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import type {
} from '';
import type { FindPaginated, IRoomsModel, IChannelsWithNumberOfMessagesBetweenDate } from '';
import { Subscriptions } from '';
import { escapeRegExp } from '';
import type {
} from 'mongodb';

import { readSecondaryPreferred } from '../../database/readSecondaryPreferred';
import { BaseRaw } from './BaseRaw';

export class RoomsRaw extends BaseRaw<IRoom> implements IRoomsModel {
    constructor(db: Db, trash?: Collection<RocketChatRecordDeleted<IRoom>>) {
        super(db, 'room', trash);

    modelIndexes(): IndexDescription[] {
        return [
                key: { name: 1 },
                unique: true,
                sparse: true,
                key: { default: 1 },
                sparse: true,
                key: { featured: 1 },
                sparse: true,
                key: { muted: 1 },
                sparse: true,
                key: { 'u._id': 1 },
                key: { ts: 1 },
            // discussions
                key: { prid: 1 },
                sparse: true,
                key: { fname: 1 },
                sparse: true,
            // field used for DMs only
                key: { uids: 1 },
                sparse: true,
                key: { createdOTR: 1 },
                sparse: true,
                key: { encrypted: 1 },
                sparse: true,
            }, // used on statistics
                key: { broadcast: 1 },
                sparse: true,
            }, // used on statistics
                key: {
                    teamId: 1,
                    teamDefault: 1,
                sparse: true,
            { key: { t: 1, ts: 1 } },

    findOneByRoomIdAndUserId(rid: IRoom['_id'], uid: IUser['_id'], options: FindOptions<IRoom> = {}): Promise<IRoom | null> {
        const query: Filter<IRoom> = {
            '_id': rid,
            'u._id': uid,

        return this.findOne(query, options);

    findManyByRoomIds(roomIds: Array<IRoom['_id']>, options: FindOptions<IRoom> = {}): FindCursor<IRoom> {
        const query: Filter<IRoom> = {
            _id: {
                $in: roomIds,

        return this.find(query, options);

        roomIds: Array<IRoom['_id']>,
        options: FindOptions<IRoom> = {},
    ): FindPaginated<FindCursor<IRoom & { isLastOwner?: boolean }>> {
        return this.findPaginated(
                _id: { $in: roomIds },

    async getMostRecentAverageChatDurationTime(
        numberMostRecentChats: number,
        department?: string,
    ): Promise<{ props: { _id: IRoom['_id']; avgChatDuration: number } }> {
        const aggregate = [
                $match: {
                    t: 'l',
                    ...(department && { departmentId: department }),
                    closedAt: { $exists: true },
            { $sort: { closedAt: -1 } },
            { $limit: numberMostRecentChats },
                $group: {
                    _id: null,
                    chats: { $sum: 1 },
                    sumChatDuration: { $sum: '$metrics.chatDuration' },
            { $project: { _id: '$_id', avgChatDuration: { $divide: ['$sumChatDuration', '$chats'] } } },

        const [statistic] = await this.col
            .aggregate<{ props: { _id: IRoom['_id']; avgChatDuration: number } }>(aggregate, { readPreference: readSecondaryPreferred() })
        return statistic;

        name: NonNullable<IRoom['name']>,
        types: Array<IRoom['t']>,
        discussion = false,
        teams = false,
        options: FindOptions<IRoom> = {},
    ): FindPaginated<FindCursor<IRoom>> {
        const nameRegex = new RegExp(escapeRegExp(name).trim(), 'i');

        const nameCondition: Filter<IRoom> = {
            $or: [
                { name: nameRegex, federated: { $ne: true } },
                { fname: nameRegex },
                    t: 'd',
                    usernames: nameRegex,

        const query: Filter<IRoom> = {
            $and: [
                name ? nameCondition : {},
                types?.length || discussion || teams
                    ? {
                            $or: [
                                    t: {
                                        $in: types,
                                ...(discussion ? [{ prid: { $exists: true } }] : []),
                                ...(teams ? [{ teamMain: { $exists: true } }] : []),
                    : {},
            ...(!discussion ? { prid: { $exists: false } } : {}),
            ...(!teams ? { teamMain: { $exists: false } } : {}),

        return this.findPaginated(query, options);

    findByTeamId(teamId: ITeam['_id'], options: FindOptions<IRoom> = {}): FindCursor<IRoom> {
        const query: Filter<IRoom> = {
            teamMain: {
                $exists: false,

        return this.find(query, options);

        teamId: ITeam['_id'],
        name: IRoom['name'],
        teamDefault: boolean,
        ids: Array<IRoom['_id']> | undefined,
        options: FindOptions<IRoom> = {},
    ): FindPaginated<FindCursor<IRoom>> {
        const query: Filter<IRoom> = {
            teamMain: {
                $exists: false,
            ...(name ? { name: new RegExp(escapeRegExp(name), 'i') } : {}),
            ...(teamDefault === true ? { teamDefault } : {}),
            ...(ids ? { $or: [{ t: 'c' }, { _id: { $in: ids } }] } : {}),

        return this.findPaginated(query, options);

    findByTeamIdAndRoomsId(teamId: ITeam['_id'], rids: Array<IRoom['_id']>, options: FindOptions<IRoom> = {}): FindCursor<IRoom> {
        const query: Filter<IRoom> = {
            _id: {
                $in: rids,

        return this.find(query, options);

    findRoomsByNameOrFnameStarting(name: NonNullable<IRoom['name'] | IRoom['fname']>, options: FindOptions<IRoom> = {}): FindCursor<IRoom> {
        const nameRegex = new RegExp(`^${escapeRegExp(name).trim()}`, 'i');

        const query: Filter<IRoom> = {
            t: {
                $in: ['c', 'p'],
            $or: [
                    name: nameRegex,
                    fname: nameRegex,

        return this.find(query, options);

