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import { LivechatPriorityWeight } from '';
import { LivechatRooms, Messages, LivechatPriority, OmnichannelServiceLevelAgreements } from '';

import { addMigration } from '../../lib/migrations';

// Migration to migrate old priorities to new SLAs, plus for new priorities feature
    version: 290,
    async up() {
        // CE may have been EE first, so it may hold priorities which we want to remove
        // IF env is not EE anymore, then just cleaning the collection is enough
        // IF it's still EE, populate new collection with SLAs
        const currentPriorities = await LivechatPriority.col.find().toArray();
        await LivechatPriority.deleteMany({});

        try {
            // remove indexes from livechat_priority collection
            await LivechatPriority.col.dropIndexes();
        } catch (error) {
            // ignore
            console.warn('Error dropping indexes from livechat_priority collection:', error);

        // Since priorityId holds the "SLA ID" at this point, we need to rename the property so it doesn't conflict with current priorities
        // Typing of the prop will be kept as will be reused by the new priorities feature
        await LivechatRooms.updateMany({ priorityId: { $exists: true } }, { $rename: { priorityId: 'slaId' } });
        if (currentPriorities.length) {
            // Since we updated the typings of the model
            // @ts-expect-error - Types of priorities are incompatible at this point
            await OmnichannelServiceLevelAgreements.insertMany(currentPriorities);

        // migrate old priority history messages to new sla history messages
        await Messages.updateMany(
            // intentionally using any since this is a legacy type which we've removed
            { t: 'livechat_priority_history' as any },
                $set: {
                    't': 'omnichannel_sla_change_history',
                    'slaData.definedBy': '$priorityData.definedBy',
                    'slaData.sla': '$priorityData.priority',
                $unset: {
                    priorityData: 1,

        // update all livechat rooms to have default priority weight so the sorting on the livechat queue and current chats works as expected
        await LivechatRooms.updateMany(
                t: 'l',
                priorityWeight: { $exists: false },
                $set: {
                    priorityWeight: LivechatPriorityWeight.NOT_SPECIFIED,