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 * @file
 * Local Footer Component.
 * Figma source:
 * This local footer template is to support the global footer and provide
 * site contextual links.
 * Available variables:
 * - attributes:          For additional HTML attributes not already provided.
 * - modifier_class:      Additional css classes to change look and behaviour.
 * - template_path_lockup: The relative file path to the lockup twig template.
 * - template_path_link:  The relative file path to the link twig template.
 * - template_path_macro: The relative file path to the macro twig template.
 * - template_path_signup_form: The relative file path to the signup-form template.
 * - lockup_options:      Options to pass through to the lockup twig template.
 *                        See the lockup template variables for more information.
 * - lockup_title:        The text to use as line1 in the lockup unless
 *                        lockup_options is overridden.
 * - contentcell1:        Twig block area so you can override just this section
 *                        when extending.
 * - contentcell2:        Twig block area so you can override just this section
 *                        when extending.
 * - contentcell3:        Twig block area so you can override just this section
 *                        when extending.
 * - headercontent:       Optional open variable for placing arbitrary content
 *                        in the header portion of the template.
 * - cell1:               Optional open variable for placing arbitrary content
 *                        in cell 1 of the template.
 * - cell2:               Optional open variable for placing arbitrary content
 *                        in cell 1 of the template.
 * - cell3:               Optional open variable for placing arbitrary content
 *                        in cell 1 of the template.
 * - address:             Optional open variable for address content.
 * - action_links:        Either a structured array of links that get rendered
 *                        by a common macro or arbitrary html markup. The Links
 *                        in this field get padding and arrows applied.
 * - social_links:        Either a structured array of links that get rendered
 *                        by a common macro or arbitrary html markup.
 * - primary_links:       Either a structured array of links that get rendered
 *                        by a common macro or arbitrary html markup.
 * - secondary_links:     Either a structured array of links that get rendered
 *                        by a common macro or arbitrary html markup.
 * - signup_form_content: An open variable for placing content above the form.
 * - signup_form_action:  The url that the form should submit to.
 * - signup_form_method:  The http method in which the form should use (get|post)
 * - signup_form_field_email: The name and id of the email field.
 * - signup_form_field_email_placeholder: The placeholder text for the field.
 * - signup_form_field_submit: The name and id of the submit button.
 * - signup_form_field_submit_value: The value of the submit button.
 * - signup_form_fields:  Option variable that allows you to put any additional
 *                        markup in to the signup form. This could be content or
 *                        additional fields.
 * - weblogin_url:        Optional - The url in which a user goes to login with.
 * - weblogin_text:       The text to display for the weblogin button link.
{%- if template_path_lockup is empty -%}
  {%- set template_path_lockup = "@decanter/components/lockup/lockup.twig" -%}
{%- endif %}

{%- if lockup_options is empty -%}
 {%- set lockup_options = { "modifier_class": 'su-lockup--option-a', "line1": lockup_title, "attributes": attributes|without('id') } -%}
{%- endif -%}

{%- if template_path_link is empty -%}
  {%- set template_path_link = "@decanter/components/link/link.twig" -%}
{%- endif %}

{%- if template_path_signup_form is empty -%}
  {%- set template_path_signup_form = "@decanter/components/signup-form/signup-form.twig" -%}
{%- endif %}

{%- if template_path_macro is empty -%}
  {%- set template_path_macro = "@decanter/utilities/macros/link-list.twig" -%}
{%- endif -%}
{%- import template_path_macro as list_macro -%}

<div {{ attributes }} class="su-local-footer {{ modifier_class }}">
  {# The header is completely optional and won't render if there isn't any content #}
  {% if lockup_title is not empty or weblogin_url is not empty or headercontent is not empty %}
  <div class="su-local-footer__header">
    {# Lockup template. Set usually to option-a #}
    {% block block_lockup %}
      {% include template_path_lockup with lockup_options %}
    {% endblock %}
    {# Web login button #}
    {% if weblogin_url is not empty %}
      {% include template_path_link with {
        "modifier_class": "su-link--internal",
        "link_href": weblogin_url,
        "link_content": weblogin_text|default('Web Login')
      } only %}
    {% endif %}
    {# Optional content area for the header. #}
    {{ headercontent }}
  {% endif %}
    Container for the content cells. These cells have a specific and rigid
    responsive behaviour so they are not optional. Empty cells will still
    render and create whitespace.
  <div class="su-local-footer__columns">
    {# Content Cell 1 - For action and social media links. #}
    <div class="su-local-footer__cell1">
      {# Twig block for you to extend with #}
      {% block contentcell1 %}
        The address is optional so don't put non-address content in it.
        Use the `cell1` variable instead.
      {% if address|render|striptags|trim is not empty %}
      <h2 class="su-sr-only-element">Address</h2>
      <address class="su-local-footer__address">
        {{ address }}
      {% endif %}
      {# Stylized links. See local-footer.json for structure for macro. #}
      {% if action_links is not empty%}
      <ul class="su-local-footer__action-links">
        {% if action_links is iterable %}
          {{ list_macro.link_list(action_links) }}
        {% else %}
          {{ action_links }}
        {% endif %}
      {% endif %}
      {# Stylized links. See local-footer.json for structure for macro. #}
      {% if social_links is not empty%}
      <ul class="su-local-footer__social-links">
        {% if social_links is iterable %}
          {{ list_macro.link_list(social_links) }}
        {% else %}
          {{ social_links }}
        {% endif %}
      {% endif %}
      {% endblock %}
      {# Use this var if you would like to place your own content in to this cell. #}
      {{ cell1 }}
    {# Content Cell 2 - For primary and secondary link lists. #}
    <div class="su-local-footer__cell2">
      {# Twig block for you to extend with #}
      {% block contentcell2 %}
        Primary Links - left or top list.
      {% if primary_links is not empty%}
      <nav aria-label="footer primary nav">
        {% if primary_links_header is not empty %}
        <h2 class="su-local-footer__list-heading">{{ primary_links_header|default("Primary Links") }}</h2>
        {% endif %}
        <ul class="su-local-footer__primary-links">
          {# Stylized links. See local-footer.json for structure for macro. #}
          {% if primary_links is iterable %}
            {{ list_macro.link_list(primary_links) }}
          {% else %}
            {{ primary_links }}
          {% endif %}
      {% endif %}
        Secondary Links - Right or bottom list.
      {% if secondary_links is not empty%}
      <nav aria-label="footer secondary nav">
        {% if secondary_links_header is not empty %}
        <h2 class="su-local-footer__list-heading">{{ secondary_links_header|default("Secondary Links") }}</h2>
        {% endif %}
        <ul class="su-local-footer__secondary-links">
          {# Stylized links. See local-footer.json for structure for macro. #}
          {% if secondary_links is iterable %}
            {{ list_macro.link_list(secondary_links) }}
          {% else %}
            {{ secondary_links }}
          {% endif %}
      {% endif %}
      {% endblock %}
      {# If you want to provide all of our own markup use the cell2 var. #}
      {{ cell2 }}
      Cell 3 - For the signup form.
    <div class="su-local-footer__cell3">
      {# Twig block for you to extend with #}
      {% block contentcell3 %}
        The signup form is optional. If it doesn't meet your content needs
        use the cell3 variable instead.
      {% if signup_form_action is not empty %}
        {# The template path is included with the `with` keyword on purpose.
           See the template for what variables are expected and how they are named.
        {% include template_path_signup_form with { "attributes" : attributes|without('id') } %}
      {% endif %}
      {% endblock %}
      {# If you want to provide all of our own markup use the cell3 var. #}
      {{ cell3 }}