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import type { UrlWithStringQuery } from 'url';

import type Icons from '';
import type { Root } from '';
import type { MessageSurfaceLayout } from '';

import type { ILivechatPriority } from '../ILivechatPriority';
import type { ILivechatVisitor } from '../ILivechatVisitor';
import type { IOmnichannelServiceLevelAgreements } from '../IOmnichannelServiceLevelAgreements';
import type { IRocketChatRecord } from '../IRocketChatRecord';
import type { IRoom, RoomID } from '../IRoom';
import type { IUser } from '../IUser';
import type { FileProp } from './MessageAttachment/Files/FileProp';
import type { MessageAttachment } from './MessageAttachment/MessageAttachment';

export type MessageUrl = {
    url: string;
    source?: string;
    meta: Record<string, string>;
    headers?: { contentLength?: string; contentType?: string };
    ignoreParse?: boolean;
    parsedUrl?: Pick<UrlWithStringQuery, 'host' | 'hash' | 'pathname' | 'protocol' | 'port' | 'query' | 'search' | 'hostname'>;

const VoipMessageTypesValues = [
] as const;

const TeamMessageTypesValues = [
] as const;

const LivechatMessageTypesValues = [
] as const;

const OtrMessageTypeValues = ['otr', 'otr-ack'] as const;

const OtrSystemMessagesValues = ['user_joined_otr', 'user_requested_otr_key_refresh', 'user_key_refreshed_successfully'] as const;
export type OtrSystemMessages = (typeof OtrSystemMessagesValues)[number];

const MessageTypes = [
] as const;
export type MessageTypesValues = (typeof MessageTypes)[number];

export type TokenType = 'code' | 'inlinecode' | 'bold' | 'italic' | 'strike' | 'link';
export type Token = {
    token: string;
    text: string;
    type?: TokenType;
    noHtml?: string;
} & TokenExtra;

export type TokenExtra = {
    highlight?: boolean;
    noHtml?: string;

export type MessageMention = {
    type?: 'user' | 'team'; // mentions for 'all' and 'here' doesn't have type
    _id: string;
    name?: string;
    username?: string;
    fname?: string; // incase of channel mentions

export interface IMessageCustomFields {}

export interface IMessage extends IRocketChatRecord {
    rid: RoomID;
    msg: string;
    tmid?: string;
    tshow?: boolean;
    ts: Date;
    mentions?: MessageMention[];

    groupable?: boolean;
    channels?: Pick<IRoom, '_id' | 'name'>[];
    u: Required<Pick<IUser, '_id' | 'username'>> & Pick<IUser, 'name'>;
    blocks?: MessageSurfaceLayout;
    alias?: string;
    md?: Root;

    _hidden?: boolean;
    imported?: boolean;
    replies?: IUser['_id'][];
    location?: {
        type: 'Point';
        coordinates: [number, number];
    starred?: { _id: IUser['_id'] }[];
    pinned?: boolean;
    pinnedAt?: Date;
    pinnedBy?: Pick<IUser, '_id' | 'username'>;
    unread?: boolean;
    temp?: boolean;
    drid?: RoomID;
    tlm?: Date;

    dcount?: number;
    tcount?: number;
    t?: MessageTypesValues;
    e2e?: 'pending' | 'done';
    otrAck?: string;

    urls?: MessageUrl[];

    /** @deprecated Deprecated */
    actionLinks?: {
        icon: keyof typeof Icons;
        i18nLabel: unknown;
        label: string;
        method_id: string;
        params: string;

    /** @deprecated Deprecated in favor of files */
    file?: FileProp;
    fileUpload?: {
        publicFilePath: string;
        type?: string;
        size?: number;
    files?: FileProp[];
    attachments?: MessageAttachment[];

    reactions?: {
        [key: string]: { names?: (string | undefined)[]; usernames: string[]; federationReactionEventIds?: Record<string, string> };

    private?: boolean;
    /* @deprecated */
    bot?: boolean;
    sentByEmail?: boolean;
    webRtcCallEndTs?: Date;
    role?: string;

    avatar?: string;
    emoji?: string;

    // Tokenization fields
    tokens?: Token[];
    html?: string;
    // Messages sent from visitors have this field
    token?: string;
    federation?: {
        eventId: string;

    /* used when message type is "omnichannel_sla_change_history" */
    slaData?: {
        definedBy: Pick<IUser, '_id' | 'username'>;
        sla?: Pick<IOmnichannelServiceLevelAgreements, 'name'>;