        name: NonNullable<IRoom['name']>,
        roomIds: Array<IRoom['_id']>,
        options: FindOptions<IRoom> = {},
    ): FindCursor<IRoom> {
        const nameRegex = new RegExp(`^${escapeRegExp(name).trim()}`, 'i');

        const query: Filter<IRoom> = {
            _id: {
                $in: roomIds,
            t: {
                $in: ['c', 'p'],
            name: nameRegex,
            $or: [
                    teamId: {
                        $exists: false,
                    teamId: {
                        $exists: true,
                    _id: {
                        $in: roomIds,
            prid: { $exists: false },
            $and: [{ $or: [{ federated: { $exists: false } }, { federated: false }] }],

        return this.find(query, options);

        name: NonNullable<IRoom['name']>,
        roomIds: Array<IRoom['_id']>,
        options: FindOptions<IRoom> = {},
    ): FindPaginated<FindCursor<IRoom>> {
        const nameRegex = new RegExp(`^${escapeRegExp(name).trim()}`, 'i');

        const query: Filter<IRoom> = {
            _id: {
                $in: roomIds,
            t: {
                $in: ['c', 'p'],
            name: nameRegex,
            $or: [
                    teamId: {
                        $exists: false,
                    teamId: {
                        $exists: true,
                    _id: {
                        $in: roomIds,
            prid: { $exists: false },
            $and: [{ $or: [{ federated: { $exists: false } }, { federated: false }] }],

        return this.findPaginated(query, options);

        name: NonNullable<IRoom['name']>,
        groupsToAccept: Array<IRoom['_id']>,
        options: FindOptions<IRoom> = {},
    ): FindCursor<IRoom> {
        const nameRegex = new RegExp(`^${escapeRegExp(name).trim()}`, 'i');

        const query: Filter<IRoom> = {
            teamId: {
                $exists: false,
            prid: {
                $exists: false,
            _id: {
                $in: groupsToAccept,
            name: nameRegex,
            $and: [{ $or: [{ federated: { $exists: false } }, { federated: false }] }],
        return this.find(query, options);

    unsetTeamId(teamId: ITeam['_id'], options: UpdateOptions = {}): Promise<Document | UpdateResult> {
        const query: Filter<IRoom> = { teamId };
        const update: UpdateFilter<IRoom> = {
            $unset: {
                teamId: '',
                teamDefault: '',
                teamMain: '',

        return this.updateMany(query, update, options);

    unsetTeamById(rid: IRoom['_id'], options: UpdateOptions = {}): Promise<UpdateResult> {
        return this.updateOne({ _id: rid }, { $unset: { teamId: '', teamDefault: '' } }, options);

        rid: IRoom['_id'],
        teamId: ITeam['_id'],
        teamDefault: IRoom['teamDefault'],
        options: UpdateOptions = {},
    ): Promise<UpdateResult> {
        return this.updateOne({ _id: rid }, { $set: { teamId, teamDefault } }, options);

    setTeamMainById(rid: IRoom['_id'], teamId: ITeam['_id'], options: UpdateOptions = {}): Promise<UpdateResult> {
        return this.updateOne({ _id: rid }, { $set: { teamId, teamMain: true } }, options);

    setTeamByIds(rids: Array<IRoom['_id']>, teamId: ITeam['_id'], options: UpdateOptions = {}): Promise<Document | UpdateResult> {
        return this.updateMany({ _id: { $in: rids } }, { $set: { teamId } }, options);

        rid: IRoom['_id'],
        teamDefault: NonNullable<IRoom['teamDefault']>,
        options: UpdateOptions = {},
    ): Promise<UpdateResult> {
        return this.updateOne({ _id: rid }, { $set: { teamDefault } }, options);

    }: {
        start: number;
        end: number;
        startOfLastWeek: number;
        endOfLastWeek: number;
        options?: any;
    }) {
        const lookup = {
            $lookup: {
                from: 'rocketchat_analytics',
                localField: '_id',
                foreignField: 'room._id',
                as: 'messages',
        const messagesProject = {
            $project: {
                room: '$$ROOT',
                messages: {
                    $filter: {
                        input: '$messages',
                        as: 'message',
                        cond: {
                            $and: [{ $gte: ['$$', start] }, { $lte: ['$$', end] }],
                lastWeekMessages: {
                    $filter: {
                        input: '$messages',
                        as: 'message',
                        cond: {
                            $and: [{ $gte: ['$$', startOfLastWeek] }, { $lte: ['$$', endOfLastWeek] }],
        const messagesUnwind = {
            $unwind: {
                path: '$messages',
                preserveNullAndEmptyArrays: true,
        const messagesGroup = {
            $group: {
                _id: {
                    _id: '$room._id',
                room: { $first: '$room' },
                messages: { $sum: '$messages.messages' },
                lastWeekMessages: { $first: '$lastWeekMessages' },
        const lastWeekMessagesUnwind = {
            $unwind: {
                path: '$lastWeekMessages',
                preserveNullAndEmptyArrays: true,
        const lastWeekMessagesGroup = {
            $group: {
                _id: {
                    _id: '$room._id',
                room: { $first: '$room' },
                messages: { $first: '$messages' },
                lastWeekMessages: { $sum: '$lastWeekMessages.messages' },
        const presentationProject = {
            $project: {
                _id: 0,
                room: {
                    _id: '$_id._id',
                    name: { $ifNull: ['$', '$room.fname'] },
                    ts: '$room.ts',
                    t: '$room.t',
                    _updatedAt: '$room._updatedAt',
                    usernames: '$room.usernames',
                messages: '$messages',
                lastWeekMessages: '$lastWeekMessages',
                diffFromLastWeek: { $subtract: ['$messages', '$lastWeekMessages'] },
        const firstParams = [
        const sort = { $sort: options?.sort || { messages: -1 } };
        const params: Exclude<Parameters<Collection<IRoom>['aggregate']>[0], undefined> = [...firstParams, sort];

