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import { Authorization, VideoConf } from '';
import type { ISubscription, IOmnichannelRoom, IUser } from '';
import type { StreamerCallbackArgs, StreamKeys, StreamNames } from '';
import { Rooms, Subscriptions, Users, Settings } from '';
import type { IStreamer, IStreamerConstructor, IPublication } from 'meteor/rocketchat:streamer';

import type { ImporterProgress } from '../../../app/importer/server/classes/ImporterProgress';
import { emit, StreamPresence } from '../../../app/notifications/server/lib/Presence';
import { SystemLogger } from '../../lib/logger/system';

export class NotificationsModule {
    public readonly streamLogged: IStreamer<'notify-logged'>;

    public readonly streamAll: IStreamer<'notify-all'>;

    public readonly streamRoom: IStreamer<'notify-room'>;

    public readonly streamRoomUsers: IStreamer<'notify-room-users'>;

    public readonly streamUser: IStreamer<'notify-user'> & {
        on(event: string, fn: ( any[]) => void): void;

    public readonly streamRoomMessage: IStreamer<'room-messages'>;

    public readonly streamImporters: IStreamer<'importers'>;

    public readonly streamRoles: IStreamer<'roles'>;

    public readonly streamApps: IStreamer<'apps'>;

    public readonly streamAppsEngine: IStreamer<'apps-engine'>;

    public readonly streamCannedResponses: IStreamer<'canned-responses'>;

    public readonly streamIntegrationHistory: IStreamer<'integrationHistory'>;

    public readonly streamLivechatRoom: IStreamer<'livechat-room'>;

    public readonly streamLivechatQueueData: IStreamer<'livechat-inquiry-queue-observer'>;

    public readonly streamStdout: IStreamer<'stdout'>;

    public readonly streamRoomData: IStreamer<'room-data'>;

    public readonly streamLocal: IStreamer<'local'>;

    public readonly streamPresence: IStreamer<'user-presence'>;

    constructor(private Streamer: IStreamerConstructor) {
        this.streamAll = new this.Streamer('notify-all');
        this.streamLogged = new this.Streamer('notify-logged');
        this.streamRoom = new this.Streamer('notify-room');
        this.streamRoomUsers = new this.Streamer('notify-room-users');
        this.streamImporters = new this.Streamer('importers', { retransmit: false });
        this.streamRoles = new this.Streamer('roles');
        this.streamApps = new this.Streamer('apps', { retransmit: false });
        this.streamAppsEngine = new this.Streamer('apps-engine', { retransmit: false });
        this.streamCannedResponses = new this.Streamer('canned-responses');
        this.streamIntegrationHistory = new this.Streamer('integrationHistory');
        this.streamLivechatRoom = new this.Streamer('livechat-room');
        this.streamLivechatQueueData = new this.Streamer('livechat-inquiry-queue-observer');
        this.streamStdout = new this.Streamer('stdout');
        this.streamRoomData = new this.Streamer('room-data');
        this.streamPresence = StreamPresence.getInstance(Streamer, 'user-presence');
        this.streamRoomMessage = new this.Streamer('room-messages');

        this.streamRoomMessage.on('_afterPublish', async (streamer, publication: IPublication, eventName: string): Promise<void> => {
            const { userId } = publication._session;
            if (!userId) {

            const userEvent = (clientAction: string, { rid }: { rid: string }): void => {
                switch (clientAction) {
                    case 'removed':
                        streamer.removeListener(userId, userEvent);
                        const sub = [...streamer.subscriptions].find((sub) => sub.eventName === rid && sub.subscription.userId === userId);
                        sub && streamer.removeSubscription(sub, eventName);

            streamer.on(userId, userEvent);

            publication.onStop(() => streamer.removeListener(userId, userEvent));

        this.streamUser = new this.Streamer('notify-user');
        this.streamLocal = new this.Streamer('local');

    configure(): void {
        // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-this-alias
        const self = this;

        this.streamRoomMessage.allowRead(async function (eventName, extraData) {
            const room = await Rooms.findOneById(eventName);
            if (!room) {
                return false;

