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Test Coverage
### Changelog

All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. Dates are displayed in UTC.

Generated by [`auto-changelog`](

#### [6.3.3](

- D8CORE-6970 | @jdwjdwjdw | Update local footer headlines [`#926`](
- D8CORE-6976: removed italics from the quote style [`#930`](
- Removed extra quote [`#927`](
- Decanter 6: NPM Package Updates. [`#922`](
- D8CORE-6896: changed non descrimination link and added nofollow to href [`#923`](
- Updated spaceless usage for twig 2/3 [`#921`](
- ADAPT-5863 | Update to Source Sans 3 and Source Serif 4; minor updates [`#920`](
- D8CORE-4778: adding underline as a default [`#917`](
- Update global footer and logo [`#916`](
- D8CORE-5738 | @jdwjdwjdw | Update global footer for A11y [`#910`](
- SDSS-234: Removal of title on non interactive element for a11y [`#904`](
- Update autorelease.yml [`#903`](
- All the fixes today. [`#899`](
- All the fixes today. [`#898`](
- Commit build changes. [`#897`](
- Update autorelease.yml [`#896`](
- Update autorelease.yml [`#895`](
- Update autorelease.yml [`#894`](
- Fixup! github release workflow. [`#893`](
- feat: Add font-display swap support to font loading [`#892`](
- Update GITHUB token [`#885`](
- Switch Source Serif Pro to import from Google Fonts [`#884`](
- Update link for Non-discrimination policy [`#881`](
- Bump postcss from 7.0.35 to 7.0.39 [`#869`](
- Bump node-fetch from 2.6.1 to 2.6.7 [`#870`](
- DEC-000: Use NVM on GH Action. [`#868`](
- Release-6.2.6 [`#867`](
- D8CORE-4728: removed offending aria-label [`#865`](
- Release 6.2.5 Updates. [`#856`](
- 6.2.5 [`#855`](
- V6 haiwr 266 pull quote [`#807`](
- D8CORE-2950: added link-icon-before [`#816`](
- Updated non-discrimination policy link [`#849`](
- Add autochangelog [`#848`](
- Update lockup KSS and add Autorelease [`#846`](
- ADAPT-578: modified <a> text color for Info, Success and default Alerts [`#817`](
- Netlify Build Preview - No more Tugboat [`#798`](
- D8CORE-2950: adding mailto icon [`#776`](
- D8CORE-2610: Deprecation notice about C, G, J, and Q lockup [`#789`](
- Bump ini from 1.3.5 to 1.3.8 [`#784`](
- Add new colors from identity guide and deprecate old color [`#768`](
- D8CORE-2529: changing the condition that makes the link not appear [`#775`](
- Different way of setting up modular spacing [`#704`](
- D8CORE-2632: changing the green for a11y reason [`#767`](
- D8CORE-1261: Revised table styles. [`#617`](
- Create auto-label action [`#763`](
- Add stale action. [`#762`](
- D8CORE-1623: Adding a mixin and icons for a simple icon before dis… [`#690`](
- Deprecate Kalam & Noto Sans. [`#761`](
- Change vendor imports to use the ~ convention. [`#759`](
- D8CORE-2529: if there is a link but no content set the link to null [`#756`](
- D8CORE-2652: adding styles to the alerts for buttons [`#732`](
- D8CORE-2536: adding aria-label [`#716`](
- D8CORE-2630: fixup! on the specifity [`#731`](
- D8CORE-2630: Updating the alert basic link hover colors and underline for accessibility [`#730`](
- D8CORE-2376: Local Footer Lockup Overrides [`#729`](
- D8CORE-2490: All new alerts [`#725`](
- D8CORE-2544: added (link is external) to the brandbar [`#717`](
- Bump websocket-extensions from 0.1.3 to 0.1.4 [`#693`](
- Bump elliptic from 6.5.2 to 6.5.3 [`#703`](
- D8CORE-1403: addressing accessibility issue with footer [`#698`](
- Bump lodash from 4.17.15 to 4.17.19 [`#699`](
- Misc fixes [`a41b662`](
- Back to dev. [`de37e13`](
- Packaging build [`f05055c`](

