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Test Coverage
# 0.7.0
- Added ILogger support.
# 0.6.4
<sup>Released: 2017/10/22</sup>
- Fix a null reference exception when no declaring type on thrown exception.
# 0.6.3
<sup>Released: 2017/09/04</sup>
- Use per-request dependencies for handling RollbarClient to prevent errors.
# 0.6.2
<sup>Released: 2017/8/20</sup>
- Change method trace string to have full namespace, method name and parameters.
# 0.6.1
<sup>Released: 2017/8/20</sup>
- Fixed a bug where .NET Core Service extensions were excluded from the library.
# 0.6.0
<sup>Released: 2017/8/20</sup>
## Features
- Upgrade to VS2017/CSProj.
- Add trace frame support.
- Also target NetStandard2.0
# 0.5.2
<sup>Released: 2017/4/21</sup>
## Features
- Updated documentation. #49
- Can now disable Rollbar from configuration. #48
## Bug Fixes
- Fix issue with trying to access Request.Form variables during POSTs that may not actually support form variables. #54
# 0.5.1
<sup>Released: 2017/3/10</sup>
## Features
- More robust testing of sending exceptions to Rollbar (see for instructions on configuring token for testing).
## Bug Fixes
- Fixed issue sending Rollbar exceptions.
# 0.5.0
<sup>Released: 2017/2/26</sup>
## Features
- IHttpContextAccessor is no longer assumed to be included as part of `AddIdentity()`, we'll add it.
- Testing of dependency injection for web platforms (console apps coming soon).
- Switching to the use of `IOptions<RollbarOptions>` instead of `IConfigurationRoot`.
- Testing for SendMessage calls.
- Person record support (thank you mkdabrowski).
- Exception builder is now injectable.
## Bug Fixes
- Sending a message to Rollbar no longer results in a null reference exception being thrown.
# 0.4.0
<sup>Released: 2016/9/30</sup>
## Features
- Upgrade for .NET Core 1.0 release.
# 0.3.0
<sup>Released: 2016/6/12</sup>
## Features
- Added support for cookies on request body.
- Added blacklisting variables by name.
# 0.2.0
<sup>Released: 2016/6/9</sup>
## Features
- Rollbar message UUID available after error is reported.
- Removed custom parameters from message body.
- Documentation for required configuration variables.
# 0.1.0
<sup>Released: 2016/5/31</sup>
Initial release.
## Features
- Ability to send basic logs to Rollbar