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2 days
Test Coverage
import type { ILivechatVisitor, ISetting, RocketChatRecordDeleted } from '';
import type { FindPaginated, ILivechatVisitorsModel } from '';
import { Settings } from '';
import { escapeRegExp } from '';
import type {
} from 'mongodb';

import { BaseRaw } from './BaseRaw';

export class LivechatVisitorsRaw extends BaseRaw<ILivechatVisitor> implements ILivechatVisitorsModel {
    constructor(db: Db, trash?: Collection<RocketChatRecordDeleted<ILivechatVisitor>>) {
        super(db, 'livechat_visitor', trash);

    protected modelIndexes(): IndexDescription[] {
        return [
            { key: { token: 1 } },
            { key: { 'phone.phoneNumber': 1 }, sparse: true },
            { key: { 'visitorEmails.address': 1 }, sparse: true },
            { key: { name: 1 }, sparse: true },
            { key: { username: 1 } },
            { key: { 'contactMananger.username': 1 }, sparse: true },
            { key: { 'livechatData.$**': 1 } },
            { key: { activity: 1 }, partialFilterExpression: { activity: { $exists: true } } },
            { key: { disabled: 1 }, partialFilterExpression: { disabled: { $exists: true } } },

    findOneVisitorByPhone(phone: string): Promise<ILivechatVisitor | null> {
        const query = {
            'phone.phoneNumber': phone,

        return this.findOne(query);

    findOneGuestByEmailAddress(emailAddress: string): Promise<ILivechatVisitor | null> {
        const query = {
            'visitorEmails.address': String(emailAddress).toLowerCase(),

        return this.findOne(query);

     * Find visitors by _id
     * @param {string} token - Visitor token
    findById(_id: string, options: FindOptions<ILivechatVisitor>): FindCursor<ILivechatVisitor> {
        const query = {

        return this.find(query, options);

    findEnabled(query: Filter<ILivechatVisitor>, options?: FindOptions<ILivechatVisitor>): FindCursor<ILivechatVisitor> {
        return this.find(
                disabled: { $ne: true },

    findOneEnabledById<T extends Document = ILivechatVisitor>(_id: string, options?: FindOptions<ILivechatVisitor>): Promise<T | null> {
        const query = {
            disabled: { $ne: true },

        return this.findOne<T>(query, options);

    findVisitorByToken(token: string): FindCursor<ILivechatVisitor> {
        const query = {
            disabled: { $ne: true },

        return this.find(query);

    getVisitorByToken(token: string, options: FindOptions<ILivechatVisitor>): Promise<ILivechatVisitor | null> {
        const query = {

        return this.findOne(query, options);

    getVisitorsBetweenDate({ start, end, department }: { start: Date; end: Date; department?: string }): FindCursor<ILivechatVisitor> {
        const query = {
            disabled: { $ne: true },
            _updatedAt: {
                $gte: new Date(start),
                $lt: new Date(end),
            ...(department && department !== 'undefined' && { department }),

        return this.find(query, { projection: { _id: 1 } });

    async getNextVisitorUsername(): Promise<string> {
        const query = {
            _id: 'Livechat_guest_count',

        const update: UpdateFilter<ISetting> = {
            $inc: {
                // @ts-expect-error looks like the typings of ISetting.value conflict with this type of update
                value: 1,

        // TODO remove dependency from another model - this logic should be inside a service/function
        const livechatCount = await Settings.findOneAndUpdate(query, update, { returnDocument: 'after' });

        if (!livechatCount.value) {
            throw new Error("Can't find Livechat_guest_count setting");

        return `guest-${livechatCount.value.value}`;

    findByNameRegexWithExceptionsAndConditions<P extends Document = ILivechatVisitor>(
        searchTerm: string,
        exceptions: string[] = [],
        conditions: Filter<ILivechatVisitor> = {},
        options: FindOptions<P extends ILivechatVisitor ? ILivechatVisitor : P> = {},
    ): AggregationCursor<
        P & {
            custom_name: string;
    > {
        if (!Array.isArray(exceptions)) {
            exceptions = [exceptions];

        const nameRegex = new RegExp(`^${escapeRegExp(searchTerm).trim()}`, 'i');

        const match = {
            $match: {
                name: nameRegex,
                _id: {
                    $nin: exceptions,

        const { projection, sort, skip, limit } = options;
        const project = {
            $project: {
                // TODO: move this logic to client
                custom_name: { $concat: ['$username', ' - ', '$name'] },

        const order = { $sort: sort || { name: 1 } };
        const params: Record<string, unknown>[] = [match, order, skip && { $skip: skip }, limit && { $limit: limit }, project].filter(
        ) as Record<string, unknown>[];

        return this.col.aggregate(params);

     * Find visitors by their email or phone or username or name
    async findPaginatedVisitorsByEmailOrPhoneOrNameOrUsernameOrCustomField(
        emailOrPhone?: string,
        nameOrUsername?: RegExp,
        allowedCustomFields: string[] = [],
        options?: FindOptions<ILivechatVisitor>,
    ): Promise<FindPaginated<FindCursor<ILivechatVisitor>>> {
        if (!emailOrPhone && !nameOrUsername && allowedCustomFields.length === 0) {
            return this.findPaginated({ disabled: { $ne: true } }, options);

        const query: Filter<ILivechatVisitor> = {
            $or: [
                    ? [
                                'visitorEmails.address': emailOrPhone,
                                'phone.phoneNumber': emailOrPhone,
                    : []),
                    ? [
                                name: nameOrUsername,
                                username: nameOrUsername,
                    : []),
       string) => ({ [`livechatData.${c}`]: nameOrUsername })),
            disabled: { $ne: true },

