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25 mins
Test Coverage
import type { IAuthorizationLivechat, RoomAccessValidator } from '';
import { proxifyWithWait } from '';
import type { IOmnichannelRoom } from '';
import { Rooms } from '';

const AuthorizationLivechat = proxifyWithWait<IAuthorizationLivechat>('authorization-livechat');

export const canAccessRoomLivechat: RoomAccessValidator = async (room, user, extraData): Promise<boolean> => {
    // If we received a partial room and its type is not `l` or `v`, skip all checks.
    if (room && !['v', 'l'].includes(room.t)) {
        return false;

    // if we received a partial room, load the full IOmnichannelRoom data for it
    // Otherwise, try to load the data from the extraData (this is the case for file uploads)
    const rid = room?._id || extraData?.rid;
    const livechatRoom = rid && (await Rooms.findOneById(rid));

    // if the roomId is invalid skip checks and fail
    if (!livechatRoom) {
        return false;

    // Check the type again in case the room parameter was not received
    if (!['v', 'l'].includes(livechatRoom.t)) {
        return false;

    // Call back core temporarily
    return AuthorizationLivechat.canAccessRoom(livechatRoom as IOmnichannelRoom, user, extraData);