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Router = function () {
    var self = this;
    this.globals = [];
    this.subscriptions = Function.prototype;

    this._tracker = this._buildTracker();
    this._current = {};

    // tracks the current path change
    this._onEveryPath = new Tracker.Dependency();

    this._globalRoute = new Route(this);

    // holds onRoute callbacks
    this._onRouteCallbacks = [];

    // if _askedToWait is true. We don't automatically start the router
    // in Meteor.startup callback. (see client/_init.js)
    // Instead user need to call `.initialize()
    this._askedToWait = false;
    this._initialized = false;
    this._triggersEnter = [];
    this._triggersExit = [];
    this._routes = [];
    this._routesMap = {};
    this.notFound = this.notfound = null;
    // indicate it's okay (or not okay) to run the tracker
    // when doing subscriptions
    // using a number and increment it help us to support FlowRouter.go()
    // and legitimate reruns inside tracker on the same event loop.
    // this is a solution for #145
    this.safeToRun = 0;

    // Meteor exposes to the client the path prefix that was defined using the
    // ROOT_URL environement variable on the server using the global runtime
    // configuration. See #315.
    this._basePath = __meteor_runtime_config__.ROOT_URL_PATH_PREFIX || '';

    // this is a chain contains a list of old routes
    // most of the time, there is only one old route
    // but when it's the time for a trigger redirect we've a chain
    this._oldRouteChain = [];

    this.env = {
        replaceState: new Meteor.EnvironmentVariable(),
        reload: new Meteor.EnvironmentVariable(),
        trailingSlash: new Meteor.EnvironmentVariable(),

    // redirect function used inside triggers
    this._redirectFn = function (pathDef, fields, queryParams) {
        if (/^http(s)?:\/\//.test(pathDef)) {
            var message =
                "Redirects to URLs outside of the app are not supported in this version of Flow Router. Use 'window.location = yourUrl' instead";
            throw new Error(message);
        self.withReplaceState(function () {
            var path = FlowRouter.path(pathDef, fields, queryParams);

Router.prototype.route = function (pathDef, options, group) {
    if (!/^\/.*/.test(pathDef)) {
        var message = "route's path must start with '/'";
        throw new Error(message);

    options = options || {};
    var self = this;
    var route = new Route(this, pathDef, options, group);

    // calls when the page route being activates
    route._actionHandle = function (context, next) {
        var oldRoute = self._current.route;

        var queryParams = self._qs.parse(context.querystring);
        // _qs.parse() gives us a object without prototypes,
        // created with Object.create(null)
        // Meteor's check doesn't play nice with it.
        // So, we need to fix it by cloning it.
        // see more:
        queryParams = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(queryParams));

        self._current = {
            path: context.path,
            context: context,
            params: context.params,
            queryParams: queryParams,
            route: route,
            oldRoute: oldRoute,

        // we need to invalidate if all the triggers have been completed
        // if not that means, we've been redirected to another path
        // then we don't need to invalidate
        var afterAllTriggersRan = function () {

        var triggers = self._triggersEnter.concat(route._triggersEnter);
        Triggers.runTriggers(triggers, self._current, self._redirectFn, afterAllTriggersRan);

    // calls when you exit from the page js route
    route._exitHandle = function (context, next) {
        var triggers = self._triggersExit.concat(route._triggersExit);
        Triggers.runTriggers(triggers, self._current, self._redirectFn, next);

    if ( {
        this._routesMap[] = route;


    return route;
}; = function (options) {
    return new Group(this, options);

Router.prototype.path = function (pathDef, fields, queryParams) {
    if (this._routesMap[pathDef]) {
        pathDef = this._routesMap[pathDef].pathDef;

    var path = '';

    // Prefix the path with the router global prefix
    if (this._basePath) {
        path += '/' + this._basePath + '/';

    fields = fields || {};
    var regExp = /(:[\w\(\)\\\+\*\.\?]+)+/g;
    path += pathDef.replace(regExp, function (key) {
        var firstRegexpChar = key.indexOf('(');
        // get the content behind : and (\\d+/)
        key = key.substring(1, firstRegexpChar > 0 ? firstRegexpChar : undefined);
        // remove +?*
        key = key.replace(/[\+\*\?]+/g, '');

        // this is to allow page js to keep the custom characters as it is
        // we need to encode 2 times otherwise "/" char does not work properly
        // So, in that case, when I includes "/" it will think it's a part of the
        // route. encoding 2times fixes it
        return encodeURIComponent(encodeURIComponent(fields[key] || ''));

    // Replace multiple slashes with single slash
    path = path.replace(/\/\/+/g, '/');

    // remove trailing slash
    // but keep the root slash if it's the only one
    path = path.match(/^\/{1}$/) ? path : path.replace(/\/$/, '');

