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import type {
} from '';
import { UserStatus } from '';
import type { ILivechatRoomsModel } from '';
import { Settings } from '';
import { escapeRegExp } from '';
import type {
} from 'mongodb';

import { getValue } from '../../../app/settings/server/raw';
import { readSecondaryPreferred } from '../../database/readSecondaryPreferred';
import { BaseRaw } from './BaseRaw';

 * @extends BaseRaw<ILivechatRoom>
export class LivechatRoomsRaw extends BaseRaw<IOmnichannelRoom> implements ILivechatRoomsModel {
    constructor(db: Db, trash?: Collection<RocketChatRecordDeleted<IOmnichannelRoom>>) {
        super(db, 'room', trash);

    // move indexes from constructor to here using IndexDescription as type
    protected modelIndexes(): IndexDescription[] {
        return [
            { key: { open: 1 }, sparse: true },
            { key: { departmentId: 1 }, sparse: true },
            { key: { 'metrics.chatDuration': 1 }, sparse: true },
            { key: { 'metrics.serviceTimeDuration': 1 }, sparse: true },
            { key: { 'metrics.visitorInactivity': 1 }, sparse: true },
            { key: { 'omnichannel.predictedVisitorAbandonmentAt': 1 }, sparse: true },
            { key: { closedAt: 1 }, sparse: true },
            { key: { servedBy: 1 }, sparse: true },
            { key: { 'v.token': 1, 'email.thread': 1 }, sparse: true },
            { key: { 'v._id': 1 }, sparse: true },
            { key: { t: 1, departmentId: 1, closedAt: 1 }, partialFilterExpression: { closedAt: { $exists: true } } },
            { key: { source: 1 }, sparse: true },
            { key: { departmentAncestors: 1 }, sparse: true },
                key: { 't': 1, 'open': 1, 'source.type': 1, 'v.status': 1 },
                partialFilterExpression: {
                    't': { $eq: 'l' },
                    'open': { $eq: true },
                    'source.type': { $eq: 'widget' },
            { key: { 'livechatData.$**': 1 } },
            { key: { pdfTranscriptRequested: 1 }, sparse: true },
            { key: { pdfTranscriptFileId: 1 }, sparse: true }, // used on statistics
            { key: { callStatus: 1 }, sparse: true }, // used on statistics
            { key: { priorityId: 1 }, sparse: true },
            { key: { slaId: 1 }, sparse: true },
            { key: { source: 1, ts: 1 }, partialFilterExpression: { source: { $exists: true }, t: 'l' } },
            { key: { departmentId: 1, ts: 1 }, partialFilterExpression: { departmentId: { $exists: true }, t: 'l' } },
            { key: { 'tags.0': 1, 'ts': 1 }, partialFilterExpression: { 'tags.0': { $exists: true }, 't': 'l' } },
            { key: { servedBy: 1, ts: 1 }, partialFilterExpression: { servedBy: { $exists: true }, t: 'l' } },
            { key: { 'v.activity': 1, 'ts': 1 }, partialFilterExpression: { 'v.activity': { $exists: true }, 't': 'l' } },

        options = {},
    }: {
        departmentId?: string;
        agentId?: string;
        includeOfflineAgents?: boolean;
        options?: { offset?: number; count?: number; sort?: { [k: string]: number } };
    }) {
        const match: Document = { $match: { t: 'l', open: true, servedBy: { $exists: true } } };
        const matchUsers: Document = { $match: {} };
        if (departmentId && departmentId !== 'undefined') {
            match.$match.departmentId = departmentId;
        if (agentId) {
            matchUsers.$match['user._id'] = agentId;
        if (!includeOfflineAgents) {
            matchUsers.$match['user.status'] = { $ne: 'offline' };
            matchUsers.$match['user.statusLivechat'] = { $eq: 'available' };
        const departmentsLookup = {
            $lookup: {
                from: 'rocketchat_livechat_department',
                localField: 'departmentId',
                foreignField: '_id',
                as: 'departments',
        const departmentsUnwind = {
            $unwind: {
                path: '$departments',
                preserveNullAndEmptyArrays: true,
        const departmentsGroup = {
            $group: {
                _id: {
                    departmentId: '$departmentId',
                    name: '$',
                    room: '$$ROOT',
        const usersLookup = {
            $lookup: {
                from: 'users',
                localField: '',
                foreignField: '_id',
                as: 'user',
        const usersUnwind = {
            $unwind: {
                path: '$user',
                preserveNullAndEmptyArrays: true,
        const usersGroup = {
            $group: {
                _id: {
                    userId: '$user._id',
                    username: '$user.username',
                    status: '$user.status',
                    departmentId: '$_id.departmentId',
                    departmentName: '$',
                chats: { $sum: 1 },
        const project = {
            $project: {
                _id: 0,
                user: {
                    _id: '$_id.userId',
                    username: '$_id.username',
                    status: '$_id.status',
                department: {
                    _id: { $ifNull: ['$_id.departmentId', null] },
                    name: { $ifNull: ['$_id.departmentName', null] },
                chats: 1,
        const firstParams = [match, departmentsLookup, departmentsUnwind, departmentsGroup, usersLookup, usersUnwind];
        if (Object.keys(matchUsers.$match)) {
        const sort: Document = { $sort: options.sort || { chats: -1 } };
        const pagination = [sort];

        if (options.offset) {
            pagination.push({ $skip: options.offset });
        if (options.count) {
            pagination.push({ $limit: options.count });

        const facet = {
            $facet: {
                sortedResults: pagination,
                totalCount: [{ $group: { _id: null, total: { $sum: 1 } } }],

        const params = [...firstParams, usersGroup, project, facet];
        return this.col.aggregate(params, { readPreference: readSecondaryPreferred(), allowDiskUse: true }).toArray();

    async findAllNumberOfAbandonedRooms({
        onlyCount = false,
        options = {},
    }: {
        start: Date;
        end: Date;
        departmentId?: string;
        onlyCount?: boolean;
        options?: { offset?: number; count?: number; sort?: { [k: string]: number } };
    }) {
        const match: Document = {
            $match: {
                't': 'l',
                'metrics.visitorInactivity': {
                    $gte: await getValue('Livechat_visitor_inactivity_timeout'),
                'ts': { $gte: new Date(start) },
                'closedAt': { $lte: new Date(end) },
        const group = {
            $group: {
                _id: {
                    _id: null,
                    departmentId: '$departmentId',
                abandonedRooms: { $sum: 1 },
        const project = {
            $project: {
                _id: { $ifNull: ['$_id.departmentId', null] },
                abandonedRooms: 1,
        if (departmentId && departmentId !== 'undefined') {
            match.$match.departmentId = departmentId;
        const sort: Document = { $sort: options.sort || { name: 1 } };
        const params: Document[] = [match, group, project, sort];
        if (onlyCount) {
            params.push({ $count: 'total' });
            return this.col.aggregate(params);
        if (options.offset) {
            params.push({ $skip: options.offset });
        if (options.count) {
            params.push({ $limit: options.count });
        return this.col.aggregate(params, { readPreference: readSecondaryPreferred() });

    async findPercentageOfAbandonedRooms({
        onlyCount = false,
        options = {},
    }: {
        start: Date;
        end: Date;
        departmentId?: string;
        onlyCount?: boolean;
        options?: { offset?: number; count?: number; sort?: { [k: string]: number } };
    }) {
        const match: Document = {
            $match: {
                t: 'l',
                ts: { $gte: new Date(start), $lte: new Date(end) },
        const group: Document = {
            $group: {
                _id: {
                    _id: null,
                    departmentId: '$departmentId',
                rooms: { $sum: 1 },
                abandonedChats: {
                    $sum: {
                        $cond: [
                                $and: [
                                    { $ifNull: ['$metrics.visitorInactivity', false] },
                                        // TODO: move these calls to outside model
                                        $gte: ['$metrics.visitorInactivity', await getValue('Livechat_visitor_inactivity_timeout')],
        const project = {
            $project: {
                _id: { $ifNull: ['$_id.departmentId', null] },
                percentageOfAbandonedChats: {
                    $floor: {
                        $cond: [{ $eq: ['$rooms', 0] }, 0, { $divide: [{ $multiply: ['$abandonedChats', 100] }, '$rooms'] }],
        if (departmentId && departmentId !== 'undefined') {
            match.$match.departmentId = departmentId;
        const sort = { $sort: options.sort || { name: 1 } };
        const params = [match, group, project, sort];
        if (onlyCount) {
            params.push({ $count: 'total' });
            return this.col.aggregate(params);
        if (options.offset) {
            params.push({ $skip: options.offset });
        if (options.count) {
            params.push({ $limit: options.count });
        return this.col.aggregate(params, { readPreference: readSecondaryPreferred() });

