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Test Coverage
/// <reference path="../../typings/web-audio-test-api.d.ts" />
// import { ActionCreatorsMapObject } from "redux";
import "web-audio-test-api";
// import { dispatch, getActionCreators, getAudioContext, getState, resumeAudioContext } from "../index";
// import { IAction, IGlobalActionCreators, IState } from "../registry/interfaces";
// import SeqPart from "../seqpart/SeqPart";

 * Integration tests for the intermix API

// no workers in node.js, we use the same manual mock as in sequencer test

// WebAudioTestAPI Config
    "AudioContext#suspend": "enabled",
    "AudioContext#resume": "enabled",

test("sdf", () => {
    // not implemented and won't ever be

describe.skip("Intermix", () => {
    // let allActionCreators: IGlobalActionCreators = {};
    // let seqAC: ActionCreatorsMapObject = {};
    // let seqUID = "";
    // beforeEach(() => {
    //     allActionCreators = getActionCreators();
    //     for (const uid in allActionCreators) {
    //         if (allActionCreators[uid] === "Intermix Sequencer") {
    //             seqUID = uid;
    //             seqAC = allActionCreators[uid].actionCreators;
    //         }
    //     }
    // });
    // test("provides an audioContext", () => {
    //     const audioContext: AudioContext = getAudioContext();
    //     expect(audioContext).toBeDefined();
    // });
    // test("ensure that we're testing against the WebAudioTestAPI", () => {
    //     const audioContext: AudioContext = getAudioContext();
    //     expect(audioContext.$name).toEqual("AudioContext");
    // });
    // test("provides a function to resume audio context", () => {
    //     const audioContext: AudioContext = getAudioContext();
    //     audioContext.suspend();
    //     expect(audioContext.state).toEqual("suspended");
    //     resumeAudioContext();
    //     expect(audioContext.state).toEqual("running");
    // });
    // test("provides the global state", () => {
    //     const globalState: IState = getState();
    //     const getPartialState = (uid: string): string => {
    //         return JSON.stringify({
    //             uid,
    //             ENV_ATTACK: { value: 0 },
    //             ENV_DECAY: { value: 0.5 },
    //             NOTE: { value: 0, velocity: 1, steps: 0, duration: 0 },
    //         });
    //     };
    //     let gsContainsPs = false;
    //     for (const uid in globalState) {
    //         if (getPartialState(uid) === JSON.stringify(globalState[uid])) {
    //             gsContainsPs = true;
    //         }
    //     }
    //     expect(gsContainsPs).toBeTruthy();
    // });
    // test("provides action creators for all plugins", () => {
    //     // tslint:disable-next-line: forin
    //     for (const uid in allActionCreators) {
    //         const pluginAC = allActionCreators[uid];
    //         expect(pluginAC).toHaveProperty("metadata");
    //         expect(pluginAC).toHaveProperty("actionCreators");
    //     }
    // });
    // test("action creators are bound to dispatch", () => {
    //     seqAC.BPM(90);  // calls dispatch
    //     const globalState = getState();
    //     expect(globalState[seqUID].BPM).toEqual(90);
    // });
    // test("provides a dispatch function", () => {
    //     let globalState = getState();
    //     // state is polluted from former test (not ideal but ok for now)
    //     expect(globalState[seqUID].BPM).toEqual(90);
    //     const bpmAction: IAction = {
    //         type: "BPM",
    //         dest: seqUID,
    //         payload: 180,
    //     };
    //     dispatch(bpmAction);
    //     globalState = getState();
    //     expect(globalState[seqUID].BPM).toEqual(180);
    // });
    // test("getNewPart returns a part object", () => {
    //     // this test is kinda dump in typescript
    //     const part: SeqPart = getNewPart();
    //     expect(part).toBeInstanceOf(SeqPart);
    // });
    // test("animate forwards a callback to sequencer.updateFrame", () => {
    //     const audioContext: AudioContext = getAudioContext();
    //     const boundActionCreators = getActionCreators();
    //     const animeCallback = jest.fn();
    //     let seqActionCreators: ActionCreatorsMapObject = {};
    //     for (const uid in allActionCreators) {
    //         if (allActionCreators[uid] === "Intermix Sequencer") {
    //             // seqUID = uid;
    //             seqActionCreators = allActionCreators[uid].actionCreators;
    //         }
    //     }
    //     animate(animeCallback);
    //     audioContext.$processTo("00:00.000");
    //     seqActionCreators.STATE(1);
    //     audioContext.$processTo("00:01.000");
    //     seqActionCreators.STATE(0);
    //     expect(animeCallback).toBeCalled();
    // });
    // This raf mock doesn't work.
    // It works in the browser and I'm sick of it spending hours on this test.
    // describe("animate", () => {
    //     beforeAll(() => {
    //         // make raf synchronous (return value (23) doesn't matter here)
    //         jest.spyOn(window, "requestAnimationFrame").
    //             mockImplementation((cb) => 23);
    //     });
    //     afterAll(() => {
    //         // doesn't work, probably not needed
    //         // window.requestAnimationFrame.mockRestore();
    //     });
    //     test("provides an animation function", () => {
    //         const doSomething = jest.fn();
    //         animate(doSomething);
    //         seqAC.STATE(1);
    //         seqAC.STATE(0);
    //         expect(window.requestAnimationFrame).toBeCalled();
    //         expect(doSomething).toHaveBeenCalled();
    //     });
    // });