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# "Money is any object or record that is generally accepted as payment for
# goods and services and repayment of debts in a given socio-economic context
# or country." -Wikipedia
# An instance of Money represents an amount of a specific currency.
# Money is a value object and should be treated as immutable.
# @see
class Money
  include Comparable

  include Money::Arithmetic

  extend Constructors

  # Raised when smallest denomination of a currency is not defined
  class UndefinedSmallestDenomination < StandardError

  @default_currency: Money::Currency
  @fractional: BigDecimal
  @using_deprecated_default_currency: bool

  # Convenience method for fractional part of the amount. Synonym of #fractional
  # @return [Integer] when infinite_precision is false
  # @return [BigDecimal] when infinite_precision is true
  # @see infinite_precision
  def cents: () -> (Integer | BigDecimal)

  # The value of the monetary amount represented in the fractional or subunit
  # of the currency.
  # For example, in the US dollar currency the fractional unit is cents, and
  # there are 100 cents in one US dollar. So given the Money representation of
  # one US dollar, the fractional interpretation is 100.
  # Another example is that of the Kuwaiti dinar. In this case the fractional
  # unit is the fils and there 1000 fils to one Kuwaiti dinar. So given the
  # Money representation of one Kuwaiti dinar, the fractional interpretation is
  # 1000.
  # @return [Integer] when infinite_precision is false
  # @return [BigDecimal] when infinite_precision is true
  # @see infinite_precision
  def fractional: () -> (Integer | BigDecimal)

  # Round a given amount of money to the nearest possible amount in cash value. For
  # example, in Swiss franc (CHF), the smallest possible amount of cash value is
  # CHF 0.05. Therefore, this method rounds CHF 0.07 to CHF 0.05, and CHF 0.08 to
  # CHF 0.10.
  # @return [Integer] when infinite_precision is false
  # @return [BigDecimal] when infinite_precision is true
  # @see infinite_precision
  def round_to_nearest_cash_value: () -> (Integer | BigDecimal)

  attr_reader currency: Currency

  attr_reader bank: untyped

  # @!attribute [rw] default_bank
  #   Used to set a default bank for currency exchange.
  #   Each Money object is associated with a bank
  #   object, which is responsible for currency exchange. This property
  #   allows you to specify the default bank object. The default value for
  #   this property is an instance of +Bank::VariableExchange.+ It allows
  #   one to specify custom exchange rates.
  #   @return [Money::Bank::Base]
  # @!attribute default_formatting_rules
  #   Used to define a default hash of rules for every time
  #   +Money#format+ is called.  Rules provided on method call will be
  #   merged with the default ones.  To overwrite a rule, just provide the
  #   intended value while calling +format+.
  #   @see Money::Formatter#initialize Money::Formatter for more details
  #   @example
  #     Money.default_formatting_rules = { display_free: true }
  #, "USD").format                          # => "free"
  #, "USD").format(display_free: false)  # => "$0.00"
  #   @return [Hash]
  # @!attribute [rw] use_i18n
  #   Used to disable i18n even if it's used by other components of your app.
  #   @return [Boolean]
  # @!attribute [rw] default_infinite_precision
  #   @return [Boolean] Use this to enable infinite precision cents as the
  #     global default
  # @!attribute [rw] conversion_precision
  #   Used to specify precision for converting Rational to BigDecimal
  #   @return [Integer]
  attr_accessor self.default_formatting_rules: untyped

  # @!attribute [rw] default_bank
  #   Used to set a default bank for currency exchange.
  #   Each Money object is associated with a bank
  #   object, which is responsible for currency exchange. This property
  #   allows you to specify the default bank object. The default value for
  #   this property is an instance of +Bank::VariableExchange.+ It allows
  #   one to specify custom exchange rates.
  #   @return [Money::Bank::Base]
  # @!attribute default_formatting_rules
  #   Used to define a default hash of rules for every time
  #   +Money#format+ is called.  Rules provided on method call will be
  #   merged with the default ones.  To overwrite a rule, just provide the
  #   intended value while calling +format+.
  #   @see Money::Formatter#initialize Money::Formatter for more details
  #   @example
  #     Money.default_formatting_rules = { display_free: true }
  #, "USD").format                          # => "free"
  #, "USD").format(display_free: false)  # => "$0.00"
  #   @return [Hash]
  # @!attribute [rw] use_i18n
  #   Used to disable i18n even if it's used by other components of your app.
  #   @return [Boolean]
  # @!attribute [rw] default_infinite_precision
  #   @return [Boolean] Use this to enable infinite precision cents as the
  #     global default
  # @!attribute [rw] conversion_precision
  #   Used to specify precision for converting Rational to BigDecimal
  #   @return [Integer]
  attr_accessor self.default_infinite_precision: untyped