        onlyCount = false,
        options = {},
    }: {
        start: Date;
        end: Date;
        departmentId?: string;
        onlyCount?: boolean;
        options?: { offset?: number; count?: number; sort?: { [k: string]: number } };
    }) {
        const match: Document = {
            $match: {
                t: 'l',
                ts: { $gte: new Date(start) },
                closedAt: { $lte: new Date(end) },
        const group: Document = {
            $group: {
                _id: {
                    _id: null,
                    departmentId: '$departmentId',
                rooms: { $sum: 1 },
                chatsDuration: { $sum: '$metrics.chatDuration' },
        const project = {
            $project: {
                _id: { $ifNull: ['$_id.departmentId', null] },
                averageChatDurationTimeInSeconds: {
                    $ceil: { $cond: [{ $eq: ['$rooms', 0] }, 0, { $divide: ['$chatsDuration', '$rooms'] }] },
        if (departmentId && departmentId !== 'undefined') {
            match.$match.departmentId = departmentId;
        const sort: Document = { $sort: options.sort || { name: 1 } };
        const params: Document[] = [match, group, project, sort];
        if (onlyCount) {
            params.push({ $count: 'total' });
            return this.col.aggregate(params);
        if (options.offset) {
            params.push({ $skip: options.offset });
        if (options.count) {
            params.push({ $limit: options.count });
        return this.col.aggregate(params, { readPreference: readSecondaryPreferred() });

        onlyCount = false,
        options = {},
    }: {
        start: Date;
        end: Date;
        departmentId?: string;
        onlyCount?: boolean;
        options?: { offset?: number; count?: number; sort?: { [k: string]: number } };
    }) {
        const match: Document = {
            $match: {
                t: 'l',
                ts: { $gte: new Date(start), $lte: new Date(end) },
                waitingResponse: { $ne: true },
        const group: Document = {
            $group: {
                _id: {
                    _id: null,
                    departmentId: '$departmentId',
                rooms: { $sum: 1 },
                chatsFirstResponses: { $sum: '$metrics.response.ft' },
        const project = {
            $project: {
                _id: { $ifNull: ['$_id.departmentId', null] },
                averageWaitingTimeInSeconds: {
                    $ceil: {
                        $cond: [{ $eq: ['$rooms', 0] }, 0, { $divide: ['$chatsFirstResponses', '$rooms'] }],
        if (departmentId && departmentId !== 'undefined') {
            match.$match.departmentId = departmentId;
        const sort: Document = { $sort: options.sort || { name: 1 } };
        const params: Document[] = [match, group, project, sort];
        if (onlyCount) {
            params.push({ $count: 'total' });
            return this.col.aggregate(params);
        if (options.offset) {
            params.push({ $skip: options.offset });
        if (options.count) {
            params.push({ $limit: options.count });
        return this.col.aggregate(params, { readPreference: readSecondaryPreferred() });

        onlyCount = false,
        options = {},
    }: {
        start: Date;
        end: Date;
        answered?: boolean;
        departmentId?: string;
        onlyCount?: boolean;
        options?: { offset?: number; count?: number; sort?: { [k: string]: number } };
    }) {
        const match: Document = {
            $match: {
                t: 'l',
                ts: { $gte: new Date(start), $lte: new Date(end) },
        if (answered !== undefined) {
            match.$match.waitingResponse = { [answered ? '$ne' : '$eq']: true };
        const group: Document = {
            $group: {
                _id: {
                    _id: null,
                    departmentId: '$departmentId',
                rooms: { $sum: 1 },
        const project = {
            $project: {
                _id: { $ifNull: ['$_id.departmentId', null] },
                rooms: 1,
        if (departmentId && departmentId !== 'undefined') {
            match.$match.departmentId = departmentId;
        const sort: Document = { $sort: options.sort || { name: 1 } };
        const params: Document[] = [match, group, project, sort];
        if (onlyCount) {
            params.push({ $count: 'total' });
            return this.col.aggregate(params);
        if (options.offset) {
            params.push({ $skip: options.offset });
        if (options.count) {
            params.push({ $limit: options.count });
        return this.col.aggregate(params, { readPreference: readSecondaryPreferred() });

        onlyCount = false,
        options = {},
    }: {
        start: Date;
        end: Date;
        departmentId?: string;
        onlyCount?: boolean;
        options?: { offset?: number; count?: number; sort?: { [k: string]: number } };
    }) {
        const match: Document = {
            $match: {
                't': 'l',
                'ts': { $gte: new Date(start) },
                'closedAt': { $lte: new Date(end) },
                'metrics.serviceTimeDuration': { $exists: true },
        const group = {
            $group: {
                _id: {
                    _id: null,
                    departmentId: '$departmentId',
                rooms: { $sum: 1 },
                serviceTimeDuration: { $sum: '$metrics.serviceTimeDuration' },
        const project = {
            $project: {
                _id: { $ifNull: ['$_id.departmentId', null] },
                chats: '$rooms',
                serviceTimeDuration: { $ceil: '$serviceTimeDuration' },
        if (departmentId && departmentId !== 'undefined') {
            match.$match.departmentId = departmentId;
        const sort = { $sort: options.sort || { name: 1 } };
        const params: Document[] = [match, group, project, sort];
        if (onlyCount) {
            params.push({ $count: 'total' });
            return this.col.aggregate(params);
        if (options.offset) {
            params.push({ $skip: options.offset });
        if (options.count) {
            params.push({ $limit: options.count });
        return this.col.aggregate(params, { readPreference: readSecondaryPreferred() });

        options = {},
    }: {
        start: Date;
        end: Date;
        departmentId?: string;
        options?: { offset?: number; count?: number; sort?: { [k: string]: number } };
    }) {
        const match: Document = {
            $match: {
                t: 'l',
                ts: { $gte: new Date(start), $lte: new Date(end) },
        const departmentsLookup = {
            $lookup: {
                from: 'rocketchat_livechat_department',
                localField: 'departmentId',
                foreignField: '_id',
                as: 'departments',
        const departmentsUnwind = {
            $unwind: {
                path: '$departments',
                preserveNullAndEmptyArrays: true,
        const departmentsGroup = {
            $group: {
                _id: {
                    _id: null,
                    departmentId: '$departments._id',
                    name: '$',
                rooms: { $push: '$$ROOT' },
        const departmentsProject = {
            $project: {
                _id: '$_id.departmentId',
                name: '$',
                rooms: 1,
        const roomsUnwind = {
            $unwind: {
                path: '$rooms',
                preserveNullAndEmptyArrays: true,
        const messagesLookup = {
            $lookup: {
                from: 'rocketchat_message',
                localField: 'rooms._id',
                foreignField: 'rid',
                as: 'messages',
        const messagesProject = {
            $project: {
                _id: 1,
                name: 1,
                messages: {
                    $filter: {
                        input: '$messages',
                        as: 'message',
                        cond: {
                            $and: [{ $eq: ['$$message.t', 'livechat_transfer_history'] }],
        const transferProject = {
            $project: {
                name: 1,
                transfers: { $size: { $ifNull: ['$messages', []] } },
        const transferGroup = {
            $group: {
                _id: {
                    departmentId: '$_id',
                    name: '$name',
                numberOfTransferredRooms: { $sum: '$transfers' },
        const presentationProject = {
            $project: {
                _id: { $ifNull: ['$_id.departmentId', null] },
                name: { $ifNull: ['$', null] },
                numberOfTransferredRooms: 1,
        const firstParams: Document[] = [match, departmentsLookup, departmentsUnwind];
        if (departmentId && departmentId !== 'undefined') {
                $match: {
                    'departments._id': departmentId,
        const sort = { $sort: options.sort || { name: 1 } };
        const params: Document[] = [
        if (options.offset) {
            params.push({ $skip: options.offset });
        if (options.count) {
            params.push({ $limit: options.count });
        return this.col.aggregate(params, { allowDiskUse: true, readPreference: readSecondaryPreferred() }).toArray();

