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package actions

import (

// ignore flag for takeover
var ignoreFlag = "/run/.saptune.ignore"

// ServiceAction handles service actions like start, stop, status, enable, disable
// it controls the systemd saptune.service
func ServiceAction(writer io.Writer, actionName, saptuneVersion string, tApp *app.App) {
    switch actionName {
    case "apply":
        // This action name is only used by saptune service, hence it is not advertised to end user.
    case "disable":
    case "disablestop":
    case "enable":
    case "enablestart":
        ServiceActionStart(true, tApp)
    case "restart":
        // Redirects to systemctl restart saptune.service
        // systemd uses first ExecStop, then ExecStart
    case "revert":
        // This action name is only used by saptune service, hence it is not advertised to end user.
    case "reload":
        // This action name is only used by saptune service, hence it is not advertised to end user.
        system.NoticeLog("saptune is now restarting the service...")
        if ignoreServiceReload() {
            system.NoticeLog("'IGNORE_RELOAD' is set in saptune configuration file, so no permission to reload")
            system.ErrorExit("", 0)
    case "start":
        ServiceActionStart(false, tApp)
    case "status":
        ServiceActionStatus(writer, tApp, saptuneVersion)
    case "stop":
    case "takeover":
        PrintHelpAndExit(writer, 1)

// ServiceActionTakeover starts and enables the saptune service
// even if competing services (sapconf, tuned) are active.
// These services will be disabled and stopped
// disable and stop sapconf.service and tuned.service
func ServiceActionTakeover(tuneApp *app.App) {
    lockReleased := false
    system.NoticeLog("Starting 'saptune.service', this may take some time...")

    // disable and stop 'tuned.service'

    // check, if sapconf is enabled or active
    if system.IsSapconfActive(SapconfService) {
        // disable and stop 'sapconf.service'
        lockReleased = disableAndStopSapconf(lockReleased)

    if !lockReleased {
        // release Lock, to prevent deadlock with systemd service 'saptune.service'

    // enable and start 'saptune.service'
    if err := system.SystemctlEnableStart(SaptuneService); err != nil {
        system.ErrorExit("%v", err)
    // saptune.service (start) then calls 'saptune service apply' to
    // tune the system
    active, err := system.SystemctlIsRunning(SaptuneService)
    if err != nil {
        system.ErrorExit("%v", err)
    enabled, err := system.SystemctlIsEnabled(SaptuneService)
    if err != nil {
        system.ErrorExit("%v", err)
    if active && enabled {
        system.NoticeLog("Service '%s' has been enabled and started.", SaptuneService)
    } else {
        system.WarningLog("seems enabling and starting service '%s' was not successful. Please check.", SaptuneService)
    if len(tuneApp.TuneForSolutions) == 0 && len(tuneApp.TuneForNotes) == 0 {
        system.NoticeLog("Your system has not yet been tuned. Please visit `saptune note` and `saptune solution` to start tuning.")

// ServiceActionStart starts the saptune service
// enable service before start, if enableService is true
func ServiceActionStart(enableService bool, tuneApp *app.App) {
    var err error

    saptuneInfo, saptuneLeave, active, enabled := getInfoTxt("start", enableService)
    if (active && !enableService) || (active && enabled) {
    if !active {
        system.NoticeLog("Starting 'saptune.service', this may take some time...")
    if system.IsSapconfActive(SapconfService) {
        system.ErrorExit("found an active sapconf, so refuse any action")
    // release Lock, to prevent deadlock with systemd service 'saptune.service'
    // enable and/or start 'saptune.service'
    if enableService {
        err = system.SystemctlEnableStart(SaptuneService)
        saptuneInfo = saptuneLeave
    } else {
        err = system.SystemctlStart(SaptuneService)
        saptuneInfo = "Service 'saptune.service' has been started."
    if err != nil {
        system.ErrorExit("%v", err)
    // saptune.service then calls `saptune service apply` to
    // tune the system
    if len(tuneApp.TuneForSolutions) == 0 && len(tuneApp.TuneForNotes) == 0 {
        system.NoticeLog("Your system has not yet been tuned. Please visit `saptune note` and `saptune solution` to start tuning.")
    enabled, err = system.SystemctlIsEnabled(SaptuneService)
    if err != nil {
        system.ErrorExit("%v", err)
    if !enabled {
        system.NoticeLog("Remember: if you wish to automatically activate the solution's tuning options after a reboot, you must enable saptune.service by running:\n    saptune service enable\n")

