {
                cb(key, setting.value);

        return this.changeByRegex(regex, cb, config);

    /** @deprecated */
    public changeByRegex(regex: RegExp, callback: (...args: [string, SettingValue]) => void, config?: OverCustomSettingsConfig): () => void {
        const store: Map<string, (...args: [string, SettingValue]) => void> = new Map();
        return this.on('*', ([_id, value]) => {
            if (regex.test(_id)) {
                const { debounce } = this.getConfig(config);
                const cb = store.get(_id) || _.debounce(callback, debounce);
                cb(_id, value);
                store.set(_id, cb);
            regex.lastIndex = 0;

     * Wait until the settings get ready then run the callback
    public onReady(cb: () => void): void {
        if (this.ready) {
            return cb();
        this.once('ready', cb);