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Test Coverage
import type {
} from '';
import type { ISubscriptionsModel } from '';
import { Rooms, Users } from '';
import { escapeRegExp } from '';
import { compact } from 'lodash';
import mem from 'mem';
import type {
} from 'mongodb';

import { getDefaultSubscriptionPref } from '../../../app/utils/lib/getDefaultSubscriptionPref';
import { BaseRaw } from './BaseRaw';

export class SubscriptionsRaw extends BaseRaw<ISubscription> implements ISubscriptionsModel {
    constructor(db: Db, trash?: Collection<RocketChatRecordDeleted<ISubscription>>) {
        super(db, 'subscription', trash);

    protected modelIndexes(): IndexDescription[] {
        // Add all indexes from constructor to here
        return [
            { key: { E2EKey: 1 }, unique: true, sparse: true },
            { key: { 'rid': 1, 'u._id': 1 }, unique: true },
            { key: { 'rid': 1, 'u._id': 1, 'open': 1 } },
            { key: { 'rid': 1, 'u.username': 1 } },
            { key: { 'rid': 1, 'alert': 1, 'u._id': 1 } },
            { key: { rid: 1, roles: 1 } },
            { key: { 'u._id': 1, 'name': 1, 't': 1 } },
            { key: { name: 1, t: 1 } },
            { key: { open: 1 } },
            { key: { alert: 1 } },
            { key: { ts: 1 } },
            { key: { ls: 1 } },
            { key: { desktopNotifications: 1 }, sparse: true },
            { key: { mobilePushNotifications: 1 }, sparse: true },
            { key: { emailNotifications: 1 }, sparse: true },
            { key: { autoTranslate: 1 }, sparse: true },
            { key: { autoTranslateLanguage: 1 }, sparse: true },
            { key: { 'userHighlights.0': 1 }, sparse: true },
            { key: { prid: 1 } },
            { key: { 'u._id': 1, 'open': 1, 'department': 1 } },
            { key: { rid: 1, ls: 1 } },
            { key: { 'u._id': 1, 'autotranslate': 1 } },

    async getBadgeCount(uid: string): Promise<number> {
        const [result] = await this.col
            .aggregate<{ total: number }>([
                { $match: { 'u._id': uid, 'archived': { $ne: true } } },
                    $group: {
                        _id: 'total',
                        total: { $sum: '$unread' },

        return result?.total || 0;

    findOneByRoomIdAndUserId(rid: string, uid: string, options: FindOptions<ISubscription> = {}): Promise<ISubscription | null> {
        const query = {
            'u._id': uid,

        return this.findOne(query, options);

    findByUserIdAndRoomIds(userId: string, roomIds: Array<string>, options: FindOptions<ISubscription> = {}): FindCursor<ISubscription> {
        const query = {
            'u._id': userId,
            'rid': {
                $in: roomIds,

        return this.find(query, options);

    findByRoomId(roomId: string, options: FindOptions<ISubscription> = {}): FindCursor<ISubscription> {
        const query = {
            rid: roomId,

        return this.find(query, options);

    findUnarchivedByRoomId(roomId: string, options: FindOptions<ISubscription> = {}): FindCursor<ISubscription> {
        const query = {
            'rid': roomId,
            'archived': { $ne: true },
            'u._id': { $exists: true },

        return this.find(query, options);

    findByRoomIdAndNotUserId(roomId: string, userId: string, options: FindOptions<ISubscription> = {}): FindCursor<ISubscription> {
        const query = {
            'rid': roomId,
            'u._id': {
                $ne: userId,

        return this.find(query, options);

    countByRoomIdAndNotUserId(rid: string, uid: string): Promise<number> {
        const query = {
            'u._id': {
                $ne: uid,

        return this.col.countDocuments(query);

    findByLivechatRoomIdAndNotUserId(roomId: string, userId: string, options: FindOptions<ISubscription> = {}): FindCursor<ISubscription> {
        const query = {
            'rid': roomId,
            'servedBy._id': {
                $ne: userId,

        return this.find(query, options);

    countByRoomIdAndUserId(rid: string, uid: string | undefined): Promise<number> {
        const query = {
            'u._id': uid,

        return this.col.countDocuments(query);

    countUnarchivedByRoomId(rid: string): Promise<number> {
        const query = {
            'archived': { $ne: true },
            'u._id': { $exists: true },
        return this.col.countDocuments(query);

    async isUserInRole(uid: IUser['_id'], roleId: IRole['_id'], rid?: IRoom['_id']): Promise<boolean> {
        if (rid == null) {
            return false;

        const query = {
            'u._id': uid,
            'roles': roleId,

        return !!(await this.findOne(query, { projection: { _id: 1 } }));

        rid: string,
        uid: string,
        readThreads = false,
        alert = false,
        options: FindOptions<ISubscription> = {},
    ): ReturnType<BaseRaw<ISubscription>['update']> {
        const query: Filter<ISubscription> = {
            'u._id': uid,

