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4 days
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import type {
} from '';
import type { FindPaginated, IModerationReportsModel, PaginationParams } from '';
import type { AggregationCursor, Collection, Db, Document, FindCursor, FindOptions, IndexDescription, UpdateResult } from 'mongodb';

import { readSecondaryPreferred } from '../../database/readSecondaryPreferred';
import { BaseRaw } from './BaseRaw';

export class ModerationReportsRaw extends BaseRaw<IModerationReport> implements IModerationReportsModel {
    constructor(db: Db, trash?: Collection<RocketChatRecordDeleted<IModerationReport>>) {
        super(db, 'moderation_reports', trash);

    modelIndexes(): IndexDescription[] | undefined {
        return [
            // TODO deprecated. remove within a migration in v7.0
            // { key: { 'ts': 1, 'reports.ts': 1 } },
            // { key: { 'message.u._id': 1, 'ts': 1 } },
            // { key: { 'reportedUser._id': 1, 'ts': 1 } },
            // { key: { 'message.rid': 1, 'ts': 1 } },
            // { key: { 'message._id': 1, 'ts': 1 } },
            // { key: { userId: 1, ts: 1 } },
            { key: { _hidden: 1, ts: 1 } },
            { key: { 'message._id': 1, '_hidden': 1, 'ts': 1 } },
            { key: { 'message.u._id': 1, '_hidden': 1, 'ts': 1 } },
            { key: { 'reportedUser._id': 1, '_hidden': 1, 'ts': 1 } },

        message: IMessage,
        description: IModerationReport['description'],
        room: IModerationReport['room'],
        reportedBy: IModerationReport['reportedBy'],
    ): ReturnType<BaseRaw<IModerationReport>['insertOne']> {
        const record: Pick<IModerationReport, 'message' | 'description' | 'ts' | 'reportedBy' | 'room'> = {
            ts: new Date(),
        return this.insertOne(record);

        reportedUser: UserReport['reportedUser'],
        description: UserReport['description'],
        reportedBy: UserReport['reportedBy'],
    ): ReturnType<BaseRaw<IModerationReport>['insertOne']> {
        const record = {
            ts: new Date(),

        return this.insertOne(record);

        latest: Date,
        oldest: Date,
        selector: string,
        pagination: PaginationParams<IModerationReport>,
    ): AggregationCursor<IModerationAudit> {
        const query = {
            _hidden: {
                $ne: true,
            ts: {
                $lt: latest,
                $gt: oldest,

        const { sort, offset, count } = pagination;

        const params = [
            { $match: query },
                $group: {
                    _id: { user: '$message.u._id' },
                    reports: { $first: '$$ROOT' },
                    rooms: { $addToSet: '$room' }, // to be replaced with room
                    count: { $sum: 1 },
                $sort: sort || {
                    'reports.ts': -1,
                $skip: offset,
                $limit: count,
                $lookup: {
                    from: 'users',
                    localField: '_id.user',
                    foreignField: '_id',
                    as: 'user',
                $unwind: {
                    path: '$user',
                    preserveNullAndEmptyArrays: true,
                // TODO: maybe clean up the projection, i.e. exclude things we don't need
                $project: {
                    _id: 0,
                    message: '$reports.message.msg',
                    msgId: '$reports.message._id',
                    ts: '$reports.ts',
                    username: '$reports.message.u.username',
                    name: '$',
                    userId: '$reports.message.u._id',
                    isUserDeleted: { $cond: ['$user', false, true] },
                    count: 1,
                    rooms: 1,

        return this.col.aggregate(params, { allowDiskUse: true });

        latest: Date,
        oldest: Date,
        selector: string,
        pagination: PaginationParams<IModerationReport>,
    ): AggregationCursor<Pick<UserReport, '_id' | 'reportedUser' | 'ts'> & { count: number }> {
        const query = {
            _hidden: {
                $ne: true,
            ts: {
                $lt: latest,
                $gt: oldest,

        const { sort, offset, count } = pagination;

        const pipeline = [
            { $match: query },
                $sort: {
                    ts: -1,
                $group: {
                    _id: '$reportedUser._id',
                    count: { $sum: 1 },
                    reports: { $first: '$$ROOT' },
                $sort: sort || {
                    'reports.ts': -1,
                $skip: offset,
                $limit: count,
                $project: {
                    _id: 0,
                    reportedUser: '$reports.reportedUser',
                    ts: '$reports.ts',
                    count: 1,

        return this.col.aggregate(pipeline, { allowDiskUse: true, readPreference: readSecondaryPreferred() });

    async getTotalUniqueReportedUsers(latest: Date, oldest: Date, selector: string, isMessageReports?: boolean): Promise<number> {
        const query = {
            _hidden: {
                $ne: true,
            ts: {
                $lt: latest,
                $gt: oldest,
            ...(isMessageReports ? this.getSearchQueryForSelector(selector) : this.getSearchQueryForSelectorUsers(selector)),

