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package main

import (


func getConfiguration() (codeClimateConfiguration *codeclimate.CodeClimateConfiguration, tflintConfiguration *tflint.TFLintRoot) {
    // Read configuration file
    log.Println("[main.go/getConfigurationArgs] Reading config.json file...")
    file, err := os.ReadFile("/config.json")
    if err != nil {

    // Unmarshal CodeClimate specific configuration
    var codeClimateConfigurationRoot *codeclimate.CodeClimateConfiguration
    if err := json.Unmarshal(file, &codeClimateConfigurationRoot); err != nil {
    log.Printf("[main.go/getConfigurationArgs] Unmarshaled CodeClimate configuration: %v\n", codeClimateConfigurationRoot)

    // Unmarshal into our TFLint configuration struct
    var tflintConfigurationRoot *tflint.TFLintRoot
    if err := json.Unmarshal(file, &tflintConfigurationRoot); err != nil {
    log.Printf("[main.go/getConfigurationArgs] Unmarshaled TFLint configuration: %v\n", tflintConfigurationRoot)

    return codeClimateConfigurationRoot, tflintConfigurationRoot

func IsDirectory(path string) (bool, error) {
    fileInfo, err := os.Stat(path)
    if err != nil {
        return false, err
    return fileInfo.IsDir(), err

func run(args []string, path string) {
    // Check if the provided path has an allowed extensions, if not we must return
    // This check is valid for files only, directories are always allowed
    allowedExtensions := []string{".tf", ".tfvars"}
    fileExt := filepath.Ext(path)
    IsDirectory, _ := IsDirectory(path)
    if IsDirectory {
        log.Printf("[main.go/main] Skipping extensions check because %v is a directory", path)
    } else if !slices.Contains(allowedExtensions, fileExt) {
        log.Printf("[main.go/main] Skipping TFLint for file %v because extension %v is not allowed", path, fileExt)

    // Redirect TFLint's output to an internal stream
    r, w, _ := os.Pipe()

    // Read back from the internal stram
    // See:
    outC := make(chan string)
    go func() {
        var buf bytes.Buffer
        io.Copy(&buf, r)
        outC <- buf.String()

    // Run TFLint providing some basic options
    tmpArgs := append(args, path)
    log.Printf("[main.go/main] Running TFLint with args: %v", tmpArgs)
    cli := cmd.NewCLI(w, os.Stderr)

    // Close the stream and get the output
    out := <-outC
    log.Printf("[main.go/main] Completed TFLint run with output: %v", out)

    // We can now get the output using TFLint's JSONOutput format
    log.Println("[main.go/main] Converting TFLint output to CodeClimate format...")
    var result *formatter.JSONOutput
    if err := json.Unmarshal([]byte(out), &result); err != nil {

    // Finally, we use TFLint's JSONOutput format to provide results in CodeClimate's one
    log.Println("[main.go/main] Completed converting TFLint output to CodeClimate format")

func main() {
    // Extract configuration from config.json file
    log.Println("[main.go/main] Extracting configuration...")
    codeClimateConfiguration, tflintConfiguration := getConfiguration()

    // Before starting we need to execute tflint --init to install any plugin
    log.Println("[main.go/main] Installing tflint plugins (if any)...")
    args := []string{"tflint", "--init"}
    args = append(args, tflint.ToCLIArguments(tflintConfiguration.Config)...)
    cli := cmd.NewCLI(os.Stdout, os.Stderr)

    // Load TFLint specific configuration
    args = []string{"tflint", "--force", "--format=json"}
    args = append(args, tflint.ToCLIArguments(tflintConfiguration.Config)...)
    log.Printf("[main.go/main] Extracted TFLint configuration: %v\n", args)

    // Handle exclude patterns by creating a list of files/dirs to be analyzed
    // The final list will contain all the include_paths that do not match any of the expressions in exclude_patterns
    // We first must convert the ExcludePattern into a bash-like glob pattern (e.g. {*.tf, *.something})
    globPattern := fmt.Sprintf("{%v}", strings.Join(codeClimateConfiguration.ExcludePatterns[:], ","))
    log.Printf("[main.go/main] Generated glob pattern from ExcludePatterns: %v\n", globPattern)

    g := glob.MustCompile(globPattern)
    for _, file := range codeClimateConfiguration.IncludePaths {
        if g.Match(file) {
            log.Printf("[main.go/main] File is matching exclude_patterns, excluding it from scanning: %v\n", file)
        } else {
            log.Printf("[main.go/main] File is NOT matching exclude_patterns, adding it to args: %v\n", file)

            // Running in this loop is needed as TFLint only supports one folder per execution.
            // This means that including a folder and other folders/files in our agrs will prevent TFLint from running.
            // For this reason we actually process only one included path per single execution.
            run(args, file)