        const update = {
            ...(readThreads && {
                $unset: {
                    tunread: 1,
                    tunreadUser: 1,
                    tunreadGroup: 1,
                } as const,
            $set: {
                open: true,
                unread: 0,
                userMentions: 0,
                groupMentions: 0,
                ls: new Date(),

        return this.updateOne(query, update, options);

    removeRolesByUserId(uid: IUser['_id'], roles: IRole['_id'][], rid: IRoom['_id']): Promise<UpdateResult> {
        const query = {
            'u._id': uid,

        const update = {
            $pullAll: {

        return this.updateOne(query, update);

    findUsersInRoles(roles: IRole['_id'][], rid: string | undefined): Promise<FindCursor<IUser>>;

    findUsersInRoles(roles: IRole['_id'][], rid: string | undefined, options: FindOptions<IUser>): Promise<FindCursor<IUser>>;

    findUsersInRoles<P extends Document = IUser>(
        roles: IRole['_id'][],
        rid: string | undefined,
        options: FindOptions<P extends IUser ? IUser : P>,
    ): Promise<FindCursor<P>>;

    async findUsersInRoles<P extends Document = IUser>(
        roles: IRole['_id'][],
        rid: IRoom['_id'] | undefined,
        options?: FindOptions<P extends IUser ? IUser : P>,
    ): Promise<FindCursor<P>> {
        const query = {
            roles: { $in: roles },
            ...(rid && { rid }),

        const subscriptions = await this.find(query, { projection: { 'u._id': 1 } }).toArray();

        const users = compact( => subscription.u?._id).filter(Boolean));

        // TODO remove dependency to other models - this logic should be inside a function/service
        return Users.find<P>({ _id: { $in: users } }, options || {});

    addRolesByUserId(uid: IUser['_id'], roles: IRole['_id'][], rid?: IRoom['_id']): Promise<UpdateResult> {
        if (!Array.isArray(roles)) {
            roles = [roles];
            process.env.NODE_ENV === 'development' && console.warn('[WARN] Subscriptions.addRolesByUserId: roles should be an array');

        const query = {
            'u._id': uid,

        const update = {
            $addToSet: {
                roles: { $each: roles },

        return this.updateOne(query, update);

    async isUserInRoleScope(uid: IUser['_id'], rid?: IRoom['_id']): Promise<boolean> {
        const query = {
            'u._id': uid,

        if (!rid) {
            return false;
        const options = {
            projection: { _id: 1 },

        const found = await this.findOne(query, options);
        return !!found;

    async updateAllRoomTypesByRoomId(roomId: IRoom['_id'], roomType: RoomType): Promise<void> {
        await this.updateMany({ rid: roomId }, { $set: { t: roomType } });

    async updateAllRoomNamesByRoomId(roomId: IRoom['_id'], name: string, fname: string): Promise<void> {
        await this.updateMany({ rid: roomId }, { $set: { name, fname } });

    findByRolesAndRoomId({ roles, rid }: { roles: string; rid?: string }, options?: FindOptions<ISubscription>): FindCursor<ISubscription> {
        return this.find(
                ...(rid && { rid }),
            options || {},

    findByUserIdAndTypes(userId: string, types: ISubscription['t'][], options?: FindOptions<ISubscription>): FindCursor<ISubscription> {
        const query = {
            'u._id': userId,
            't': {
                $in: types,

        return this.find(query, options || {});

    async removeByRoomId(roomId: string): Promise<number> {
        const query = {
            rid: roomId,

        const result = (await this.deleteMany(query)).deletedCount;

        if (typeof result === 'number' && result > 0) {
            await Rooms.incUsersCountByIds([roomId], -result);

        await Users.removeRoomByRoomId(roomId);

        return result;

    async findConnectedUsersExcept(
        userId: string,
        searchTerm: string,
        exceptions: string[],
        searchFields: string[],
        extraConditions: Filter<IUser>,
        limit: number,
        roomType?: ISubscription['t'],
        { startsWith = false, endsWith = false }: { startsWith?: string | false; endsWith?: string | false } = {},
        options: AggregateOptions = {},
    ): Promise<SpotlightUser[]> {
        const termRegex = new RegExp((startsWith ? '^' : '') + escapeRegExp(searchTerm) + (endsWith ? '$' : ''), 'i');
        const orStatement = searchFields.reduce((acc, el) => {
            acc.push({ [el.trim()]: termRegex });
            return acc;
        }, [] as { [x: string]: RegExp }[]);