    countAllOpenChatsBetweenDate({ start, end, departmentId }: { start: Date; end: Date; departmentId?: string }) {
        const query: Filter<IOmnichannelRoom> = {
            't': 'l',
            'metrics.chatDuration': {
                $exists: false,
            '$or': [
                    onHold: {
                        $exists: false,
                    onHold: {
                        $exists: true,
                        $eq: false,
            'servedBy': { $exists: true },
            'ts': { $gte: new Date(start), $lte: new Date(end) },
        if (departmentId && departmentId !== 'undefined') {
            query.departmentId = departmentId;
        return this.col.countDocuments(query);

    countAllClosedChatsBetweenDate({ start, end, departmentId }: { start: Date; end: Date; departmentId?: string }) {
        const query: Filter<IOmnichannelRoom> = {
            't': 'l',
            'metrics.chatDuration': {
                $exists: true,
            'ts': { $gte: new Date(start), $lte: new Date(end) },
        if (departmentId && departmentId !== 'undefined') {
            query.departmentId = departmentId;
        return this.col.countDocuments(query);

    countAllQueuedChatsBetweenDate({ start, end, departmentId }: { start: Date; end: Date; departmentId?: string }) {
        const query: Filter<IOmnichannelRoom> = {
            t: 'l',
            servedBy: { $exists: false },
            open: true,
            ts: { $gte: new Date(start), $lte: new Date(end) },
        if (departmentId && departmentId !== 'undefined') {
            query.departmentId = departmentId;
        return this.col.countDocuments(query);

    countAllOpenChatsByAgentBetweenDate({ start, end, departmentId }: { start: Date; end: Date; departmentId?: string }) {
        const match: Document = {
            $match: {
                't': 'l',
                'servedBy.username': { $exists: true },
                'open': true,
                '$or': [
                        onHold: {
                            $exists: false,
                        onHold: {
                            $exists: true,
                            $eq: false,
                'ts': { $gte: new Date(start), $lte: new Date(end) },
        const group = {
            $group: {
                _id: '$servedBy.username',
                chats: { $sum: 1 },
        if (departmentId && departmentId !== 'undefined') {
            match.$match.departmentId = departmentId;
        return this.col.aggregate([match, group], { readPreference: readSecondaryPreferred() }).toArray();

    countAllOnHoldChatsByAgentBetweenDate({ start, end, departmentId }: { start: Date; end: Date; departmentId?: string }) {
        const match: Document = {
            $match: {
                't': 'l',
                'servedBy.username': { $exists: true },
                'open': true,
                'onHold': {
                    $exists: true,
                    $eq: true,
                'ts': { $gte: new Date(start), $lte: new Date(end) },
        const group = {
            $group: {
                _id: '$servedBy.username',
                chats: { $sum: 1 },
        if (departmentId && departmentId !== 'undefined') {
            match.$match.departmentId = departmentId;
        return this.col.aggregate([match, group], { readPreference: readSecondaryPreferred() }).toArray();

    countAllClosedChatsByAgentBetweenDate({ start, end, departmentId }: { start: Date; end: Date; departmentId?: string }) {
        const match: Document = {
            $match: {
                't': 'l',
                'open': { $exists: false },
                'servedBy.username': { $exists: true },
                'ts': { $gte: new Date(start) },
                'closedAt': { $lte: new Date(end) },
        const group = {
            $group: {
                _id: '$servedBy.username',
                chats: { $sum: 1 },
        if (departmentId && departmentId !== 'undefined') {
            match.$match.departmentId = departmentId;
        return this.col.aggregate([match, group], { readPreference: readSecondaryPreferred() }).toArray();

    countAllOpenChatsByDepartmentBetweenDate({ start, end, departmentId }: { start: Date; end: Date; departmentId?: string }) {
        const match: Document = {
            $match: {
                t: 'l',
                open: true,
                departmentId: { $exists: true },
                ts: { $gte: new Date(start), $lte: new Date(end) },
        const lookup = {
            $lookup: {
                from: 'rocketchat_livechat_department',
                localField: 'departmentId',
                foreignField: '_id',
                as: 'departments',
        const unwind = {
            $unwind: {
                path: '$departments',
                preserveNullAndEmptyArrays: true,
        const group = {
            $group: {
                _id: {
                    _id: '$departments._id',
                    name: '$',
                chats: { $sum: 1 },
        const project = {
            $project: {
                _id: '$_id._id',
                name: '$',
                chats: 1,
        if (departmentId && departmentId !== 'undefined') {
            match.$match.departmentId = departmentId;
        const params = [match, lookup, unwind, group, project];
        return this.col.aggregate(params, { readPreference: readSecondaryPreferred() }).toArray();

    countAllClosedChatsByDepartmentBetweenDate({ start, end, departmentId }: { start: Date; end: Date; departmentId?: string }) {
        const match: Document = {
            $match: {
                t: 'l',
                open: { $exists: false },
                departmentId: { $exists: true },
                ts: { $gte: new Date(start), $lte: new Date(end) },
        const lookup = {
            $lookup: {
                from: 'rocketchat_livechat_department',
                localField: 'departmentId',
                foreignField: '_id',
                as: 'departments',
        const unwind = {
            $unwind: {
                path: '$departments',
                preserveNullAndEmptyArrays: true,
        const group = {
            $group: {
                _id: {
                    _id: '$departments._id',
                    name: '$',
                chats: { $sum: 1 },
        const project = {
            $project: {
                _id: '$_id._id',
                name: '$',
                chats: 1,
        if (departmentId && departmentId !== 'undefined') {
            match.$match.departmentId = departmentId;
        const params = [match, lookup, unwind, group, project];
        return this.col.aggregate(params, { readPreference: readSecondaryPreferred() }).toArray();

    calculateResponseTimingsBetweenDates({ start, end, departmentId }: { start: Date; end: Date; departmentId?: string }) {
        const match: Document = {
            $match: {
                t: 'l',
                ts: { $gte: new Date(start), $lte: new Date(end) },
        const group = {
            $group: {
                _id: null,
                sumResponseAvg: {
                    $sum: '$metrics.response.avg',
                roomsWithResponseTime: {
                    $sum: {
                        $cond: [
                                $and: [{ $ifNull: ['$metrics.response.avg', false] }],
                maxFirstResponse: { $max: '$metrics.response.ft' },
        const project = {
            $project: {
                avg: {
                    $trunc: {
                        $cond: [{ $eq: ['$roomsWithResponseTime', 0] }, 0, { $divide: ['$sumResponseAvg', '$roomsWithResponseTime'] }],
                longest: '$maxFirstResponse',
        if (departmentId && departmentId !== 'undefined') {
            match.$match.departmentId = departmentId;
        return this.col.aggregate([match, group, project], { readPreference: readSecondaryPreferred() }).toArray();

    calculateReactionTimingsBetweenDates({ start, end, departmentId }: { start: Date; end: Date; departmentId?: string }) {
        const match: Document = {
            $match: {
                t: 'l',
                ts: { $gte: new Date(start), $lte: new Date(end) },
        const group = {
            $group: {
                _id: null,
                sumReactionFirstResponse: {
                    $sum: '$metrics.reaction.ft',
                roomsWithFirstReaction: {
                    $sum: {
                        $cond: [
                                $and: [{ $ifNull: ['$metrics.reaction.ft', false] }],
                maxFirstReaction: { $max: '$metrics.reaction.ft' },
        const project = {
            $project: {
                avg: {
                    $trunc: {
                        $cond: [{ $eq: ['$roomsWithFirstReaction', 0] }, 0, { $divide: ['$sumReactionFirstResponse', '$roomsWithFirstReaction'] }],
                longest: '$maxFirstReaction',
        if (departmentId && departmentId !== 'undefined') {
            match.$match.departmentId = departmentId;
        return this.col.aggregate([match, group, project], { readPreference: readSecondaryPreferred() }).toArray();

