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// This file overwrites the default metoer Mongo.Collection modifiers: "insert",
// "update", "remove"
// The new methods are checking if Meteor is in "restricted" mode to apply
// allow and deny rules if needed.
// This will allow us to run the modifiers inside of a "Meteor.runAsUser" with
// security checks.
_.each(['insert', 'update', 'remove'], function (method) {
    var _super = Mongo.Collection.prototype[method];

    Mongo.Collection.prototype[method] = function (/* arguments */) {
        var self = this;
        var args = _.toArray(arguments);

        // Check if this method is run in restricted mode and collection is
        // restricted.
        if (Meteor.isRestricted() && self._restricted) {
            var generatedId = null;
            if (method === 'insert' && !_.has(args[0], '_id')) {
                generatedId = self._makeNewID();

            // short circuit if there is no way it will pass.
            if (self._validators[method].allow.length === 0) {
                throw new Meteor.Error(403, 'Access denied. No allow validators set on restricted ' + "collection for method '" + method + "'.");

            var validatedMethodName = '_validated' + method.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + method.slice(1);

            if (method === 'insert') {

                self[validatedMethodName].apply(self, args);
                // xxx: for now we return the id since self._validatedInsert doesn't
                // yet return the new id
                return generatedId || args[0]._id;

            return self[validatedMethodName].apply(self, args);

        return _super.apply(self, args);