        if (options?.offset) {
            params.push({ $skip: options.offset });

        if (options?.count) {
            params.push({ $limit: options.count });

        return params;

    findChannelsWithNumberOfMessagesBetweenDate(params: {
        start: number;
        end: number;
        startOfLastWeek: number;
        endOfLastWeek: number;
        options?: any;
    }): AggregationCursor<IChannelsWithNumberOfMessagesBetweenDate> {
        const aggregationParams = this.getChannelsWithNumberOfMessagesBetweenDateQuery(params);
        return this.col.aggregate<IChannelsWithNumberOfMessagesBetweenDate>(aggregationParams, {
            allowDiskUse: true,
            readPreference: readSecondaryPreferred(),

    countChannelsWithNumberOfMessagesBetweenDate(params: {
        start: number;
        end: number;
        startOfLastWeek: number;
        endOfLastWeek: number;
        options?: any;
    }): AggregationCursor<{ total: number }> {
        const aggregationParams = this.getChannelsWithNumberOfMessagesBetweenDateQuery(params);
        aggregationParams.push({ $count: 'total' });

        return this.col.aggregate<{ total: number }>(aggregationParams, {
            allowDiskUse: true,
            readPreference: readSecondaryPreferred(),

    findOneByNameOrFname(name: NonNullable<IRoom['name'] | IRoom['fname']>, options: FindOptions<IRoom> = {}): Promise<IRoom | null> {
        const query = {
            $or: [
                    fname: name,

        return this.findOne(query, options);

    findOneByJoinCodeAndId(joinCode: string, rid: IRoom['_id'], options: FindOptions<IRoom> = {}): Promise<IRoom | null> {
        const query: Filter<IRoom> = {
            _id: rid,

        return this.findOne(query, options);

    async findOneByNonValidatedName(name: NonNullable<IRoom['name'] | IRoom['fname']>, options: FindOptions<IRoom> = {}) {
        const room = await this.findOneByNameOrFname(name, options);
        if (room) {
            return room;

        return this.findOneByName(name, options);

    findOneByName(name: NonNullable<IRoom['name']>, options: FindOptions<IRoom> = {}): Promise<IRoom | null> {
        return this.col.findOne({ name }, options);

    findDefaultRoomsForTeam(teamId: ITeam['_id']): FindCursor<IRoom> {
        return this.col.find({
            teamDefault: true,
            teamMain: {
                $exists: false,

    incUsersCountByIds(ids: Array<IRoom['_id']>, inc = 1): Promise<Document | UpdateResult> {
        const query: Filter<IRoom> = {
            _id: {
                $in: ids,

        const update: UpdateFilter<IRoom> = {
            $inc: {
                usersCount: inc,

        return this.updateMany(query, update);

    allRoomSourcesCount(): AggregationCursor<{ _id: Required<IOmnichannelGenericRoom['source']>; count: number }> {
        return this.col.aggregate([
                $match: {
                    source: {
                        $exists: true,
                    t: 'l',
                $group: {
                    _id: '$source',
                    count: { $sum: 1 },

    findByBroadcast(options: FindOptions<IRoom> = {}): FindCursor<IRoom> {
        return this.find(
                broadcast: true,

    findByActiveLivestream(options: FindOptions<IRoom> = {}): FindCursor<IRoom> {
        return this.find(
                'streamingOptions.type': 'livestream',

    setAsFederated(roomId: IRoom['_id']): Promise<UpdateResult> {
        return this.updateOne({ _id: roomId }, { $set: { federated: true } });

    setRoomTypeById(roomId: IRoom['_id'], roomType: IRoom['t']): Promise<UpdateResult> {
        return this.updateOne({ _id: roomId }, { $set: { t: roomType } });

    setRoomNameById(roomId: IRoom['_id'], name: IRoom['name']): Promise<UpdateResult> {
        return this.updateOne({ _id: roomId }, { $set: { name } });

    setFnameById(_id: IRoom['_id'], fname: IRoom['fname']): Promise<UpdateResult> {
        const query: Filter<IRoom> = { _id };

        const update: UpdateFilter<IRoom> = {
            $set: {

        return this.updateOne(query, update);

    setRoomTopicById(roomId: IRoom['_id'], topic: IRoom['description']): Promise<UpdateResult> {
        return this.updateOne({ _id: roomId }, { $set: { description: topic } });

    findByE2E(options: FindOptions<IRoom> = {}): FindCursor<IRoom> {
        return this.find(
                encrypted: true,

    findE2ERoomById(roomId: IRoom['_id'], options: FindOptions<IRoom> = {}): Promise<IRoom | null> {
        return this.findOne(
                _id: roomId,
                encrypted: true,

    findRoomsInsideTeams(autoJoin = false): FindCursor<IRoom> {
        return this.find({
            teamId: { $exists: true },
            teamMain: { $exists: false },
            ...(autoJoin && { teamDefault: true }),

    countByType(t: IRoom['t']): Promise<number> {
        return this.col.countDocuments({ t });

        searchTerm: RegExp | null,
        teamIds: Array<ITeam['_id']>,
        roomIds: Array<IRoom['_id']>,
        options: FindOptions<IRoom> = {},
    ): FindPaginated<FindCursor<IRoom>> {
        const query: Filter<IRoom> = {
            $and: [
                { teamMain: { $exists: false } },
                { prid: { $exists: false } },
                    $or: [
                            t: 'c',
                            teamId: { $exists: false },
                            t: 'c',
                            teamId: { $in: teamIds },
                        ...(roomIds?.length > 0
                            ? [
                                        _id: {
                                            $in: roomIds,
                            : []),
                    ? [
                                $or: [
                                        name: searchTerm,
                                        fname: searchTerm,
                    : []),

