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import { ILivechatAgentStatus } from '';
import { Subscriptions } from '';
import { escapeRegExp } from '';

import { BaseRaw } from './BaseRaw';

const queryStatusAgentOnline = (extraFilters = {}, isLivechatEnabledWhenAgentIdle) => ({
    statusLivechat: 'available',
    roles: 'livechat-agent',
    // ignore deactivated users
    active: true,
    ...(!isLivechatEnabledWhenAgentIdle && {
        $or: [
                status: {
                    $exists: true,
                    $ne: 'offline',
                roles: {
                    $ne: 'bot',
                roles: 'bot',
    ...(isLivechatEnabledWhenAgentIdle === false && {
        statusConnection: { $ne: 'away' },

export class UsersRaw extends BaseRaw {
    constructor(db, trash) {
        super(db, 'users', trash, {
            collectionNameResolver(name) {
                return name;

        this.defaultFields = {
            __rooms: 0,

    // Move index from constructor to here
    modelIndexes() {
        return [
            { key: { __rooms: 1 }, sparse: 1 },
            { key: { roles: 1 }, sparse: 1 },
            { key: { name: 1 } },
            { key: { bio: 1 }, sparse: 1 },
            { key: { nickname: 1 }, sparse: 1 },
            { key: { createdAt: 1 } },
            { key: { lastLogin: 1 } },
            { key: { status: 1 } },
            { key: { statusText: 1 } },
            { key: { statusConnection: 1 }, sparse: 1 },
            { key: { appId: 1 }, sparse: 1 },
            { key: { type: 1 } },
            { key: { federated: 1 }, sparse: true },
            { key: { federation: 1 }, sparse: true },
            { key: { isRemote: 1 }, sparse: true },
            { key: { 'services.saml.inResponseTo': 1 } },
            { key: { openBusinessHours: 1 }, sparse: true },
            { key: { statusLivechat: 1 }, sparse: true },
            { key: { extension: 1 }, sparse: true, unique: true },
            { key: { language: 1 }, sparse: true },
            { key: { 'active': 1, 'services.email2fa.enabled': 1 }, sparse: true }, // used by statistics
            { key: { 'active': 1, 'services.totp.enabled': 1 }, sparse: true }, // used by statistics
            { key: { importIds: 1 }, sparse: true },
            // Used for case insensitive queries
            // @deprecated
            // Should be converted to unique index later within a migration to prevent errors of duplicated
            // records. Those errors does not helps to identify the duplicated value so we need to find a
            // way to help the migration in case it happens.
                key: { 'emails.address': 1 },
                unique: false,
                sparse: true,
                name: 'emails.address_insensitive',
                collation: { locale: 'en', strength: 2, caseLevel: false },
            // Used for case insensitive queries
            // @deprecated
            // Should be converted to unique index later within a migration to prevent errors of duplicated
            // records. Those errors does not helps to identify the duplicated value so we need to find a
            // way to help the migration in case it happens.
                key: { username: 1 },
                unique: false,
                sparse: true,
                name: 'username_insensitive',
                collation: { locale: 'en', strength: 2, caseLevel: false },

     * @param {string} uid
     * @param {IRole['_id'][]} roles list of role ids
    addRolesByUserId(uid, roles) {
        if (!Array.isArray(roles)) {
            roles = [roles];
            process.env.NODE_ENV === 'development' && console.warn('[WARN] Users.addRolesByUserId: roles should be an array');

        const query = {
            _id: uid,

        const update = {
            $addToSet: {
                roles: { $each: roles },
        return this.updateOne(query, update);

     * @param {IRole['_id'][]} roles list of role ids
     * @param {null} scope the value for the role scope (room id) - not used in the users collection
     * @param {any} options
    findUsersInRoles(roles, scope, options) {
        roles = [].concat(roles);

        const query = {
            roles: { $in: roles },

        return this.find(query, options);

    findPaginatedUsersInRoles(roles, options) {
        roles = [].concat(roles);

        const query = {
            roles: { $in: roles },

        return this.findPaginated(query, options);

    findOneByUsername(username, options = null) {
        const query = { username };

        return this.findOne(query, options);

    findOneAgentById(_id, options) {
        const query = {
            roles: 'livechat-agent',

        return this.findOne(query, options);

     * @param {IRole['_id'][] | IRole['_id']} roles the list of role ids
     * @param {any} query
     * @param {any} options
    findUsersInRolesWithQuery(roles, query, options) {
        roles = [].concat(roles);

        Object.assign(query, { roles: { $in: roles } });

        return this.find(query, options);

     * @param {IRole['_id'][] | IRole['_id']} roles the list of role ids
     * @param {any} query
     * @param {any} options
    findPaginatedUsersInRolesWithQuery(roles, query, options) {
        roles = [].concat(roles);

        Object.assign(query, { roles: { $in: roles } });

        return this.findPaginated(query, options);

    findAgentsWithDepartments(role, query, options) {
        const roles = [].concat(role);

        Object.assign(query, { roles: { $in: roles } });

        const aggregate = [
                $match: query,
                $lookup: {
                    from: 'rocketchat_livechat_department_agents',
                    localField: '_id',
                    foreignField: 'agentId',
                    as: 'departments',
                $unwind: {
                    path: '$departments',
                    preserveNullAndEmptyArrays: true,
                $group: {
                    _id: '$_id',
                    username: { $first: '$username' },
                    status: { $first: '$status' },
                    statusLivechat: { $first: '$statusLivechat' },
                    name: { $first: '$name' },
                    emails: { $first: '$emails' },
                    livechat: { $first: '$livechat' },
                    departments: { $push: '$departments.departmentId' },
                $facet: {
                    sortedResults: [{ $sort: options.sort }, { $skip: options.skip }, options.limit && { $limit: options.limit }],
                    totalCount: [{ $group: { _id: null, total: { $sum: 1 } } }],

        return this.col.aggregate(aggregate).toArray();

    findOneByUsernameAndRoomIgnoringCase(username, rid, options) {
        if (typeof username === 'string') {
            username = new RegExp(`^${escapeRegExp(username)}$`, 'i');

        const query = {
            __rooms: rid,

        return this.findOne(query, options);

    findOneByIdAndLoginHashedToken(_id, token, options = {}) {
        const query = {
            'services.resume.loginTokens.hashedToken': token,

        return this.findOne(query, options);

    findByActiveUsersExcept(searchTerm, exceptions, options, searchFields, extraQuery = [], { startsWith = false, endsWith = false } = {}) {
        if (exceptions == null) {
            exceptions = [];
        if (options == null) {
            options = {};
        if (!Array.isArray(exceptions)) {
            exceptions = [exceptions];

        const termRegex = new RegExp((startsWith ? '^' : '') + escapeRegExp(searchTerm) + (endsWith ? '$' : ''), 'i');

        const orStmt = (searchFields || []).reduce((acc, el) => {
            acc.push({ [el.trim()]: termRegex });
            return acc;
        }, []);