    calculateDurationTimingsBetweenDates({ start, end, departmentId }: { start: Date; end: Date; departmentId?: string }) {
        const match: Document = {
            $match: {
                't': 'l',
                'ts': { $gte: new Date(start), $lte: new Date(end) },
                'metrics.chatDuration': { $exists: true },
        const group = {
            $group: {
                _id: null,
                sumChatDuration: {
                    $sum: '$metrics.chatDuration',
                roomsWithChatDuration: {
                    $sum: {
                        $cond: [
                                $and: [{ $ifNull: ['$metrics.chatDuration', false] }],
                maxChatDuration: { $max: '$metrics.chatDuration' },
        const project = {
            $project: {
                avg: {
                    $trunc: {
                        $cond: [{ $eq: ['$roomsWithChatDuration', 0] }, 0, { $divide: ['$sumChatDuration', '$roomsWithChatDuration'] }],
                longest: '$maxChatDuration',
        if (departmentId && departmentId !== 'undefined') {
            match.$match.departmentId = departmentId;
        return this.col.aggregate([match, group, project], { readPreference: readSecondaryPreferred() }).toArray();

        onlyCount = false,
        options = {},
    }: {
        start: Date;
        end: Date;
        departmentId?: string;
        onlyCount?: boolean;
        options?: { offset?: number; count?: number; sort?: { [k: string]: number } };
    }) {
        const match: Document = {
            $match: {
                't': 'l',
                'ts': { $gte: new Date(start), $lte: new Date(end) },
                'responseBy.lastMessageTs': { $exists: true },
                'servedBy.ts': { $exists: true },
        const group = {
            $group: {
                _id: {
                    _id: null,
                    departmentId: '$departmentId',
                rooms: { $sum: 1 },
                allServiceTime: {
                    $sum: { $divide: [{ $subtract: ['$responseBy.lastMessageTs', '$servedBy.ts'] }, 1000] },
        const project = {
            $project: {
                _id: { $ifNull: ['$_id.departmentId', null] },
                averageServiceTimeInSeconds: {
                    $ceil: { $cond: [{ $eq: ['$rooms', 0] }, 0, { $divide: ['$allServiceTime', '$rooms'] }] },
        if (departmentId && departmentId !== 'undefined') {
            match.$match.departmentId = departmentId;
        const sort = { $sort: options.sort || { name: 1 } };
        const params: Document[] = [match, group, project, sort];
        if (onlyCount) {
            params.push({ $count: 'total' });
            return this.col.aggregate(params);
        if (options.offset) {
            params.push({ $skip: options.offset });
        if (options.count) {
            params.push({ $limit: options.count });
        return this.col.aggregate(params, { readPreference: readSecondaryPreferred() });

    findByVisitorId(visitorId: string, options: FindOptions<IOmnichannelRoom>, extraQuery: Filter<IOmnichannelRoom> = {}) {
        const query: Filter<IOmnichannelRoom> = {
            't': 'l',
            'v._id': visitorId,
        return this.find(query, options);

    findPaginatedByVisitorId(visitorId: string, options: FindOptions<IOmnichannelRoom>, extraQuery: Filter<IOmnichannelRoom> = {}) {
        const query: Filter<IOmnichannelRoom> = {
            't': 'l',
            'v._id': visitorId,
        return this.findPaginated(query, options);

        onlyCount = false,
        options = {},
    }: {
        visitorId: string;
        searchText?: string;
        open?: boolean;
        served?: boolean;
        onlyCount?: boolean;
        source?: string;
        options?: { sort?: { [k: string]: number }; skip?: number; limit?: number };
    }) {
        const match: Document = {
            $match: {
                'v._id': visitorId,
                ...(open !== undefined && !open && { closedAt: { $exists: true } }),
                ...(served !== undefined && served && { servedBy: { $exists: served } }),
                ...(source && {
                    $or: [{ 'source.type': new RegExp(escapeRegExp(source), 'i') }, { 'source.alias': new RegExp(escapeRegExp(source), 'i') }],
        const lookup = {
            $lookup: {
                from: 'rocketchat_message',
                localField: '_id',
                foreignField: 'rid',
                as: 'messages',
        const matchMessages = searchText && {
            $match: { 'messages.msg': { $regex: `.*${escapeRegExp(searchText)}.*` } },

        const params: Document[] = [match, lookup];

        if (matchMessages) {

        const project = {
            $project: {
                fname: 1,
                ts: 1,
                v: 1,
                msgs: 1,
                servedBy: 1,
                closedAt: 1,
                closedBy: 1,
                closer: 1,
                tags: 1,
                closingMessage: {
                    $filter: {
                        input: '$messages',
                        as: 'messages',
                        cond: { $eq: ['$$messages.t', 'livechat-close'] },

        const unwindClosingMsg = {
            $unwind: { path: '$closingMessage', preserveNullAndEmptyArrays: true },
        const sort = { $sort: options.sort || { ts: -1 } };

        params.push(project, unwindClosingMsg, sort);

        if (onlyCount) {
            params.push({ $count: 'count' });
            return this.col.aggregate(params);

        if (options.skip) {
            params.push({ $skip: options.skip });

        if (options.limit) {
            params.push({ $limit: options.limit });

        return this.col.aggregate(params, { readPreference: readSecondaryPreferred() });

        options = {},
        extraQuery = {},
    }: {
        agents?: string[];
        roomName?: string;
        departmentId?: string;
        open?: boolean;
        served?: boolean;
        createdAt?: { start?: Date; end?: Date };
        closedAt?: { start?: Date; end?: Date };
        tags?: string[];
        customFields?: Record<string, string>;
        visitorId?: string;
        roomIds?: string[];
        onhold?: boolean;
        options?: { offset?: number; count?: number; sort?: { [k: string]: SortDirection } };
        extraQuery?: Filter<IOmnichannelRoom>;
    }) {
        const query: Filter<IOmnichannelRoom> = {
            t: 'l',
            ...(agents && {
                $or: [{ 'servedBy._id': { $in: agents } }, { 'servedBy.username': { $in: agents } }],
            ...(roomName && { fname: new RegExp(escapeRegExp(roomName), 'i') }),
            ...(departmentId && departmentId !== 'undefined' && { departmentId }),
            ...(open !== undefined && { open: { $exists: open }, onHold: { $ne: true } }),
            ...(served !== undefined && { servedBy: { $exists: served } }),
            ...(visitorId && visitorId !== 'undefined' && { 'v._id': visitorId }),

        if (createdAt) {
            query.ts = {};
            if (createdAt.start) {
                query.ts.$gte = new Date(createdAt.start);
            if (createdAt.end) {
                query.ts.$lte = new Date(createdAt.end);
        if (closedAt) {
            query.closedAt = {};
            if (closedAt.start) {
                query.closedAt.$gte = new Date(closedAt.start);
            if (closedAt.end) {
                query.closedAt.$lte = new Date(closedAt.end);
        if (tags) {
            query.tags = { $in: tags };
        if (customFields && Object.keys(customFields).length) {
            query.$and = Object.keys(customFields).map((key) => ({
                [`livechatData.${key}`]: new RegExp(customFields[key], 'i'),

        if (roomIds) {
            query._id = { $in: roomIds };

        if (onhold) {
            query.onHold = {
                $exists: true,
                $eq: onhold,

        return this.findPaginated(query, {
            sort: options.sort || { name: 1 },
            skip: options.offset,
            limit: options.count,

    getOnHoldConversationsBetweenDate(from: Date, to: Date, departmentId?: string) {
        const query: Filter<IOmnichannelRoom> = {
            onHold: {
                $exists: true,
                $eq: true,
            ts: {
                $gte: new Date(from), // ISO Date, ts >= date.gte
                $lt: new Date(to), // ISODate, ts <

        if (departmentId && departmentId !== 'undefined') {
            query.departmentId = departmentId;

        return this.col.countDocuments(query);