  # @!attribute [rw] default_bank
  #   Used to set a default bank for currency exchange.
  #   Each Money object is associated with a bank
  #   object, which is responsible for currency exchange. This property
  #   allows you to specify the default bank object. The default value for
  #   this property is an instance of +Bank::VariableExchange.+ It allows
  #   one to specify custom exchange rates.
  #   @return [Money::Bank::Base]
  # @!attribute default_formatting_rules
  #   Used to define a default hash of rules for every time
  #   +Money#format+ is called.  Rules provided on method call will be
  #   merged with the default ones.  To overwrite a rule, just provide the
  #   intended value while calling +format+.
  #   @see Money::Formatter#initialize Money::Formatter for more details
  #   @example
  #     Money.default_formatting_rules = { display_free: true }
  #, "USD").format                          # => "free"
  #, "USD").format(display_free: false)  # => "$0.00"
  #   @return [Hash]
  # @!attribute [rw] use_i18n
  #   Used to disable i18n even if it's used by other components of your app.
  #   @return [Boolean]
  # @!attribute [rw] default_infinite_precision
  #   @return [Boolean] Use this to enable infinite precision cents as the
  #     global default
  # @!attribute [rw] conversion_precision
  #   Used to specify precision for converting Rational to BigDecimal
  #   @return [Integer]
  attr_accessor self.conversion_precision: untyped

  attr_reader self.use_i18n: untyped

  attr_reader self.locale_backend: untyped

  attr_writer self.default_bank: untyped

  def self.infinite_precision: () -> untyped

  def self.infinite_precision=: (untyped value) -> untyped

  # @!attribute default_currency
  #   @return [Money::Currency] The default currency, which is used when
  # is called without an explicit currency argument. The
  #     default value is"USD"). The value must be a valid
  #     +Money::Currency+ instance.
  def self.default_currency: () -> Money::Currency

  def self.default_currency=: (Money::Currency currency) -> Money::Currency

  def self.default_bank: () -> untyped

  def self.locale_backend=: (untyped value) -> untyped

  # @attr_writer rounding_mode Use this to specify the rounding mode
  def self.rounding_mode=: (untyped new_rounding_mode) -> untyped

  def self.use_i18n=: (untyped value) -> untyped

  def self.setup_defaults: () -> untyped

  def self.inherited: (untyped base) -> untyped

  # Use this to return the rounding mode.
  # @param [BigDecimal::ROUND_MODE] mode
  # @return [BigDecimal::ROUND_MODE] rounding mode
  def self.rounding_mode: (?untyped? mode) { () -> untyped } -> untyped

  # Temporarily changes the rounding mode in a given block.
  # @param [BigDecimal::ROUND_MODE] mode
  # @yield The block within which rounding mode will be changed. Its return
  #   value will also be the return value of the whole method.
  # @return [Object] block results
  # @example
  #   fee = Money.with_rounding_mode(BigDecimal::ROUND_HALF_UP) do
  # * BigDecimal('0.029')
  #   end
  def self.with_rounding_mode: (untyped mode) { () -> untyped } -> untyped

  # Adds a new exchange rate to the default bank and return the rate.
  # @param [Currency, String, Symbol] from_currency Currency to exchange from.
  # @param [Currency, String, Symbol] to_currency Currency to exchange to.
  # @param [Numeric] rate Rate to exchange with.
  # @return [Numeric]
  # @example
  #   Money.add_rate("USD", "CAD", 1.25) #=> 1.25
  def self.add_rate: (
      (Money::Currency | string | Symbol) from_currency,
      (Money::Currency | string | Symbol) to_currency,
      (Money::Currency | string | Symbol) rate)
    -> Numeric

