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3 days
Test Coverage
'use strict';

let React;
let ReactDOM;

let TestComponent;

describe('ReactCompositeComponent-state', () => {
    beforeEach(() => {
        React = require('react');
        ReactDOM = require('react-dom');

        TestComponent = class extends React.Component {
            constructor(props) {
                this.peekAtState('getInitialState', undefined, props);
                this.state = { color: 'red' };

            peekAtState = (from, state = this.state, props = this.props) => {
                props.stateListener(from, state && state.color);

            peekAtCallback = from => {
                return () => this.peekAtState(from);

            setFavoriteColor(nextColor) {
                this.setState({ color: nextColor }, this.peekAtCallback('setFavoriteColor'));

            render() {
                return <div> {this.state.color} </div>;

            UNSAFE_componentWillMount() {
                this.setState(function(state) {
                    this.peekAtState('before-setState-sunrise', state);
                this.setState({ color: 'sunrise' }, this.peekAtCallback('setState-sunrise'));
                this.setState(function(state) {
                    this.peekAtState('after-setState-sunrise', state);
                this.setState({ color: 'orange' }, this.peekAtCallback('setState-orange'));
                this.setState(function(state) {
                    this.peekAtState('after-setState-orange', state);

            componentDidMount() {
                this.setState({ color: 'yellow' }, this.peekAtCallback('setState-yellow'));

            UNSAFE_componentWillReceiveProps(newProps) {
                if (newProps.nextColor) {
                    this.setState(function(state) {
                        this.peekAtState('before-setState-receiveProps', state);
                        return { color: newProps.nextColor };
                    // No longer a public API, but we can test that it works internally by
                    // reaching into the updater.
                    //  this.updater.enqueueReplaceState(this, {color: undefined});
                    this.setState(function(state) {
                        this.peekAtState('before-setState-again-receiveProps', state);
                        return { color: newProps.nextColor };
                    }, this.peekAtCallback('setState-receiveProps'));
                    this.setState(function(state) {
                        this.peekAtState('after-setState-receiveProps', state);

            shouldComponentUpdate(nextProps, nextState) {
                this.peekAtState('shouldComponentUpdate-nextState', nextState);
                return true;

            UNSAFE_componentWillUpdate(nextProps, nextState) {
                this.peekAtState('componentWillUpdate-nextState', nextState);

            componentDidUpdate(prevProps, prevState) {
                this.peekAtState('componentDidUpdate-prevState', prevState);

            componentWillUnmount() {

    it('should support setting state', () => {
        const container = document.createElement('div');

        const stateListener = jest.fn();
        const instance = ReactDOM.render(
            <TestComponent stateListener={stateListener} />,
            function peekAtInitialCallback() {
            <TestComponent stateListener={stateListener} nextColor="green" />,