        onlyCount = false,
        options = {},
    }: {
        start: Date;
        end: Date;
        onlyCount?: boolean;
        options?: { sort?: { [key: string]: number }; offset?: number; count?: number };
    }) {
        const match: Document = {
            $match: {
                't': 'l',
                'servedBy._id': { $exists: true },
                'metrics.serviceTimeDuration': { $exists: true },
                'ts': {
                    $gte: start,
                    $lte: end,
        const group = {
            $group: {
                _id: { _id: '$servedBy._id', username: '$servedBy.username' },
                chats: { $sum: 1 },
                serviceTimeDuration: { $sum: '$metrics.serviceTimeDuration' },
        const project = {
            $project: {
                _id: '$_id._id',
                username: '$_id.username',
                chats: 1,
                serviceTimeDuration: { $ceil: '$serviceTimeDuration' },
        const sort = { $sort: options.sort || { username: 1 } };
        const params: Document[] = [match, group, project, sort];
        if (onlyCount) {
            params.push({ $count: 'total' });
            return this.col.aggregate(params);
        if (options.offset) {
            params.push({ $skip: options.offset });
        if (options.count) {
            params.push({ $limit: options.count });
        return this.col.aggregate(params, { readPreference: readSecondaryPreferred() });

        onlyCount = false,
        options = {},
    }: {
        start: Date;
        end: Date;
        onlyCount?: boolean;
        options?: { sort?: { [key: string]: number }; offset?: number; count?: number };
    }) {
        const match: Document = {
            $match: {
                't': 'l',
                'servedBy._id': { $exists: true },
                'metrics.serviceTimeDuration': { $exists: true },
                'ts': {
                    $gte: start,
                    $lte: end,
        const group = {
            $group: {
                _id: { _id: '$servedBy._id', username: '$servedBy.username' },
                chats: { $sum: 1 },
                serviceTimeDuration: { $sum: '$metrics.serviceTimeDuration' },
        const project = {
            $project: {
                _id: '$_id._id',
                username: '$_id.username',
                name: '$',
                active: '$',
                averageServiceTimeInSeconds: {
                    $ceil: {
                        $cond: [{ $eq: ['$chats', 0] }, 0, { $divide: ['$serviceTimeDuration', '$chats'] }],
        const sort = { $sort: options.sort || { username: 1 } };
        const params: Document[] = [match, group, project, sort];
        if (onlyCount) {
            params.push({ $count: 'total' });
            return this.col.aggregate(params);
        if (options.offset) {
            params.push({ $skip: options.offset });
        if (options.count) {
            params.push({ $limit: options.count });
        return this.col.aggregate(params, { readPreference: readSecondaryPreferred() });

    setDepartmentByRoomId(roomId: string, departmentId: string) {
        return this.updateOne({ _id: roomId }, { $set: { departmentId } });

    findOpen(extraQuery = {}) {
        return this.find({ t: 'l', open: true, ...extraQuery });

    setAutoTransferOngoingById(roomId: string) {
        const query = {
            _id: roomId,
        const update = {
            $set: {
                autoTransferOngoing: true,

        return this.updateOne(query, update);

    unsetAutoTransferOngoingById(roomId: string) {
        const query = {
            _id: roomId,
        const update = {
            $unset: {
                autoTransferOngoing: 1,

        return this.updateOne(query, update);

    setAutoTransferredAtById(roomId: string) {
        const query = {
            _id: roomId,
        const update = {
            $set: {
                autoTransferredAt: new Date(),

        return this.updateOne(query, update);

    findAvailableSources() {
        return this.col.aggregate([
                $group: {
                    _id: 0,
                    types: {
                        $addToSet: {
                            $cond: {
                                if: {
                                    $eq: ['$source.type', 'app'],
                                then: '$$REMOVE',
                                else: { type: '$source.type' },
                    apps: {
                        $addToSet: {
                            $cond: {
                                if: {
                                    $eq: ['$source.type', 'app'],
                                else: '$$REMOVE',
                                then: {
                                    type: '$source.type',
                                    id: '$',
                                    alias: '$source.alias',
                                    sidebarIcon: '$source.sidebarIcon',
                                    defaultIcon: '$source.defaultIcon',
                $project: {
                    _id: 0,
                    fullTypes: { $setUnion: ['$types', '$apps'] },

    // These 3 methods shouldn't be here :( but current EE model has a meteor dependency
    // And refactoring it could take time
    setTranscriptRequestedPdfById(rid: string) {
        return this.updateOne(
                _id: rid,
                $set: { pdfTranscriptRequested: true },

    unsetTranscriptRequestedPdfById(rid: string) {
        return this.updateOne(
                _id: rid,
                $unset: { pdfTranscriptRequested: 1 },

    setPdfTranscriptFileIdById(rid: string, fileId: string) {
        return this.updateOne(
                _id: rid,
                $set: { pdfTranscriptFileId: fileId },

    setEmailTranscriptRequestedByRoomId(roomId: string, transcriptInfo: NonNullable<IOmnichannelRoom['transcriptRequest']>) {
        const { requestedAt, requestedBy, email, subject } = transcriptInfo;

        return this.updateOne(
                _id: roomId,
                t: 'l',
                $set: {
                    transcriptRequest: {

    unsetEmailTranscriptRequestedByRoomId(roomId: string) {
        return this.updateOne(
                _id: roomId,
                t: 'l',
                $unset: {
                    transcriptRequest: 1,

    closeRoomById(roomId: string, closeInfo: IOmnichannelRoomClosingInfo) {
        const { closer, closedBy, closedAt, chatDuration, serviceTimeDuration, tags } = closeInfo;

        return this.updateOne(
                _id: roomId,
                t: 'l',
                $set: {
                    'metrics.chatDuration': chatDuration,
                    'metrics.serviceTimeDuration': serviceTimeDuration,
                    'v.status': UserStatus.OFFLINE,
                    ...(closer && { closer }),
                    ...(closedBy && { closedBy }),
                    ...(tags && { tags }),
                $unset: {
                    open: 1,

    bulkRemoveDepartmentAndUnitsFromRooms(departmentId: string) {
        return this.updateMany({ departmentId }, { $unset: { departmentId: 1, departmentAncestors: 1 } });

    findOneByIdOrName(_idOrName: string, options: FindOptions<IOmnichannelRoom>) {
        const query: Filter<IOmnichannelRoom> = {
            t: 'l',
            $or: [
                    _id: _idOrName,
                    name: _idOrName,

        return this.findOne(query, options);

    updateSurveyFeedbackById(_id: string, surveyFeedback: string) {
        const query: Filter<IOmnichannelRoom> = {

        const update = {
            $set: {

        return this.updateOne(query, update);

    async updateDataByToken(token: string, key: string, value: any, overwrite = true) {
        const query: Filter<IOmnichannelRoom> = {
            'v.token': token,
            'open': true,

        if (!overwrite) {
            const room = await this.findOne(query, { projection: { livechatData: 1 } });
            if (!room) {
                return false;
            if (room.livechatData && typeof room.livechatData[key] !== 'undefined') {
                return true;

        const update = {
            $set: {
                [`livechatData.${key}`]: value,

        return this.updateMany(query, update);

    async saveRoomById({
    }: {
        _id: string;
        topic?: string;
        tags?: string[];
        livechatData?: Record<string, any>;
    } & Record<string, any>) {
        const setData: DeepWritable<UpdateFilter<IOmnichannelRoom>['$set']> = { ...extra };
        const unsetData: DeepWritable<UpdateFilter<IOmnichannelRoom>['$unset']> = {};

        if (topic != null) {
            const trimmedTopic = topic.trim();
            if (trimmedTopic.length) {
                setData.topic = trimmedTopic;
            } else {
                unsetData.topic = 1;

        if (Array.isArray(tags) && tags.length > 0) {
            setData.tags = tags;
        } else {
            unsetData.tags = 1;

        if (extra.priorityId === '') {
            unsetData.priorityId = 1;
            delete setData.priorityId;
        if (extra.slaId === '') {
            unsetData.slaId = 1;
            delete setData.slaId;