// ServiceActionApply is only used by saptune service, hence it is not
// advertised to the end user. It is used to tune the system after reboot
func ServiceActionApply(tuneApp *app.App) {
    // service should fail, if sapconf.service is enabled or has exited
    // but 'active' file is available
    // /var/lib/sapconf/act_profile in sle12
    // /run/sapconf/active in sle15
    if system.IsSapconfActive(SapconfService) {
        system.ErrorExit("found an active sapconf, so refuse any action")
    system.NoticeLog("saptune is now tuning the system...")
    if err := tuneApp.TuneAll(); err != nil {
        system.ErrorExit("%v", err)

// ServiceActionEnable enables the saptune service
func ServiceActionEnable() {
    system.NoticeLog("Enable 'saptune.service'")
    // service should fail, if sapconf.service is enabled or has exited
    // but 'active' file is available
    // /var/lib/sapconf/act_profile in sle12
    // /run/sapconf/active in sle15
    if system.IsSapconfActive(SapconfService) {
        system.ErrorExit("found an active sapconf, so refuse any action")
    // enable 'saptune.service'
    if err := system.SystemctlEnable(SaptuneService); err != nil {
        system.ErrorExit("%v", err)
    system.NoticeLog("Service 'saptune.service' has been enabled.")
    active, err := system.SystemctlIsRunning(SaptuneService)
    if err != nil {
        system.ErrorExit("%v", err)
    if !active {
        system.NoticeLog("Service 'saptune.service' is not running. Please use `saptune service start` to start the service and tune the system")

// ServiceActionStatus checks the status of the saptune service
func ServiceActionStatus(writer io.Writer, tuneApp *app.App, saptuneVersion string) {
    infoTrigger := map[string]bool{}
    jstatus := system.JStatus{}
    jstatServs := system.JStatusServs{}
    jstatStage := system.JStatusStaging{}
    fmt.Fprintln(writer, "")
    // check for running saptune.service
    infoTrigger["saptuneStopped"], infoTrigger["remember"], infoTrigger["stenabled"] = printSaptuneStatus(writer, &jstatServs)

    // print saptune version
    printSaptuneVers(writer, saptuneVersion, &jstatus)

    // Check for any enabled note/solution
    infoTrigger["notTuned"] = printNoteAndSols(writer, tuneApp, &jstatus)

    // staging
    printStagingStatus(writer, &jstatStage)

    // check for running sapconf.service and print status
    infoTrigger["scenabled"] = printSapconfStatus(writer, &jstatServs)

    // check for running tuned.service and print status
    printTunedStatus(writer, &jstatServs)

    // check for system(d) state
    infoTrigger["chkHint"] = printSystemdStatus(writer, &jstatus)

    // check for virtualization environment
    printVirtStatus(writer, &jstatus)

    // check tuning result
    infoTrigger["notCompliant"] = chkTuningResult(writer, tuneApp, &jstatus)

    infoMsg := bytes.Buffer{}
    if system.GetFlagVal("format") == "json" {
        writer = &infoMsg
    printInfoBlock(writer, infoTrigger)
    jstatus.Msg = infoMsg.String()
    jstatus.Services = jstatServs
    jstatus.Staging = jstatStage

    // order of exit codes important for yast2 module!
    // first 'stopped', then 'notTuned', then 'notCompliant', then 'ok'
    if infoTrigger["saptuneStopped"] {
        system.ErrorExit("", exitSaptuneStopped)
    if infoTrigger["notTuned"] {
        system.ErrorExit("", exitNotTuned)
    if infoTrigger["notCompliant"] {
        system.ErrorExit("", exitNotCompliant)

// ServiceActionStop stops the saptune service
// disable service before stop, if disableService is true
func ServiceActionStop(disableService bool) {
    var err error

    saptuneInfo, saptuneLeave, active, enabled := getInfoTxt("stop", disableService)
    if (!active && !disableService) || (!active && !enabled) {
    if active {
        system.NoticeLog("Stopping 'saptune.service', this may take some time...")
    // release Lock, to prevent deadlock with systemd service 'saptune.service'
    // disable and/or stop 'saptune.service'
    if disableService {
        err = system.SystemctlDisableStop(SaptuneService)
        saptuneInfo = saptuneLeave
    } else {
        err = system.SystemctlStop(SaptuneService)
        saptuneInfo = "Service 'saptune.service' has been stopped."
    if err != nil {
        system.ErrorExit("%v", err)
    // saptune.service then calls `saptune daemon revert` to
    // revert all tuned parameter
    if active {
        system.NoticeLog("All tuned parameters have been reverted to default.")

// ServiceActionRestart is only used by saptune service, hence it is not
// advertised to the end user. It is used to restart the saptune service
func ServiceActionRestart(tuneApp *app.App) {
    var err error
    system.NoticeLog("Restarting 'saptune.service', this may take some time...")
    if ignoreServiceReload() {
        system.NoticeLog("'IGNORE_RELOAD' is set in saptune configuration file, so no permission to restart")
        system.ErrorExit("", 0)
    // release Lock, to prevent deadlock with systemd service 'saptune.service'
    // restart 'saptune.service'
    if err = system.SystemctlRestart(SaptuneService); err != nil {
        system.ErrorExit("%v", err)
    system.NoticeLog("Service 'saptune.service' has been restarted.")