        const query = {
            $and: [
                    active: true,
                    username: {
                        $exists: true,
                        ...(exceptions.length > 0 && { $nin: exceptions }),
                    // if the search term is empty, don't need to have the $or statement (because it would be an empty regex)
                    ...(searchTerm && orStmt.length > 0 && { $or: orStmt }),

        return this.find(query, options);

        extraQuery = [],
        { startsWith = false, endsWith = false } = {},
    ) {
        if (exceptions == null) {
            exceptions = [];
        if (options == null) {
            options = {};
        if (!Array.isArray(exceptions)) {
            exceptions = [exceptions];

        const termRegex = new RegExp((startsWith ? '^' : '') + escapeRegExp(searchTerm) + (endsWith ? '$' : ''), 'i');

        const orStmt = (searchFields || []).reduce((acc, el) => {
            acc.push({ [el.trim()]: termRegex });
            return acc;
        }, []);

        const query = {
            $and: [
                    active: true,
                    username: {
                        $exists: true,
                        ...(exceptions.length > 0 && { $nin: exceptions }),
                    // if the search term is empty, don't need to have the $or statement (because it would be an empty regex)
                    ...(searchTerm && orStmt.length > 0 && { $or: orStmt }),

        return this.findPaginated(query, options);

    findPaginatedByActiveLocalUsersExcept(searchTerm, exceptions, options, forcedSearchFields, localDomain) {
        const extraQuery = [
                $or: [{ federation: { $exists: false } }, { 'federation.origin': localDomain }],
        return this.findPaginatedByActiveUsersExcept(searchTerm, exceptions, options, forcedSearchFields, extraQuery);

    findPaginatedByActiveExternalUsersExcept(searchTerm, exceptions, options, forcedSearchFields, localDomain) {
        const extraQuery = [{ federation: { $exists: true } }, { 'federation.origin': { $ne: localDomain } }];
        return this.findPaginatedByActiveUsersExcept(searchTerm, exceptions, options, forcedSearchFields, extraQuery);

    findActive(query, options = {}) {
        Object.assign(query, { active: true });

        return this.find(query, options);

    findActiveByIds(userIds, options = {}) {
        const query = {
            _id: { $in: userIds },
            active: true,

        return this.find(query, options);

    findActiveByIdsOrUsernames(userIds, options = {}) {
        const query = {
            $or: [{ _id: { $in: userIds } }, { username: { $in: userIds } }],
            active: true,

        return this.find(query, options);

    findByIds(userIds, options = {}) {
        const query = {
            _id: { $in: userIds },

        return this.find(query, options);

    findOneByImportId(_id, options) {
        return this.findOne({ importIds: _id }, options);

    findOneByUsernameIgnoringCase(username, options) {
        if (!username) {
            throw new Error('invalid username');

        const query = { username };

        return this.findOne(query, {
            collation: { locale: 'en', strength: 2 }, // Case insensitive

    findOneWithoutLDAPByUsernameIgnoringCase(username, options) {
        const expression = new RegExp(`^${escapeRegExp(username)}$`, 'i');

        const query = {
            'username': expression,
            'services.ldap': {
                $exists: false,

        return this.findOne(query, options);

    async findOneByLDAPId(id, attribute = undefined) {
        const query = {
            '': id,

        if (attribute) {
            query['services.ldap.idAttribute'] = attribute;

        return this.findOne(query);

    async findOneByAppId(appId, options) {
        const query = { appId };

        return this.findOne(query, options);

    findLDAPUsers(options) {
        const query = { ldap: true };

        return this.find(query, options);

    findConnectedLDAPUsers(options) {
        const query = {
            'ldap': true,
            'services.resume.loginTokens': {
                $exists: true,
                $ne: [],

        return this.find(query, options);

    isUserInRole(userId, roleId) {
        const query = {
            _id: userId,
            roles: roleId,

        return this.findOne(query, { projection: { roles: 1 } });

    getDistinctFederationDomains() {
        return this.col.distinct('federation.origin', { federation: { $exists: true } });

    async getNextLeastBusyAgent(department, ignoreAgentId) {
        const aggregate = [
                $match: {
                    status: { $exists: true, $ne: 'offline' },
                    statusLivechat: 'available',
                    roles: 'livechat-agent',
                    ...(ignoreAgentId && { _id: { $ne: ignoreAgentId } }),
                $lookup: {
                    from: 'rocketchat_subscription',
                    let: { id: '$_id' },
                    pipeline: [
                            $match: {
                                $expr: {
                                    $and: [
                                        { $eq: ['$u._id', '$$id'] },
                                        { $eq: ['$open', true] },
                                        { $ne: ['$onHold', true] },
                                        { ...(department && { $eq: ['$department', department] }) },
                    as: 'subs',
                $lookup: {
                    from: 'rocketchat_livechat_department_agents',
                    localField: '_id',
                    foreignField: 'agentId',
                    as: 'departments',
                $project: {
                    agentId: '$_id',
                    username: 1,
                    lastRoutingTime: 1,
                    departments: 1,
                    count: { $size: '$subs' },
            { $sort: { count: 1, lastRoutingTime: 1, username: 1 } },

        if (department) {
            aggregate.push({ $unwind: '$departments' });
            aggregate.push({ $match: { 'departments.departmentId': department } });

        aggregate.push({ $limit: 1 });

        const [agent] = await this.col.aggregate(aggregate).toArray();
        if (agent) {
            await this.setLastRoutingTime(agent.agentId);

        return agent;

    async getLastAvailableAgentRouted(department, ignoreAgentId) {
        const aggregate = [
                $match: {
                    status: { $exists: true, $ne: 'offline' },
                    statusLivechat: 'available',
                    roles: 'livechat-agent',
                    ...(ignoreAgentId && { _id: { $ne: ignoreAgentId } }),
                $lookup: {
                    from: 'rocketchat_livechat_department_agents',
                    localField: '_id',
                    foreignField: 'agentId',
                    as: 'departments',
            { $project: { agentId: '$_id', username: 1, lastRoutingTime: 1, departments: 1 } },
            { $sort: { lastRoutingTime: 1, username: 1 } },

        if (department) {
            aggregate.push({ $unwind: '$departments' });
            aggregate.push({ $match: { 'departments.departmentId': department } });

        aggregate.push({ $limit: 1 });

        const [agent] = await this.col.aggregate(aggregate).toArray();
        if (agent) {
            await this.setLastRoutingTime(agent.agentId);

        return agent;

    async setLastRoutingTime(userId) {
        const result = await this.findOneAndUpdate(
            { _id: userId },
                $set: {
                    lastRoutingTime: new Date(),
            { returnDocument: 'after' },
        return result.value;

    setLivechatStatusIf(userId, status, conditions = {}, extraFields = {}) {
        // TODO: Create class Agent
        const query = {
            _id: userId,

        const update = {
            $set: {
                statusLivechat: status,

        return this.updateOne(query, update);