        return this.findPaginated(query, options);

        searchTerm: RegExp | null,
        rids: Array<IRoom['_id']>,
        options: FindOptions<IRoom> = {},
    ): FindPaginated<FindCursor<IRoom>> {
        const query: Filter<IRoom> = {
            teamMain: true,
            $and: [
                    $or: [
                            t: 'p',
                            _id: {
                                $in: rids,
                            t: 'c',

        if (searchTerm && query.$and) {
                $or: [
                        name: searchTerm,
                        fname: searchTerm,

        return this.findPaginated(query, options);

        type: IRoom['t'],
        ids: Array<IRoom['_id']>,
        options: FindOptions<IRoom> = {},
    ): FindPaginated<FindCursor<IRoom>> {
        const query: Filter<IRoom> = {
            t: type,
            _id: {
                $in: ids,

        return this.findPaginated(query, options);

    findOneDirectRoomContainingAllUserIDs(uid: IDirectMessageRoom['uids'], options: FindOptions<IRoom> = {}): Promise<IRoom | null> {
        const query: Filter<IRoom> = {
            t: 'd',
            uids: { $size: uid.length, $all: uid },

        return this.findOne<IRoom>(query, options);

    findFederatedRooms(options: FindOptions<IRoom> = {}): FindCursor<IRoomFederated> {
        const query: Filter<IRoom> = {
            federated: true,

        return this.find<IRoomFederated>(query, options);

    findCountOfRoomsWithActiveCalls(): Promise<number> {
        const query: Filter<IRoom> = {
            // No matter the actual "status" of the call, if the room has a callStatus, it means there is/was a call
            callStatus: { $exists: true },

        return this.col.countDocuments(query);

    async findBiggestFederatedRoomInNumberOfUsers(options?: FindOptions<IRoom>): Promise<IRoom | undefined> {
        const asc = false;

        return this.findFederatedRoomByAmountOfUsers(options, asc);

    async findFederatedRoomByAmountOfUsers(options?: FindOptions<IRoom>, asc = true): Promise<IRoom | undefined> {
        const query = {
            federated: true,

        const room = await (
            await this.find(query, options)
                .sort({ usersCount: asc ? 1 : -1 })

        return room;

    async findSmallestFederatedRoomInNumberOfUsers(options?: FindOptions<IRoom>): Promise<IRoom | undefined> {
        const asc = true;

        return this.findFederatedRoomByAmountOfUsers(options, asc);

    async countFederatedRooms(): Promise<number> {
        return this.col.countDocuments({ federated: true });

    incMsgCountById(_id: IRoom['_id'], inc = 1): Promise<UpdateResult> {
        const query: Filter<IRoom> = { _id };

        const update: UpdateFilter<IRoom> = {
            $inc: {
                msgs: inc,

        return this.updateOne(query, update);

    decreaseMessageCountById(_id: IRoom['_id'], count = 1) {
        return this.incMsgCountById(_id, -count);

    findOneByIdOrName(_idOrName: IRoom['_id'] | IRoom['name'], options: FindOptions<IRoom> = {}): Promise<IRoom | null> {
        const query: Filter<IRoom> = {
            $or: [
                    _id: _idOrName,
                    name: _idOrName,

        return this.findOne(query, options);

    setCallStatus(_id: IRoom['_id'], status: IRoom['callStatus']): Promise<UpdateResult> {
        const query: Filter<IRoom> = {

        const update: UpdateFilter<IRoom> = {
            $set: {
                callStatus: status,

        return this.updateOne(query, update);

    setCallStatusAndCallStartTime(_id: IRoom['_id'], status: IRoom['callStatus']): Promise<UpdateResult> {
        const query: Filter<IRoom> = {

        const update: UpdateFilter<IRoom> = {
            $set: {
                callStatus: status,
                webRtcCallStartTime: new Date(),

        return this.updateOne(query, update);

    setReactionsInLastMessage(roomId: IRoom['_id'], reactions: IMessage['reactions']): Promise<UpdateResult> {
        return this.updateOne({ _id: roomId }, { $set: { 'lastMessage.reactions': reactions } });

    unsetReactionsInLastMessage(roomId: IRoom['_id']): Promise<UpdateResult> {
        return this.updateOne({ _id: roomId }, { $unset: { 'lastMessage.reactions': 1 } });

    unsetAllImportIds(): Promise<Document | UpdateResult> {
        const query: Filter<IRoom> = {
            importIds: {
                $exists: true,

        const update: UpdateFilter<IRoom> = {
            $unset: {
                importIds: 1,

        return this.updateMany(query, update);

    updateLastMessageStar(roomId: IRoom['_id'], userId: IUser['_id'], starred: boolean): Promise<UpdateResult> {
        let update: UpdateFilter<IRoom>;
        const query: Filter<IRoom> = { _id: roomId };

        if (starred) {
            update = {
                $addToSet: {
                    'lastMessage.starred': { _id: userId },
        } else {
            update = {
                $pull: {
                    'lastMessage.starred': { _id: userId },

        return this.updateOne(query, update);

        roomId: IRoom['_id'],
        pinnedBy: IMessage['pinnedBy'],
        pinned: IMessage['pinned'],
        pinnedAt: IMessage['pinnedAt'],
    ): Promise<UpdateResult> {
        const query: Filter<IRoom> = { _id: roomId };

        const update: UpdateFilter<IRoom> = {
            $set: {
                'lastMessage.pinned': pinned,
                'lastMessage.pinnedAt': pinnedAt || new Date(),
                'lastMessage.pinnedBy': pinnedBy,

        return this.updateOne(query, update);

    setLastMessageAsRead(roomId: IRoom['_id']): Promise<UpdateResult> {
        return this.updateOne(
                _id: roomId,
                $unset: {
                    'lastMessage.unread': 1,

    setDescriptionById(_id: IRoom['_id'], description: IRoom['description']): Promise<UpdateResult> {
        const query: Filter<IRoom> = {
        const update: UpdateFilter<IRoom> = {
            $set: {
        return this.updateOne(query, update);

    setStreamingOptionsById(_id: IRoom['_id'], streamingOptions: IRoom['streamingOptions']): Promise<UpdateResult> {
        const update: UpdateFilter<IRoom> = {
            $set: {
        return this.updateOne({ _id }, update);

    setReadOnlyById(_id: IRoom['_id'], readOnly: NonNullable<IRoom['ro']>): Promise<UpdateResult> {
        const query: Filter<IRoom> = {
        const update: UpdateFilter<IRoom> = {
            $set: {
                ro: readOnly,

        return this.updateOne(query, update);