        if (livechatData) {
            Object.keys(livechatData).forEach((key) => {
                const value = livechatData[key].trim();
                if (value) {
                    setData[`livechatData.${key}`] = value;
                } else {
                    unsetData[`livechatData.${key}`] = 1;

        const update: UpdateFilter<IOmnichannelRoom> = {};

        if (Object.keys(setData).length > 0) {
            update.$set = setData;

        if (Object.keys(unsetData).length > 0) {
            update.$unset = unsetData;

        if (Object.keys(update).length === 0) {

        return this.updateOne({ _id }, update);

    findById(_id: string, fields: FindOptions<IOmnichannelRoom>['projection']) {
        const options: FindOptions<IOmnichannelRoom> = {};

        if (fields) {
            options.projection = fields;

        const query: Filter<IOmnichannelRoom> = {
            t: 'l',

        return this.find(query, options);

    findByIds(ids: string[], fields: FindOptions<IOmnichannelRoom>['projection'], extraQuery: Filter<IOmnichannelRoom> = {}) {
        const options: FindOptions<IOmnichannelRoom> = {};

        if (fields) {
            options.projection = fields;

        const query: Filter<IOmnichannelRoom> = {
            t: 'l',
            _id: { $in: ids },

        return this.find(query, options);

    findOneByIdAndVisitorToken(_id: string, visitorToken: string, fields: FindOptions<IOmnichannelRoom>['projection']) {
        const options: FindOptions<IOmnichannelRoom> = {};

        if (fields) {
            options.projection = fields;

        const query: Filter<IOmnichannelRoom> = {
            't': 'l',
            'v.token': visitorToken,

        return this.findOne(query, options);

    findOneByVisitorTokenAndEmailThread(visitorToken: string, emailThread: string[], options: FindOptions<IOmnichannelRoom>) {
        const query: Filter<IOmnichannelRoom> = {
            't': 'l',
            'v.token': visitorToken,
            '$or': [{ 'email.thread': { $elemMatch: { $in: emailThread } } }, { 'email.thread': new RegExp(emailThread.join('|')) }],

        return this.findOne(query, options);

        visitorToken: string,
        emailThread: string[],
        departmentId: string,
        options: FindOptions<IOmnichannelRoom>,
    ) {
        const query: Filter<IOmnichannelRoom> = {
            't': 'l',
            'v.token': visitorToken,
            '$or': [
                { 'email.thread': { $elemMatch: { $in: emailThread } } },
                { 'email.thread': new RegExp( => `"${t}"`).join('|')) },
            ...(departmentId && { departmentId }),

        return this.findOne(query, options);

    findOneOpenByVisitorTokenAndEmailThread(visitorToken: string, emailThread: string[], options: FindOptions<IOmnichannelRoom>) {
        const query: Filter<IOmnichannelRoom> = {
            't': 'l',
            'open': true,
            'v.token': visitorToken,
            '$or': [{ 'email.thread': { $elemMatch: { $in: emailThread } } }, { 'email.thread': new RegExp(emailThread.join('|')) }],

        return this.findOne(query, options);

    updateEmailThreadByRoomId(roomId: string, threadIds: string[]) {
        const query: Filter<IOmnichannelRoom> = {
            $addToSet: {
                'email.thread': threadIds,

        return this.updateOne({ _id: roomId }, query);

    findOneLastServedAndClosedByVisitorToken(visitorToken: string, options: FindOptions<IOmnichannelRoom> = {}) {
        const query: Filter<IOmnichannelRoom> = {
            't': 'l',
            'v.token': visitorToken,
            'closedAt': { $exists: true },
            'servedBy': { $exists: true },

        options.sort = { closedAt: -1 };
        return this.findOne(query, options);

    findOneByVisitorToken(visitorToken: string, fields: FindOptions<IOmnichannelRoom>['projection']) {
        const options: FindOptions<IOmnichannelRoom> = {};

        if (fields) {
            options.projection = fields;

        const query: Filter<IOmnichannelRoom> = {
            't': 'l',
            'v.token': visitorToken,

        return this.findOne(query, options);

    async updateRoomCount() {
        const query: Filter<ISetting> = {
            _id: 'Livechat_Room_Count',

        const update: UpdateFilter<ISetting> = {
            $inc: {
                // @ts-expect-error - Caused by `OnlyFieldsOfType` on mongo which excludes `SettingValue` from $inc
                value: 1,

        const livechatCount = await Settings.findOneAndUpdate(query, update, { returnDocument: 'after' });
        return livechatCount.value;

    findOpenByVisitorToken(visitorToken: string, options: FindOptions<IOmnichannelRoom> = {}, extraQuery: Filter<IOmnichannelRoom> = {}) {
        const query: Filter<IOmnichannelRoom> = {
            't': 'l',
            'open': true,
            'v.token': visitorToken,

        return this.find(query, options);

    findOneOpenByVisitorToken(visitorToken: string, options: FindOptions<IOmnichannelRoom> = {}) {
        const query: Filter<IOmnichannelRoom> = {
            't': 'l',
            'open': true,
            'v.token': visitorToken,

        return this.findOne(query, options);

        visitorToken: string,
        departmentId?: string,
        source?: string,
        options: FindOptions<IOmnichannelRoom> = {},
    ) {
        const query: Filter<IOmnichannelRoom> = {
            't': 'l',
            'open': true,
            'v.token': visitorToken,
            ...(source && { 'source.type': source }),

        return this.findOne(query, options);

        visitorToken: string,
        departmentId: string,
        options: FindOptions<IOmnichannelRoom> = {},
        extraQuery: Filter<IOmnichannelRoom> = {},
    ) {
        const query: Filter<IOmnichannelRoom> = {
            't': 'l',
            'open': true,
            'v.token': visitorToken,

        return this.find(query, options);

    findByVisitorToken(visitorToken: string, extraQuery: Filter<IOmnichannelRoom> = {}) {
        const query: Filter<IOmnichannelRoom> = {
            't': 'l',
            'v.token': visitorToken,

        return this.find(query);

        visitorId?: string,
        agentId?: string,
        options: FindOptions<IOmnichannelRoom> = {},
        extraQuery: Filter<IOmnichannelRoom> = {},
    ) {
        const query: Filter<IOmnichannelRoom> = {
            t: 'l',
            ...(visitorId && { 'v._id': visitorId }),
            ...(agentId && { 'servedBy._id': agentId }),

        return this.find(query, options);

    findOneOpenByRoomIdAndVisitorToken(roomId: string, visitorToken: string, options: FindOptions<IOmnichannelRoom> = {}) {
        const query: Filter<IOmnichannelRoom> = {
            't': 'l',
            '_id': roomId,
            'open': true,
            'v.token': visitorToken,

        return this.findOne(query, options);

    findClosedRooms(departmentIds?: string[], options: FindOptions<IOmnichannelRoom> = {}, extraQuery: Filter<IOmnichannelRoom> = {}) {
        const query: Filter<IOmnichannelRoom> = {
            t: 'l',
            open: { $exists: false },
            closedAt: { $exists: true },
            ...(Array.isArray(departmentIds) && departmentIds.length > 0 && { departmentId: { $in: departmentIds } }),

        return this.find(query, options);

    setResponseByRoomId(roomId: string, responseBy: IOmnichannelRoom['responseBy']) {
        return this.updateOne(
                _id: roomId,
                t: 'l',
                $set: {
                $unset: {
                    waitingResponse: 1,

    setNotResponseByRoomId(roomId: string) {
        return this.updateOne(
                _id: roomId,
                t: 'l',
                $set: {
                    waitingResponse: true,
                $unset: {
                    responseBy: 1,

    setAgentLastMessageTs(roomId: string) {
        return this.updateOne(
                _id: roomId,
                t: 'l',
                $set: {
                    'responseBy.lastMessageTs': new Date(),

    saveAnalyticsDataByRoomId(room: IOmnichannelRoom, message: IMessage, analyticsData: Record<string, string | number | Date>) {
        const update: DeepWritable<UpdateFilter<IOmnichannelRoom>> = {
            $set: {
                ...(analyticsData && {
                    'metrics.response.avg': analyticsData.avgResponseTime,
                ...(analyticsData?.firstResponseTime && {
                    'metrics.reaction.fd': analyticsData.firstReactionDate,
                    'metrics.reaction.ft': analyticsData.firstReactionTime,
                    'metrics.response.fd': analyticsData.firstResponseDate,
                    'metrics.response.ft': analyticsData.firstResponseTime,
            ...(analyticsData && {
                $inc: {
                    '': 1,
                    '': analyticsData.responseTime as number,
                    '': analyticsData.reactionTime as number,