    async getAgentAndAmountOngoingChats(userId) {
        const aggregate = [
                $match: {
                    _id: userId,
                    statusLivechat: 'available',
                    roles: 'livechat-agent',
                $lookup: {
                    from: 'rocketchat_subscription',
                    localField: '_id',
                    foreignField: 'u._id',
                    as: 'subs',
                $project: {
                    'agentId': '$_id',
                    'username': 1,
                    'lastAssignTime': 1,
                    'lastRoutingTime': 1,
                    'queueInfo.chats': {
                        $size: {
                            $filter: {
                                input: '$subs',
                                as: 'sub',
                                cond: {
                                    $and: [{ $eq: ['$$sub.t', 'l'] }, { $eq: ['$$', true] }, { $ne: ['$$sub.onHold', true] }],
            { $sort: { 'queueInfo.chats': 1, 'lastAssignTime': 1, 'lastRoutingTime': 1, 'username': 1 } },

        const [agent] = await this.col.aggregate(aggregate).toArray();
        return agent;

    findAllResumeTokensByUserId(userId) {
        return this.col
                    $match: {
                        _id: userId,
                    $project: {
                        tokens: {
                            $filter: {
                                input: '$services.resume.loginTokens',
                                as: 'token',
                                cond: {
                                    $ne: ['$$token.type', 'personalAccessToken'],
                { $unwind: '$tokens' },
                { $sort: { 'tokens.when': 1 } },
                { $group: { _id: '$_id', tokens: { $push: '$tokens' } } },

    findActiveByUsernameOrNameRegexWithExceptionsAndConditions(termRegex, exceptions, conditions, options) {
        if (exceptions == null) {
            exceptions = [];
        if (conditions == null) {
            conditions = {};
        if (options == null) {
            options = {};
        if (!Array.isArray(exceptions)) {
            exceptions = [exceptions];

        const query = {
            $or: [
                    username: termRegex,
                    name: termRegex,
                    nickname: termRegex,
            active: true,
            type: {
                $in: ['user', 'bot'],
            $and: [
                    username: {
                        $exists: true,
                    username: {
                        $nin: exceptions,

        return this.find(query, options);

    countAllAgentsStatus({ departmentId = undefined }) {
        const match = {
            $match: {
                roles: { $in: ['livechat-agent'] },
        const group = {
            $group: {
                _id: null,
                offline: {
                    $sum: {
                        $cond: [
                                $or: [
                                        $and: [{ $eq: ['$status', 'offline'] }, { $eq: ['$statusLivechat', 'available'] }],
                                    { $eq: ['$statusLivechat', 'not-available'] },
                away: {
                    $sum: {
                        $cond: [
                                $and: [{ $eq: ['$status', 'away'] }, { $eq: ['$statusLivechat', 'available'] }],
                busy: {
                    $sum: {
                        $cond: [
                                $and: [{ $eq: ['$status', 'busy'] }, { $eq: ['$statusLivechat', 'available'] }],
                available: {
                    $sum: {
                        $cond: [
                                $and: [{ $eq: ['$status', 'online'] }, { $eq: ['$statusLivechat', 'available'] }],
        const lookup = {
            $lookup: {
                from: 'rocketchat_livechat_department_agents',
                localField: '_id',
                foreignField: 'agentId',
                as: 'departments',
        const unwind = {
            $unwind: {
                path: '$departments',
                preserveNullAndEmptyArrays: true,
        const departmentsMatch = {
            $match: {
                'departments.departmentId': departmentId,
        const params = [match];
        if (departmentId && departmentId !== 'undefined') {
        return this.col.aggregate(params).toArray();

    getTotalOfRegisteredUsersByDate({ start, end, options = {} }) {
        const params = [
                $match: {
                    createdAt: { $gte: start, $lte: end },
                    roles: { $ne: 'anonymous' },
                $group: {
                    _id: {
                        $concat: [{ $substr: ['$createdAt', 0, 4] }, { $substr: ['$createdAt', 5, 2] }, { $substr: ['$createdAt', 8, 2] }],
                    users: { $sum: 1 },
                $group: {
                    _id: '$_id',
                    users: { $sum: '$users' },
                $project: {
                    _id: 0,
                    date: '$_id',
                    users: 1,
                    type: 'users',
        if (options.sort) {
            params.push({ $sort: options.sort });
        if (options.count) {
            params.push({ $limit: options.count });
        return this.col.aggregate(params).toArray();

    getUserLanguages() {
        const pipeline = [
                $match: {
                    language: {
                        $exists: true,
                        $ne: '',
                $group: {
                    _id: '$language',
                    total: { $sum: 1 },

        return this.col.aggregate(pipeline).toArray();

    updateStatusText(_id, statusText) {
        const update = {
            $set: {

        return this.updateOne({ _id }, update);

    updateStatusByAppId(appId, status) {
        const query = {
            status: { $ne: status },

        const update = {
            $set: {

        return this.updateMany(query, update);

     * @param {string} userId
     * @param {object} status
     * @param {string} status.status
     * @param {string} status.statusConnection
     * @param {string} [status.statusDefault]
     * @param {string} [status.statusText]
    updateStatusById(userId, { statusDefault, status, statusConnection, statusText }) {
        const query = {
            _id: userId,

        const update = {
            $set: {
                ...(statusDefault && { statusDefault }),
                ...(statusText && {
                    statusText: String(statusText).trim().substr(0, 120),

        // We don't want to update the _updatedAt field on this operation,
        // so we can check if the status update triggered a change
        return this.col.updateOne(query, update);

    openAgentsBusinessHoursByBusinessHourId(businessHourIds) {
        const query = {
            roles: 'livechat-agent',

        const update = {
            $addToSet: {
                openBusinessHours: { $each: businessHourIds },

        return this.updateMany(query, update);

    openAgentBusinessHoursByBusinessHourIdsAndAgentId(businessHourIds, agentId) {
        const query = {
            _id: agentId,
            roles: 'livechat-agent',

        const update = {
            $addToSet: {
                openBusinessHours: { $each: businessHourIds },

        return this.updateOne(query, update);

    addBusinessHourByAgentIds(agentIds = [], businessHourId) {
        const query = {
            _id: { $in: agentIds },
            roles: 'livechat-agent',

        const update = {
            $addToSet: {
                openBusinessHours: businessHourId,

        return this.updateMany(query, update);

    makeAgentsWithinBusinessHourAvailable(agentIds) {
        const query = {
            ...(agentIds && { _id: { $in: agentIds } }),
            roles: 'livechat-agent',
            // Exclude away users
            status: 'online',
            // Exclude users that are already available, maybe due to other business hour
            statusLivechat: 'not-available',

        const update = {
            $set: {
                statusLivechat: 'available',

        return this.updateMany(query, update);

    removeBusinessHourByAgentIds(agentIds = [], businessHourId) {
        const query = {
            _id: { $in: agentIds },
            roles: 'livechat-agent',

        const update = {
            $pull: {
                openBusinessHours: businessHourId,

        return this.updateMany(query, update);