#### [7.1.1](

> 12 July 2023

- GIVCAMP-151 | Spacing options and other utilities updates [`#919`](

#### [7.1.0](

> 11 July 2023

- v7 - Remove su- prefix; update sans and serif fonts; add variant group-hocus-within: [`#918`](

### [7.0.0](

> 26 June 2023

- V7 move more themes to extend [`#909`](

#### [7.0.0-rc.4](

> 10 April 2023

- Remove @tailwindcss/line-clamp that is included by default [`#906`](

#### [7.0.0-rc.3](

> 28 February 2023

- Update TailwindCSS and other plugins; add utilities; update nvmrc [`#905`](

#### [7.0.0-rc.2](

> 16 May 2022

- Add line-clamp and update form plugin; add utilities; social media colors [`#879`](

#### [7.0.0-rc.1](

> 11 May 2022

- Update tailwind.config.js [`#878`](

#### [7.0.0-rc.0](

> 29 April 2022

- Fixup! Typo. [`#875`](
- Remove package action [`#874`](
- ADAPT-4155: Refactor for TW3 and Presets [`#871`](
- DEC-000: Remove Config Viewer [`#859`](
- Update [`2723ef5`](
- Update package.json [`263c621`](

#### [7.0.0-beta.2](

> 15 October 2021

- Release 7.0.0-beta.2 [`#857`](
- ADAPT-3196: New modular typography system and add type 7 to 9 [`#854`](
- ADAPT-3827 Update Digital Blue Light and add Digital Blue Vivid [`#853`](

#### [7.0.0-beta.1](

> 17 September 2021

- ADAPT-000: Remove link-underline utility class [`#851`](
- ADAPT-2539: Add stretched-link and writing-mode utilities to v7 [`#843`](
- ADAPT-000: Update packages and repack. [`e75069d`](

#### [7.0.0-beta.0](

> 13 July 2021

- ADAPT-2856: Moving styles from tags to classes [`#841`](

#### [7.0.0-alpha.7](

> 15 June 2021

- ADAPT-2695: Add additional borderWidths [`#838`](
- Added 4,6,8 pixel border widths [`#834`](

#### [7.0.0-alpha.6](

> 21 May 2021

- Added Config viewer [`#827`](

#### [7.0.0-alpha.5](

> 21 May 2021

- Automatic Release Testing [`#832`](
- Update [`#831`](

#### [7.0.0-alpha.3](

> 21 May 2021

- Add package npm script for autorelease. [`#830`](
- ADAPT-000: Move workflow file [`#829`](
- Set autorelease branch to v7 [`#828`](
- ADAPT-2518: Added autorelease github action. [`#825`](
- Create label.yml [`#826`](
- ADAPT-1771: Linting Configuration [`#821`](
- ADAPT-2435 Add text-shadow TailwindCSS utility [`#820`](
- ADAPT-000: Move Tailwind plugins from devdependencies to dependencies [`#818`](
- back to dev. [`d784988`](

#### [7.0.0-alpha.2](

> 13 April 2021

- Adapt-000 Remove animation variants but add translate variants [`#814`](
- Add skiplink component [`#812`](
- ADAPT-1073: Unstructured WYSIWYG content styles as TW component [`#813`](
- ADAPT-1783: Update for v7 [`#810`](
- ADAPT-000: Move things from TW Utilities to Components [`#809`](
- Adapt-1856: Misc v7 changes take 2 [`#808`](
- ADAPT-000: Misc additions [`#806`](
- ADAPT-000: Add options to fontSize.js for the modular scale steps [`#805`](