    /* used when message type is "omnichannel_priority_change_history" */
    priorityData?: {
        definedBy: Pick<IUser, '_id' | 'username'>;
        priority?: Pick<ILivechatPriority, 'name' | 'i18n'>;

    customFields?: IMessageCustomFields;

    content?: {
        algorithm: string; // 'rc.v1.aes-sha2'
        ciphertext: string; // Encrypted subset JSON of IMessage

export interface ISystemMessage extends IMessage {
    t: MessageTypesValues;

export interface IEditedMessage extends IMessage {
    editedAt: Date;
    editedBy: Pick<IUser, '_id' | 'username'>;

export const isEditedMessage = (message: IMessage): message is IEditedMessage =>
    'editedAt' in message &&
    (message as { editedAt?: unknown }).editedAt instanceof Date &&
    'editedBy' in message &&
    typeof (message as { editedBy?: unknown }).editedBy === 'object' &&
    (message as { editedBy?: unknown }).editedBy !== null &&
    '_id' in (message as IEditedMessage).editedBy &&
    typeof (message as IEditedMessage).editedBy._id === 'string';

export const isSystemMessage = (message: IMessage): message is ISystemMessage =>
    message.t !== undefined && MessageTypes.includes(message.t);

export const isDeletedMessage = (message: IMessage): message is IEditedMessage => isEditedMessage(message) && message.t === 'rm';
export const isMessageFromMatrixFederation = (message: IMessage): boolean =>
    'federation' in message && Boolean(message.federation?.eventId);

export interface ITranslatedMessage extends IMessage {
    translations: { [key: string]: string } & { original?: string };
    translationProvider: string;
    autoTranslateShowInverse?: boolean;
    autoTranslateFetching?: boolean;

export const isTranslatedMessage = (message: IMessage): message is ITranslatedMessage => 'translations' in message;

export interface IThreadMainMessage extends IMessage {
    tcount: number;
    tlm: Date;
    replies: IUser['_id'][];
export interface IThreadMessage extends IMessage {
    tmid: string;

export const isThreadMainMessage = (message: IMessage): message is IThreadMainMessage => 'tcount' in message && 'tlm' in message;

export const isThreadMessage = (message: IMessage): message is IThreadMessage => !!message.tmid;

export interface IDiscussionMessage extends IMessage {
    drid: string;
    dlm?: Date;
    dcount: number;

export const isDiscussionMessage = (message: IMessage): message is IDiscussionMessage => !!message.drid;

export interface IPrivateMessage extends IMessage {
    private: true;

export const isPrivateMessage = (message: IMessage): message is IPrivateMessage => !!message.private;

export interface IMessageReactionsNormalized extends IMessage {
    reactions: {
        [key: string]: {
            usernames: Required<IUser['_id']>[];
            names: Required<IUser>['name'][];

export interface IOmnichannelSystemMessage extends IMessage {
    navigation?: {
        page: {
            title: string;
            location: {
                href: string;
            token?: string;
    transferData?: {
        comment: string;
        transferredBy: {
            name?: string;
            username: string;
        transferredTo: {
            name?: string;
            username: string;
        nextDepartment?: {
            _id: string;
            name?: string;
        scope: 'department' | 'agent' | 'queue';
    requestData?: {
        type: 'visitor' | 'user';
        visitor?: ILivechatVisitor;
        user?: Pick<IUser, '_id' | 'name' | 'username' | 'utcOffset'> | null;
    webRtcCallEndTs?: Date;
    comment?: string;

export type IVoipMessage = IMessage & {
    voipData: {
        callDuration?: number;
        callStarted?: string;
        callWaitingTime?: string;
export interface IMessageDiscussion extends IMessage {
    drid: RoomID;

export const isMessageDiscussion = (message: IMessage): message is IMessageDiscussion => {
    return 'drid' in message;

export type IMessageInbox = IMessage & {
    // email inbox fields
    email?: {
        references?: string[];
        messageId?: string;
        thread?: string[];

export const isIMessageInbox = (message: IMessage): message is IMessageInbox => 'email' in message;
export const isVoipMessage = (message: IMessage): message is IVoipMessage => 'voipData' in message;

export type IE2EEMessage = IMessage & {
    t: 'e2e';
    e2e: 'pending' | 'done';

export type IE2EEPinnedMessage = IMessage & {
    t: 'message_pinned_e2e';

export interface IOTRMessage extends IMessage {
    t: 'otr';
    otrAck?: string;

export interface IOTRAckMessage extends IMessage {
    t: 'otr-ack';

export type IVideoConfMessage = IMessage & {
    t: 'videoconf';

export const isE2EEMessage = (message: IMessage): message is IE2EEMessage => message.t === 'e2e';
export const isE2EEPinnedMessage = (message: IMessage): message is IE2EEPinnedMessage => message.t === 'message_pinned_e2e';
export const isOTRMessage = (message: IMessage): message is IOTRMessage => message.t === 'otr';
export const isOTRAckMessage = (message: IMessage): message is IOTRAckMessage => message.t === 'otr-ack';
export const isVideoConfMessage = (message: IMessage): message is IVideoConfMessage => message.t === 'videoconf';

export type IMessageWithPendingFileImport = IMessage & {
    _importFile: {
        downloadUrl: string;
        id: string;
        size: number;
        name: string;
        external: boolean;
        source: 'slack' | 'hipchat-enterprise';
        original: Record<string, any>;
        rocketChatUrl?: string;
        downloaded?: boolean;

export interface IMessageFromVisitor extends IMessage {
    token: string;

export const isMessageFromVisitor = (message: IMessage): message is IMessageFromVisitor => 'token' in message;