    // explictly asked to add a trailing slash
    if (this.env.trailingSlash.get() && _.last(path) !== '/') {
        path += '/';

    var strQueryParams = this._qs.stringify(queryParams || {});
    if (strQueryParams) {
        path += '?' + strQueryParams;

    return path;

Router.prototype.go = function (pathDef, fields, queryParams) {
    var path = this.path(pathDef, fields, queryParams);

    var useReplaceState = this.env.replaceState.get();
    if (useReplaceState) {
    } else {

Router.prototype.reload = function () {
    var self = this;

    self.env.reload.withValue(true, function () {

Router.prototype.redirect = function (path) {

Router.prototype.setParams = function (newParams) {
    if (!this._current.route) {
        return false;

    var pathDef = this._current.route.pathDef;
    var existingParams = this._current.params;
    var params = {};
    _.each(_.keys(existingParams), function (key) {
        params[key] = existingParams[key];

    params = _.extend(params, newParams);
    var queryParams = this._current.queryParams;

    this.go(pathDef, params, queryParams);
    return true;

Router.prototype.setQueryParams = function (newParams) {
    if (!this._current.route) {
        return false;

    var queryParams = _.clone(this._current.queryParams);
    _.extend(queryParams, newParams);

    for (var k in queryParams) {
        if (queryParams[k] === null || queryParams[k] === undefined) {
            delete queryParams[k];

    var pathDef = this._current.route.pathDef;
    var params = this._current.params;
    this.go(pathDef, params, queryParams);
    return true;

// .current is not reactive
// This is by design. use .getParam() instead
// If you really need to watch the path change, use .watchPathChange()
Router.prototype.current = function () {
    // We can't trust outside, that's why we clone this
    // Anyway, we can't clone the whole object since it has non-jsonable values
    // That's why we clone what's really needed.
    var current = _.clone(this._current);
    current.queryParams = EJSON.clone(current.queryParams);
    current.params = EJSON.clone(current.params);
    return current;

// Implementing Reactive APIs
var reactiveApis = ['getParam', 'getQueryParam', 'getRouteName', 'watchPathChange'];
reactiveApis.forEach(function (api) {
    Router.prototype[api] = function (arg1) {
        // when this is calling, there may not be any route initiated
        // so we need to handle it
        var currentRoute = this._current.route;
        if (!currentRoute) {

        // currently, there is only one argument. If we've more let's add more args
        // this is not clean code, but better in performance
        return currentRoute[api].call(currentRoute, arg1);

Router.prototype.subsReady = function () {
    var callback = null;
    var args = _.toArray(arguments);

    if (typeof _.last(args) === 'function') {
        callback = args.pop();

    var currentRoute = this.current().route;
    var globalRoute = this._globalRoute;

    // we need to depend for every route change and
    // rerun subscriptions to check the ready state

    if (!currentRoute) {
        return false;

    var subscriptions;
    if (args.length === 0) {
        subscriptions = _.values(globalRoute.getAllSubscriptions());
        subscriptions = subscriptions.concat(_.values(currentRoute.getAllSubscriptions()));
    } else {
        subscriptions =, function (subName) {
            return globalRoute.getSubscription(subName) || currentRoute.getSubscription(subName);

    var isReady = function () {
        var ready = _.every(subscriptions, function (sub) {
            return sub && sub.ready();

        return ready;

    if (callback) {
        Tracker.autorun(function (c) {
            if (isReady()) {
    } else {
        return isReady();

Router.prototype.withReplaceState = function (fn) {
    return this.env.replaceState.withValue(true, fn);

Router.prototype.withTrailingSlash = function (fn) {
    return this.env.trailingSlash.withValue(true, fn);

Router.prototype._notfoundRoute = function (context) {
    this._current = {
        path: context.path,
        context: context,
        params: [],
        queryParams: {},

    // XXX this.notfound kept for backwards compatibility
    this.notFound = this.notFound || this.notfound;
    if (!this.notFound) {
        console.error('There is no route for the path:', context.path);

    this._current.route = new Route(this, '*', this.notFound);

Router.prototype.initialize = function (options) {
    options = options || {};

    if (this._initialized) {
        throw new Error('FlowRouter is already initialized');

    var self = this;

    // Implementing idempotent routing
    // by overriding page.js`s "show" method.
    // Why?
    // It is impossible to bypass exit triggers,
    // because they execute before the handler and
    // can not know what the next path is, inside exit trigger.
    // we need override both show, replace to make this work
    // since we use redirect when we are talking about withReplaceState
    _.each(['show', 'replace'], function (fnName) {
        var original = self._page[fnName];
        self._page[fnName] = function (path, state, dispatch, push) {
            var reload = self.env.reload.get();
            if (!reload && self._current.path === path) {

  , path, state, dispatch, push);

    // this is very ugly part of pagejs and it does decoding few times
    // in unpredicatable manner. See #168
    // this is the default behaviour and we need keep it like that
    // we are doing a hack. see .path()
        decodeURLComponents: true,
        hashbang: !!options.hashbang,

    this._initialized = true;