        let expected = [
            // there is no state when getInitialState() is called
            ['getInitialState', null],
            ['componentWillMount-start', 'red'],
            // setState()'s only enqueue pending states.
            ['componentWillMount-after-sunrise', 'red'],
            ['componentWillMount-end', 'red'],
            // pending state queue is processed
            ['before-setState-sunrise', 'red'],
            ['after-setState-sunrise', 'sunrise'],
            ['after-setState-orange', 'orange'],
            // pending state has been applied
            ['render', 'orange'],
            ['componentDidMount-start', 'orange'],
            // setState-sunrise and setState-orange should be called here,
            // after the bug in #1740
            // componentDidMount() called setState({color:'yellow'}), which is async.
            // The update doesn't happen until the next flush.
            ['componentDidMount-end', 'orange'],
            ['setState-sunrise', 'orange'],
            ['setState-orange', 'orange'],
            ['initial-callback', 'orange'],
            ['shouldComponentUpdate-currentState', 'orange'],
            ['shouldComponentUpdate-nextState', 'yellow'],
            ['componentWillUpdate-currentState', 'orange'],
            ['componentWillUpdate-nextState', 'yellow'],
            ['render', 'yellow'],
            ['componentDidUpdate-currentState', 'yellow'],
            ['componentDidUpdate-prevState', 'orange'],
            //** ['componentDidUpdate-prevState', 'yellow'],
            ['setState-yellow', 'yellow'],
            ['componentWillReceiveProps-start', 'yellow'],
            // setState({color:'green'}) only enqueues a pending state.
            ['componentWillReceiveProps-end', 'yellow'],
            // pending state queue is processed
            // We keep updates in the queue to support
            // replaceState(prevState => newState).
            ['before-setState-receiveProps', 'yellow'],
            ['before-setState-again-receiveProps', 'green'],
            ['after-setState-receiveProps', 'green'],
            ['shouldComponentUpdate-currentState', 'yellow'],
            ['shouldComponentUpdate-nextState', 'green'],
            ['componentWillUpdate-currentState', 'yellow'],
            ['componentWillUpdate-nextState', 'green'],
            ['render', 'green'],
            ['componentDidUpdate-currentState', 'green'],
            ['componentDidUpdate-prevState', 'yellow'],
            ['setState-receiveProps', 'green'],
            ['setProps', 'green'],
            // setFavoriteColor('blue')
            ['shouldComponentUpdate-currentState', 'green'],
            ['shouldComponentUpdate-nextState', 'blue'],
            ['componentWillUpdate-currentState', 'green'],
            ['componentWillUpdate-nextState', 'blue'],
            ['render', 'blue'],
            ['componentDidUpdate-currentState', 'blue'],
            //** ['componentDidUpdate-prevState', 'yellow'],
            ['componentDidUpdate-prevState', 'green'],
            ['setFavoriteColor', 'blue'],
            // forceUpdate()
            ['componentWillUpdate-currentState', 'blue'],
            ['componentWillUpdate-nextState', 'blue'],
            ['render', 'blue'],
            ['componentDidUpdate-currentState', 'blue'],
            ['componentDidUpdate-prevState', 'blue'],
            //**  ['componentDidUpdate-prevState', 'yellow'],
            ['forceUpdate', 'blue'],
            // unmountComponent()
            // state is available within `componentWillUnmount()`
            ['componentWillUnmount', 'blue']


    it('should call componentDidUpdate of children first', () => {
        // "暂不测试unstable API"

        const container = document.createElement('div');

        let ops = [];

        let child = null;
        let parent = null;

        class Child extends React.Component {
            state = { bar: false };
            componentDidMount() {
                child = this;
            componentDidUpdate() {
                ops.push('child did update');
            render() {
                return <div />;

        let shouldUpdate = true;

        class Intermediate extends React.Component {
            shouldComponentUpdate() {
                return shouldUpdate;
            render() {
                return <Child />;

        class Parent extends React.Component {
            state = { foo: false };
            componentDidMount() {
                parent = this;
            componentDidUpdate() {
                ops.push('parent did update');
            render() {
                return <Intermediate />;

        ReactDOM.render(<Parent />, container);

        ReactDOM.unstable_batchedUpdates(() => {
            parent.setState({ foo: true });
            child.setState({ bar: true });
        // When we render changes top-down in a batch, children's componentDidUpdate
        // happens before the parent.
        expect(ops).toEqual(['child did update', 'parent did update']);

        shouldUpdate = false;

        ops = [];

        ReactDOM.unstable_batchedUpdates(() => {
            parent.setState({ foo: false });
            child.setState({ bar: false });
        // We expect the same thing to happen if we bail out in the middle.
        expect(ops).toEqual(['child did update', 'parent did update']);

    it('should batch unmounts', () => {
        let outer;

        class Inner extends React.Component {
            render() {
                return <div />;

            componentWillUnmount() {
                // This should get silently ignored (maybe with a warning), but it
                // shouldn't break React.
                outer.setState({ showInner: false });

        class Outer extends React.Component {
            state = { showInner: true };

            render() {
                return <div> {this.state.showInner && <Inner />} </div>;