        _id: IRoom['_id'],
        ids: Array<IRoom['_id']>,
        readOnly: NonNullable<IRoom['ro']>,
        reactWhenReadOnly: NonNullable<IRoom['reactWhenReadOnly']>,
    ): Promise<Document | UpdateResult> {
        const query: Filter<IRoom> = {
            uids: {
                $size: 2,
                $in: [_id],
            ...(ids && Array.isArray(ids) ? { _id: { $in: ids } } : {}),
            t: 'd',

        const update: UpdateFilter<IRoom> = {
            $set: {
                ro: readOnly,

        return this.updateMany(query, update);

    getDirectConversationsByUserId(_id: IRoom['_id'], options: FindOptions<IRoom> = {}): FindCursor<IRoom> {
        return this.find({ t: 'd', uids: { $size: 2, $in: [_id] } }, options);

    // 2
    setAllowReactingWhenReadOnlyById(_id: IRoom['_id'], allowReacting: NonNullable<IRoom['reactWhenReadOnly']>): Promise<UpdateResult> {
        const query: Filter<IRoom> = {
        const update: UpdateFilter<IRoom> = {
            $set: {
                reactWhenReadOnly: allowReacting,
        return this.updateOne(query, update);

    setAvatarData(_id: IRoom['_id'], origin: string, etag: IRoom['avatarETag']): Promise<UpdateResult> {
        const update: UpdateFilter<IRoom> = {
            $set: {
                avatarOrigin: origin,
                avatarETag: etag,

        return this.updateOne({ _id }, update);

    unsetAvatarData(_id: IRoom['_id']): Promise<UpdateResult> {
        const update: UpdateFilter<IRoom> = {
            $set: {
            $unset: {
                avatarOrigin: 1,

        return this.updateOne({ _id }, update);

    setSystemMessagesById(_id: IRoom['_id'], systemMessages: IRoom['sysMes']): Promise<UpdateResult> {
        const query: Filter<IRoom> = {
        const update: UpdateFilter<IRoom> =
            Array.isArray(systemMessages) && systemMessages.length > 0
                ? {
                        $set: {
                            sysMes: systemMessages,
                : {
                        $unset: {
                            sysMes: '',

        return this.updateOne(query, update);

    setE2eKeyId(_id: IRoom['_id'], e2eKeyId: IRoom['e2eKeyId'], options: UpdateOptions = {}): Promise<UpdateResult> {
        const query: Filter<IRoom> = {

        const update: UpdateFilter<IRoom> = {
            $set: {

        return this.updateOne(query, update, options);

    findOneByImportId(_id: IRoom['_id'], options: FindOptions<IRoom> = {}): Promise<IRoom | null> {
        const query: Filter<IRoom> = { importIds: _id };

        return this.findOne(query, options);

    findOneByNameAndNotId(name: NonNullable<IRoom['name']>, rid: IRoom['_id']): Promise<IRoom | null> {
        const query: Filter<IRoom> = {
            _id: { $ne: rid },

        return this.findOne(query);

    findOneByDisplayName(fname: IRoom['fname'], options: FindOptions<IRoom> = {}): Promise<IRoom | null> {
        const query: Filter<IRoom> = { fname };

        return this.findOne(query, options);

        name: NonNullable<IRoom['name']>,
        type: IRoom['t'],
        options: FindOptions<IRoom> = {},
        includeFederatedRooms = false,
    ): Promise<IRoom | null> {
        const query: Filter<IRoom> = {
            t: type,
            teamId: {
                $exists: false,
                ? { $or: [{ $and: [{ $or: [{ federated: { $exists: false } }, { federated: false }], name }] }, { federated: true, fname: name }] }
                : { $or: [{ federated: { $exists: false } }, { federated: false }], name }),

        return this.findOne(query, options);

    // FIND
    findById(roomId: IRoom['_id'], options: FindOptions<IRoom> = {}): Promise<IRoom | null> {
        return this.findOne({ _id: roomId }, options);

    findByIds(roomIds: Array<IRoom['_id']>, options: FindOptions<IRoom> = {}): FindCursor<IRoom> {
        return this.find({ _id: { $in: roomIds } }, options);

    findByType(type: IRoom['t'], options: FindOptions<IRoom> = {}): FindCursor<IRoom> {
        const query: Filter<IRoom> = { t: type };

        return this.find(query, options);

    findByTypeInIds(type: IRoom['t'], ids: Array<IRoom['_id']>, options: FindOptions<IRoom> = {}): FindCursor<IRoom> {
        const query: Filter<IRoom> = {
            _id: {
                $in: ids,
            t: type,

        return this.find(query, options);

    async findBySubscriptionUserId(userId: IUser['_id'], options: FindOptions<IRoom> = {}): Promise<FindCursor<IRoom>> {
        const data = (await Subscriptions.findByUserId(userId, { projection: { rid: 1 } }).toArray()).map((item) => item.rid);

        const query: Filter<IRoom> = {
            _id: {
                $in: data,
            $or: [
                    teamId: {
                        $exists: false,
                    teamId: {
                        $exists: true,
                    _id: {
                        $in: data,

