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import type { IOmnichannelBusinessUnit, IOmnichannelServiceLevelAgreements } from '';
import { Users, OmnichannelServiceLevelAgreements, LivechatTag, LivechatUnitMonitors, LivechatUnit } from '';
import { Match, check } from 'meteor/check';
import { Meteor } from 'meteor/meteor';

import { callbacks } from '../../../../../lib/callbacks';
import { addUserRolesAsync } from '../../../../../server/lib/roles/addUserRoles';
import { removeUserFromRolesAsync } from '../../../../../server/lib/roles/removeUserFromRoles';
import { updateSLAInquiries } from './Helper';
import { removeSLAFromRooms } from './SlaHelper';

export const LivechatEnterprise = {
    async addMonitor(username: string) {
        check(username, String);

        const user = await Users.findOneByUsername(username, { projection: { _id: 1, username: 1 } });

        if (!user) {
            throw new Meteor.Error('error-invalid-user', 'Invalid user', {
                method: 'livechat:addMonitor',

        if (await addUserRolesAsync(user._id, ['livechat-monitor'])) {
            return user;

        return false;

    async removeMonitor(username: string) {
        check(username, String);

        const user = await Users.findOneByUsername(username, { projection: { _id: 1 } });

        if (!user) {
            throw new Meteor.Error('error-invalid-user', 'Invalid user', {
                method: 'livechat:removeMonitor',

        const removeRoleResult = await removeUserFromRolesAsync(user._id, ['livechat-monitor']);
        if (!removeRoleResult) {
            return false;

        // remove this monitor from any unit it is assigned to
        await LivechatUnitMonitors.removeByMonitorId(user._id);

        return true;

    async removeUnit(_id: string) {
        check(_id, String);

        const unit = await LivechatUnit.findOneById(_id, { projection: { _id: 1 } });

        if (!unit) {
            throw new Meteor.Error('unit-not-found', 'Unit not found', { method: 'livechat:removeUnit' });

        return LivechatUnit.removeById(_id);

    async saveUnit(
        _id: string | null,
        unitData: Omit<IOmnichannelBusinessUnit, '_id'>,
        unitMonitors: { monitorId: string; username: string },
        unitDepartments: { departmentId: string }[],
    ) {
        check(_id, Match.Maybe(String));

        check(unitData, {
            name: String,
            visibility: String,
            enabled: Match.Optional(Boolean),
            description: Match.Optional(String),
            email: Match.Optional(String),
            showOnOfflineForm: Match.Optional(Boolean),

        check(unitMonitors, [
                monitorId: String,
                username: String,

        check(unitDepartments, [
                departmentId: String,

        let ancestors: string[] = [];
        if (_id) {
            const unit = await LivechatUnit.findOneById(_id);
            if (!unit) {
                throw new Meteor.Error('error-unit-not-found', 'Unit not found', {
                    method: 'livechat:saveUnit',

            ancestors = unit.ancestors || [];

        const validUserMonitors = await Users.findUsersInRolesWithQuery(
            { _id: { $in:{ monitorId }) => monitorId) } },
            { projection: { _id: 1, username: 1 } },

        const monitors ={ _id: monitorId, username }) => ({
        })) as { monitorId: string; username: string }[];

        return LivechatUnit.createOrUpdateUnit(_id, unitData, ancestors, monitors, unitDepartments);

    async removeTag(_id: string) {
        check(_id, String);

        const tag = await LivechatTag.findOneById(_id, { projection: { _id: 1, name: 1 } });

        if (!tag) {
            throw new Meteor.Error('tag-not-found', 'Tag not found', { method: 'livechat:removeTag' });

        await'livechat.afterTagRemoved', tag);
        return LivechatTag.removeById(_id);

    async saveTag(_id: string | undefined, tagData: { name: string; description?: string }, tagDepartments: string[]) {
        check(_id, Match.Maybe(String));

        check(tagData, {
            name: String,
            description: Match.Optional(String),

        check(tagDepartments, [String]);

        return LivechatTag.createOrUpdateTag(_id, tagData, tagDepartments);

    async saveSLA(_id: string | null, slaData: Pick<IOmnichannelServiceLevelAgreements, 'name' | 'description' | 'dueTimeInMinutes'>) {
        const oldSLA = _id && (await OmnichannelServiceLevelAgreements.findOneById(_id, { projection: { dueTimeInMinutes: 1 } }));
        const exists = await OmnichannelServiceLevelAgreements.findDuplicate(_id,, slaData.dueTimeInMinutes);
        if (exists) {
            throw new Error('error-duplicated-sla');

        const sla = await OmnichannelServiceLevelAgreements.createOrUpdatePriority(slaData, _id);
        if (!oldSLA) {
            return sla;

        const { dueTimeInMinutes: oldDueTimeInMinutes } = oldSLA;
        const { dueTimeInMinutes } = sla;

        if (oldDueTimeInMinutes !== dueTimeInMinutes) {
            await updateSLAInquiries(sla);

        return sla;

    async removeSLA(_id: string) {
        const sla = await OmnichannelServiceLevelAgreements.findOneById(_id, { projection: { _id: 1 } });
        if (!sla) {
            throw new Error(`SLA with id ${_id} not found`);

        const removedResult = await OmnichannelServiceLevelAgreements.removeById(_id);
        if (!removedResult || removedResult.deletedCount !== 1) {
            throw new Error(`Error removing SLA with id ${_id}`);

        await removeSLAFromRooms(_id);