#### [7.0.0-alpha.1](

> 24 February 2021

- ADAPT-000: Add more variants [`#803`](
- ADAPT-000: Adds Colors to the example page [`#804`](
- Finish up global footer [`#802`](
- Add other link style utilities for nested links and add global footer [`#801`](
- Adapt-1808: Use TW box shadows for v7 [`#799`](
- ADAPT-000: Link color utility [`#800`](
- ADAPT-1786: V7 utility classes [`#796`](
- ADAPT 1756 - Continuous v7 prep work [`#795`](
- Netlify builds. [`#794`](
- No more components [`#792`](
- Adapt-1756 Misc v7 prep work [`#790`](
- DEC-000: Update file-loader public path in Webpack Config [`#786`](
- V7 colors [`#787`](
- Remove Template Files. [`#765`](
- Version 7 Initial Start. [`#764`](
- TAILWIND 2.0 UPGRADE. [`1c4dd81`](
- Bring back spacing as not all things are responsive spacing. [`0596ef7`](
- Removed large components and created separated renders. [`02352a9`](

#### [6.3.2](

> 19 October 2023

- D8CORE-6976: removed italics from the quote style [`#930`](
- Update launch-preview.js [`af5267f`](
- Update launch-preview.js [`45d58ff`](

#### [6.3.1](

> 5 October 2023

- Removed extra quote [`#927`](

#### [6.3.0](

> 22 September 2023

- Decanter 6: NPM Package Updates. [`#922`](

#### [6.2.19](

> 6 September 2023

- D8CORE-6896: changed non descrimination link and added nofollow to href [`#923`](

#### [6.2.18](

> 2 August 2023

- Updated spaceless usage for twig 2/3 [`#921`](

#### [6.2.17](

> 27 July 2023

- ADAPT-5863 | Update to Source Sans 3 and Source Serif 4; minor updates [`#920`](

#### [6.2.16](

> 29 June 2023

- D8CORE-4778: adding underline as a default [`#917`](

#### [6.2.15](

> 29 June 2023

- Update global footer and logo [`#916`](

#### [6.2.14](

> 31 May 2023

- D8CORE-5738 | @jdwjdwjdw | Update global footer for A11y [`#910`](

#### [6.2.13](

> 23 February 2023

- SDSS-234: Removal of title on non interactive element for a11y [`#904`](

#### [6.2.12](

> 17 February 2023

- Update autorelease.yml [`#903`](

#### [6.2.11](

> 17 February 2023

- All the fixes today. [`#899`](
- All the fixes today. [`#898`](

#### [6.2.10](

> 17 February 2023

- Commit build changes. [`#897`](
- Update autorelease.yml [`#896`](
- Update autorelease.yml [`#895`](
- Update autorelease.yml [`#894`](
- Fixup! github release workflow. [`#893`](
- feat: Add font-display swap support to font loading [`#892`](
- Packaging build [`f05055c`](

#### [6.2.9](

> 14 September 2022

- Update GITHUB token [`#885`](
- Switch Source Serif Pro to import from Google Fonts [`#884`](

#### [6.2.8](

> 24 June 2022

- Update link for Non-discrimination policy [`#881`](

#### [6.2.7](

> 6 April 2022

- Bump postcss from 7.0.35 to 7.0.39 [`#869`](

#### [6.2.6](

> 6 April 2022

- Bump node-fetch from 2.6.1 to 2.6.7 [`#870`](
- DEC-000: Use NVM on GH Action. [`#868`](
- Release-6.2.6 [`#867`](
- D8CORE-4728: removed offending aria-label [`#865`](

#### [6.2.5](

> 14 October 2021

- Release 6.2.5 Updates. [`#856`](
- 6.2.5 [`#855`](
- V6 haiwr 266 pull quote [`#807`](
- D8CORE-2950: added link-icon-before [`#816`](
- Updated non-discrimination policy link [`#849`](

#### [6.2.4](

> 13 August 2021

- Add autochangelog [`#848`](
- Update lockup KSS and add Autorelease [`#846`](
- Back to dev. [`fe5eca4`](

#### [6.2.3](

> 13 April 2021

- ADAPT-578: modified <a> text color for Info, Success and default Alerts [`#817`](
- Netlify Build Preview - No more Tugboat [`#798`](
- D8CORE-2950: adding mailto icon [`#776`](
- Back to dev. [`e5bb7bb`](

#### [6.2.2](

> 20 January 2021

- D8CORE-2610: Deprecation notice about C, G, J, and Q lockup [`#789`](
- Bump ini from 1.3.5 to 1.3.8 [`#784`](
- Add new colors from identity guide and deprecate old color [`#768`](
- Back to dev. [`161bf9f`](