// ServiceActionRevert is only used by saptune service, hence it is not
// advertised to the end user. It is used to revert all the tuned parameters
// right before a system reboot
func ServiceActionRevert(tuneApp *app.App) {
    // service should fail, if sapconf.service is enabled or has exited
    // but 'active' file is available
    // /var/lib/sapconf/act_profile in sle12
    // /run/sapconf/active in sle15
    // skip these checks in case of preventing a saptune/sapconf
    // service deadlock in ServiceActionTakeover, ignoreFlag set
    if _, err := os.Stat(ignoreFlag); os.IsNotExist(err) {
        if system.IsSapconfActive(SapconfService) {
            system.ErrorExit("found an active sapconf, so refuse any action")
        if len(tuneApp.NoteApplyOrder) != 0 {
            system.NoticeLog("saptune is now reverting all settings...")
    } else {
        system.WarningLog("ignore flag set, skipping check for active sapconf service")
    if err := tuneApp.RevertAll(false); err != nil {
        system.ErrorExit("%v", err)

// ServiceActionDisable disables the saptune service
func ServiceActionDisable() {
    system.NoticeLog("Disable 'saptune.service'")
    // disable 'saptune.service'
    if err := system.SystemctlDisable(SaptuneService); err != nil {
        system.ErrorExit("%v", err)
    system.NoticeLog("Service 'saptune.service' has been disabled.")
    active, err := system.SystemctlIsRunning(SaptuneService)
    if err != nil {
        system.ErrorExit("%v", err)
    if active {
        system.NoticeLog("Service 'saptune.service' still running. Please use `saptune service stop` to stop the service and revert the tuned parameter")

// disableAndStopSapconf disables and stops 'sapconf.service'
func disableAndStopSapconf(lockReleased bool) bool {
    // check, if saptune is enabled or active
    active, err := system.SystemctlIsRunning(SaptuneService)
    if err != nil {
        system.ErrorExit("%v", err)
    enabled, err := system.SystemctlIsEnabled(SaptuneService)
    if err != nil {
        system.ErrorExit("%v", err)
    if active || enabled {
        // disable/stop saptune to prevent failed sapconf service
        // release Lock, to prevent deadlock with systemd service 'saptune.service'
        lockReleased = true
        // set 'ignore' Flag
        ignore, err := os.Create(ignoreFlag)
        if err != nil {
            system.ErrorExit("Cannot create our 'ignore' flag - %v", err)
        defer ignore.Close()
        if err := system.SystemctlDisableStop(SaptuneService); err != nil {
            system.ErrorExit("%v", err)
        // remove ignore Flag
    if err := system.SystemctlDisableStop(SapconfService); err != nil {
        system.ErrorExit("%v", err)
    active, err = system.SystemctlIsRunning(SapconfService)
    if err != nil {
        system.ErrorExit("%v", err)
    enabled, err = system.SystemctlIsEnabled(SapconfService)
    if err != nil {
        system.ErrorExit("%v", err)
    if active || enabled {
        system.WarningLog("seems disabling and stopping service '%s' was not successful. Please check.", SapconfService)
    } else {
        system.NoticeLog("Service '%s' disabled and stopped", SapconfService)
    return lockReleased

// disableAndStopTuned disables and stops 'tuned.service'
func disableAndStopTuned() {
    if system.IsServiceAvailable(TunedService) {
        if err := system.SystemctlDisableStop(TunedService); err != nil {
            system.ErrorExit("%v", err)
        active, err := system.SystemctlIsRunning(TunedService)
        if err != nil {
            system.ErrorExit("%v", err)
        enabled, err := system.SystemctlIsEnabled(TunedService)
        if err != nil {
            system.ErrorExit("%v", err)
        if active || enabled {
            system.WarningLog("seems disabling and stopping service '%s' was not successful. Please check.", TunedService)
        } else {
            system.NoticeLog("Service '%s' disabled and stopped", TunedService)

// getLeaveTxt prepares the information to print at the end of start or stop
func getLeaveTxt(action string, active, enabled bool) string {
    sleave := ""

    switch action {
    case "stop":
        if enabled {
            if active {
                sleave = "Service 'saptune.service' has been disabled and stopped."
            } else {
                sleave = "Service 'saptune.service' has been disabled."
        } else {
            sleave = "Service 'saptune.service' has been stopped."
    case "start":
        if !enabled {
            if !active {
                sleave = "Service 'saptune.service' has been enabled and started."
            } else {
                sleave = "Service 'saptune.service' has been enabled."
        } else {
            sleave = "Service 'saptune.service' has been started."
    return sleave