        // livechat analytics : update last message timestamps
        const visitorLastQuery = room.metrics?.v ? room.metrics.v.lq : room.ts;
        const agentLastReply = room.metrics?.servedBy ? : room.ts;

        if (message.token) {
            // update visitor timestamp, only if its new inquiry and not continuing message
            if (agentLastReply >= visitorLastQuery) {
                // if first query, not continuing query from visitor
                // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-non-null-assertion
                update.$set!['metrics.v.lq'] = message.ts;
        } else if (visitorLastQuery > agentLastReply) {
            // update agent timestamp, if first response, not continuing
            // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-non-null-assertion
            update.$set![''] = message.ts;

        return this.updateOne(
                _id: room._id,
                t: 'l',

    getTotalConversationsBetweenDate(t: 'l', date: { gte: Date; lt: Date }, { departmentId }: { departmentId?: string } = {}) {
        const query: Filter<IOmnichannelRoom> = {
            ts: {
                $gte: new Date(date.gte), // ISO Date, ts >= date.gte
                $lt: new Date(, // ISODate, ts <
            ...(departmentId && departmentId !== 'undefined' && { departmentId }),

        return this.col.countDocuments(query);

        t: 'l',
        date: { gte: Date; lt: Date },
        { departmentId }: { departmentId?: string } = {},
        extraQuery: Document = {},
    ) {
        const query: Filter<IOmnichannelRoom> = {
            ts: {
                $gte: new Date(date.gte), // ISO Date, ts >= date.gte
                $lt: new Date(, // ISODate, ts <
            ...(departmentId && departmentId !== 'undefined' && { departmentId }),

        return this.find(query, {
            projection: { ts: 1, departmentId: 1, open: 1, servedBy: 1, metrics: 1, msgs: 1 },

        t: string,
        date: { gte: Date; lt: Date },
        { departmentId }: { departmentId?: string } = {},
        extraQuery: Document = {},
        extraMatchers: Document = {},
    ) {
        return this.col.aggregate<Pick<IOmnichannelRoom, '_id' | 'ts' | 'departmentId' | 'open' | 'servedBy' | 'metrics' | 'msgs'>>(
                    $match: {
                        ts: {
                            $gte: new Date(date.gte), // ISO Date, ts >= date.gte
                            $lt: new Date(, // ISODate, ts <
                        ...(departmentId && departmentId !== 'undefined' && { departmentId }),
                { $addFields: { roomId: '$_id' } },
                    $lookup: {
                        from: 'rocketchat_message',
                        // mongo doesn't like _id as variable name here :(
                        let: { roomId: '$roomId' },
                        pipeline: [
                                $match: {
                                    $expr: {
                                        $and: [
                                                $eq: ['$$roomId', '$rid'],
                                                // this is similar to do { $exists: false }
                                                $lte: ['$t', null],
                                            ...(extraQuery ? [extraQuery] : []),
                        as: 'messages',
                    $unwind: {
                        path: '$messages',
                        preserveNullAndEmptyArrays: true,
                    $group: {
                        _id: {
                            _id: '$_id',
                            ts: '$ts',
                            departmentId: '$departmentId',
                            open: '$open',
                            servedBy: '$servedBy',
                            metrics: '$metrics',
                        messagesCount: {
                            $sum: 1,
                    $project: {
                        _id: '$_id._id',
                        ts: '$_id.ts',
                        departmentId: '$_id.departmentId',
                        open: '$',
                        servedBy: '$_id.servedBy',
                        metrics: '$_id.metrics',
                        msgs: '$messagesCount',
            { readPreference: readSecondaryPreferred() },

    getAnalyticsBetweenDate(date: { gte: Date; lt: Date }, { departmentId }: { departmentId?: string } = {}) {
        return this.col.aggregate<Pick<IOmnichannelRoom, 'ts' | 'departmentId' | 'open' | 'servedBy' | 'metrics' | 'msgs' | 'onHold'>>(
                    $match: {
                        t: 'l',
                        ts: {
                            $gte: new Date(date.gte), // ISO Date, ts >= date.gte
                            $lt: new Date(, // ISODate, ts <
                        ...(departmentId && departmentId !== 'undefined' && { departmentId }),
                { $addFields: { roomId: '$_id' } },
                    $lookup: {
                        from: 'rocketchat_message',
                        // mongo doesn't like _id as variable name here :(
                        let: { roomId: '$roomId' },
                        pipeline: [
                                $match: {
                                    $expr: {
                                        $and: [
                                                $eq: ['$$roomId', '$rid'],
                                                // this is similar to do { $exists: false }
                                                $lte: ['$t', null],
                        as: 'messages',
                    $unwind: {
                        path: '$messages',
                        preserveNullAndEmptyArrays: true,
                    $group: {
                        _id: {
                            _id: '$_id',
                            ts: '$ts',
                            departmentId: '$departmentId',
                            open: '$open',
                            servedBy: '$servedBy',
                            metrics: '$metrics',
                            onHold: '$onHold',
                        messagesCount: {
                            $sum: 1,
                    $project: {
                        _id: '$_id._id',
                        ts: '$_id.ts',
                        departmentId: '$_id.departmentId',
                        open: '$',
                        servedBy: '$_id.servedBy',
                        metrics: '$_id.metrics',
                        msgs: '$messagesCount',
                        onHold: '$_id.onHold',
            { readPreference: readSecondaryPreferred() },

    countOpenByAgent(userId: string, extraQuery: Filter<IOmnichannelRoom> = {}) {
        const query: Filter<IOmnichannelRoom> = {
            't': 'l',
            'open': true,
            'servedBy._id': userId,

        return this.col.countDocuments(query);

    findOpenByAgent(userId: string, extraQuery: Filter<IOmnichannelRoom> = {}) {
        const query: Filter<IOmnichannelRoom> = {
            't': 'l',
            'open': true,
            'servedBy._id': userId,

        return this.find(query);

    changeAgentByRoomId(roomId: string, newAgent: { agentId: string; username: string; ts?: Date }) {
        const query: Filter<IOmnichannelRoom> = {
            _id: roomId,
            t: 'l',
        const update = {
            $set: {
                servedBy: {
                    _id: newAgent.agentId,
                    username: newAgent.username,
                    ts: new Date(),

        if (newAgent.ts) {
            update.$set.servedBy.ts = newAgent.ts;

        return this.updateOne(query, update);

    changeDepartmentIdByRoomId(roomId: string, departmentId: string) {
        const query: Filter<IOmnichannelRoom> = {
            _id: roomId,
            t: 'l',
        const update = {
            $set: {

        return this.updateOne(query, update);

    saveCRMDataByRoomId(roomId: string, crmData: unknown) {
        const query: Filter<IOmnichannelRoom> = {
            _id: roomId,
            t: 'l',
        const update = {
            $set: {

        return this.updateOne(query, update);

    updateVisitorStatus(token: string, status: UserStatus) {
        const query: Filter<IOmnichannelRoom> = {
            'v.token': token,
            'open': true,
            't': 'l',

        const update: UpdateFilter<IOmnichannelRoom> = {
            $set: {
                'v.status': status,

        return this.updateMany(query, update);

    removeAgentByRoomId(roomId: string) {
        const query: Filter<IOmnichannelRoom> = {
            _id: roomId,
            t: 'l',
        const update = {
            $set: { queuedAt: new Date() },
            $unset: { servedBy: 1 },

        return this.updateOne(query, update);

    removeByVisitorToken(token: string) {
        const query: Filter<IOmnichannelRoom> = {
            't': 'l',
            'v.token': token,

        return this.deleteMany(query);