#### [6.2.1](

> 30 November 2020

- D8CORE-2529: changing the condition that makes the link not appear [`#775`](
- Back to dev. [`ec3608c`](

#### [6.2.0](

> 5 November 2020

- Different way of setting up modular spacing [`#704`](
- D8CORE-2632: changing the green for a11y reason [`#767`](
- D8CORE-1261: Revised table styles. [`#617`](
- Create auto-label action [`#763`](
- Add stale action. [`#762`](
- D8CORE-1623: Adding a mixin and icons for a simple icon before dis… [`#690`](
- Deprecate Kalam & Noto Sans. [`#761`](
- Misc fixes [`a41b662`](
- Back to dev. [`de37e13`](

#### [6.1.3](

> 23 September 2020

- Change vendor imports to use the ~ convention. [`#759`](
- D8CORE-2529: if there is a link but no content set the link to null [`#756`](
- D8CORE-2652: adding styles to the alerts for buttons [`#732`](
- D8CORE-2536: adding aria-label [`#716`](
- back to dev. [`433786f`](

#### [6.1.2](

> 9 September 2020

- D8CORE-2630: fixup! on the specifity [`#731`](
- back to dev. [`54351aa`](

#### [6.1.1](

> 3 September 2020

- D8CORE-2630: Updating the alert basic link hover colors and underline for accessibility [`#730`](
- D8CORE-2376: Local Footer Lockup Overrides [`#729`](
- Back to dev. [`6917861`](

#### [6.1.0](

> 1 September 2020

- D8CORE-2490: All new alerts [`#725`](
- D8CORE-2544: added (link is external) to the brandbar [`#717`](
- Bump websocket-extensions from 0.1.3 to 0.1.4 [`#693`](
- Bump elliptic from 6.5.2 to 6.5.3 [`#703`](
- D8CORE-1403: addressing accessibility issue with footer [`#698`](
- Bump lodash from 4.17.15 to 4.17.19 [`#699`](
- Add search_input_id variable so that the name and ID attributes can be different for the search input field [`#688`](
- Update [`7833391`](
- Back to dev 6.0.7-dev [`09d6f03`](

#### [6.0.6](

> 27 May 2020

- D8CORE-1632: Add variables to quote template [`#678`](
- Add aria-expanded="false" to main nav parent links in the twig template so the attribute is there on load; update package-lock.json to current decanter version [`#681`](
- DECANTER-193: Accordion/FAQ and development environment. [`#642`](
- Removed conflicting background styles on checkboxes [`#644`](
- Create [`#676`](
- Fixes a typo in the grid-media-min comments [`#641`](
- back to dev. [`2283856`](

#### [6.0.5](

> 27 February 2020

- D8CORE-1329: removed the width 100% for xs breakpoint with buttons. [`#631`](
- back to dev. [`2745509`](

#### [6.0.4](

> 21 February 2020

- D8CORE-1198 D8CORE-1199: Remove header html element and duplicate ids [`#630`](
- D8CORE-1334: adjusting the padding to make the text appear centered [`#627`](
- D8CORE-925: changing the icon to red from the grey [`#616`](
- back to dev. [`26c493a`](

#### [6.0.3](

> 6 February 2020

- It is good to publish things when you change versions. [`#615`](
- back to dev. [`85ebd2e`](

#### [6.0.2](

> 6 February 2020

- D8CORE-1259: Add cool grey color variables and update package.json [`#614`](
- Brand bar wrapper change. [`#613`](
- Change @type-f font size from 0.8em to 0.9em and remove uppercase style [`#609`](
- Change @big-paragraph font size and line height [`#608`](
- Back to dev. [`b02d114`](

#### [6.0.1](

> 13 January 2020

- Restore .centered-container and fix webpack alias for font-awesome. [`#605`](
- Improve conditionals in template to support an empty cell2 [`#601`](