        return this.col
                    // Match all subscriptions of the requester
                        $match: {
                            'u._id': userId,
                            ...(roomType ? { t: roomType } : {}),
                    // Group by room id and drop all other subcription data
                        $group: {
                            _id: '$rid',
                    // find all subscriptions to the same rooms by other users
                        $lookup: {
                            from: 'rocketchat_subscription',
                            as: 'subscription',
                            let: {
                                rid: '$_id',
                            pipeline: [{ $match: { '$expr': { $eq: ['$rid', '$$rid'] }, 'u._id': { $ne: userId } } }],
                    // Unwind the subscription so we have a separate document for each
                        $unwind: {
                            path: '$subscription',
                    // Group the data by user id, keeping track of how many documents each user had
                        $group: {
                            _id: '$subscription.u._id',
                            score: {
                                $sum: 1,
                    // Load the data for the subscription's user, ignoring those who don't match the search terms
                        $lookup: {
                            from: 'users',
                            as: 'user',
                            let: { id: '$_id' },
                            pipeline: [
                                    $match: {
                                        $expr: { $eq: ['$_id', '$$id'] },
                                        active: true,
                                        username: {
                                            $exists: true,
                                            ...(exceptions.length > 0 && { $nin: exceptions }),
                                        ...(searchTerm && orStatement.length > 0 && { $or: orStatement }),
                    // Discard documents that didn't load any user data in the previous step:
                        $unwind: {
                            path: '$user',
                    // Use group to organize the data at the same time that we pick what to project to the end result
                        $group: {
                            _id: '$_id',
                            score: {
                                $sum: '$score',
                            name: { $first: '$' },
                            username: { $first: '$user.username' },
                            nickname: { $first: '$user.nickname' },
                            status: { $first: '$user.status' },
                            statusText: { $first: '$user.statusText' },
                            avatarETag: { $first: '$user.avatarETag' },
                    // Sort by score
                        $sort: {
                            score: -1,
                    // Limit the number of results
                        $limit: limit,

    incUnreadForRoomIdExcludingUserIds(roomId: IRoom['_id'], userIds: IUser['_id'][], inc: number): Promise<UpdateResult | Document> {
        if (inc == null) {
            inc = 1;
        const query = {
            'rid': roomId,
            'u._id': {
                $nin: userIds,

        const update = {
            $set: {
                alert: true,
                open: true,
            $inc: {
                unread: inc,

        return this.updateMany(query, update);

    setAlertForRoomIdExcludingUserId(roomId: IRoom['_id'], userId: IUser['_id']): Promise<UpdateResult | Document> {
        const query = {
            'rid': roomId,
            'u._id': {
                $ne: userId,
            'alert': { $ne: true },

        const update = {
            $set: {
                alert: true,
        return this.updateMany(query, update);

    setOpenForRoomIdExcludingUserId(roomId: IRoom['_id'], userId: IUser['_id']): Promise<UpdateResult | Document> {
        const query = {
            'rid': roomId,
            'u._id': {
                $ne: userId,
            'open': { $ne: true },

        const update = {
            $set: {
                open: true,
        return this.updateMany(query, update);

    updateNameAndFnameByRoomId(roomId: string, name: string, fname: string): Promise<UpdateResult | Document> {
        const query = { rid: roomId };

        const update = {
            $set: {

        return this.updateMany(query, update);

    async setGroupE2EKey(_id: string, key: string): Promise<ISubscription | null> {
        const query = { _id };
        const update = { $set: { E2EKey: key } };
        await this.updateOne(query, update);
        return this.findOneById(_id);

    setGroupE2ESuggestedKey(_id: string, key: string): Promise<UpdateResult | Document> {
        const query = { _id };
        const update = { $set: { E2ESuggestedKey: key } };
        return this.updateOne(query, update);

    unsetGroupE2ESuggestedKey(_id: string): Promise<UpdateResult | Document> {
        const query = { _id };
        return this.updateOne(query, { $unset: { E2ESuggestedKey: 1 } });

    setOnHoldByRoomId(rid: string): Promise<UpdateResult> {
        return this.updateOne({ rid }, { $set: { onHold: true } });

    unsetOnHoldByRoomId(rid: string): Promise<UpdateResult> {
        return this.updateOne({ rid }, { $unset: { onHold: 1 } });

    findByRoomIds(roomIds: string[]): FindCursor<ISubscription> {
        const query = {
            rid: {
                $in: roomIds,
        const options = {
            projection: {
                'u._id': 1,
                'rid': 1,

        return this.find(query, options);

    removeByVisitorToken(token: string): Promise<DeleteResult> {
        const query = {
            'v.token': token,

        return this.deleteMany(query);

    updateAutoTranslateById(_id: string, autoTranslate: boolean): Promise<UpdateResult> {
        const query = {

        let update: UpdateFilter<ISubscription>;
        if (autoTranslate) {
            update = {
                $set: {
        } else {
            update = {
                $unset: {
                    autoTranslate: 1,

        return this.updateOne(query, update);

    updateAllAutoTranslateLanguagesByUserId(userId: IUser['_id'], language: string): Promise<UpdateResult | Document> {
        const query = {
            'u._id': userId,
            'autoTranslate': true,

        const update: UpdateFilter<ISubscription> = {
            $set: {
                autoTranslateLanguage: language,

        return this.updateMany(query, update);

    disableAutoTranslateByRoomId(roomId: IRoom['_id']): Promise<UpdateResult | Document> {
        const query = {
            rid: roomId,

        return this.updateMany(query, { $unset: { autoTranslate: 1 } });

    updateAutoTranslateLanguageById(_id: string, autoTranslateLanguage: string): Promise<UpdateResult> {
        const query = {

        const update: UpdateFilter<ISubscription> = {
            $set: {

        return this.updateOne(query, update);

    getAutoTranslateLanguagesByRoomAndNotUser(rid: string, userId: string): Promise<(string | undefined)[]> {
        const query = {
            'u._id': { $ne: userId },
            'autoTranslate': true,
        return this.col.distinct('autoTranslateLanguage', query);