    removeById(_id: string) {
        const query: Filter<IOmnichannelRoom> = {
            t: 'l',

        return this.deleteOne(query);

    setVisitorLastMessageTimestampByRoomId(roomId: string, lastMessageTs: Date) {
        const query = {
            _id: roomId,
        const update = {
            $set: {
                'v.lastMessageTs': lastMessageTs,

        return this.updateOne(query, update);

    setVisitorInactivityInSecondsById(roomId: string, visitorInactivity: number) {
        const query = {
            _id: roomId,
        const update = {
            $set: {
                'metrics.visitorInactivity': visitorInactivity,

        return this.updateOne(query, update);

    changeVisitorByRoomId(roomId: string, { _id, username, token }: { _id: string; username: string; token: string }) {
        const query: Filter<IOmnichannelRoom> = {
            _id: roomId,
            t: 'l',
        const update = {
            $set: {
                'v._id': _id,
                'v.username': username,
                'v.token': token,

        return this.updateOne(query, update);

    unarchiveOneById(roomId: string) {
        const query: Filter<IOmnichannelRoom> = {
            _id: roomId,
            t: 'l',
        const update = {
            $set: {
                open: true,
            $unset: {
                servedBy: 1,
                closedAt: 1,
                closedBy: 1,
                closer: 1,

        return this.updateOne(query, update);

    markVisitorActiveForPeriod(rid: string, period: string): Promise<UpdateResult> {
        const query = {
            _id: rid,

        const update = {
            $addToSet: {
                'v.activity': period,

        return this.updateOne(query, update);

    async getMACStatisticsForPeriod(period: string): Promise<MACStats[]> {
        return this.col
                    $match: {
                        't': 'l',
                        'v.activity': period,
                    $group: {
                        _id: {
                            source: {
                                $ifNull: ['$source.alias', '$source.type'],
                        contactsCount: {
                            $addToSet: '$v._id',
                        conversationsCount: {
                            $sum: 1,
                    $group: {
                        _id: null,
                        sources: {
                            $push: {
                                source: '$_id.source',
                                contactsCount: {
                                    $size: '$contactsCount',
                                conversationsCount: '$conversationsCount',
                        totalContactsCount: {
                            $sum: {
                                $size: '$contactsCount',
                        totalConversationsCount: {
                            $sum: '$conversationsCount',
                    $project: {
                        _id: 0,
                        contactsCount: '$totalContactsCount',
                        conversationsCount: '$totalConversationsCount',
                        sources: 1,

    async getMACStatisticsBetweenDates(start: Date, end: Date): Promise<MACStats[]> {
        return this.col
                    $match: {
                        't': 'l',
                        'v.activity': { $exists: true },
                        'ts': {
                            $gte: start,
                            $lt: end,
                    $group: {
                        _id: {
                            source: {
                                $ifNull: ['$source.alias', '$source.type'],
                        contactsCount: {
                            $addToSet: '$v._id',
                        conversationsCount: {
                            $sum: 1,
                    $group: {
                        _id: null,
                        sources: {
                            $push: {
                                source: '$_id.source',
                                contactsCount: {
                                    $size: '$contactsCount',
                                conversationsCount: '$conversationsCount',
                        totalContactsCount: {
                            $sum: {
                                $size: '$contactsCount',
                        totalConversationsCount: {
                            $sum: '$conversationsCount',
                    $project: {
                        _id: 0,
                        contactsCount: '$totalContactsCount',
                        conversationsCount: '$totalConversationsCount',
                        sources: 1,

    async unsetAllPredictedVisitorAbandonment(): Promise<void> {
        throw new Error('Method not implemented.');

    setOnHoldByRoomId(_roomId: string): Promise<UpdateResult> {
        throw new Error('Method not implemented.');

    unsetOnHoldByRoomId(_roomId: string): Promise<UpdateResult> {
        throw new Error('Method not implemented.');

    unsetOnHoldAndPredictedVisitorAbandonmentByRoomId(_roomId: string): Promise<UpdateResult> {
        throw new Error('Method not implemented.');

        _roomId: string,
        _sla: Pick<IOmnichannelServiceLevelAgreements, '_id' | 'dueTimeInMinutes'>,
    ): Promise<UpdateResult | Document> {
        throw new Error('Method not implemented.');

    removeSlaFromRoomById(_roomId: string): Promise<UpdateResult | Document> {
        throw new Error('Method not implemented.');

    bulkRemoveSlaFromRoomsById(_slaId: string): Promise<UpdateResult | Document> {
        throw new Error('Method not implemented.');

    findOpenBySlaId(_slaId: string, _options: FindOptions<IOmnichannelRoom>): FindCursor<IOmnichannelRoom> {
        throw new Error('Method not implemented.');

    async setPriorityByRoomId(_roomId: string, _priority: Pick<ILivechatPriority, '_id' | 'sortItem'>): Promise<UpdateResult> {
        throw new Error('Method not implemented.');

    async unsetPriorityByRoomId(_roomId: string): Promise<UpdateResult> {
        throw new Error('Method not implemented.');

    findOpenRoomsByPriorityId(_priorityId: string): FindCursor<IOmnichannelRoom> {
        throw new Error('Method not implemented.');

    setPredictedVisitorAbandonmentByRoomId(_rid: string, _willBeAbandonedAt: Date): Promise<UpdateResult> {
        throw new Error('Method not implemented.');

    findAbandonedOpenRooms(_date: Date): FindCursor<IOmnichannelRoom> {
        throw new Error('Method not implemented.');

    async unsetPredictedVisitorAbandonmentByRoomId(_roomId: string): Promise<UpdateResult> {
        throw new Error('Method not implemented.');

    async associateRoomsWithDepartmentToUnit(_departments: string[], _unitId: string): Promise<void> {
        throw new Error('Method not implemented.');

    async removeUnitAssociationFromRooms(_unitId: string): Promise<void> {
        throw new Error('Method not implemented.');

    async updateDepartmentAncestorsById(_rid: string, _departmentAncestors?: string[]): Promise<UpdateResult> {
        throw new Error('Method not implemented.');

    countPrioritizedRooms(): Promise<number> {
        throw new Error('Method not implemented.');

    countRoomsWithSla(): Promise<number> {
        throw new Error('Method not implemented.');

    countRoomsWithPdfTranscriptRequested(): Promise<number> {
        throw new Error('Method not implemented.');

    countRoomsWithTranscriptSent(): Promise<number> {
        throw new Error('Method not implemented.');

    getConversationsBySource(_start: Date, _end: Date, _extraQuery: Filter<IOmnichannelRoom>): AggregationCursor<ReportResult> {
        throw new Error('Method not implemented.');

    getConversationsByStatus(_start: Date, _end: Date, _extraQuery: Filter<IOmnichannelRoom>): AggregationCursor<ReportResult> {
        throw new Error('Method not implemented.');

        _start: Date,
        _end: Date,
        _sort: Record<string, 1 | -1>,
        _extraQuery: Filter<IOmnichannelRoom>,
    ): AggregationCursor<ReportResult> {
        throw new Error('Method not implemented.');

        _start: Date,
        _end: Date,
        _sort: Record<string, 1 | -1>,
        _extraQuery: Filter<IOmnichannelRoom>,
    ): AggregationCursor<ReportResult> {
        throw new Error('Method not implemented.');

        _start: Date,
        _end: Date,
        _sort: Record<string, 1 | -1>,
        _extraQuery: Filter<IOmnichannelRoom>,
    ): AggregationCursor<ReportResult> {
        throw new Error('Method not implemented.');

    getConversationsWithoutTagsBetweenDate(_start: Date, _end: Date, _extraQuery: Filter<IOmnichannelRoom>): Promise<number> {
        throw new Error('Method not implemented.');

    getTotalConversationsWithoutAgentsBetweenDate(_start: Date, _end: Date, _extraQuery: Filter<IOmnichannelRoom>): Promise<number> {
        throw new Error('Method not implemented.');

    getTotalConversationsWithoutDepartmentBetweenDates(_start: Date, _end: Date, _extraQuery: Filter<IOmnichannelRoom>): Promise<number> {
        throw new Error('Method not implemented.');