        const container = document.createElement('div');
        outer = ReactDOM.render(<Outer />, container);
        expect(() => {

    it('should update state when called from child cWRP', function() {
        const log = [];
        class Parent extends React.Component {
            state = { value: 'one' };
            render() {
                log.push('parent render ' + this.state.value);
                return <Child parent={this} value={this.state.value} />;
        let updated = false;
        class Child extends React.Component {
            UNSAFE_componentWillReceiveProps() {
                if (updated) {
                log.push('child componentWillReceiveProps ' + this.props.value);
                this.props.parent.setState({ value: 'two' });
                log.push('child componentWillReceiveProps done ' + this.props.value);
                updated = true;
            render() {
                log.push('child render ' + this.props.value);
                return <div> {this.props.value} </div>;
        const container = document.createElement('div');
        ReactDOM.render(<Parent />, container);
        ReactDOM.render(<Parent />, container);
            'parent render one',
            'child render one',
            'parent render one',
            'child componentWillReceiveProps one',
            'child componentWillReceiveProps done one',
            'child render one',
            'parent render two',
            'child render two'

    it('should merge state when sCU returns false', function() {
        const log = [];
        class Test extends React.Component {
            state = { a: 0 };
            render() {
                return null;
            shouldComponentUpdate(nextProps, nextState) {
                log.push('scu from ' + Object.keys(this.state) + ' to ' + Object.keys(nextState));
                return false;

        const container = document.createElement('div');
        const test = ReactDOM.render(<Test />, container);
        test.setState({ b: 0 });
        test.setState({ c: 0 });
        expect(log).toEqual(['scu from a to a,b', 'scu from a,b to a,b,c']);

    it('should treat assigning to this.state inside cWRP as a replaceState, with a warning', () => {
        let ops = [];
        class Test extends React.Component {
            state = { step: 1, extra: true };
            UNSAFE_componentWillReceiveProps() {
                this.setState({ step: 2 }, () => {
                    // Tests that earlier setState callbacks are not dropped
                    ops.push(`callback -- step: ${this.state.step}, extra: ${!!this.state.extra}`);
                // Treat like replaceState
                this.state = { step: 3 };
            render() {
                ops.push(`render -- step: ${this.state.step}, extra: ${!!this.state.extra}`);
                return null;

        // Mount
        const container = document.createElement('div');
        ReactDOM.render(<Test />, container);
        // Update
        expect(() => ReactDOM.render(<Test />, container)).toWarnDev(
            'Warning: Test.componentWillReceiveProps(): Assigning directly to ' +
                'this.state is deprecated (except inside a component\'s constructor). ' +
                'Use setState instead.'

            'render -- step: 1, extra: true',
            'render -- step: 2, extra: false',
            'callback -- step: 2, extra: false'

        // Check deduplication; (no additional warnings are expected)
        ReactDOM.render(<Test />, container);

    it('should treat assigning to this.state inside cWM as a replaceState, with a warning', () => {
        let ops = [];
        class Test extends React.Component {
            state = { step: 1, extra: true };
            UNSAFE_componentWillMount() {
                this.setState({ step: 2 }, () => {
                    // Tests that earlier setState callbacks are not dropped
                    ops.push(`callback -- step: ${this.state.step}, extra: ${!!this.state.extra}`);
                // Treat like replaceState
                this.state = { step: 3 };
            render() {
                ops.push(`render -- step: ${this.state.step}, extra: ${!!this.state.extra}`);
                return null;

        // Mount
        const container = document.createElement('div');
        expect(() => ReactDOM.render(<Test />, container)).toWarnDev(
            'Warning: Test.componentWillMount(): Assigning directly to ' +
                'this.state is deprecated (except inside a component\'s constructor). ' +
                'Use setState instead.'

        expect(ops).toEqual(['render -- step: 2, extra: false', 'callback -- step: 2, extra: false']);

    it('should support stateful module pattern components', () => {});

    it('should support getDerivedStateFromProps for module pattern components', () => {});