            const canAccess = await Authorization.canAccessRoom(room, { _id: this.userId || '' }, extraData);
            if (!canAccess) {
                // verify if can preview messages from public channels
                if (room.t === 'c' && this.userId) {
                    return Authorization.hasPermission(this.userId, 'preview-c-room');
                return false;

            return true;

        this.streamRoomMessage.allowRead('__my_messages__', 'all');
        this.streamRoomMessage.allowEmit('__my_messages__', async function (_eventName, { rid }) {
            if (!this.userId) {
                return false;

            try {
                const room = await Rooms.findOneById(rid);
                if (!room) {
                    return false;

                const canAccess = await Authorization.canAccessRoom(room, { _id: this.userId });
                if (!canAccess) {
                    return false;

                const roomParticipant = await Subscriptions.countByRoomIdAndUserId(room._id, this.userId);

                return {
                    roomParticipant: roomParticipant > 0,
                    roomType: room.t,
            } catch (error) {
                /* error*/
                return false;

        this.streamLogged.allowRead('private-settings-changed', async function () {
            if (this.userId == null) {
                return false;
            return Authorization.hasAtLeastOnePermission(this.userId, [


        this.streamRoom.allowRead(async function (eventName, extraData): Promise<boolean> {
            const [rid, e] = eventName.split('/');

            if (e === 'webrtc') {
                return true;

            const room = await Rooms.findOneById<Pick<IOmnichannelRoom, 't' | 'v' | '_id'>>(rid, {
                projection: { 't': 1, 'v.token': 1 },

            if (!room) {
                return false;

            // typing from livechat widget
            if (extraData?.token) {
                // TODO improve this to make a query 'v.token'
                const room = await Rooms.findOneById<Pick<IOmnichannelRoom, 't' | 'v'>>(rid, {
                    projection: { 't': 1, 'v.token': 1 },
                return !!room && room.t === 'l' && room.v.token === extraData.token;

            if (!this.userId) {
                return false;
            const canAccess = await Authorization.canAccessRoomId(room._id, this.userId);

            return canAccess;

        async function canType({
        }: {
            userId?: string;
            username: string;
            extraData?: { token: string };
            rid: string;
        }): Promise<boolean> {
            try {
                // typing from livechat widget
                if (extraData?.token) {
                    // TODO improve this to make a query 'v.token'
                    const room = await Rooms.findOneById<Pick<IOmnichannelRoom, 't' | 'v'>>(rid, {
                        projection: { 't': 1, 'v.token': 1 },
                    return !!room && room.t === 'l' && room.v.token === extraData.token;

                if (!userId) {
                    return false;

                // TODO consider using something to cache settings
                const key = (await Settings.getValueById('UI_Use_Real_Name')) ? 'name' : 'username';

                const user = await Users.findOneById<Pick<IUser, 'name' | 'username'>>(userId, {
                    projection: {
                        [key]: 1,

                if (!user) {
                    return false;

                return user[key] === username;
            } catch (e) {
                return false;

        this.streamRoom.allowWrite(async function (eventName, username, _activity, extraData): Promise<boolean> {
            const [rid, e] = eventName.split('/');

            // TODO should this use WEB_RTC_EVENTS enum?
            if (e === 'webrtc') {
                return true;

            if (e !== 'user-activity') {
                return false;

            if (!(await canType({ extraData, rid, username, userId: this.userId ?? undefined }))) {
                return false;

            return true;

        this.streamRoomUsers.allowWrite(async function (eventName, ...args: any[]) {
            const [roomId, e] = eventName.split('/');
            if (!this.userId) {
                const room = await Rooms.findOneById<IOmnichannelRoom>(roomId, {
                    projection: { 't': 1, 'servedBy._id': 1 },
                if (room && room.t === 'l' && e === 'webrtc' && room.servedBy) {
                    self.notifyUser(room.servedBy._id, e, ...args);
                    return false;
            } else if ((await Subscriptions.countByRoomIdAndUserId(roomId, this.userId)) > 0) {
                const livechatSubscriptions: ISubscription[] = await Subscriptions.findByLivechatRoomIdAndNotUserId(roomId, this.userId, {
                    projection: { 'v._id': 1, '_id': 0 },
                if (livechatSubscriptions && e === 'webrtc') {
                    livechatSubscriptions.forEach((subscription) => subscription.v && self.notifyUser(subscription.v._id, e, ...args));
                    return false;
                const subscriptions: ISubscription[] = await Subscriptions.findByRoomIdAndNotUserId(roomId, this.userId, {
                    projection: { 'u._id': 1, '_id': 0 },