     * @param {string} userId
     * @param {string} scope the value for the role scope (room id)
    roleBaseQuery(userId: string, scope?: string): Filter<ISubscription> | void {
        if (scope == null) {

        const query = { 'u._id': userId, ...(scope !== undefined && { rid: scope }) };
        return query;

    findByRidWithoutE2EKey(rid: string, options: FindOptions<ISubscription>): FindCursor<ISubscription> {
        const query = {
            E2EKey: {
                $exists: false,

        return this.find(query, options);

    updateAudioNotificationValueById(_id: string, audioNotificationValue: string): Promise<UpdateResult> {
        const query = {

        const update: UpdateFilter<ISubscription> = {
            $set: {

        return this.updateOne(query, update);

    clearAudioNotificationValueById(_id: string): Promise<UpdateResult> {
        const query = {

        const update: UpdateFilter<ISubscription> = {
            $unset: {
                audioNotificationValue: 1,

        return this.updateOne(query, update);

        _id: string,
        notificationPref: { value: number; origin: string } | null,
        notificationField: keyof ISubscription,
        notificationPrefOrigin: keyof ISubscription,
    ): Promise<UpdateResult> {
        const query = {

        const update: UpdateFilter<ISubscription> = {};

        if (notificationPref === null) {
            update.$unset = {
                [notificationField]: 1,
                [notificationPrefOrigin]: 1,
        } else {
            // @ts-expect-error TODO: fix this
            update.$set = {
                [notificationField]: notificationPref.value,
                [notificationPrefOrigin]: notificationPref.origin,

        return this.updateOne(query, update);

    updateUnreadAlertById(_id: string, unreadAlert: ISubscription['unreadAlert']): Promise<UpdateResult> {
        const query = {

        const update: UpdateFilter<ISubscription> = {
            $set: {

        return this.updateOne(query, update);

    updateDisableNotificationsById(_id: string, disableNotifications: boolean): Promise<UpdateResult> {
        const query = {

        const update: UpdateFilter<ISubscription> = {
            $set: {

        return this.updateOne(query, update);

    updateHideUnreadStatusById(_id: string, hideUnreadStatus: boolean): Promise<UpdateResult> {
        const query = {

        const update: UpdateFilter<ISubscription> = {
            ...(hideUnreadStatus === true ? { $set: { hideUnreadStatus } } : { $unset: { hideUnreadStatus: 1 } }),

        return this.updateOne(query, update);

    updateHideMentionStatusById(_id: string, hideMentionStatus: boolean): Promise<UpdateResult> {
        const query = {

        const update: UpdateFilter<ISubscription> =
            hideMentionStatus === true
                ? {
                        $set: {
                : {
                        $unset: {
                            hideMentionStatus: 1,

        return this.updateOne(query, update);

    updateMuteGroupMentions(_id: string, muteGroupMentions: boolean): Promise<UpdateResult> {
        const query = {

        const update: UpdateFilter<ISubscription> = {
            $set: {

        return this.updateOne(query, update);

    changeDepartmentByRoomId(rid: string, department: string): Promise<UpdateResult> {
        const query = {
        const update: UpdateFilter<ISubscription> = {
            $set: {

        return this.updateOne(query, update);

    findAlwaysNotifyDesktopUsersByRoomId(roomId: string): FindCursor<ISubscription> {
        const query: Filter<ISubscription> = {
            rid: roomId,
            desktopNotifications: 'all',

        return this.find(query);

    findDontNotifyDesktopUsersByRoomId(roomId: string): FindCursor<ISubscription> {
        const query: Filter<ISubscription> = {
            rid: roomId,
            desktopNotifications: 'nothing',

        return this.find(query);

    findAlwaysNotifyMobileUsersByRoomId(roomId: string): FindCursor<ISubscription> {
        const query: Filter<ISubscription> = {
            rid: roomId,
            mobilePushNotifications: 'all',

        return this.find(query);

    findDontNotifyMobileUsersByRoomId(roomId: string): FindCursor<ISubscription> {
        const query: Filter<ISubscription> = {
            rid: roomId,
            mobilePushNotifications: 'nothing',

        return this.find(query);

    findWithSendEmailByRoomId(roomId: string): FindCursor<ISubscription> {
        const query = {
            rid: roomId,
            emailNotifications: {
                $exists: true,

        return this.find(query, { projection: { emailNotifications: 1, u: 1 } });

    resetUserE2EKey(userId: string): Promise<UpdateResult | Document> {
        return this.updateMany(
            { 'u._id': userId },
                $unset: {
                    E2EKey: '',

    findByUserIdWithoutE2E(userId: string, options?: FindOptions<ISubscription>): FindCursor<ISubscription> {
        const query = {
            'u._id': userId,
            'E2EKey': {
                $exists: false,

        return this.find(query, options);

    findOneByRoomIdAndUsername(roomId: string, username: string, options: FindOptions<ISubscription>): Promise<ISubscription | null> {
        const query = {
            'rid': roomId,
            'u.username': username,

        return this.findOne(query, options);

    findOneByRoomNameAndUserId(roomName: string, userId: string): Promise<ISubscription | null> {
        const query = {
            'name': roomName,
            'u._id': userId,

        return this.findOne(query);

