package com.github.sdpcoachme.database
import java.util.concurrent.CompletableFuture
* A database interface
interface Database {
* Update a user's info in the database
* @param user The user to update
* @return A future that will complete when the user info has been updated.
fun updateUser(user: UserInfo): CompletableFuture<Void>
* Get a user from the database
* @param email The email of the user to get
* @return A future that will complete when the user has been gotten. If the user does not exist,
* the future will complete exceptionally with a NoSuchKeyException.
fun getUser(email: String): CompletableFuture<UserInfo>
* Get all users from the database
* @return A future that will complete with a list of all users in the database
fun getAllUsers(): CompletableFuture<List<UserInfo>>
* Check if a user exists in the database
* @param email The email of the user to check
* @return A future that will complete when the user has been checked. If the user does not exist,
* the future will complete exceptionally with a NoSuchKeyException.
fun userExists(email: String): CompletableFuture<Boolean>
* Get the group event from the database
* @param groupEventId The id of the group event to get
* @return A future that will complete with the group event. If the group event does not exist,
* the future will complete exceptionally with a NoSuchKeyException.
fun getGroupEvent(groupEventId: String): CompletableFuture<GroupEvent>
* Get all group events from the database
* @return A future that will complete with a list of all group events in the database
fun getAllGroupEvents(): CompletableFuture<List<GroupEvent>>
* Updates the value of a group event in the database (adds it if it does not exist)
* @param groupEvent The group event to update
* @return A future that will complete when the group event has been updated.
fun updateGroupEvent(groupEvent: GroupEvent): CompletableFuture<Void>
* Add the group event to the schedule of the given user
* @param email The email of the user whose schedule should be updated
* @param groupEventId The id of the group event to add
* @return A future with currently stored schedule that will complete when the group event has been added.
fun addGroupEventToSchedule(email: String, groupEventId: String): CompletableFuture<Schedule>
* Add an event to the schedule of a given user
* @param event The event to add
* @param email The email of the user whose schedule will be updated
* @return A future with currently stored schedule that will complete when the event has been added.
fun addEventToSchedule(email: String, event: Event): CompletableFuture<Schedule>
* Get the schedule from the database
* @param email The email of the user to get the schedule for
* @return A future that will complete with the schedule. If the user does not exist,
* the future will complete exceptionally with a NoSuchKeyException.
fun getSchedule(email: String): CompletableFuture<Schedule>
* Get the contact row info for the given user
* This will be used to display the user's contacts in the UI
* similar to other messaging services such as WhatsApp:
* The name of the chat / recipient and the last message will be displayed
* @param email The email of the user whose contacts should be retrieved
* @return A future that will complete with the contact row info
fun getContactRowInfos(email: String): CompletableFuture<List<ContactRowInfo>>
* Get chat with the given id from the database
* @param chatId The id of the chat to get
* @return A future that will complete with the chat
fun getChat(chatId: String): CompletableFuture<Chat>
* Update / create chat with the following participants
* If the chat already exists, it will be updated with the new participants
* If the chat does not exist, it will be created with the given participants
* @param chatId The id of the chat
* @param participants The participants of the chat
* @return A future that will complete when the user has been added
fun updateChatParticipants(chatId: String, participants: List<String>): CompletableFuture<Void>
* Place the new message into the database
* @param chatId The id of the chat to add the message to
* @param message The message to add
* @return A future that will complete when the message has been added
fun sendMessage(chatId: String, message: Message): CompletableFuture<Void>
* Mark all messages in the chat as read by the current user
* @param chatId The id of the chat
* @return A future that will complete when the messages have been marked as read
fun markMessagesAsRead(chatId: String, email: String): CompletableFuture<Void>
* Add a listener to the chat with the given id
* @param chatId The id of the chat to listen to
* @param onChange The function to call when the chat changes
fun addChatListener(chatId: String, onChange: (Chat) -> Unit)
* Remove the listener for the chat with the given id
* @param chatId The id of the chat to stop listening to
fun removeChatListener(chatId: String)
* Add a listener to the users
* @param onChange The function to call when the users change
fun addUsersListeners(onChange: (List<UserInfo>) -> Unit)
* Get the FCM token data class for the given user
* @param email The email of the user to get the token for
* @return A future that will complete with the token
fun getFCMToken(email: String): CompletableFuture<String>
* Set the FCM token for the given user
* @param email The email of the user to set the token for
* @param token The token to set
* @return A future that will complete when the token has been set
fun setFCMToken(email: String, token: String): CompletableFuture<Void>
// Used to handle database errors
class NoSuchKeyException(message: String? = null, cause: Throwable? = null) : Exception(message, cause) {
constructor(cause: Throwable) : this(null, cause)