        return this.find(query, options);

    async findBySubscriptionUserIdUpdatedAfter(
        userId: IUser['_id'],
        _updatedAt: IRoom['_updatedAt'],
        options: FindOptions<IRoom> = {},
    ): Promise<FindCursor<IRoom>> {
        const ids = (await Subscriptions.findByUserId(userId, { projection: { rid: 1 } }).toArray()).map((item) => item.rid);

        const query: Filter<IRoom> = {
            _id: {
                $in: ids,
            _updatedAt: {
                $gt: _updatedAt,
            $or: [
                    teamId: {
                        $exists: false,
                    teamId: {
                        $exists: true,
                    _id: {
                        $in: ids,

        return this.find(query, options);

        name: IRoom['name'] | RegExp,
        type: IRoom['t'],
        options: FindOptions<IRoom> = {},
        includeFederatedRooms = false,
    ): FindCursor<IRoom> {
        const query: Filter<IRoom> = {
            t: type,
            default: {
                $ne: true,
            $and: [
                    $or: [
                            teamId: {
                                $exists: false,
                            teamMain: true,
                    ? {
                            $or: [{ $and: [{ $or: [{ federated: { $exists: false } }, { federated: false }], name }] }, { federated: true, fname: name }],
                    : { $or: [{ federated: { $exists: false } }, { federated: false }], name },

        // do not use cache
        return this.find(query, options);

    // 3
        name: IRoom['name'] | RegExp,
        types: Array<IRoom['t']>,
        ids: Array<IRoom['_id']>,
        options: FindOptions<IRoom> = {},
        includeFederatedRooms = false,
    ): FindCursor<IRoom> {
        const nameCondition: Filter<IRoom> = {
            $or: [{ name }, { fname: name }],
        const query: Filter<IRoom> = {
            _id: {
                $nin: ids,
            t: {
                $in: types,
            $and: [
                    $or: [
                            teamId: {
                                $exists: false,
                            teamId: {
                                $exists: true,
                            _id: {
                                $in: ids,
                            // Also return the main room of public teams
                            // this will have no effect if the method is called without the 'c' type, as the type filter is outside the $or group.
                            teamMain: true,
                            t: 'c',
                    ? {
                            $or: [
                                { $and: [{ $or: [{ federated: { $exists: false } }, { federated: false }] }, nameCondition] },
                                { federated: true, fname: name },
                    : { $and: [{ $or: [{ federated: { $exists: false } }, { federated: false }] }, nameCondition] },

        // do not use cache
        return this.find(query, options);

    findByDefaultAndTypes(defaultValue: boolean, types: Array<IRoom['t']>, options: FindOptions<IRoom> = {}): FindCursor<IRoom> {
        const query: Filter<IRoom> = {
            t: {
                $in: types,
            ...(defaultValue ? { default: true } : { default: { $ne: true } }),

        return this.find(query, options);

        usernames: NonNullable<IRoom['usernames']>,
        options: FindOptions<IRoom> = {},
    ): Promise<IRoom | null> {
        const query: Filter<IRoom> = {
            t: 'd',
            usernames: { $size: usernames.length, $all: usernames },
            usersCount: usernames.length,

        return this.findOne(query, options);

    findByTypeAndName(type: IRoom['t'], name: NonNullable<IRoom['name']>, options: FindOptions<IRoom> = {}): Promise<IRoom | null> {
        const query: Filter<IRoom> = {
            t: type,

        return this.findOne(query, options);

        type: IRoom['t'],
        identifier: NonNullable<IRoom['name'] | IRoom['_id']>,
        options: FindOptions<IRoom> = {},
    ): Promise<IRoom | null> {
        const query: Filter<IRoom> = {
            t: type,
            $or: [{ name: identifier }, { _id: identifier }],

        return this.findOne(query, options);

    findByTypeAndNameContaining(type: IRoom['t'], name: NonNullable<IRoom['name']>, options: FindOptions<IRoom> = {}): FindCursor<IRoom> {
        const nameRegex = new RegExp(escapeRegExp(name).trim(), 'i');

        const query: Filter<IRoom> = {
            name: nameRegex,
            t: type,

        return this.find(query, options);

        type: IRoom['t'],
        ids: Array<IRoom['_id']>,
        name: NonNullable<IRoom['name']>,
        options: FindOptions<IRoom> = {},
    ): FindCursor<IRoom> {
        const nameRegex = new RegExp(escapeRegExp(name).trim(), 'i');

        const query: Filter<IRoom> = {
            _id: {
                $in: ids,
            name: nameRegex,
            t: type,

        return this.find(query, options);

    findGroupDMsByUids(uids: NonNullable<IRoom['uids']>, options: FindOptions<IDirectMessageRoom> = {}): FindCursor<IDirectMessageRoom> {
        return this.find(
                usersCount: { $gt: 2 },
                uids: { $in: uids },

    find1On1ByUserId(userId: IRoom['_id'], options: FindOptions<IRoom> = {}): FindCursor<IRoom> {
        return this.find(
                uids: userId,
                usersCount: 2,

    findByCreatedOTR(): FindCursor<IRoom> {
        return this.find({ createdOTR: true });

    // UPDATE
    addImportIds(_id: IRoom['_id'], importIds: string[]): Promise<UpdateResult> {
        const query: Filter<IRoom> = { _id };

        const update: UpdateFilter<IRoom> = {
            $addToSet: {
                importIds: {
                    $each: ([] as string[]).concat(importIds),

        return this.updateOne(query, update);

    archiveById(_id: IRoom['_id']): Promise<UpdateResult> {
        const query: Filter<IRoom> = { _id };

        const update: UpdateFilter<IRoom> = {
            $set: {
                archived: true,

        return this.updateOne(query, update);

    unarchiveById(_id: IRoom['_id']): Promise<UpdateResult> {
        const query: Filter<IRoom> = { _id };

        const update: UpdateFilter<IRoom> = {
            $set: {
                archived: false,

        return this.updateOne(query, update);

    setNameById(_id: IRoom['_id'], name: IRoom['name'], fname: IRoom['fname']): Promise<UpdateResult> {
        const query: Filter<IRoom> = { _id };

        const update: UpdateFilter<IRoom> = {
            $set: {

        return this.updateOne(query, update);