    // FIND
    findByUserId(userId: string, options?: FindOptions<ISubscription>): FindCursor<ISubscription> {
        const query = { 'u._id': userId };

        return this.find(query, options);

    cachedFindByUserId = mem(this.findByUserId.bind(this), { maxAge: 5000 });

        userId: string,
        typeException: ISubscription['t'],
        options?: FindOptions<ISubscription>,
    ): FindCursor<ISubscription> {
        const query: Filter<ISubscription> = {
            'u._id': userId,
            't': { $ne: typeException },

        return this.find(query, options);

    findByUserIdAndType(userId: string, type: ISubscription['t'], options?: FindOptions<ISubscription>): FindCursor<ISubscription> {
        const query: Filter<ISubscription> = {
            'u._id': userId,
            't': type,

        return this.find(query, options);

     * @param {IUser['_id']} userId
     * @param {IRole['_id'][]} roles
     * @param {any} options
    findByUserIdAndRoles(userId: string, roles: string[], options?: FindOptions<ISubscription>): FindCursor<ISubscription> {
        const query = {
            'u._id': userId,
            'roles': { $in: roles },

        return this.find(query, options);

    findByUserIdUpdatedAfter(userId: string, updatedAt: Date, options?: FindOptions<ISubscription>): FindCursor<ISubscription> {
        const query = {
            'u._id': userId,
            '_updatedAt': {
                $gt: updatedAt,

        return this.find(query, options);

     * @param {string} roomId
     * @param {IRole['_id'][]} roles the list of roles
     * @param {any} options
    findByRoomIdAndRoles(roomId: string, roles: string[], options?: FindOptions<ISubscription>): FindCursor<ISubscription> {
        roles = ([] as string[]).concat(roles);
        const query = {
            rid: roomId,
            roles: { $in: roles },

        return this.find(query, options);

    countByRoomIdAndRoles(roomId: string, roles: string[]): Promise<number> {
        roles = ([] as string[]).concat(roles);
        const query = {
            rid: roomId,
            roles: { $in: roles },

        return this.col.countDocuments(query);

    countByUserId(userId: string): Promise<number> {
        const query = { 'u._id': userId };

        return this.col.countDocuments(query);

    countByRoomId(roomId: string): Promise<number> {
        const query = {
            rid: roomId,

        return this.col.countDocuments(query);

    findByType(types: ISubscription['t'][], options?: FindOptions<ISubscription>): FindCursor<ISubscription> {
        const query: Filter<ISubscription> = {
            t: {
                $in: types,

        return this.find(query, options);

    findByTypeAndUserId(type: ISubscription['t'], userId: string, options?: FindOptions<ISubscription>): FindCursor<ISubscription> {
        const query: Filter<ISubscription> = {
            't': type,
            'u._id': userId,

        return this.find(query, options);

    findByRoomWithUserHighlights(roomId: string, options?: FindOptions<ISubscription>): FindCursor<ISubscription> {
        const query = {
            'rid': roomId,
            'userHighlights.0': { $exists: true },

        return this.find(query, options);

    async getLastSeen(options: FindOptions<ISubscription> = { projection: { _id: 0, ls: 1 } }): Promise<Date | undefined> {
        options.sort = { ls: -1 };
        options.limit = 1;
        const [subscription] = await this.find({}, options).toArray();
        return subscription?.ls;

    findByRoomIdAndUserIds(roomId: string, userIds: string[], options?: FindOptions<ISubscription>): FindCursor<ISubscription> {
        const query = {
            'rid': roomId,
            'u._id': {
                $in: userIds,

        return this.find(query, options);

    findByRoomIdAndUserIdsOrAllMessages(roomId: string, userIds: string[]): FindCursor<ISubscription> {
        const query = {
            rid: roomId,
            $or: [{ 'u._id': { $in: userIds } }, { emailNotifications: 'all' }],

        return this.find(query);

    findByRoomIdWhenUserIdExists(rid: string, options?: FindOptions<ISubscription>): FindCursor<ISubscription> {
        const query = { rid, 'u._id': { $exists: true } };

        return this.find(query, options);

    findByRoomIdWhenUsernameExists(rid: string, options?: FindOptions<ISubscription>): FindCursor<ISubscription> {
        const query = { rid, 'u.username': { $exists: true } };

        return this.find(query, options);

    countByRoomIdWhenUsernameExists(rid: string): Promise<number> {
        const query = { rid, 'u.username': { $exists: true } };

        return this.col.countDocuments(query);

    findUnreadByUserId(userId: string): FindCursor<ISubscription> {
        const query = {
            'u._id': userId,
            'unread': {
                $gt: 0,

        return this.find(query, { projection: { unread: 1 } });

    getMinimumLastSeenByRoomId(rid: string): Promise<ISubscription | null> {
        return this.findOne(
                sort: {
                    ls: 1,
                projection: {
                    ls: 1,

