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Test Coverage
 * @file
 * Alert Component.
 * Component for displaying a notification that keeps people informed of a
 * status, or for displaying a validation message that alerts someone of an
 * important piece of information. It has five variants:
 *   - Default: Black text with gray background with no icon
 *   - Success: Black text with green background with check icon
 *   - Warning: Black text with yellow background with traiangular exclamation mark icon
 *   - Error: Black text with red background with circlular exclamation mark icon
 *   - Info: Black text with blue background with information icon
 * Available variables:
 * - attributes: For additional HTML attributes not already provided.
 * - modifier_class: Additional css classes to change look and behaviour.
 * - alert_header: Text heading.
 * - alert_body: Text details of the alert message.
<div {{ attributes }} class="su-alert {{ modifier_class }}">
  <div class="centered-container">
    {# JavaScript Ability To Close and Hide Alert. #}
    {%- block block_dismiss -%}
      {%- if alert_dismiss -%}
        <div class="su-alert__dismiss">
          <button aria-label="{{ alert_dismiss_text|default("Dismiss alert") }}" class="su-alert__dismiss-button">{{ alert_dismiss_text|default("Dismiss") }} <i class="su-fas su-fa-times-circle"></i></button>
      {%- endif -%}
    {%- endblock -%}

    {# Header, sometimes left, content. #}
    {%- block block_alert_header -%}
      {%- if alert_icon is not empty or alert_label is not empty -%}
        <div class="su-alert__header">
        {%- if alert_icon is not empty -%}
          <span class="su-alert__icon">{{- alert_icon -}}</span>
        {%- endif -%}
        {%- if alert_label is not empty -%}
          <span class="su-alert__label">{{- alert_label -}}</span>
        {%- endif -%}
      {%- endif -%}
    {%- endblock -%}

    {# Body content and the primary message. #}
    {%- block block_body -%}
    <div class="su-alert__body">

      {# HEADER #}
      {%- if alert_header is not empty -%}
        <h3 class="su-alert__heading">{{- alert_header -}}</h3>
      {%- endif -%}

      {# TEXT #}
      {%- if alert_text is not empty -%}
        <div class="su-alert__text">
          {{- alert_text -}}
      {%- endif -%}

      {# FOOTER #}
      {%- if alert_footer is not empty -%}
        <div class="su-alert__footer">
          {{- alert_footer -}}
      {%- endif -%}
    {%- endblock -%}