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import type { IBanner, RocketChatRecordDeleted } from '';
import { BannerPlatform } from '';
import type { IBannersModel } from '';
import type { Collection, FindCursor, Db, FindOptions, IndexDescription, InsertOneResult, UpdateResult } from 'mongodb';

import { BaseRaw } from './BaseRaw';

export class BannersRaw extends BaseRaw<IBanner> implements IBannersModel {
    constructor(db: Db, trash?: Collection<RocketChatRecordDeleted<IBanner>>) {
        super(db, 'banner', trash);

    protected modelIndexes(): IndexDescription[] {
        return [{ key: { platform: 1, startAt: 1, expireAt: 1 } }, { key: { platform: 1, startAt: 1, expireAt: 1, active: 1 } }];

    create(doc: IBanner): Promise<InsertOneResult<IBanner>> {
        const invalidPlatform = doc.platform?.some((platform) => !Object.values(BannerPlatform).includes(platform));
        if (invalidPlatform) {
            throw new Error('Invalid platform');

        if (doc.startAt > doc.expireAt) {
            throw new Error('Start date cannot be later than expire date');

        if (doc.expireAt < new Date()) {
            throw new Error('Cannot create banner already expired');

        return this.insertOne({
            active: true,

    findActiveByRoleOrId(roles: string[], platform: BannerPlatform, bannerId?: string, options?: FindOptions<IBanner>): FindCursor<IBanner> {
        const today = new Date();

        const query = {
            ...(bannerId && { _id: bannerId }),
            startAt: { $lte: today },
            expireAt: { $gte: today },
            active: { $ne: false },
            $or: [{ roles: { $in: roles } }, { roles: { $exists: false } }],

        return this.find(query, options);

    disable(bannerId: string): Promise<UpdateResult> {
        return this.updateOne({ _id: bannerId, active: { $ne: false } }, { $set: { active: false, inactivedAt: new Date() } });

    createOrUpdate(banner: IBanner): Promise<UpdateResult> {
        const invalidPlatform = banner.platform?.some((platform) => !Object.values(BannerPlatform).includes(platform));
        if (invalidPlatform) {
            throw new Error('Invalid platform');

        if (banner.startAt > banner.expireAt) {
            throw new Error('Start date cannot be later than expire date');

        if (banner.expireAt < new Date()) {
            throw new Error('Cannot create banner already expired');

        const { _id: bannerId, ...doc } = banner;

        return this.updateOne({ _id: bannerId }, { $set: { active: true, ...doc } }, { upsert: true });