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/// Loops through the breakpoints and dynamically calculates the width for each
/// breakpoint based on the number of columns passed in.
/// @name responsive-flex-column
/// @param {list} $columns - something like 1 of 12
/// @param {map} $grid - A key value map where the key is the shortcode of the breakpoint and the value is the full media query.
/// @param {map} $gutters - A complimentary map to the $grid map where the size of the css grid gutter is applied at each breakpoint.
/// @group mixin
@mixin responsive-flex-column($columns, $grid: $su-grid-media, $gutters: $su-grid-gutters) {
  @each $key, $breakpoint in $grid {
    @include grid-media($key) {
      @include flex-column($columns, map-get($gutters, $key));