        const field = isMessageReports ? 'message.u._id' : 'reportedUser._id';
        const pipeline = [{ $match: query }, { $group: { _id: `$${field}` } }, { $group: { _id: null, count: { $sum: 1 } } }];

        const result = await this.col.aggregate(pipeline).toArray();
        return result[0]?.count || 0;

    countMessageReportsInRange(latest: Date, oldest: Date, selector: string): Promise<number> {
        return this.col.countDocuments({
            _hidden: { $ne: true },
            ts: { $lt: latest, $gt: oldest },

        userId: string,
        selector: string,
        pagination: PaginationParams<IModerationReport>,
        options: FindOptions<IModerationReport> = {},
    ): FindPaginated<FindCursor<Pick<MessageReport, '_id' | 'message' | 'ts' | 'room'>>> {
        const query = {
            '_hidden': {
                $ne: true,
            'message.u._id': userId,

        const { sort, offset, count } = pagination;

        const fuzzyQuery = selector
            ? {
                    'message.msg': {
                        $regex: selector,
                        $options: 'i',
            : {};

        const params = {
            sort: sort || {
                ts: -1,
            skip: offset,
            limit: count,
            projection: {
                _id: 1,
                message: 1,
                ts: 1,
                room: 1,

        return this.findPaginated({ ...query, ...fuzzyQuery }, params);

        userId: string,
        selector: string,
        pagination: PaginationParams<IModerationReport>,
        options: FindOptions<IModerationReport> = {},
    ): FindPaginated<FindCursor<Omit<UserReport, 'moderationInfo'>>> {
        const query = {
            '_hidden': {
                $ne: true,
            'reportedUser._id': userId,

        const { count, offset, sort } = pagination;

        const opts = {
            sort: sort || {
                ts: -1,
            skip: offset,
            limit: count,
            projection: {
                _id: 1,
                description: 1,
                ts: 1,
                reportedBy: 1,
                reportedUser: 1,

        return this.findPaginated(query, opts);

        messageId: string,
        selector: string,
        pagination: PaginationParams<IModerationReport>,
        options: FindOptions<IModerationReport> = {},
    ): FindPaginated<FindCursor<Pick<IModerationReport, '_id' | 'description' | 'reportedBy' | 'ts' | 'room'>>> {
        const query = {
            '_hidden': {
                $ne: true,
            'message._id': messageId,

        const { count, offset, sort } = pagination;

        const opts = {
            sort: sort || {
                ts: -1,
            skip: offset,
            limit: count,
            projection: {
                _id: 1,
                description: 1,
                ts: 1,
                reportedBy: 1,
                room: 1,

        return this.findPaginated(query, opts);

    async hideMessageReportsByMessageId(messageId: string, userId: string, reason: string, action: string): Promise<UpdateResult | Document> {
        const query = {
            'message._id': messageId,

        const update = {
            $set: {
                _hidden: true,
                moderationInfo: { hiddenAt: new Date(), moderatedBy: userId, reason, action },

        return this.updateMany(query, update);

    async hideMessageReportsByUserId(userId: string, moderatorId: string, reason: string, action: string): Promise<UpdateResult | Document> {
        const query = {
            'message.u._id': userId,

        const update = {
            $set: {
                _hidden: true,
                moderationInfo: { hiddenAt: new Date(), moderatedBy: moderatorId, reason, action },
        return this.updateMany(query, update);

    async hideUserReportsByUserId(userId: string, moderatorId: string, reason: string, action: string): Promise<UpdateResult | Document> {
        const query = {
            'reportedUser._id': userId,

        const update = {
            $set: {
                _hidden: true,
                moderationInfo: { hiddenAt: new Date(), moderatedBy: moderatorId, reason, action },

        return this.updateMany(query, update);

    private getSearchQueryForSelector(selector?: string): any {
        const messageExistsQuery = { message: { $exists: true } };
        if (!selector) {
            return messageExistsQuery;
        return {
            $or: [
                    'message.msg': {
                        $regex: selector,
                        $options: 'i',
                    description: {
                        $regex: selector,
                        $options: 'i',
                    'message.u.username': {
                        $regex: selector,
                        $options: 'i',
                    '': {
                        $regex: selector,
                        $options: 'i',

    private getSearchQueryForSelectorUsers(selector?: string): any {
        const messageAbsentQuery = { message: { $exists: false } };
        if (!selector) {
            return messageAbsentQuery;
        return {
            $or: [
                    'reportedUser.username': {
                        $regex: selector,
                        $options: 'i',
                    '': {
                        $regex: selector,
                        $options: 'i',