    // UPDATE
    archiveByRoomId(roomId: string): Promise<UpdateResult | Document> {
        const query = { rid: roomId };

        const update: UpdateFilter<ISubscription> = {
            $set: {
                alert: false,
                open: false,
                archived: true,

        return this.updateMany(query, update);

    unarchiveByRoomId(roomId: string): Promise<UpdateResult | Document> {
        const query = { rid: roomId };

        const update: UpdateFilter<ISubscription> = {
            $set: {
                alert: false,
                open: true,
                archived: false,

        return this.updateMany(query, update);

    hideByRoomIdAndUserId(roomId: string, userId: string): Promise<UpdateResult> {
        const query = {
            'rid': roomId,
            'u._id': userId,

        const update: UpdateFilter<ISubscription> = {
            $set: {
                alert: false,
                open: false,

        return this.updateOne(query, update);

    setAsUnreadByRoomIdAndUserId(roomId: string, userId: string, firstMessageUnreadTimestamp: Date): Promise<UpdateResult> {
        const query = {
            'rid': roomId,
            'u._id': userId,

        const update: UpdateFilter<ISubscription> = {
            $set: {
                open: true,
                alert: true,
                ls: new Date(firstMessageUnreadTimestamp.getTime() - 1), // make sure last seen is before the first unread message
                unread: 1,

        return this.updateOne(query, update);

    setCustomFieldsDirectMessagesByUserId(userId: string, fields: Record<string, any>): Promise<UpdateResult | Document> {
        const query: Filter<ISubscription> = {
            'u._id': userId,
            't': 'd',
        const update: UpdateFilter<ISubscription> = { $set: { customFields: fields } };

        return this.updateMany(query, update);

    setFavoriteByRoomIdAndUserId(roomId: string, userId: string, favorite?: boolean): Promise<UpdateResult> {
        if (favorite == null) {
            favorite = true;
        const query = {
            'rid': roomId,
            'u._id': userId,

        const update: UpdateFilter<ISubscription> = {
            $set: {
                f: favorite,

        return this.updateOne(query, update);

    updateNameAndAlertByRoomId(roomId: string, name: string, fname: string): Promise<UpdateResult | Document> {
        const query = { rid: roomId };

        const update: UpdateFilter<ISubscription> = {
            $set: {
                alert: true,

        return this.updateMany(query, update);

    updateDisplayNameByRoomId(roomId: string, fname: string): Promise<UpdateResult | Document> {
        const query = { rid: roomId };

        const update: UpdateFilter<ISubscription> = {
            $set: {
                name: fname,

        return this.updateMany(query, update);

    updateFnameByRoomId(rid: string, fname: string): Promise<UpdateResult | Document> {
        const query = { rid };

        const update: UpdateFilter<ISubscription> = {
            $set: {

        return this.updateMany(query, update);

    updateNameAndFnameById(_id: string, name: string, fname: string): Promise<UpdateResult | Document> {
        const query = { _id };

        const update: UpdateFilter<ISubscription> = {
            $set: {

        return this.updateMany(query, update);

    setUserUsernameByUserId(userId: string, username: string): Promise<UpdateResult | Document> {
        const query = { 'u._id': userId };

        const update: UpdateFilter<ISubscription> = {
            $set: {
                'u.username': username,

        return this.updateMany(query, update);

    setNameForDirectRoomsWithOldName(oldName: string, name: string): Promise<UpdateResult | Document> {
        const query: Filter<ISubscription> = {
            name: oldName,
            t: 'd',

        const update: UpdateFilter<ISubscription> = {
            $set: {

        return this.updateMany(query, update);

    updateDirectNameAndFnameByName(name: string, newName?: string, newFname?: string): Promise<UpdateResult | Document> {
        const query: Filter<ISubscription> = {
            t: 'd',

        const update: UpdateFilter<ISubscription> = {
            $set: {
                ...(newName && { name: newName }),
                ...(newFname && { fname: newFname }),

        return this.updateMany(query, update);

        roomId: IRoom['_id'],
        userId: IUser['_id'],
        incGroup = 1,
        incUnread = 1,
    ): Promise<UpdateResult | Document> {
        const query = {
            'rid': roomId,
            'u._id': {
                $ne: userId,

        const update: UpdateFilter<ISubscription> = {
            $set: {
                alert: true,
                open: true,
            $inc: {
                unread: incUnread,
                groupMentions: incGroup,

        return this.updateMany(query, update);

        roomId: IRoom['_id'],
        userIds: IUser['_id'][],
        incUser = 1,
        incUnread = 1,
    ): Promise<UpdateResult | Document> {
        const query = {
            'rid': roomId,
            'u._id': {
                $in: userIds,