    openBusinessHourToAgentsWithoutDepartment(agentIdsWithDepartment = [], businessHourId) {
        const query = {
            _id: { $nin: agentIdsWithDepartment },

        const update = {
            $addToSet: {
                openBusinessHours: businessHourId,

        return this.updateMany(query, update);

    closeBusinessHourToAgentsWithoutDepartment(agentIdsWithDepartment = [], businessHourId) {
        const query = {
            _id: { $nin: agentIdsWithDepartment },

        const update = {
            $pull: {
                openBusinessHours: businessHourId,

        return this.updateMany(query, update);

    closeAgentsBusinessHoursByBusinessHourIds(businessHourIds) {
        const query = {
            roles: 'livechat-agent',

        const update = {
            $pull: {
                openBusinessHours: { $in: businessHourIds },

        return this.updateMany(query, update);

    updateLivechatStatusBasedOnBusinessHours(userIds = []) {
        const query = {
            $or: [{ openBusinessHours: { $exists: false } }, { openBusinessHours: { $size: 0 } }],
            $and: [{ roles: 'livechat-agent' }, { roles: { $ne: 'bot' } }],
            // exclude deactivated users
            active: true,
            // Avoid unnecessary updates
            statusLivechat: 'available',
            ...(Array.isArray(userIds) && userIds.length > 0 && { _id: { $in: userIds } }),

        const update = {
            $set: {
                statusLivechat: 'not-available',

        return this.updateMany(query, update);

    setLivechatStatusActiveBasedOnBusinessHours(userId) {
        const query = {
            _id: userId,
            statusDefault: { $ne: 'offline' },
            openBusinessHours: {
                $exists: true,
                $not: { $size: 0 },

        const update = {
            $set: {
                statusLivechat: 'available',

        return this.updateOne(query, update);

    async isAgentWithinBusinessHours(agentId) {
        const query = {
            _id: agentId,
            $or: [
                    openBusinessHours: {
                        $exists: true,
                        $not: { $size: 0 },
                    // Bots can ignore Business Hours and be always available
                    roles: 'bot',
        return (await this.col.countDocuments(query)) > 0;

    removeBusinessHoursFromAllUsers() {
        const query = {
            roles: 'livechat-agent',
            openBusinessHours: {
                $exists: true,

        const update = {
            $unset: {
                openBusinessHours: 1,

        return this.updateMany(query, update);

    resetTOTPById(userId) {
        return this.col.updateOne(
                _id: userId,
                $unset: {
                    'services.totp': 1,

    unsetOneLoginToken(_id, token) {
        const update = {
            $pull: {
                'services.resume.loginTokens': { hashedToken: token },

        return this.col.updateOne({ _id }, update);

    unsetLoginTokens(userId) {
        return this.col.updateOne(
                _id: userId,
                $set: {
                    'services.resume.loginTokens': [],

    removeNonPATLoginTokensExcept(userId, authToken) {
        return this.col.updateOne(
                _id: userId,
                $pull: {
                    'services.resume.loginTokens': {
                        when: { $exists: true },
                        hashedToken: { $ne: authToken },

    removeRoomsByRoomIdsAndUserId(rids, userId) {
        return this.updateMany(
                _id: userId,
                __rooms: { $in: rids },
                $pullAll: { __rooms: rids },

     * @param {string} uid
     * @param {IRole['_id']} roles the list of role ids to remove
    removeRolesByUserId(uid, roles) {
        const query = {
            _id: uid,

        const update = {
            $pullAll: {

        return this.updateOne(query, update);

    async isUserInRoleScope(uid) {
        const query = {
            _id: uid,

        const options = {
            projection: { _id: 1 },

        const found = await this.findOne(query, options);
        return !!found;

    addBannerById(_id, banner) {
        const query = {
            [`banners.${}.read`]: {
                $ne: true,

        const update = {
            $set: {
                [`banners.${}`]: banner,

        return this.updateOne(query, update);

    // Voip functions
    findOneByAgentUsername(username, options) {
        const query = { username, roles: 'livechat-agent' };

        return this.findOne(query, options);

    findOneByExtension(extension, options) {
        const query = {

        return this.findOne(query, options);

    findByExtensions(extensions, options) {
        const query = {
            extension: {
                $in: extensions,

        return this.find(query, options);

    getVoipExtensionByUserId(userId, options) {
        const query = {
            _id: userId,
            extension: { $exists: true },
        return this.findOne(query, options);

    setExtension(userId, extension) {
        const query = {
            _id: userId,

        const update = {
            $set: {
        return this.updateOne(query, update);

    unsetExtension(userId) {
        const query = {
            _id: userId,
        const update = {
            $unset: {
                extension: true,
        return this.updateOne(query, update);

    getAvailableAgentsIncludingExt(includeExt, text, options) {
        const query = {
            roles: { $in: ['livechat-agent'] },
            $and: [
                ...(text && text.trim()
                    ? [{ $or: [{ username: new RegExp(escapeRegExp(text), 'i') }, { name: new RegExp(escapeRegExp(text), 'i') }] }]
                    : []),
                { $or: [{ extension: { $exists: false } }, ...(includeExt ? [{ extension: includeExt }] : [])] },

        return this.findPaginated(query, options);

    findActiveUsersTOTPEnable(options) {
        const query = {
            'active': true,
            'services.totp.enabled': true,
        return this.find(query, options);

    countActiveUsersTOTPEnable(options) {
        const query = {
            'active': true,
            'services.totp.enabled': true,
        return this.col.countDocuments(query, options);

    findActiveUsersEmail2faEnable(options) {
        const query = {
            'active': true,
            'services.email2fa.enabled': true,
        return this.find(query, options);

    countActiveUsersEmail2faEnable(options) {
        const query = {
            'active': true,
            'services.email2fa.enabled': true,
        return this.col.countDocuments(query, options);

    setAsFederated(uid) {
        const query = {
            _id: uid,

        const update = {
            $set: {
                federated: true,
        return this.updateOne(query, update);

    removeRoomByRoomId(rid) {
        return this.updateMany(
                __rooms: rid,
                $pull: { __rooms: rid },

    findOneByResetToken(token, options) {
        return this.findOne({ 'services.password.reset.token': token }, options);

    findOneByIdWithEmailAddress(userId, options) {
        return this.findOne(
                _id: userId,
                emails: { $exists: true, $ne: [] },

    setFederationAvatarUrlById(userId, federationAvatarUrl) {
        return this.updateOne(
                _id: userId,
                $set: {
                    'federation.avatarUrl': federationAvatarUrl,

    async findSearchedServerNamesByUserId(userId) {
        const user = await this.findOne(
                _id: userId,
                projection: {
                    'federation.searchedServerNames': 1,

        return user.federation?.searchedServerNames || [];

    addServerNameToSearchedServerNamesList(userId, serverName) {
        return this.updateOne(
                _id: userId,
                $addToSet: {
                    'federation.searchedServerNames': serverName,

    removeServerNameFromSearchedServerNamesList(userId, serverName) {
        return this.updateOne(
                _id: userId,
                $pull: {
                    'federation.searchedServerNames': serverName,