### [6.0.0](

> 20 December 2019

- SassDoc — Regroup Sass [`#599`](
- 559 ms placeholders b [`#597`](
- 435 icon card [`#593`](
- Small and big descriptions. [`#595`](
- Metalsmith [`#561`](
- D8 core 724 button hover [`#537`](
- Remove max-width on `flex-container` [`#535`](
- Linting Cleanup [`#532`](
- 508: Create media component [`#509`](
- Update [`#533`](
- Global footer font-weight and spacing tweak [`#531`](
- Secondary Nav Component - DEC-71 [`#528`](
- 5.1.0 [`#530`](
- Delete iconfinder_Rocket_701485.svg [`c107ca1`](
- Update package.json [`2e812df`](
- Update [`7fee3c4`](

#### [6.0.0-alpha.1](

> 30 October 2019

- Use percentage for html root font size instead of px so people can scale up using browser font size preferences [`#521`](
- D8CORE-105: Local footer. [`#510`](
- Update tags with HTML5 semantic tags. [`#421`](
- Update package.json [`bc185c4`](
- Update package.json [`45b4c6d`](
- Merge fix with master. [`c3ee0a1`](

#### [5.2.0](

> 20 December 2019

- Refactor deprecated '@elseif' conditionals to supported '@else if' syntax [`#600`](
- added in section in PR template as per discussion with Caryl [`#560`](
- Create [`#591`](
- More card variants with different media options - image icon, video, embed [`#451`](
- Update _button.scss [`#536`](
- Remove max-width on `flex-container` [`#535`](
- 508: Create media component [`#509`](
- Update [`#533`](
- Global footer font-weight and spacing tweak [`#531`](

#### [5.1.0](

> 30 October 2019

- 5.1.0 [`#530`](
- Updated packages and configuration files. [`#527`](
- Use rem instead of em for big button font size so it doesn't blow up in sections if we set a large base font size; finetune big button padding for smaller breakpoints [`#522`](
- Change sizes of link icons to use px instead of em to prevent occasional clipping [`#523`](
- D8CORE-628: Add caption option to hero banner. [`#517`](
- Use percentage for html root font size instead of px so people can scale up using browser font size preferences [`#526`](
- Mixins documention update — @centered-column [`#448`](
- Adds Tugboat and fixes npm dependencies. [`#518`](
- Update _hero.scss [`#513`](
- Create Aspect Ratio Mixin [`#445`](
- Adding global footer variants and link tweaks for legibility, change layout at MD breakpoint to match Figma [`#500`](
- Add parameter to @link-icon to adjust vertical position of icon and different options for $animate parameter [`#504`](
- Delete card-2019-08-28.twig [`#506`](
- Update _input.scss [`#507`](
- Scale down type-a and type-b font size at xs and sm breakpoints, repurpose splash font and minor typography tweaks [`#498`](
- Add 4 new @modular-spacing steps (#6 to #9) and modify 2 existing steps (#3 and #4) [`#503`](
- add su- prefix to Decanter core and component variables, deprecate old names [`#452`](
- Includevar [`#496`](
- Put appearance back for select dropdowns [`#479`](
- Split input.scss into several files and add new input-base placeholder [`#476`](
- Add focus outline back to default buttons [`#473`](
- Add 'paper' option for box-shadow mixin [`#470`](
- Nav placeholders, color map, styles, twig files [`#466`](
- fix deprecation message [`#458`](
- su-card--link: Hide image on xs breakpoint [`#457`](
- date stacked component initial commit [`#373`](
- Add a variant for Card where the whole card is a link and add option to turn headline into a link [`#444`](
- Create Masthead component [`#439`](
- Link variants [`#450`](
- Create TERMSOFUSE.txt [`#441`](
- 436 437 cards [`#440`](
- DEC-381: Responsive flex classes with responsive gutters [`#425`](
- Use svg icons as "mask" so their colors could be changed using CSS background-color [`#426`](
- 424 default link style [`#427`](
- Update package.json [`#438`](
- Set up color maps for Decanter and refactor main nav colors to refer to color maps [`#420`](
- Move PR template [`#416`](
- Fix skiplink target so it doesn't take up space and cause overflow [`#415`](
- package.locl.json file is back [`2359738`](
- Updated package and lock files. [`77be408`](

