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25 mins
Test Coverage
import type { ILicenseV3 } from '';
import { Box, Card, CardBody, CardControls, CardRow, Tag } from '';
import { ExternalLink } from '';
import differenceInDays from 'date-fns/differenceInDays';
import type { ReactElement } from 'react';
import React from 'react';
import { Trans, useTranslation } from 'react-i18next';

import { useLicenseName } from '../../../../../../hooks/useLicense';
import { DOWNGRADE_LINK, TRIAL_LINK } from '../../../utils/links';
import UpgradeButton from '../../UpgradeButton';
import PlanCardHeader from './PlanCardHeader';

type PlanCardProps = {
    licenseInformation: ILicenseV3['information'];

const PlanCardTrial = ({ licenseInformation }: PlanCardProps): ReactElement => {
    const { t } = useTranslation();

    const planName = useLicenseName();
    const isSalesAssisted = licenseInformation.grantedBy?.method !== 'self-service' || true;
    const { visualExpiration } = licenseInformation;

    return (
        <Card height='full'>
            <PlanCardHeader name={ ?? ''} />
            <CardBody flexDirection='column'>
                {visualExpiration && (
                        <Box fontScale='p2b' mie={8}>
                        <Tag>{t('n_days_left', { n: differenceInDays(new Date(visualExpiration), new Date()) })}</Tag>

                        {isSalesAssisted ? (
                            <Trans i18nKey='Contact_sales_trial'>
                                Contact sales to finish your purchase and avoid
                                <ExternalLink to={DOWNGRADE_LINK}>downgrade consequences.</ExternalLink>
                        ) : (
                            <Trans i18nKey='Finish_your_purchase_trial'>
                                Finish your purchase to avoid <ExternalLink to={DOWNGRADE_LINK}>downgrade consequences.</ExternalLink>

                    <Trans i18nKey='Why_has_a_trial_been_applied_to_this_workspace'>
                        <ExternalLink to={TRIAL_LINK}>Why has a trial been applied to this workspace?</ExternalLink>

                <UpgradeButton target='plan_card_trial' action={isSalesAssisted ? 'finish_purchase' : 'contact_sales'} primary mbs='auto' w='full'>
                    {isSalesAssisted ? t('Finish_purchase') : t('Contact_sales')}

export default PlanCardTrial;