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Test Coverage
# Changelog

## v0.10.0 (2020-06-10)

#### :boom: Breaking Change
* Update minimum supported Node.js version to 10

#### :bug: Bug Fix
* [#176]( Fix error - Inject empty meta tag when addon not enabled ([@mansona](

#### :house: Internal
* [#101]( Simplify `assetMapString` condition ([@Turbo87](
* [#177]( Update using ember-cli-update ([@mansona](

#### Committers: 3
- Chris Manson ([@mansona](
- Tobias Bieniek ([@Turbo87](
- abhilashlr ([@abhilashlr](

## v0.9.0 (2019-11-27)

#### :boom: Breaking Change
* [#81]( Drop support for Node 6 ([@Turbo87](

#### :rocket: Enhancement
* [#100]( Show warning for missing `<meta>` tag ([@Turbo87](

#### :memo: Documentation
* [#99]( README: Fix spelling mistake ([@Alonski](

#### :house: Internal
* [#80]( Remove unused dependencies ([@Turbo87](
* [#79]( Adjust `.npmignore` file ([@Turbo87](

#### Committers: 2
- Alon Bukai ([@Alonski](
- Tobias Bieniek ([@Turbo87](

## v0.8.1 (2019-11-14)

#### :bug: Bug Fix
* [#57]( Fix FastBoot support ([@mansona](

#### :house: Internal
* [#73]( Modernise and fix fastboot tests ([@Turbo87](
* [#68]( Simplify acceptance test ([@Turbo87](
* [#65]( Use prettier to format JS code ([@Turbo87](
* [#64]( Add dependabot config file ([@Turbo87](
* [#58]( Replace `ember-cli-eslint` with regular ESLint ([@Turbo87](
* [#55]( Update `.npmignore` file ([@Turbo87](

#### Committers: 2
- Chris Manson ([@mansona](
- Tobias Bieniek ([@Turbo87](

## v0.8.0 (2019-10-23)

#### :boom: Breaking Change
* Update minimum supported Node.js version to 10

#### :rocket: Enhancement
* [#40]( Use HTML meta to store asset map information ([@krallin](
* [#41]( Passthrough fingerprinted paths ([@krallin](
* [#43]( Remove jQuery ([@NullVoxPopuli](

#### :bug: Bug Fix
* [#54]( Ensure that we don't write `undefined` into the `<meta>` element value ([@Turbo87](
* [#51]( Fall back to name in resolve ([@mydea](
* [#53]( Fix broken `test/index.html` mutation ([@Turbo87](
* [#42]( Catch errors if asset-map fails to load ([@headquarters](

#### Committers: 5
- Francesco Novy ([@mydea](
- L. Preston Sego III ([@NullVoxPopuli](
- Michael Head ([@headquarters](
- Thomas Orozco ([@krallin](
- Tobias Bieniek ([@Turbo87](

# 0.7.0 
- [ENHANCEMENT] Upgrade to Ember 3.0 (@mydea)
- [ENHANCEMENT] Tests passing (@mydea)

# 0.6.1 
- [FIX] If ifa:placeholder meta tag is missing, do not fail with error

# 0.6.0 
- [ENHANCEMENT] Add is enabled by default
- [ENHANCEMENT] Use meta tag to pass asset file name into the asset-map service to avoid CSP issue with script tag.

# 0.5.2 
- [BUG FIX] Add missing .class in lookupFactory
- [ENHANCEMENT] Safer deployment configuration override

# 0.5.1
- [ENHANCEMENT] Fix deprecation for lookupFactory

# 0.5.0
- [ENHANCEMENT] Ability to include asset map contents at build time (@simonihmig)

# 0.4.0
- [ENHANCEMENT] If there is no asset map file, set variable (__assetMapFilename__) to null (@andreasschacht)
- [BUG FIX] Replace __asset_map_placeholder__ in tests/index.html as well (@trek)

# 0.3.0
- [ENHANCEMENT] Updating ember-cli version to 2.9.1
- [ENHANCEMENT] Addon is disabled by default
- [INTERNAL] Disable Fastboot tests

# 0.2.0
- [FEATURE] Support running application in a sub-directory (@drewtempelmeyer)

# 0.1.0
- [NOOP] Initial release