#### [5.0.1](

> 22 May 2019

- Release 5.0.1 [`#417`](
- Fix CSS grid gaps not displaying on Edge issue and other minor grid related issues [`#413`](
- More link fixup [`#388`](
- forgot to rebuild .js after final lint fixes [`#387`](
- add openNav, closeNav, openSubnav, closeSubnav events [`#379`](
- Fix main nav color variants and work with new linting rules [`#380`](
- add favicon to style guide [`#377`](
- Adjust linters. [`#370`](
- update to match Scott's intro on [`#371`](
- Update [`#369`](

### [5.0.0](

> 27 March 2019

- move the images we need for the styleguide's homepage into kss-assets [`#368`](
- Update [`#367`](
- Update [`#363`](
- package.locl.json file is back [`#366`](
- Added more to changelog [`#364`](
- Update [`#362`](
- 90 basic webpack [`#334`](
- Changelog for v5 [`#360`](
- Type Styles [`#354`](
- remove reference to search icon in main-nav twig and json; add documentation to Noto Sans [`#359`](
- Refactor site-search so the icon can be turned into inline CSS by Webpack [`#350`](
- Replace KSS nav with main-nav component [`#348`](
- Refactor card component using placeholder and match Figma design [`#332`](
- Use %placeholder and @extend on button mixins to see if it makes code less repetitive [`#347`](
- Cut down on media queries generated by @modular-spacing [`#343`](
- Main Nav Light on Dark Background Color Variant [`#344`](
- Reorganize files for CTA so it's consistent with other components [`#345`](
- Update main-nav.twig [`#331`](
- get rid of ID [`#342`](
- 5 Lines Lockup + Variants [`#289`](
- Update _alert--info.scss [`#330`](
- Add linear gradient background mixin [`#304`](
- Tweaking modular-spacing mixin to be more user friendly [`#309`](
- 120 Skiplinks [`#303`](
- 72 main nav [`#264`](
- Update _input.scss [`#301`](
- Update [`#302`](
- 298-change "sticky-footer" mixin to target <footer> selector  [`#299`](
- Set base font size for each breakpoint [`#295`](
- doc: add period [`#294`](
- 151 global footer tweaks [`#293`](
- Small bugfix for mobile. [`#291`](
- 282: Fix modular-spacing mixins and variables [`#290`](
- Fluid centered container. [`#286`](
- 188 Button Tweak [`#287`](
- Added Noto Sans Sanskrit font to package. [`#285`](
- Add region attribute variables to grid templates. [`#284`](
- Grids [`#271`](
- minor fixes to some of the comments in SCSS files. [`#278`](
- Cta fixes [`#275`](
- 215 Logo lockup [`#252`](
- 89 browsersync [`#272`](
- 189 Alert Component [`#263`](
- 216 Create site search component [`#262`](
- 266: Update scss file to reference logo.twig and update twig file to … [`#267`](
- 246 homepage [`#258`](
- reversed order of modular scale type mixin [`#260`](
- 122 hero [`#259`](
- 195 added all Stanford approved fonts [`#248`](
- change class for logo to match new naming conventions. [`#257`](
- px to rem [`#256`](
- 219 Modular typography [`#250`](
- fixup! wip. [`#255`](
- 79 card [`#241`](
- make color change on hover & focus less abrupt [`#253`](
- 249: Change CTA icon to a variable [`#251`](
- 223 brand bar [`#243`](
- Color swatches. [`#244`](
- 238 cleanup [`#240`](
- resolve 184: stop importing .css file into .scss [`#239`](
- 133 CTA Molecules [`#212`](
- Removes old symlink package [`#213`](
- Deploy using grunt [`#211`](
- 151 footer [`#208`](
- KSS - Custom Theme [`#186`](
- Table accessibility fix [`#206`](
- 90 basic webpack (#334) [`#90`](
- Delete _index.scss [`327df94`](
- Added composer.json [`fcc4f17`](
- Updated demo link in [`440f297`](