  # Sets the default bank to be a SingleCurrency bank that raises on
  # currency exchange. Useful when apps operate in a single currency at a time.
  def self.disallow_currency_conversion!: () -> untyped

  # Creates a new Money object of value given in the +unit+ of the given
  # +currency+.
  # @param [Numeric] amount The numerical value of the money.
  # @param [Currency, String, Symbol] currency The currency format.
  # @param [Hash] options Optional settings for the new Money instance
  # @option [Money::Bank::*] :bank The exchange bank to use.
  # @example
  #   Money.from_amount(23.45, "USD") # => #<Money fractional:2345 currency:USD>
  #   Money.from_amount(23.45, "JPY") # => #<Money fractional:23 currency:JPY>
  # @return [Money]
  # @see #initialize
  def self.from_amount: (Numeric amount, ?(Money::Currency | string | Symbol) currency, ?::Hash[untyped, untyped] options) -> Money

  alias self.from_cents

  alias self.from_dollars self.from_amount

  # Creates a new Money object of value given in the
  # +fractional unit+ of the given +currency+.
  # Alternatively you can use the convenience
  # methods like {Money.ca_dollar} and {Money.us_dollar}.
  # @param [Object] obj Either the fractional value of the money,
  #   a Money object, or a currency. (If passed a currency as the first
  #   argument, a Money will be created in that currency with fractional value
  #   = 0.
  # @param [Currency, String, Symbol] currency The currency format.
  # @param [Hash] options Optional settings for the new Money instance
  # @option [Money::Bank::*] :bank The exchange bank to use.
  # @return [Money]
  # @example
  #        #=> #<Money @fractional=100 @currency="USD">
  #, "USD") #=> #<Money @fractional=100 @currency="USD">
  #, "EUR") #=> #<Money @fractional=100 @currency="EUR">
  def initialize: (Object obj, ?(Money::Currency | string | Symbol) currency, ?::Hash[untyped, untyped] options) -> Money

  # Assuming using a currency using dollars:
  # Returns the value of the money in dollars,
  # instead of in the fractional unit cents.
  # Synonym of #amount
  # @return [BigDecimal]
  # @example
  #, "USD").dollars   # => BigDecimal("1.00")
  # @see #amount
  # @see #to_d
  # @see #cents
  def dollars: () -> BigDecimal

  # Returns the numerical value of the money
  # @return [BigDecimal]
  # @example
  #, "USD").amount    # => BigDecimal("1.00")
  # @see #to_d
  # @see #fractional
  def amount: () -> BigDecimal

  # Return string representation of currency object
  # @return [String]
  # @example
  #, :USD).currency_as_string #=> "USD"
  def currency_as_string: () -> string

  # Set currency object using a string
  # @param [String] val The currency string.
  # @return [Money::Currency]
  # @example
  #"CAD") #=> #<Money::Currency id: cad>
  def currency_as_string=: (string val) -> Currency

  # Returns a Integer hash value based on the +fractional+ and +currency+ attributes
  # in order to use functions like & (intersection), group_by, etc.
  # @return [Integer]
  # @example
  # #=> 908351
  def hash: () -> int

  # Uses +Currency#symbol+. If +nil+ is returned, defaults to "ยค".
  # @return [String]
  # @example
  #, "USD").symbol #=> "$"
  def symbol: () -> string

  # Common inspect function
  # @return [String]
  def inspect: () -> ::String

  # Returns the amount of money as a string.
  # @return [String]
  # @example
  #   Money.ca_dollar(100).to_s #=> "1.00"
  def to_s: () -> string

  # Return the amount of money as a BigDecimal.
  # @return [BigDecimal]
  # @example
  #   Money.us_dollar(1_00).to_d #=> BigDecimal("1.00")
  def to_d: () -> BigDecimal

  # Return the amount of money as a Integer.
  # @return [Integer]
  # @example
  #   Money.us_dollar(1_00).to_i #=> 1
  def to_i: () -> int