        _id: IRoom['_id'],
        inc = 1,
        lastMessageTimestamp: NonNullable<IRoom['lm']>,
        lastMessage?: IMessage,
    ): Promise<UpdateResult> {
        const query: Filter<IRoom> = { _id };

        const update: UpdateFilter<IRoom> = {
            $set: {
                lm: lastMessageTimestamp,
                ...(lastMessage ? { lastMessage } : {}),
            $inc: {
                msgs: inc,

        return this.updateOne(query, update);

    incUsersCountById(_id: IRoom['_id'], inc = 1): Promise<UpdateResult> {
        const query: Filter<IRoom> = { _id };

        const update: UpdateFilter<IRoom> = {
            $inc: {
                usersCount: inc,

        return this.updateOne(query, update);

    // 4
    incUsersCountNotDMsByIds(ids: Array<IRoom['_id']>, inc = 1): Promise<Document | UpdateResult> {
        const query: Filter<IRoom> = {
            _id: {
                $in: ids,
            t: { $ne: 'd' },

        const update: UpdateFilter<IRoom> = {
            $inc: {
                usersCount: inc,

        return this.updateMany(query, update);

    setLastMessageById(_id: IRoom['_id'], lastMessage: IRoom['lastMessage']): Promise<UpdateResult> {
        const query: Filter<IRoom> = { _id };

        const update: UpdateFilter<IRoom> = {
            $set: {

        return this.updateOne(query, update);

    async resetLastMessageById(_id: IRoom['_id'], lastMessage: IRoom['lastMessage'] | null, msgCountDelta?: number): Promise<UpdateResult> {
        const query: Filter<IRoom> = { _id };

        const update = {
            ...(lastMessage ? { $set: { lastMessage } } : { $unset: { lastMessage: 1 as const } }),
            ...(msgCountDelta ? { $inc: { msgs: msgCountDelta } } : {}),

        return this.updateOne(query, update);

    replaceUsername(previousUsername: IUser['username'], username: IUser['username']): Promise<Document | UpdateResult> {
        const query: Filter<IRoom> = { usernames: previousUsername };

        const update: UpdateFilter<IRoom> = {
            $set: {
                'usernames.$': username,

        return this.updateMany(query, update);

    replaceMutedUsername(previousUsername: IUser['username'], username: IUser['username']): Promise<Document | UpdateResult> {
        const query: Filter<IRoom> = { muted: previousUsername };

        const update: UpdateFilter<IRoom> = {
            $set: {
                'muted.$': username,

        return this.updateMany(query, update);

    replaceUsernameOfUserByUserId(userId: IUser['_id'], username: IUser['username']): Promise<Document | UpdateResult> {
        const query: Filter<IRoom> = { 'u._id': userId };

        const update: UpdateFilter<IRoom> = {
            $set: {
                'u.username': username,

        return this.updateMany(query, update);

    setJoinCodeById(_id: IRoom['_id'], joinCode: string): Promise<UpdateResult> {
        let update: UpdateFilter<IRoom>;
        const query: Filter<IRoom> = { _id };

        if ((joinCode != null ? joinCode.trim() : undefined) !== '') {
            update = {
                $set: {
                    joinCodeRequired: true,
        } else {
            update = {
                $set: {
                    joinCodeRequired: false,
                $unset: {
                    joinCode: 1,

        return this.updateOne(query, update);

    setTypeById(_id: IRoom['_id'], type: IRoom['t']): Promise<UpdateResult> {
        const query: Filter<IRoom> = { _id };
        const update: UpdateFilter<IRoom> = {
            $set: {
                t: type,
        if (type === 'p') {
            update.$unset = { default: '' };

        return this.updateOne(query, update);

    setTopicById(_id: IRoom['_id'], topic: IRoom['topic']): Promise<UpdateResult> {
        const query: Filter<IRoom> = { _id };

        const update: UpdateFilter<IRoom> = {
            $set: {

        return this.updateOne(query, update);

        _id: IRoom['_id'],
        announcement: IRoom['announcement'],
        announcementDetails: IRoom['announcementDetails'],
    ): Promise<UpdateResult> {
        const query: Filter<IRoom> = { _id };

        const update: UpdateFilter<IRoom> = {
            $set: {

        return this.updateOne(query, update);

    setCustomFieldsById(_id: IRoom['_id'], customFields: IRoom['customFields']): Promise<UpdateResult> {
        const query: Filter<IRoom> = { _id };

        const update: UpdateFilter<IRoom> = {
            $set: {

        return this.updateOne(query, update);

    muteUsernameByRoomId(_id: IRoom['_id'], username: IUser['username']): Promise<UpdateResult> {
        const query: Filter<IRoom> = { _id };

        const update: UpdateFilter<IRoom> = {
            $addToSet: {
                muted: username,
            $pull: {
                unmuted: username,

        return this.updateOne(query, update);

    muteReadOnlyUsernameByRoomId(_id: IRoom['_id'], username: IUser['username']): Promise<UpdateResult> {
        const query: Filter<IRoom> = { _id, ro: true };

        const update: UpdateFilter<IRoom> = {
            $pull: {
                unmuted: username,

        return this.updateOne(query, update);

    unmuteMutedUsernameByRoomId(_id: IRoom['_id'], username: IUser['username']): Promise<UpdateResult> {
        const query: Filter<IRoom> = { _id };

        const update: UpdateFilter<IRoom> = {
            $pull: {
                muted: username,