    countFederatedExternalUsers() {
        return this.col.countDocuments({
            federated: true,

    findOnlineUserFromList(userList, isLivechatEnabledWhenAgentIdle) {
        // TODO: Create class Agent
        const username = {
            $in: [].concat(userList),

        const query = queryStatusAgentOnline({ username }, isLivechatEnabledWhenAgentIdle);

        return this.find(query);

    findOneOnlineAgentByUserList(userList, options, isLivechatEnabledWhenAgentIdle) {
        // TODO:: Create class Agent
        const username = {
            $in: [].concat(userList),

        const query = queryStatusAgentOnline({ username }, isLivechatEnabledWhenAgentIdle);

        return this.findOne(query, options);

    getUnavailableAgents() {
        return [];

    findBotAgents(usernameList) {
        // TODO:: Create class Agent
        const query = {
            roles: {
                $all: ['bot', 'livechat-agent'],
            ...(usernameList && {
                username: {
                    $in: [].concat(usernameList),

        return this.find(query);

    removeAllRoomsByUserId(_id) {
        return this.updateOne(
                $set: { __rooms: [] },

    removeRoomByUserId(_id, rid) {
        return this.updateOne(
                __rooms: rid,
                $pull: { __rooms: rid },

    addRoomByUserId(_id, rid) {
        return this.updateOne(
                __rooms: { $ne: rid },
                $addToSet: { __rooms: rid },

    addRoomByUserIds(uids, rid) {
        return this.updateMany(
                _id: { $in: uids },
                __rooms: { $ne: rid },
                $addToSet: { __rooms: rid },

    removeRoomByRoomIds(rids) {
        return this.updateMany(
                __rooms: { $in: rids },
                $pullAll: { __rooms: rids },

    getLoginTokensByUserId(userId) {
        const query = {
            'services.resume.loginTokens.type': {
                $exists: true,
                $eq: 'personalAccessToken',
            '_id': userId,

        return this.find(query, { projection: { 'services.resume.loginTokens': 1 } });

    addPersonalAccessTokenToUser({ userId, loginTokenObject }) {
        return this.updateOne(
            { _id: userId },
                $push: {
                    'services.resume.loginTokens': loginTokenObject,

    removePersonalAccessTokenOfUser({ userId, loginTokenObject }) {
        return this.updateOne(
            { _id: userId },
                $pull: {
                    'services.resume.loginTokens': loginTokenObject,

    findPersonalAccessTokenByTokenNameAndUserId({ userId, tokenName }) {
        const query = {
            'services.resume.loginTokens': {
                $elemMatch: { name: tokenName, type: 'personalAccessToken' },
            '_id': userId,

        return this.findOne(query);

    setOperator(_id, operator) {
        // TODO:: Create class Agent
        const update = {
            $set: {

        return this.updateOne({ _id }, update);

    async checkOnlineAgents(agentId) {
        // TODO:: Create class Agent
        const query = queryStatusAgentOnline(agentId && { _id: agentId });

        return !!(await this.findOne(query));

    findOnlineAgents(agentId) {
        // TODO:: Create class Agent
        const query = queryStatusAgentOnline(agentId && { _id: agentId });

        return this.find(query);

    countOnlineAgents(agentId) {
        // TODO:: Create class Agent
        const query = queryStatusAgentOnline(agentId && { _id: agentId });

        return this.col.countDocuments(query);

    findOneBotAgent() {
        // TODO:: Create class Agent
        const query = {
            roles: {
                $all: ['bot', 'livechat-agent'],

        return this.findOne(query);

    findOneOnlineAgentById(_id, isLivechatEnabledWhenAgentIdle) {
        // TODO: Create class Agent
        const query = queryStatusAgentOnline({ _id }, isLivechatEnabledWhenAgentIdle);

        return this.findOne(query);

    findAgents() {
        // TODO: Create class Agent
        const query = {
            roles: 'livechat-agent',

        return this.find(query);

    countAgents() {
        // TODO: Create class Agent
        const query = {
            roles: 'livechat-agent',

        return this.col.countDocuments(query);

    // 2
    async getNextAgent(ignoreAgentId, extraQuery) {
        // TODO: Create class Agent
        // fetch all unavailable agents, and exclude them from the selection
        const unavailableAgents = (await this.getUnavailableAgents(null, extraQuery)).map((u) => u.username);
        const extraFilters = {
            ...(ignoreAgentId && { _id: { $ne: ignoreAgentId } }),
            // limit query to remove booked agents
            username: { $nin: unavailableAgents },

        const query = queryStatusAgentOnline(extraFilters);

        const sort = {
            livechatCount: 1,
            username: 1,

        const update = {
            $inc: {
                livechatCount: 1,

        const user = await this.findOneAndUpdate(query, update, { sort, returnDocument: 'after' });
        if (user && user.value) {
            return {
                agentId: user.value._id,
                username: user.value.username,
        return null;

    async getNextBotAgent(ignoreAgentId) {
        // TODO: Create class Agent
        const query = {
            roles: {
                $all: ['bot', 'livechat-agent'],
            ...(ignoreAgentId && { _id: { $ne: ignoreAgentId } }),

        const sort = {
            livechatCount: 1,
            username: 1,

        const update = {
            $inc: {
                livechatCount: 1,

        const user = await this.findOneAndUpdate(query, update, { sort, returnDocument: 'after' });
        if (user?.value) {
            return {
                agentId: user.value._id,
                username: user.value.username,
        return null;

    setLivechatStatus(userId, status) {
        // TODO: Create class Agent
        const query = {
            _id: userId,

        const update = {
            $set: {
                statusLivechat: status,
                livechatStatusSystemModified: false,

        return this.updateOne(query, update);

    makeAgentUnavailableAndUnsetExtension(userId) {
        const query = {
            _id: userId,
            roles: 'livechat-agent',

        const update = {
            $set: {
                statusLivechat: ILivechatAgentStatus.NOT_AVAILABLE,
            $unset: {
                extension: 1,

        return this.updateOne(query, update);

    setLivechatData(userId, data = {}) {
        // TODO: Create class Agent
        const query = {
            _id: userId,

        const update = {
            $set: {
                livechat: data,

        return this.updateOne(query, update);

    async closeOffice() {
        // TODO: Create class Agent
        const promises = [];
        await this.findAgents().forEach((agent) => promises.push(this.setLivechatStatus(agent._id, 'not-available')));
        await Promise.all(promises);

    async openOffice() {
        // TODO: Create class Agent
        const promises = [];
        await this.findAgents().forEach((agent) => promises.push(this.setLivechatStatus(agent._id, 'available')));
        await Promise.all(promises);

    getAgentInfo(agentId, showAgentEmail = false) {
        // TODO: Create class Agent
        const query = {
            _id: agentId,

        const options = {
            projection: {
                name: 1,
                username: 1,
                phone: 1,
                customFields: 1,
                status: 1,
                livechat: 1,
                ...(showAgentEmail && { emails: 1 }),