  # Return the amount of money as a float. Floating points cannot guarantee
  # precision. Therefore, this function should only be used when you no longer
  # need to represent currency or working with another system that requires
  # floats.
  # @return [Float]
  # @example
  #   Money.us_dollar(100).to_f #=> 1.0
  def to_f: () -> Float

  # Returns a new Money instance in a given currency leaving the amount intact
  # and not performing currency conversion.
  # @param [Currency, String, Symbol] new_currency Currency of the new object.
  # @return [self]
  def with_currency: ((Money::Currency | string | Symbol) new_currency) -> Money

  # Conversion to +self+.
  # @return [self]
  def to_money: (?untyped? given_currency) -> Money

  # Receive the amount of this money object in another Currency.
  # @param [Currency, String, Symbol] other_currency Currency to exchange to.
  # @yield [n] Optional block to use when rounding after exchanging one currency
  #  for another.
  # @yieldparam [Float] n The resulting float after exchanging one currency for
  #  another.
  # @yieldreturn [Integer]
  # @return [Money]
  # @example
  #, "USD").exchange_to("EUR")
  #, "USD").exchange_to("EUR") {|x| x.round}
  #, "USD").exchange_to("EUR"))
  def exchange_to: ((Money::Currency | string | Symbol) other_currency) { () -> int } -> Money

  # Receive a money object with the same amount as the current Money object
  # in United States dollar.
  # @return [Money]
  # @example
  #   n =, "CAD").as_us_dollar
  #   n.currency #=> #<Money::Currency id: usd>
  def as_us_dollar: () -> Money

  # Receive a money object with the same amount as the current Money object
  # in Canadian dollar.
  # @return [Money]
  # @example
  #   n =, "USD").as_ca_dollar
  #   n.currency #=> #<Money::Currency id: cad>
  def as_ca_dollar: () -> Money

  # Receive a money object with the same amount as the current Money object
  # in euro.
  # @return [Money]
  # @example
  #   n =, "USD").as_euro
  #   n.currency #=> #<Money::Currency id: eur>
  def as_euro: () -> Money

  # Splits a given amount in parts without losing pennies. The left-over pennies will be
  # distributed round-robin amongst the parties. This means that parts listed first will likely
  # receive more pennies than ones listed later.
  # Pass [2, 1, 1] as input to give twice as much to part1 as part2 or
  # part3 which results in 50% of the cash to party1, 25% to part2, and 25% to part3. Passing a
  # number instead of an array will split the amount evenly (without losing pennies when rounding).
  # @param [Array<Numeric>, Numeric] parts how amount should be distributed to parts
  # @return [Array<Money>]
  # @example
  #,   "USD").allocate([3, 7]) #=> [,]
  #, "USD").allocate([1, 1, 1]) #=> [,,]
  #, "USD").allocate(2) #=> [,]
  #, "USD").allocate(3) #=> [,,]
  def allocate: ((Array[Numeric] | Numeric) parts) -> Array[Money]

  alias split allocate

  # Round the monetary amount to smallest unit of coinage.
  # @note
  #   This method is only useful when operating with infinite_precision turned
  #   on. Without infinite_precision values are rounded to the smallest unit of
  #   coinage automatically.
  # @return [Money]
  # @example
  #, 'USD').round #=>, 'USD')
  # @see
  #   Money.default_infinite_precision
  def round: (?untyped rounding_mode, ?::Integer rounding_precision) -> Money

  # Creates a formatted price string according to several rules.
  # @param [Hash] rules See {Money::Formatter Money::Formatter} for the list of formatting options
  # @return [String]
  def format: (*Hash[untyped, untyped] rules) -> string

  # Returns a thousands separator according to the locale
  # @return [String]
  def thousands_separator: () -> string

  # Returns a decimal mark according to the locale
  # @return [String]
  def decimal_mark: () -> string

  def dup_with: (?::Hash[untyped, untyped] options) -> untyped


  def as_d: (untyped num) -> untyped

  def return_value: (untyped value) -> untyped

  def locale_backend: () -> untyped