        const update: UpdateFilter<ISubscription> = {
            $set: {
                alert: true,
                open: true,
            $inc: {
                unread: incUnread,
                userMentions: incUser,

        return this.updateMany(query, update);

    ignoreUser({ _id, ignoredUser: ignored, ignore = true }: { _id: string; ignoredUser: string; ignore?: boolean }): Promise<UpdateResult> {
        const query = {
        const update: UpdateFilter<ISubscription> = {};
        if (ignore) {
            update.$addToSet = { ignored };
        } else {
            update.$pull = { ignored };

        return this.updateOne(query, update);

    setAlertForRoomIdAndUserIds(roomId: string, uids: string[]): Promise<UpdateResult | Document> {
        const query = {
            'rid': roomId,
            'u._id': { $in: uids },
            'alert': { $ne: true },

        const update: UpdateFilter<ISubscription> = {
            $set: {
                alert: true,
        return this.updateMany(query, update);

    setOpenForRoomIdAndUserIds(roomId: string, uids: string[]): Promise<UpdateResult | Document> {
        const query = {
            'rid': roomId,
            'u._id': { $in: uids },
            'open': { $ne: true },

        const update: UpdateFilter<ISubscription> = {
            $set: {
                open: true,
        return this.updateMany(query, update);

    setLastReplyForRoomIdAndUserIds(roomId: IRoom['_id'], uids: IUser['_id'][], lr: Date): Promise<UpdateResult | Document> {
        const query = {
            'rid': roomId,
            'u._id': { $in: uids },

        const update: UpdateFilter<ISubscription> = {
            $set: {
        return this.updateMany(query, update);

    async setBlockedByRoomId(rid: string, blocked: string, blocker: string): Promise<UpdateResult[]> {
        const query = {
            'u._id': blocked,

        const update: UpdateFilter<ISubscription> = {
            $set: {
                blocked: true,

        const query2 = {
            'u._id': blocker,

        const update2: UpdateFilter<ISubscription> = {
            $set: {
                blocker: true,

        return Promise.all([this.updateOne(query, update), this.updateOne(query2, update2)]);

    async unsetBlockedByRoomId(rid: string, blocked: string, blocker: string): Promise<UpdateResult[]> {
        const query = {
            'u._id': blocked,

        const update: UpdateFilter<ISubscription> = {
            $unset: {
                blocked: 1,

        const query2 = {
            'u._id': blocker,

        const update2: UpdateFilter<ISubscription> = {
            $unset: {
                blocker: 1,
        return Promise.all([this.updateOne(query, update), this.updateOne(query2, update2)]);

    updateCustomFieldsByRoomId(rid: string, cfields: Record<string, any>): Promise<UpdateResult | Document> {
        const query = { rid };
        const customFields = cfields || {};
        const update: UpdateFilter<ISubscription> = {
            $set: {

        return this.updateMany(query, update);

    updateTypeByRoomId(roomId: string, type: ISubscription['t']): Promise<UpdateResult | Document> {
        const query = { rid: roomId };

        const update: UpdateFilter<ISubscription> = {
            $set: {
                t: type,

        return this.updateMany(query, update);

     * @param {string} _id the subscription id
     * @param {IRole['_id']} role the id of the role
    addRoleById(_id: string, role: string): Promise<UpdateResult> {
        const query = { _id };

        const update: UpdateFilter<ISubscription> = {
            $addToSet: {
                roles: role,

        return this.updateOne(query, update);

     * @param {string} _id the subscription id
     * @param {IRole['_id']} role the id of the role
    removeRoleById(_id: string, role: string): Promise<UpdateResult> {
        const query = { _id };

        const update: UpdateFilter<ISubscription> = {
            $pull: {
                roles: role,

        return this.updateOne(query, update);

    setArchivedByUsername(username: string, archived: boolean): Promise<UpdateResult | Document> {
        const query: Filter<ISubscription> = {
            t: 'd',
            name: username,

        const update: UpdateFilter<ISubscription> = {
            $set: {

        return this.updateMany(query, update);

        userId: string,
        notificationField: string,
        notificationOriginField: string,
    ): Promise<UpdateResult | Document> {
        const query = {
            'u._id': userId,
            [notificationOriginField]: 'user',

        const update: UpdateFilter<ISubscription> = {
            $unset: {
                [notificationOriginField]: 1,
                [notificationField]: 1,

        return this.updateMany(query, update);

        userId: string,
        userPref: string | number | boolean,
        notificationField: keyof ISubscription,
        notificationOriginField: keyof ISubscription,
    ): Promise<UpdateResult | Document> {
        const query: Filter<ISubscription> = {
            'u._id': userId,
            [notificationOriginField]: {
                $ne: 'subscription',

        const update: UpdateFilter<ISubscription> = {
            // @ts-expect-error - :(
            $set: {
                [notificationField]: userPref,
                [notificationOriginField]: 'user',

        return this.updateMany(query, update);

    updateUserHighlights(userId: string, userHighlights: any): Promise<UpdateResult | Document> {
        const query: Filter<ISubscription> = {
            'u._id': userId,

        const update: UpdateFilter<ISubscription> = {
            $set: {

        return this.updateMany(query, update);

    updateDirectFNameByName(name: string, fname: string): Promise<UpdateResult | Document> {
        const query: Filter<ISubscription> = {
            t: 'd' as const,

        let update: UpdateFilter<ISubscription>;
        if (fname) {
            update = {
                $set: {
        } else {
            update = {
                $unset: {
                    fname: true,

        return this.updateMany(query, update);