                subscriptions.forEach((subscription) => self.notifyUser(subscription.u._id, e, ...args));
            return false;

        this.streamUser.allowWrite(async function (eventName, data: unknown) {
            const [, e] = eventName.split('/');
            if (e === 'otr' && (data === 'handshake' || data === 'acknowledge')) {
                const isEnable = await Settings.getValueById('OTR_Enable');
                return Boolean(this.userId) && (isEnable === 'true' || isEnable === true);
            if (e === 'webrtc') {
                return true;
            if (e === 'video-conference') {
                if (!this.userId || !data || typeof data !== 'object') {
                    return false;

                const { action: videoAction, params } = data as {
                    action: string | undefined;
                    params: { callId?: string; uid?: string; rid?: string };

                if (!videoAction || typeof videoAction !== 'string' || !params || typeof params !== 'object') {
                    return false;

                const callId = 'callId' in params && typeof params.callId === 'string' ? params.callId : '';
                const uid = 'uid' in params && typeof params.uid === 'string' ? params.uid : '';
                const rid = 'rid' in params && typeof params.rid === 'string' ? params.rid : '';

                return VideoConf.validateAction(videoAction, this.userId, {

            return Boolean(this.userId);
        this.streamUser.allowRead(async function (eventName) {
            const [userId, e] = eventName.split('/');

            if (e === 'otr') {
                const isEnable = await Settings.getValueById('OTR_Enable');
                return Boolean(this.userId) && this.userId === userId && (isEnable === 'true' || isEnable === true);
            if (e === 'webrtc') {
                return true;

            return Boolean(this.userId) && this.userId === userId;


        this.streamApps.serverOnly = true;

        this.streamAppsEngine.serverOnly = true;

        this.streamCannedResponses.allowRead(async function () {
            return (
                !!this.userId &&
                !!(await Settings.getValueById('Canned_Responses_Enable')) &&
                Authorization.hasPermission(this.userId, 'view-canned-responses')

        this.streamIntegrationHistory.allowRead(async function () {
            if (!this.userId) {
                return false;
            return Authorization.hasAtLeastOnePermission(this.userId, ['manage-outgoing-integrations', 'manage-own-outgoing-integrations']);

        this.streamLivechatRoom.allowRead(async (roomId, extraData) => {
            const room = await Rooms.findOneById<Pick<IOmnichannelRoom, 't' | 'v'>>(roomId, {
                projection: { _id: 0, t: 1, v: 1 },

            if (!room) {
                console.warn(`Invalid eventName: "${roomId}"`);
                return false;

            if (room.t === 'l' && extraData?.visitorToken && room.v.token === extraData.visitorToken) {
                return true;
            return false;

        this.streamLivechatQueueData.allowRead(async function () {
            return this.userId ? Authorization.hasPermission(this.userId, 'view-l-room') : false;

        this.streamStdout.allowRead(async function () {
            if (!this.userId) {
                return false;
            return Authorization.hasPermission(this.userId, 'view-logs');

        this.streamRoomData.allowRead(async function (rid) {
            if (!this.userId) {
                return false;

            try {
                const room = await Rooms.findOneById(rid);
                if (!room) {
                    return false;

                const canAccess = await Authorization.canAccessRoom(room, { _id: this.userId });
                if (!canAccess) {
                    return false;

                return true;
            } catch (error) {
                return false;


        this.streamUser.on('_afterPublish', async (streamer, publication: IPublication, eventName: string): Promise<void> => {
            const { userId } = publication._session;
            if (!userId) {

            if (/rooms-changed/.test(eventName)) {
                // TODO: change this to serialize only once
                const roomEvent = (...args: any[]): void => {
                    // TODO if receive a removed event could do => streamer.removeListener(rid, roomEvent);
                    const payload = streamer.changedPayload(streamer.subscriptionName, 'id', {
                        eventName: `${userId}/rooms-changed`,

                    payload && publication._session.socket?.send(payload);

                const subscriptions = await Subscriptions.find<Pick<ISubscription, 'rid'>>(
                    { 'u._id': userId },
                    { projection: { rid: 1 } },

                subscriptions.forEach(({ rid }) => {
                    streamer.on(rid, roomEvent);

                const userEvent = async (clientAction: string, { rid }: Partial<ISubscription> = {}): Promise<void> => {
                    if (!rid) {

                    switch (clientAction) {
                        case 'inserted':
                            subscriptions.push({ rid });
                            streamer.on(rid, roomEvent);

