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# Papillon

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## About

Papillon is a CSS Framework allowing you to easily customize your website with modern design. You can either import the CSS directly from the CDN ( still not there ) if you're okay with the default settings, or clone the repo and tweak the settings as you wish.

The framework works with [SASS]( and every basic settings from the color palette to the body size can be found in the `config.sass` file so you can quickly change the aspect of your site without having to crawl around thousands of lines of code

## Installation

#### I'm okay with the default values and want to set it asap

**Using the CDN ( not there yet )**

When the framework will be released I'll buy a sweet domain name and put the files on a CDN so you will be able to easily import the files ( you will still be able to download the full unminified source code if you want to change things ). Here's how it will work:

1. Download the file `config.css` and customize it for your needs, it will act **as your website's customization panel**

2. Import the minified files from the CDN:

  <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="http://cdn.lulz/soft.min.css">
  <script src="http://cdn.lulz/soft.min.js"></script>

3. ( Optional ) If you want to use all the font icons classes from Font Awesome import Font Awesome ( either by downloading it on your server or by using MaxCDN's awesome CDN ) and import the file `fonticons.min.css` from the CDN or download it

#### I want to change some things

*Requires SASS*

`git clone` the repo and change the things you want in the files located in the `src/scss/config` folder.

By changing these values, you can control the visual identity of your site ( font, colours, etc. ).

If you want to go even further and change some CSS classes then modify the files in `src/scss/modules`.

When you're done, compile the main file using `sass src/scss/main.scss:papillon.css`

When you're done, compile it using SASS and you're good to go

## Documentation

The documentation will come, just wait a little bit...

## About

This project is being developed by myself only as a personal project. I would like to develop a PHP blog system ( as a personal project too ) and use this CSS framework to to the front-end job of the blog system, I'm developping the CSS framework before attacking the PHP

I would like to thank [sanitize.css]( as I'm using their stylesheet to make the framework look the same in all browsers, thx bros