#### [4.1.0](

> 16 August 2018

- Decanter 161  grid version  v04 [`#204`](
- Revert "Decanter 161  grid version  v04 (#187)" [`#203`](
- Decanter 161  grid version  v04 [`#187`](
- update package.json with latest in prep for npm release [`6a4725a`](
- updated changelog [`56dc6eb`](
- Update [`efa6d2d`](

### [4.0.0](

> 9 August 2018

- Decanter 161  grid version [`#179`](
- update version number [`6c8bb64`](
- Update [`12501d7`](

#### [3.1.0](

> 9 August 2018

- Small Tweaks and Fixes [`#176`](
- added semibold and other source sans pro font styles that were missing [`#173`](
- ARCH-184 added images element and all necessary files to apply image defaults [`#175`](
- don't require kss npm package to be installed globally [`#172`](
- Fixes [`#154`](
- Update issue templates [`#116`](
- Create [`#117`](
- Lando db ver [`#118`](
- pushing up issue templates no change from local [`c244c67`](
- update version number [`577080c`](
- Update [`0bea3b4`](

### [3.0.0](

> 16 May 2018

- Bourbon update [`#115`](
- Create [`46c0e7f`](

#### [2.1.0](

> 7 May 2018

- renamed all twig and json files to no longer include .html [`#111`](
- Icon postcard block completed with approval from John on the design [`#104`](
- removed FA from project; updagraded to latest normalize [`#101`](
- #107 specify node version [`#108`](
- update neat-omega, grunt, grunt-sass, jquery, and associated dependencies [`#106`](
- Quote tweaks [`#105`](
- Quote element [`#100`](
- Clean up, more components and elements [`#97`](
- Document the variables. [`#95`](
- prep for drupalcamp session; general clean up and org [`#94`](
- Newbranchname [`#92`](
- Kss [`#87`](
- Added lando config files. [`4bcd989`](
- Issue #51: Add KSS styleguide generator. [`376a2bf`](
- Added more KSS stuff. [`85c5498`](

### [2.0.0](

> 21 December 2017

- Updated release date in changelog [`#64`](
- DECANTER-000: Clearing out v1 [`d586b2e`](
- initial commit, cleaned up file org, new grunt and json files, removed depr items [`bf13ac4`](
- hero banner component [`7f16174`](

#### [1.0.0-alpha3](

> 18 December 2017

- Handoff [`#51`](
- Update _card.scss to use the material shadow function instead of mixin. [`69501d1`](

#### [1.0.0-alpha2](

> 20 June 2017

- Homesite17 [`#50`](

#### 1.0.0-alpha1

> 20 May 2017

- Prevent font loading leakage. [`#48`](
- grid-media enhancements [`#47`](
- Responsive grid collapse. [`#46`](
- New documentation branch. [`#44`](
- Properties [`#45`](
- Documentation [`#42`](
- Font Loading Strategy [`#43`](
- There is full browser support for <blockquote> and <q> elements. Apparently nobody has really bothered to implement them, but they are there, in the spec, being awesome. [`#41`](
- .card component [`#39`](
- Document and add to Color System [`#37`](
- Breakpoint helper improvements [`#36`](
- Flex Containers, flex-items-per-row [`#35`](
- Refactor flex-container to make it easier to input parameters [`#32`](
- Conditionalize BPH helper output [`#33`](
- Suggested Updates for default container maps [`#30`](
- centered-container [`#29`](
- Items per row [`#28`](
- Adjust container width [`#26`](
- Twigs [`#21`](
- Refactor container system [`#23`](
- standards and enforcement [`#20`](
- Namespace rollup files: [`#16`](
- Integration [`#12`](
- Compile [`#11`](
- Docs [`#10`](
- Initialize bitters scaffold [`#4`](
- Linters Standards and Bug Fixes [`#9`](
- Add sass-import-once plugin [`#6`](
- Dot file configuration.  [`#5`](
- update package.json [`#3`](
- Add package.json file [`#2`](
- Adding folders [`#1`](
- Dot file configuration. git attributes, editor attributes, code climate engines, and linting [`104ede1`](
- Add empty important comment before properties mixin to hijack source map (I don’t know why this works. It’s magic) [`8f2120d`](
- !fixup !test - Ad-hoc source mapping [`d78192d`](