        return this.findPaginated(query, options);

    async findOneByEmailAndPhoneAndCustomField(
        email: string | null | undefined,
        phone: string | null | undefined,
        customFields?: { [key: string]: RegExp },
    ): Promise<ILivechatVisitor | null> {
        const query = Object.assign(
                disabled: { $ne: true },
                ...(email && { visitorEmails: { address: email } }),
                ...(phone && { phone: { phoneNumber: phone } }),

        if (Object.keys(query).length === 1) {
            return null;

        return this.findOne(query);

    async updateLivechatDataByToken(
        token: string,
        key: string,
        value: unknown,
        overwrite = true,
    ): Promise<UpdateResult | Document | boolean> {
        const query = {

        if (!overwrite) {
            const user = await this.getVisitorByToken(token, { projection: { livechatData: 1 } });
            if (user?.livechatData && typeof user.livechatData[key] !== 'undefined') {
                return true;

        const update: UpdateFilter<ILivechatVisitor> = {
            $set: {
                [`livechatData.${key}`]: value,
        } as UpdateFilter<ILivechatVisitor>; // TODO: Remove this cast when TypeScript is updated
        // TypeScript is not smart enough to infer that `messages.${string}` matches keys of `ILivechatVisitor`;

        return this.updateOne(query, update);

    updateLastAgentByToken(token: string, lastAgent: ILivechatVisitor['lastAgent']): Promise<Document | UpdateResult> {
        const query = {

        const update = {
            $set: {

        return this.updateOne(query, update);

    updateById(_id: string, update: UpdateFilter<ILivechatVisitor>): Promise<Document | UpdateResult> {
        return this.updateOne({ _id }, update);

        _id: string,
        data: { name?: string; username?: string; email?: string; phone?: string; livechatData: { [k: string]: any } },
    ): Promise<UpdateResult | Document | boolean> {
        const setData: DeepWriteable<UpdateFilter<ILivechatVisitor>['$set']> = {};
        const unsetData: DeepWriteable<UpdateFilter<ILivechatVisitor>['$unset']> = {};

        if ( {
            if ( {
            } else {
       = 1;

        if ( {
            if ( {
                setData.visitorEmails = [{ address: }];
            } else {
                unsetData.visitorEmails = 1;

        if ( {
            if ( {
       = [{ phoneNumber: }];
            } else {
       = 1;

        if (data.livechatData) {
            Object.keys(data.livechatData).forEach((key) => {
                const value = data.livechatData[key]?.trim();
                if (value) {
                    setData[`livechatData.${key}`] = value;
                } else {
                    unsetData[`livechatData.${key}`] = 1;

        const update: UpdateFilter<ILivechatVisitor> = {
            ...(Object.keys(setData).length && { $set: setData as UpdateFilter<ILivechatVisitor>['$set'] }),
            ...(Object.keys(unsetData).length && { $unset: unsetData as UpdateFilter<ILivechatVisitor>['$unset'] }),

        if (!Object.keys(update).length) {
            return Promise.resolve(true);

        return this.updateOne({ _id }, update);

    removeDepartmentById(_id: string): Promise<UpdateResult> {
        return this.updateOne({ _id }, { $unset: { department: 1 } });

    removeById(_id: string): Promise<DeleteResult> {
        return this.deleteOne({ _id });

    saveGuestEmailPhoneById(_id: string, emails: string[], phones: string[]): Promise<UpdateResult | Document | void> {
        const saveEmail = ([] as string[])
            .filter((email) => email?.trim())
            .map((email) => ({ address: email }));

        const savePhone = ([] as string[])
            .filter((phone) => phone?.trim().replace(/[^\d]/g, ''))
            .map((phone) => ({ phoneNumber: phone }));

        const update: UpdateFilter<ILivechatVisitor> = {
            $addToSet: {
                ...(saveEmail.length && { visitorEmails: { $each: saveEmail } }),
                ...(savePhone.length && { phone: { $each: savePhone } }),

        if (!Object.keys(update.$addToSet as Record<string, any>).length) {
            return Promise.resolve();

        return this.updateOne({ _id }, update);

    removeContactManagerByUsername(manager: string): Promise<Document | UpdateResult> {
        return this.updateMany(
                contactManager: {
                    username: manager,
                $unset: {
                    contactManager: true,

    isVisitorActiveOnPeriod(visitorId: string, period: string): Promise<boolean> {
        const query = {
            _id: visitorId,
            activity: period,

        return this.findOne(query, { projection: { _id: 1 } }).then(Boolean);

    markVisitorActiveForPeriod(visitorId: string, period: string): Promise<UpdateResult> {
        const query = {
            _id: visitorId,

        const update = {
            $push: {
                activity: {
                    $each: [period],
                    $slice: -12,

        return this.updateOne(query, update);

    disableById(_id: string): Promise<UpdateResult> {
        return this.updateOne(
            { _id },
                $set: { disabled: true },
                $unset: {
                    department: 1,
                    contactManager: 1,
                    token: 1,
                    visitorEmails: 1,
                    phone: 1,
                    name: 1,
                    livechatData: 1,
                    lastChat: 1,
                    ip: 1,
                    host: 1,
                    userAgent: 1,
                    username: 1,
                    ts: 1,
                    status: 1,

    countVisitorsOnPeriod(period: string): Promise<number> {
        return this.countDocuments({
            activity: period,

type DeepWriteable<T> = { -readonly [P in keyof T]: DeepWriteable<T[P]> };