        return this.findOne(query, options);

    roleBaseQuery(userId) {
        return { _id: userId };

    setE2EPublicAndPrivateKeysByUserId(userId, { public_key, private_key }) {
        return this.updateOne(
            { _id: userId },
                $set: {
                    'e2e.public_key': public_key,
                    'e2e.private_key': private_key,

    async rocketMailUnsubscribe(_id, createdAt) {
        const query = {
            createdAt: new Date(parseInt(createdAt)),
        const update = {
            $set: {
                'mailer.unsubscribed': true,
        const affectedRows = (await this.updateOne(query, update)).updatedCount;
        return affectedRows;

    async fetchKeysByUserId(userId) {
        const user = await this.findOne({ _id: userId }, { projection: { e2e: 1 } });

        if (!user?.e2e?.public_key) {
            return {};

        return {
            public_key: user.e2e.public_key,
            private_key: user.e2e.private_key,

    disable2FAAndSetTempSecretByUserId(userId, tempToken) {
        return this.updateOne(
                _id: userId,
                $set: {
                    'services.totp': {
                        enabled: false,
                        tempSecret: tempToken,

    enable2FAAndSetSecretAndCodesByUserId(userId, secret, backupCodes) {
        return this.updateOne(
                _id: userId,
                $set: {
                    'services.totp.enabled': true,
                    'services.totp.secret': secret,
                    'services.totp.hashedBackup': backupCodes,
                $unset: {
                    'services.totp.tempSecret': 1,

    disable2FAByUserId(userId) {
        return this.updateOne(
                _id: userId,
                $set: {
                    'services.totp': {
                        enabled: false,

    update2FABackupCodesByUserId(userId, backupCodes) {
        return this.updateOne(
                _id: userId,
                $set: {
                    'services.totp.hashedBackup': backupCodes,

    enableEmail2FAByUserId(userId) {
        return this.updateOne(
                _id: userId,
                $set: {
                    'services.email2fa': {
                        enabled: true,
                        changedAt: new Date(),

    disableEmail2FAByUserId(userId) {
        return this.updateOne(
                _id: userId,
                $set: {
                    'services.email2fa': {
                        enabled: false,
                        changedAt: new Date(),

    findByIdsWithPublicE2EKey(ids, options) {
        const query = {
            '_id': {
                $in: ids,
            'e2e.public_key': {
                $exists: 1,

        return this.find(query, options);

    resetE2EKey(userId) {
        return this.updateOne(
            { _id: userId },
                $unset: {
                    e2e: '',

    removeExpiredEmailCodeOfUserId(userId) {
        return this.updateOne(
            { '_id': userId, 'services.emailCode.expire': { $lt: new Date() } },
                $unset: { 'services.emailCode': 1 },

    removeEmailCodeOfUserId(userId) {
        return this.updateOne(
            { _id: userId },
                $unset: { 'services.emailCode': 1 },

    incrementInvalidEmailCodeAttempt(userId) {
        return this.findOneAndUpdate(
            { _id: userId },
                $inc: { 'services.emailCode.attempts': 1 },
                returnDocument: 'after',
                projection: {
                    'services.emailCode.attempts': 1,

    async maxInvalidEmailCodeAttemptsReached(userId, maxAttempts) {
        const result = await this.findOne(
                '_id': userId,
                'services.emailCode.attempts': { $gte: maxAttempts },
                projection: {
                    _id: 1,
        return !!result?._id;

    addEmailCodeByUserId(userId, code, expire) {
        return this.updateOne(
            { _id: userId },
                $set: {
                    'services.emailCode': {
                        attempts: 0,

     * @param {IRole['_id'][]} roles the list of role ids
     * @param {any} options
    findActiveUsersInRoles(roles, options) {
        roles = [].concat(roles);

        const query = {
            roles: { $in: roles },
            active: true,

        return this.find(query, options);

    countActiveUsersInRoles(roles, options) {
        roles = [].concat(roles);

        const query = {
            roles: { $in: roles },
            active: true,

        return this.col.countDocuments(query, options);

    findOneByUsernameAndServiceNameIgnoringCase(username, userId, serviceName, options) {
        if (typeof username === 'string') {
            username = new RegExp(`^${escapeRegExp(username)}$`, 'i');

        const query = { username, [`services.${serviceName}.id`]: userId };

        return this.findOne(query, options);

    findOneByEmailAddressAndServiceNameIgnoringCase(emailAddress, userId, serviceName, options) {
        const query = {
            'emails.address': String(emailAddress).trim(),
            [`services.${serviceName}.id`]: userId,

        return this.findOne(query, {
            collation: { locale: 'en', strength: 2 }, // Case insensitive

    findOneByEmailAddress(emailAddress, options) {
        const query = { 'emails.address': String(emailAddress).trim() };

        return this.findOne(query, {
            collation: { locale: 'en', strength: 2 }, // Case insensitive

    findOneWithoutLDAPByEmailAddress(emailAddress, options) {
        const query = {
            'email.address': emailAddress.trim().toLowerCase(),
            'services.ldap': {
                $exists: false,

        return this.findOne(query, options);

    findOneAdmin(userId, options) {
        const query = { roles: { $in: ['admin'] }, _id: userId };

        return this.findOne(query, options);

    findOneByIdAndLoginToken(_id, token, options) {
        const query = {
            'services.resume.loginTokens.hashedToken': token,

        return this.findOne(query, options);

    findOneById(userId, options = {}) {
        const query = { _id: userId };

        return this.findOne(query, options);

    findOneActiveById(userId, options) {
        const query = {
            _id: userId,
            active: true,

        return this.findOne(query, options);

    findOneByIdOrUsername(idOrUsername, options) {
        const query = {
            $or: [
                    _id: idOrUsername,
                    username: idOrUsername,

        return this.findOne(query, options);

    findOneByRolesAndType(roles, type, options) {
        const query = { roles, type };

        return this.findOne(query, options);

    findNotOfflineByIds(users, options) {
        const query = {
            _id: { $in: users },
            status: {
                $in: ['online', 'away', 'busy'],
        return this.find(query, options);

    findUsersNotOffline(options) {
        const query = {
            username: {
                $exists: 1,
            status: {
                $in: ['online', 'away', 'busy'],

        return this.find(query, options);

    countUsersNotOffline(options) {
        const query = {
            username: {
                $exists: 1,
            status: {
                $in: ['online', 'away', 'busy'],

        return this.col.countDocuments(query, options);

    findNotIdUpdatedFrom(uid, from, options) {
        const query = {
            _id: { $ne: uid },
            username: {
                $exists: 1,
            _updatedAt: { $gte: from },

        return this.find(query, options);

    async findByRoomId(rid, options) {
        const data = (await Subscriptions.findByRoomId(rid).toArray()).map((item) => item.u._id);
        const query = {
            _id: {
                $in: data,

        return this.find(query, options);

    findByUsername(username, options) {
        const query = { username };

        return this.find(query, options);

