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        <title>Papillon, the beautiful CSS framework</title>
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        <meta name="Description" content="Papillon CSS, a powerful yet easy to use front-end framework for faster and easier web development.">
        <meta name="Keywords" content="css framework, css, framework, css3, html5, javascript, papillon css, Romain Arnaud">
        <meta name="Subject" content="Papillon CSS Framework">
        <meta name="Author" content="Romain Arnaud">
        <meta name="Publisher" content="Romain Arnaud">
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        <meta name="Geography" content="Montpellier, France, 34000">
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        <img src="logo.svg"></img>Papillon
        <small>( pa.pi.jõ )<br/>The beautiful, easy to use CSS framework</small>
      <nav class="top">
        <div class="toggle"></div>
        <div class="links">
          <a href="./demo">Demo</a>
          <a href="./doc">Documentation</a>
          <a href="getting-started.html">Getting started</a>
          <a href="">GitHub</a>
        <div class="container">
          <h1 class="text-center">Beautiful CSS. Easily. Quickly.</h1>
        <div class="container-lg stack-lg soft-col">
          <div class="container stack-sm soft-col col-6">
            <div class="col-6">
              <h3 class="text-center">Easy</h3>
              <p class="text-center">
                Papillon comes with a clear syntax, easy to understand so you
                actually spend your time coding
            <div class="col-6">
              <h3 class="text-center">Powerful</h3>
              <p class="text-center">
                Even though it's easy to use, Papillon ships with a lot of
                features allowing you to create beautiful websites as you can
                see in the <a href="./demo">demo</a>.
          <div class="container stack-sm soft-col col-6">
            <div class="col-6">
              <h3 class="text-center">Responsive</h3>
              <p class="text-center">
                In 2016, it's purely unthinkable to develop computers-only
                websites. Every feature of Papillon is designed to look great
                on every screen size
            <div class="col-6">
              <h3 class="text-center">Complete</h3>
              <p class="text-center">
                Papillon is built using the CSS preprocessor
                <a href="">SASS</a>. Quickly get started by
                downloading the compiled CSS or build it yourself by downloading
                and compiling the original source code
        <div class="container-lg">
          <h1 class="text-center">Quick tour</h1>
            <h2 class="section-header">Grid and containers</h2>
            <p>Papillon relies on containers and two classes, <code>.soft-col</code>
              and <code>.soft-row</code> in order to have a fully responsive column system<br/>
              More classes can be used to control the behaviour of your columns, if you want them
              to stack or not depending on the screen size.
            <div class="showcase">
              <div class="container soft-col stack-sm text-center">
                <div class="soft-col stack-lg col-6">
                  <div class="col-4 border bg-subtle">1.1</div>
                  <div class="col-4 border bg-subtle">1.2</div>
                  <div class="col-4 border bg-subtle">1.3</div>
                <div class="soft-col stack-lg col-6">
                  <div class="col-4 border bg-subtle secondary">2.1</div>
                  <div class="col-4 border bg-subtle secondary">2.2</div>
                  <div class="col-4 border bg-subtle secondary">2.3</div>
            <h2 class="section-header">Buttons</h2>
            <p>The main goal of Papillon is to change the ugly default aspect of pretty
              much every HTML element, and buttons are part of the party.<br/>
              This is the default look for the <code>&lt;button></code> element,
              but you can also use the <code>.button</code> class to enable it on a link
              or a submit input.
            <div class="showcase">
              <h3>Basic buttons</h3>
              <button class="primary">Primary</button>
              <button class="secondary">Secondary</button>
              <button class="info">Info</button>
              <button class="success">Success</button>
              <button class="warning">Warning</button>
              <button class="danger">Danger</button>

              <h3>Modifier classes</h3>
              <button class="primary large">Large primary</button>
              <button class="secondary outline">Outline secondary</button>
              <button class="warning btn-round">Round warning</button>
              <button class="large danger btn-round outline">Large round outline danger</button>

              <h3>Loading and disabled states</h3>
              <button class="loading primary"></button>
              <button class="large loading secondary"></button>
              <button class="success large" disabled>Disabled</button>
              <button class="outline btn-round loading"></button>
            <h2 class="section-header">Custom elements</h2>
            <p>Papillon isn't only CSS, it also ships with some JS. By importing
              <code>papillon.min.js</code> into your website, some of it will automatically
              run at the start ( such as the function validating inputs on a form ), while
              the rest are only function provided by the framework that you can use
              in order to gain time

            <h3>How do I use them ?</h3>
            <p>Just create on instance of <code>Papillon()</code> that you will
              use to run the functions:
                <code>var p = new Papillon();</code>

            <p>Here is an example of a function shipped in <code>papillon.min.js</code>.<br/>
              Called "notification", this function allows you to easily create a notification
              of 4 differents types ( info, success, warnig, danger ), appearing on the bottom
              right corner of the screen.<br/>
              <strong>Example use:</strong>
                <code>p.notification("success","Congratulations on being awesome ;)");</code>
              <button class="large success" onclick="p.notification('success','Congratulations on being awesome ;)');">
              <i><strong>Note:</strong> For now, you can't close notifications and nothing happen
                when you click on them but it will be added in the near future</i>
        <div class="container stack-lg col-12 soft-col text-center">
          <div class="col-4">
            <h4>Want to take a look ?</h4>
            <a href="./demo" class="button primary large">
              Look at the demo
              Happily, I provided some demo pages so you can see the extent of
              its power
          <div class="col-4">
            <h4>Want to try it out ?</h4>
            <a href="" class="button primary large">
              Check out the GitHub
              Everything regarding the download, informations or even the
              ability to contribute can be found on the GitHub of the project
          <div class="col-4">
            <h4>Want to check out the doc ?</h4>
            <a href="./doc" class="button primary large">
              The documentation isn't there yet, I will start working on it soon.
          <div class="col-12 margin-lg">
            <i><b>Note:</b> The framework is still in development so
            watch the repo if you want to be aware of the latest features</i>
        Papillon CSS 2016<br/>
        Romain Arnaud
      <script>var p = new Papillon();</script>