        return this.updateOne(query, update);

    unmuteReadOnlyUsernameByRoomId(_id: string, username: string): Promise<UpdateResult> {
        const query: Filter<IRoom> = { _id, ro: true };

        const update: UpdateFilter<IRoom> = {
            $pull: {
                muted: username,
            $addToSet: {
                unmuted: username,

        return this.updateOne(query, update);

    saveFeaturedById(_id: IRoom['_id'], featured: string | boolean): Promise<UpdateResult> {
        const query: Filter<IRoom> = { _id };
        const set = ['true', true].includes(featured);

        const update: UpdateFilter<IRoom> = {
            [set ? '$set' : '$unset']: {
                featured: true,

        return this.updateOne(query, update);

    saveDefaultById(_id: IRoom['_id'], defaultValue: boolean): Promise<UpdateResult> {
        const query: Filter<IRoom> = { _id };

        const update: UpdateFilter<IRoom> = {
            $set: {
                default: defaultValue,

        return this.updateOne(query, update);

    saveFavoriteById(_id: IRoom['_id'], favorite: IRoom['favorite'], defaultValue: boolean): Promise<UpdateResult> {
        const query: Filter<IRoom> = { _id };

        const update: UpdateFilter<IRoom> = {
            ...(favorite && defaultValue && { $set: { favorite } }),
            ...((!favorite || !defaultValue) && { $unset: { favorite: 1 } }),

        return this.updateOne(query, update);

    saveRetentionEnabledById(_id: IRoom['_id'], value: boolean): Promise<UpdateResult> {
        const query: Filter<IRoom> = { _id };

        const update: UpdateFilter<IRoom> = {};

        if (value == null) {
            update.$unset = { 'retention.enabled': true };
        } else {
            update.$set = { 'retention.enabled': !!value };

        return this.updateOne(query, update);

    saveRetentionMaxAgeById(_id: IRoom['_id'], value = 30): Promise<UpdateResult> {
        const query: Filter<IRoom> = { _id };

        const update: UpdateFilter<IRoom> = {
            $set: {
                'retention.maxAge': value,

        return this.updateOne(query, update);

    saveRetentionExcludePinnedById(_id: IRoom['_id'], value: boolean): Promise<UpdateResult> {
        const query: Filter<IRoom> = { _id };

        const update: UpdateFilter<IRoom> = {
            $set: {
                'retention.excludePinned': value === true,

        return this.updateOne(query, update);

    // 5
    saveRetentionIgnoreThreadsById(_id: IRoom['_id'], value: boolean): Promise<UpdateResult> {
        const query: Filter<IRoom> = { _id };

        const update: UpdateFilter<IRoom> = {
            [value === true ? '$set' : '$unset']: {
                'retention.ignoreThreads': true,

        return this.updateOne(query, update);

    saveRetentionFilesOnlyById(_id: IRoom['_id'], value: boolean): Promise<UpdateResult> {
        const query: Filter<IRoom> = { _id };

        const update: UpdateFilter<IRoom> = {
            $set: {
                'retention.filesOnly': value === true,

        return this.updateOne(query, update);

    saveRetentionOverrideGlobalById(_id: IRoom['_id'], value: boolean): Promise<UpdateResult> {
        const query: Filter<IRoom> = { _id };

        const update: UpdateFilter<IRoom> = {
            $set: {
                'retention.overrideGlobal': value === true,

        return this.updateOne(query, update);

    saveEncryptedById(_id: IRoom['_id'], value: boolean): Promise<UpdateResult> {
        const query: Filter<IRoom> = { _id };

        const update: UpdateFilter<IRoom> = {
            $set: {
                encrypted: value === true,

        return this.updateOne(query, update);

    updateGroupDMsRemovingUsernamesByUsername(username: string, userId: string): Promise<Document | UpdateResult> {
        const query: Filter<IRoom> = {
            t: 'd',
            usernames: username,
            usersCount: { $gt: 2 },

        const update: UpdateFilter<IRoom> = {
            $pull: {
                usernames: username,
                uids: userId,

        return this.updateMany(query, update);

    async createWithIdTypeAndName(
        _id: IRoom['_id'],
        type: IRoom['t'],
        name: IRoom['name'],
        extraData?: Record<string, string>,
    ): Promise<IRoom> {
        const room: IRoom = {
            ts: new Date(),
            t: type,
            usernames: [],
            msgs: 0,
            usersCount: 0,
            _updatedAt: new Date(),
            u: {
                _id: '',
                username: '',
                name: 'Rocket.Cat',

        Object.assign(room, extraData);

        await this.insertOne(room);
        return room;

    async createWithFullRoomData(room: Omit<IRoom, '_id' | '_updatedAt'>): Promise<IRoom> {
        const newRoom: IRoom = {
            _id: (await this.insertOne(room)).insertedId,
            _updatedAt: new Date(),

        return newRoom;

    // REMOVE
    removeById(_id: IRoom['_id']): Promise<DeleteResult> {
        const query: Filter<IRoom> = { _id };

        return this.deleteOne(query);

    removeByIds(ids: Array<IRoom['_id']>): Promise<DeleteResult> {
        return this.deleteMany({ _id: { $in: ids } });

    removeDirectRoomContainingUsername(username: string): Promise<DeleteResult> {
        const query: Filter<IRoom> = {
            t: 'd',
            usernames: username,
            usersCount: { $lte: 2 },

        return this.deleteMany(query);

    countDiscussions(): Promise<number> {
        return this.col.countDocuments({ prid: { $exists: true } });

    setOTRForDMByRoomID(rid: IRoom['_id']): Promise<UpdateResult> {
        const query: Filter<IRoom> = { _id: rid, t: 'd' };

        const update: UpdateFilter<IRoom> = {
            $set: {
                createdOTR: true,

        return this.updateOne(query, update);