    findByUsernames(usernames, options) {
        const query = { username: { $in: usernames } };

        return this.find(query, options);

    findByUsernamesIgnoringCase(usernames, options) {
        const query = {
            username: {
                $in: usernames.filter(Boolean).map((u) => new RegExp(`^${escapeRegExp(u)}$`, 'i')),

        return this.find(query, options);

    findActiveByUserIds(ids, options = {}) {
        return this.find(
                active: true,
                type: { $nin: ['app'] },
                _id: { $in: ids },

    findActiveLocalGuests(idExceptions = [], options = {}) {
        const query = {
            active: true,
            type: { $nin: ['app'] },
            roles: {
                $eq: 'guest',
                $size: 1,
            isRemote: { $ne: true },

        if (idExceptions) {
            if (!Array.isArray(idExceptions)) {
                idExceptions = [idExceptions];

            query._id = { $nin: idExceptions };

        return this.find(query, options);

    countActiveLocalGuests(idExceptions = []) {
        const query = {
            active: true,
            type: { $nin: ['app'] },
            roles: {
                $eq: 'guest',
                $size: 1,
            isRemote: { $ne: true },

        if (idExceptions) {
            if (!Array.isArray(idExceptions)) {
                idExceptions = [idExceptions];

            query._id = { $nin: idExceptions };

        return this.col.countDocuments(query);

    // 4
    findUsersByNameOrUsername(nameOrUsername, options) {
        const query = {
            username: {
                $exists: 1,

            $or: [{ name: nameOrUsername }, { username: nameOrUsername }],

            type: {
                $in: ['user'],

        return this.find(query, options);

    findByUsernameNameOrEmailAddress(usernameNameOrEmailAddress, options) {
        const query = {
            $or: [
                { name: usernameNameOrEmailAddress },
                { username: usernameNameOrEmailAddress },
                { 'emails.address': usernameNameOrEmailAddress },
            type: {
                $in: ['user', 'bot'],

        return this.find(query, options);

    findCrowdUsers(options) {
        const query = { crowd: true };

        return this.find(query, options);

    async getLastLogin(options = { projection: { _id: 0, lastLogin: 1 } }) {
        options.sort = { lastLogin: -1 };
        const user = await this.findOne({}, options);
        return user?.lastLogin;

    findUsersByUsernames(usernames, options) {
        const query = {
            username: {
                $in: usernames,

        return this.find(query, options);

    findUsersByIds(ids, options) {
        const query = {
            _id: {
                $in: ids,
        return this.find(query, options);

    findUsersWithUsernameByIds(ids, options) {
        const query = {
            _id: {
                $in: ids,
            username: {
                $exists: 1,

        return this.find(query, options);

    findUsersWithUsernameByIdsNotOffline(ids, options) {
        const query = {
            _id: {
                $in: ids,
            username: {
                $exists: 1,
            status: {
                $in: ['online', 'away', 'busy'],

        return this.find(query, options);

     * @param {import('mongodb').Filter<import('').IStats>} projection
    getOldest(optionsParams) {
        const query = {
            _id: {
                $ne: '',

        const options = {
            sort: {
                createdAt: 1,

        return this.findOne(query, options);

    countRemote(options = {}) {
        return this.col.countDocuments({ isRemote: true }, options);

    findActiveRemote(options = {}) {
        return this.find(
                active: true,
                isRemote: true,
                roles: { $ne: ['guest'] },

    findActiveFederated(options = {}) {
        return this.find(
                active: true,
                federated: true,

    getSAMLByIdAndSAMLProvider(_id, provider) {
        return this.findOne(
                'services.saml.provider': provider,
                'services.saml': 1,

    findBySAMLNameIdOrIdpSession(nameID, idpSession) {
        return this.find({
            $or: [{ 'services.saml.nameID': nameID }, { 'services.saml.idpSession': idpSession }],

    countBySAMLNameIdOrIdpSession(nameID, idpSession) {
        return this.col.countDocuments({
            $or: [{ 'services.saml.nameID': nameID }, { 'services.saml.idpSession': idpSession }],

    findBySAMLInResponseTo(inResponseTo) {
        return this.find({
            'services.saml.inResponseTo': inResponseTo,

    // UPDATE
    addImportIds(_id, importIds) {
        importIds = [].concat(importIds);

        const query = { _id };

        const update = {
            $addToSet: {
                importIds: {
                    $each: importIds,

        return this.updateOne(query, update);

    updateInviteToken(_id, inviteToken) {
        const update = {
            $set: {

        return this.updateOne({ _id }, update);

    updateLastLoginById(_id) {
        const update = {
            $set: {
                lastLogin: new Date(),

        return this.updateOne({ _id }, update);

    addPasswordToHistory(_id, password, passwordHistoryAmount) {
        const update = {
            $push: {
                'services.passwordHistory': {
                    $each: [password],
                    $slice: -Number(passwordHistoryAmount),
        return this.updateOne({ _id }, update);

    setServiceId(_id, serviceName, serviceId) {
        const update = { $set: {} };

        const serviceIdKey = `services.${serviceName}.id`;
        update.$set[serviceIdKey] = serviceId;

        return this.updateOne({ _id }, update);

    setUsername(_id, username) {
        const update = { $set: { username } };

        return this.updateOne({ _id }, update);

    setEmail(_id, email) {
        const update = {
            $set: {
                emails: [
                        address: email,
                        verified: false,

        return this.updateOne({ _id }, update);

    // 5
    setEmailVerified(_id, email) {
        const query = {
            emails: {
                $elemMatch: {
                    address: email,
                    verified: false,

        const update = {
            $set: {
                'emails.$.verified': true,

        return this.updateOne(query, update);

    setName(_id, name) {
        const update = {
            $set: {

        return this.updateOne({ _id }, update);

    unsetName(_id) {
        const update = {
            $unset: {

        return this.updateOne({ _id }, update);

    setCustomFields(_id, fields) {
        const values = {};
        Object.keys(fields).forEach((key) => {
            values[`customFields.${key}`] = fields[key];

        const update = { $set: values };

        return this.updateOne({ _id }, update);

    setAvatarData(_id, origin, etag) {
        const update = {
            $set: {
                avatarOrigin: origin,
                avatarETag: etag,

        return this.updateOne({ _id }, update);

    unsetAvatarData(_id) {
        const update = {
            $unset: {
                avatarOrigin: 1,
                avatarETag: 1,

        return this.updateOne({ _id }, update);

    setUserActive(_id, active) {
        if (active == null) {
            active = true;
        const update = {
            $set: {

        return this.updateOne({ _id }, update);

    setAllUsersActive(active) {
        const update = {
            $set: {

        return this.updateMany({}, update);