                            // after a subscription is added need to emit the room again
                            roomEvent('inserted', await Rooms.findOneById(rid));

                        case 'removed':
                            streamer.removeListener(rid, roomEvent);
                streamer.on(userId, userEvent);

                publication.onStop(() => {
                    streamer.removeListener(userId, userEvent);
                    subscriptions.forEach(({ rid }) => streamer.removeListener(rid, roomEvent));

        this.streamLocal.serverOnly = true;


    // notifyAll<E extends StreamKeys<'notify-all'>>(eventName: E, ...args: StreamerCallbackArgs<'notify-all', E>): void {
    //     return this.streamAll.emit(eventName, ...args);
    // }

    notifyLogged<E extends StreamKeys<'notify-logged'>>(eventName: E, ...args: StreamerCallbackArgs<'notify-logged', E>): void {
        return this.streamLogged.emit(eventName, ...args);

    notifyRoom<P extends string, E extends string>(
        room: P,
        eventName: E extends ExtractNotifyUserEventName<'notify-room', P> ? E : never,
        ...args: E extends ExtractNotifyUserEventName<'notify-room', P> ? StreamerCallbackArgs<'notify-room', `${P}/${E}`> : never
    ): void {
        return this.streamRoom.emit(`${room}/${eventName}`, ...args);

    notifyUser<P extends string, E extends string>(
        userId: P,
        eventName: E extends ExtractNotifyUserEventName<'notify-user', P> ? E : never,
        ...args: E extends ExtractNotifyUserEventName<'notify-user', P> ? StreamerCallbackArgs<'notify-user', `${P}/${E}`> : never
    ): void {
        return this.streamUser.emit(`${userId}/${eventName}`, ...args);

    notifyAllInThisInstance<E extends StreamKeys<'notify-all'>>(eventName: E, ...args: StreamerCallbackArgs<'notify-all', E>): void {
        return this.streamAll.emitWithoutBroadcast(eventName, ...args);

    notifyLoggedInThisInstance<E extends StreamKeys<'notify-logged'>>(eventName: E, ...args: StreamerCallbackArgs<'notify-logged', E>): void {
        return this.streamLogged.emitWithoutBroadcast(eventName, ...args);

    notifyRoomInThisInstance<P extends string, E extends string>(
        room: P,
        eventName: E extends ExtractNotifyUserEventName<'notify-room', P> ? E : never,
        ...args: E extends ExtractNotifyUserEventName<'notify-room', P> ? StreamerCallbackArgs<'notify-room', `${P}/${E}`> : never
    ): void {
        return this.streamRoom.emitWithoutBroadcast(`${room}/${eventName}`, ...args);

    notifyUserInThisInstance<P extends string, E extends string>(
        userId: P,
        eventName: E extends ExtractNotifyUserEventName<'notify-user', P> ? E : never,
        ...args: E extends ExtractNotifyUserEventName<'notify-user', P> ? StreamerCallbackArgs<'notify-user', `${P}/${E}`> : never
    ): void {
        return this.streamUser.emitWithoutBroadcast(`${userId}/${eventName}`, ...args);

    sendPresence(uid: string, ...args: [username: string, status?: 0 | 1 | 2 | 3, statusText?: string]): void {
        emit(uid, [args]);
        return this.streamPresence.emitWithoutBroadcast(uid, args);

    progressUpdated(progress: { rate: number } | ImporterProgress): void {
        this.streamImporters.emit('progress', progress);

type ExtractNotifyUserEventName<
    T extends StreamNames,
    P extends string,
    E extends StreamKeys<T> = StreamKeys<T>,
> = E extends `${infer X}/${infer I}` ? (P extends X ? I : never) : never;