Router.prototype._buildTracker = function () {
    var self = this;

    // main autorun function
    var tracker = Tracker.autorun(function () {
        if (!self._current || !self._current.route) {

        // see the definition of `this._processingContexts`
        var currentContext = self._current;
        var route = currentContext.route;
        var path = currentContext.path;

        if (self.safeToRun === 0) {
            var message = "You can't use reactive data sources like Session" + ' inside the `.subscriptions` method!';
            throw new Error(message);

        // We need to run subscriptions inside a Tracker
        // to stop subs when switching between routes
        // But we don't need to run this tracker with
        // other reactive changes inside the .subscription method
        // We tackle this with the `safeToRun` variable
        self._globalRoute.clearSubscriptions();, path);

        // otherwise, computations inside action will trigger to re-run
        // this computation. which we do not need.
        Tracker.nonreactive(function () {
            var isRouteChange = currentContext.oldRoute !== currentContext.route;
            var isFirstRoute = !currentContext.oldRoute;
            // first route is not a route change
            if (isFirstRoute) {
                isRouteChange = false;

            // Clear oldRouteChain just before calling the action
            // We still need to get a copy of the oldestRoute first
            // It's very important to get the oldest route and registerRouteClose() it
            // See:
            var oldestRoute = self._oldRouteChain[0];
            self._oldRouteChain = [];

            currentContext.route.registerRouteChange(currentContext, isRouteChange);

            Tracker.afterFlush(function () {
                if (isRouteChange) {
                    // We need to trigger that route (definition itself) has changed.
                    // So, we need to re-run all the register callbacks to current route
                    // This is pretty important, otherwise tracker
                    // can't identify new route's items

                    // We also need to afterFlush, otherwise this will re-run
                    // helpers on templates which are marked for destroying
                    if (oldestRoute) {


    return tracker;

Router.prototype._invalidateTracker = function () {
    var self = this;
    // After the invalidation we need to flush to make changes imediately
    // otherwise, we have face some issues context mix-maches and so on.
    // But there are some cases we can't flush. So we need to ready for that.

    // we clearly know, we can't flush inside an autorun
    // this may leads some issues on flow-routing
    // we may need to do some warning
    if (!Tracker.currentComputation) {
        // Still there are some cases where we can't flush
        //  eg:- when there is a flush currently
        // But we've no public API or hacks to get that state
        // So, this is the only solution
        try {
        } catch (ex) {
            // only handling "while flushing" errors
            if (!/Tracker\.flush while flushing/.test(ex.message)) {

            // XXX: fix this with a proper solution by removing subscription mgt.
            // from the router. Then we don't need to run invalidate using a tracker

            // this happens when we are trying to invoke a route change
            // with inside a route chnage. (eg:- Template.onCreated)
            // Since we use page.js and tracker, we don't have much control
            // over this process.
            // only solution is to defer route execution.

            // It's possible to have more than one path want to defer
            // But, we only need to pick the last one.
            // self._nextPath = self._current.path;
            Meteor.defer(function () {
                var path = self._nextPath;
                if (!path) {

                delete self._nextPath;
                self.env.reload.withValue(true, function () {

Router.prototype._updateCallbacks = function () {
    var self = this;

    self._page.callbacks = [];
    self._page.exits = [];

    _.each(self._routes, function (route) {
        self._page(route.pathDef, route._actionHandle);
        self._page.exit(route.pathDef, route._exitHandle);

    self._page('*', function (context) {

Router.prototype._initTriggersAPI = function () {
    var self = this;
    this.triggers = {
        enter: function (triggers, filter) {
            triggers = Triggers.applyFilters(triggers, filter);
            if (triggers.length) {
                self._triggersEnter = self._triggersEnter.concat(triggers);

        exit: function (triggers, filter) {
            triggers = Triggers.applyFilters(triggers, filter);
            if (triggers.length) {
                self._triggersExit = self._triggersExit.concat(triggers);

Router.prototype.wait = function () {
    if (this._initialized) {
        throw new Error("can't wait after FlowRouter has been initialized");

    this._askedToWait = true;

Router.prototype.onRouteRegister = function (cb) {

Router.prototype._triggerRouteRegister = function (currentRoute) {
    // We should only need to send a safe set of fields on the route
    // object.
    // This is not to hide what's inside the route object, but to show
    // these are the public APIs
    var routePublicApi = _.pick(currentRoute, 'name', 'pathDef', 'path');
    var omittingOptionFields = ['triggersEnter', 'triggersExit', 'action', 'subscriptions', 'name'];
    routePublicApi.options = _.omit(currentRoute.options, omittingOptionFields);

    _.each(this._onRouteCallbacks, function (cb) {

Router.prototype._page = page;
Router.prototype._qs = qs;