     * @param latestLastLoginDate
     * @param {IRole['_id']} role the role id
     * @param {boolean} active
    setActiveNotLoggedInAfterWithRole(latestLastLoginDate, role = 'user', active = false) {
        const neverActive = { lastLogin: { $exists: 0 }, createdAt: { $lte: latestLastLoginDate } };
        const idleTooLong = { lastLogin: { $lte: latestLastLoginDate } };

        const query = {
            $or: [neverActive, idleTooLong],
            active: true,
            roles: role,

        const update = {
            $set: {

        return this.updateMany(query, update);

    unsetRequirePasswordChange(_id) {
        const update = {
            $unset: {
                requirePasswordChange: true,
                requirePasswordChangeReason: true,

        return this.updateOne({ _id }, update);

    resetPasswordAndSetRequirePasswordChange(_id, requirePasswordChange, requirePasswordChangeReason) {
        const update = {
            $unset: {
                'services.password': 1,
            $set: {

        return this.updateOne({ _id }, update);

    setLanguage(_id, language) {
        const update = {
            $set: {

        return this.updateOne({ _id }, update);

    setProfile(_id, profile) {
        const update = {
            $set: {
                'settings.profile': profile,

        return this.updateOne({ _id }, update);

    setBio(_id, bio = '') {
        const update = {
                ? {
                        $set: {
                : {
                        $unset: {
                            bio: 1,
        return this.updateOne({ _id }, update);

    setNickname(_id, nickname = '') {
        const update = {
                ? {
                        $set: {
                : {
                        $unset: {
                            nickname: 1,
        return this.updateOne({ _id }, update);

    clearSettings(_id) {
        const update = {
            $set: {
                settings: {},

        return this.updateOne({ _id }, update);

    setPreferences(_id, preferences) {
        const settingsObject = Object.assign(
            ...Object.keys(preferences).map((key) => ({
                [`settings.preferences.${key}`]: preferences[key],

        const update = {
            $set: settingsObject,
        if (parseInt(preferences.clockMode) === 0) {
            delete update.$set['settings.preferences.clockMode'];
            update.$unset = { 'settings.preferences.clockMode': 1 };

        return this.updateOne({ _id }, update);

    setTwoFactorAuthorizationHashAndUntilForUserIdAndToken(_id, token, hash, until) {
        return this.updateOne(
                'services.resume.loginTokens.hashedToken': token,
                $set: {
                    'services.resume.loginTokens.$.twoFactorAuthorizedHash': hash,
                    'services.resume.loginTokens.$.twoFactorAuthorizedUntil': until,

    setUtcOffset(_id, utcOffset) {
        const query = {
            utcOffset: {
                $ne: utcOffset,

        const update = {
            $set: {

        return this.updateOne(query, update);

    saveUserById(_id, data) {
        const setData = {};
        const unsetData = {};

        if ( != null) {
            if ( {
            } else {
       = 1;

        if ( != null) {
            if ( {
                setData.emails = [{ address: }];
            } else {
                unsetData.emails = 1;

        if ( != null) {
            if ( {
       = [{ phoneNumber: }];
            } else {
       = 1;

        const update = {};

        if (setData) {
            update.$set = setData;

        if (unsetData) {
            update.$unset = unsetData;

        if (update) {
            return true;

        return this.updateOne({ _id }, update);

    setReason(_id, reason) {
        const update = {
            $set: {

        return this.updateOne({ _id }, update);

    unsetReason(_id) {
        const update = {
            $unset: {
                reason: true,

        return this.updateOne({ _id }, update);

    async bannerExistsById(_id, bannerId) {
        const query = {
            [`banners.${bannerId}`]: {
                $exists: true,

        return (await this.col.countDocuments(query)) !== 0;

    setBannerReadById(_id, bannerId) {
        const update = {
            $set: {
                [`banners.${bannerId}.read`]: true,

        return this.updateOne({ _id }, update);

    removeBannerById(_id, bannerId) {
        const update = {
            $unset: {
                [`banners.${bannerId}`]: true,

        return this.updateOne({ _id }, update);

    removeSamlServiceSession(_id) {
        const update = {
            $unset: {
                'services.saml.idpSession': '',

        return this.updateOne({ _id }, update);

    updateDefaultStatus(_id, statusDefault) {
        return this.updateOne(
                statusDefault: { $ne: statusDefault },
                $set: {

    setSamlInResponseTo(_id, inResponseTo) {
                $set: {
                    'services.saml.inResponseTo': inResponseTo,

    // INSERT
    create(data) {
        const user = {
            createdAt: new Date(),
            avatarOrigin: 'none',

        Object.assign(user, data);

        return this.insertOne(user);

    // REMOVE
    removeById(_id) {
        return this.deleteOne({ _id });

    removeLivechatData(userId) {
        const query = {
            _id: userId,

        const update = {
            $unset: {
                livechat: true,

        return this.updateOne(query, update);

        Find users to send a message by email if:
        - he is not online
        - has a verified email
        - has not disabled email notifications
        - `active` is equal to true (false means they were deactivated and can't login)
    getUsersToSendOfflineEmail(usersIds) {
        const query = {
            '_id': {
                $in: usersIds,
            'active': true,
            'status': 'offline',
            'statusConnection': {
                $ne: 'online',
            'emails.verified': true,

        const options = {
            projection: {
                'name': 1,
                'username': 1,
                'emails': 1,
                'settings.preferences.emailNotificationMode': 1,
                'language': 1,

        return this.find(query, options);

    countActiveUsersByService(serviceName, options) {
        const query = {
            active: true,
            type: { $nin: ['app'] },
            roles: { $ne: ['guest'] },
            [`services.${serviceName}`]: { $exists: true },

        return this.col.countDocuments(query, options);

    // here
    getActiveLocalUserCount() {
        return Promise.all([
            // Count all active users (fast based on index)
                active: true,
            // Count all active that are guests, apps, bots or federated
            // Fast based on indexes, usually based on guest index as is usually small
                active: true,
                $or: [{ roles: ['guest'] }, { type: { $in: ['app', 'bot'] } }, { federated: true }, { isRemote: true }],
            // Get all active and remove the guests, apps, bots and federated
        ]).then((results) => results.reduce((a, b) => a - b));

    getActiveLocalGuestCount(idExceptions = []) {
        return this.countActiveLocalGuests(idExceptions);

    removeOlderResumeTokensByUserId(userId, fromDate) {
            { _id: userId },
                $pull: {
                    'services.resume.loginTokens': {
                        when: { $lt: fromDate },

    findAllUsersWithPendingAvatar() {
        const query = {
            _pendingAvatarUrl: {
                $exists: true,

        const options = {
            projection: {
                _id: 1,
                name: 1,
                _pendingAvatarUrl: 1,

        return this.find(query, options);

    updateCustomFieldsById(userId, customFields) {
        return this.updateOne(
            { _id: userId },
                $set: {

    countRoomMembers(roomId) {
        return this.col.countDocuments({ __rooms: roomId, active: true });

    removeAgent(_id) {
        const update = {
            $set: {
                operator: false,
            $unset: {
                livechat: 1,
                statusLivechat: 1,
                extension: 1,
                openBusinessHours: 1,

        return this.updateOne({ _id }, update);

    countByRole(role) {
        return this.col.countDocuments({ roles: role });