    // INSERT
    async createWithRoomAndUser(room: IRoom, user: IUser, extraData: Record<string, any> = {}): Promise<InsertOneResult<ISubscription>> {
        const subscription = {
            open: false,
            alert: false,
            unread: 0,
            userMentions: 0,
            groupMentions: 0,
            ts: room.ts,
            rid: room._id,
            fname: room.fname,
            ...(room.customFields && { customFields: room.customFields }),
            t: room.t,
            u: {
                _id: user._id,
                username: user.username,
            ...(room.prid && { prid: room.prid }),

        // @ts-expect-error - types not good :(
        const result = await this.insertOne(subscription);

        await Rooms.incUsersCountById(room._id, 1);

        if (!['d', 'l'].includes(room.t)) {
            await Users.addRoomByUserId(user._id, room._id);

        return result;

    async createWithRoomAndManyUsers(
        room: IRoom,
        users: { user: AtLeast<IUser, '_id' | 'username' | 'name' | 'settings'>; extraData: Record<string, any> }[] = [],
    ): Promise<InsertManyResult<ISubscription>> {
        const subscriptions ={ user, extraData }) => ({
            open: false,
            alert: false,
            unread: 0,
            userMentions: 0,
            groupMentions: 0,
            ts: room.ts,
            rid: room._id,
            fname: room.fname,
            ...(room.customFields && { customFields: room.customFields }),
            t: room.t,
            u: {
                _id: user._id,
                username: user.username,
            ...(room.prid && { prid: room.prid }),

        // @ts-expect-error - types not good :(
        const result = await this.insertMany(subscriptions);

        return result;

    // REMOVE
    async removeByUserId(userId: string): Promise<number> {
        const query = {
            'u._id': userId,

        const roomIds = (await this.findByUserId(userId).toArray()).map((s) => s.rid);

        const result = (await this.deleteMany(query)).deletedCount;

        if (typeof result === 'number' && result > 0) {
            await Rooms.incUsersCountNotDMsByIds(roomIds, -1);

        await Users.removeAllRoomsByUserId(userId);

        return result;

    async removeByRoomIdAndUserId(roomId: string, userId: string): Promise<number> {
        const query = {
            'rid': roomId,
            'u._id': userId,

        const result = (await this.deleteMany(query)).deletedCount;

        if (typeof result === 'number' && result > 0) {
            await Rooms.incUsersCountById(roomId, -result);

        await Users.removeRoomByUserId(userId, roomId);

        return result;

    async removeByRoomIds(rids: string[]): Promise<DeleteResult> {
        const result = await this.deleteMany({ rid: { $in: rids } });

        await Users.removeRoomByRoomIds(rids);

        return result;

    async removeByRoomIdsAndUserId(rids: string[], userId: string): Promise<number> {
        const result = (await this.deleteMany({ 'rid': { $in: rids }, 'u._id': userId })).deletedCount;

        if (typeof result === 'number' && result > 0) {
            await Rooms.incUsersCountByIds(rids, -1);

        await Users.removeRoomsByRoomIdsAndUserId(rids, userId);

        return result;

    // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
    // threads

    async addUnreadThreadByRoomIdAndUserIds(
        rid: string,
        users: string[],
        tmid: string,
        { groupMention = false, userMention = false }: { groupMention?: boolean; userMention?: boolean } = {},
    ): Promise<UpdateResult | Document | void> {
        if (!users) {

        return this.updateMany(
                'u._id': { $in: users },
                $addToSet: {
                    tunread: tmid,
                    ...(groupMention && { tunreadGroup: tmid }),
                    ...(userMention && { tunreadUser: tmid }),

    removeUnreadThreadByRoomIdAndUserId(rid: string, userId: string, tmid: string, clearAlert = false): Promise<UpdateResult> {
        const update: UpdateFilter<ISubscription> = {
            $pull: {
                tunread: tmid,
                tunreadGroup: tmid,
                tunreadUser: tmid,

        if (clearAlert) {
            update.$set = { alert: false };

        return this.updateOne(
                'u._id': userId,

    removeUnreadThreadsByRoomId(rid: string, tunread: string[]): Promise<UpdateResult | Document> {
        const query = {
            tunread: { $in: tunread },

        const update: UpdateFilter<ISubscription> = {
            $pullAll: {
                tunreadUser: tunread,
                tunreadGroup: tunread,

        return this.updateMany(query, update);

    openByRoomIdAndUserId(roomId: string, userId: string): Promise<UpdateResult> {
        const query = {
            'rid': roomId,
            'u._id': userId,

        const update: UpdateFilter<ISubscription> = {
            $set: {
                open: true,

        return this.updateOne(query, update);