// getInfoTxt prepares the information to print during start or stop
func getInfoTxt(action string, state bool) (string, string, bool, bool) {
    sinfo := ""

    active, err := system.SystemctlIsRunning(SaptuneService)
    if err != nil {
        system.ErrorExit("%v", err)
    enabled, err := system.SystemctlIsEnabled(SaptuneService)
    if err != nil {
        system.ErrorExit("%v", err)
    switch action {
    case "stop":
        if !active {
            sinfo = "Service 'saptune.service' not running"
        if state {
            if enabled {
                sinfo = sinfo + " but enabled. To disable the service please use 'saptune service disable'."
            } else {
                sinfo = sinfo + " and disabled. So nothing to do."
        } else {
            sinfo = sinfo + ". So nothing to do."
    case "start":
        if active {
            sinfo = "Service 'saptune.service' is running"
        if state {
            if enabled {
                sinfo = sinfo + " and enabled. So nothing to do."
            } else {
                sinfo = sinfo + " but disabled. To enable the service please use 'saptune service enable'."
        } else {
            sinfo = sinfo + ". So nothing to do."
    sleave := getLeaveTxt(action, active, enabled)
    return sinfo, sleave, active, enabled

// printSapconfStatus prints status of sapconf.service
func printSapconfStatus(writer io.Writer, jstat *system.JStatusServs) bool {
    scenabled := false
    fmt.Fprintf(writer, "sapconf.service:          ")
    if system.IsServiceAvailable(SapconfService) {
        stat := ""
        enabled, err := system.SystemctlIsEnabled(SapconfService)
        if err != nil {
            system.ErrorExit("%v", err)
        if enabled {
            stat = "enabled"
            scenabled = true
        } else {
            stat = "disabled"
        active, err := system.SystemctlIsActive(SapconfService)
        if active == "" {
            system.ErrorExit("%v", err)
        fmt.Fprintf(writer, "%s/%s\n", stat, active)
        jstat.SapconfService = []string{stat, active}
    } else {
        fmt.Fprintf(writer, "not available\n")
        jstat.SapconfService = []string{}
    return scenabled

// printTunedStatus prints status of tuned.service
func printTunedStatus(writer io.Writer, jstat *system.JStatusServs) {
    fmt.Fprintf(writer, "tuned.service:            ")
    if system.IsServiceAvailable(TunedService) {
        stat := ""
        enabled, err := system.SystemctlIsEnabled(TunedService)
        if err != nil {
            system.ErrorExit("%v", err)
        if enabled {
            stat = "enabled"
        } else {
            stat = "disabled"
        active, err := system.SystemctlIsActive(TunedService)
        if active == "" {
            system.ErrorExit("%v", err)
        if active == "active" {
            tprofile := system.GetTunedAdmProfile()
            fmt.Fprintf(writer, "%s/%s (profile: '%s')\n", stat, active, tprofile)
            jstat.TunedProfile = &tprofile
        } else {
            fmt.Fprintf(writer, "%s/%s\n", stat, active)
            jstat.TunedProfile = nil
        jstat.TunedService = []string{stat, active}
    } else {
        fmt.Fprintf(writer, "not available\n")
        jstat.TunedService = []string{}

// printNoteAndSols prints all enabled/active notes and solutions
func printNoteAndSols(writer io.Writer, tuneApp *app.App, jstat *system.JStatus) bool {
    notTuned := true
    partial := false
    fmt.Fprintf(writer, "enabled Solution:         ")
    solName := ""
    if len(tuneApp.TuneForSolutions) > 0 {
        solName = tuneApp.TuneForSolutions[0]
        fmt.Fprintf(writer, "%s (%s)", solName, strings.Join(tuneApp.AllSolutions[solName], ", "))
        notTuned = false
    fmt.Fprintf(writer, "\n")
    fmt.Fprintf(writer, "applied Solution:         ")
    appliedSol, state := tuneApp.AppliedSolution()
    appliedSolNotes := []string{}
    if appliedSol != "" {
        for _, note := range tuneApp.AllSolutions[appliedSol] {
            if _, ok := tuneApp.IsNoteApplied(note); ok {
                appliedSolNotes = append(appliedSolNotes, note)
        if state == "partial" {
            fmt.Fprintf(writer, "%s (%s -> %s)", appliedSol, strings.Join(appliedSolNotes, ", "), state)
            partial = true
        } else {
            fmt.Fprintf(writer, "%s (%s)", appliedSol, strings.Join(appliedSolNotes, ", "))
    fmt.Fprintf(writer, "\n")
    fmt.Fprintf(writer, "additional enabled Notes: ")
    if len(tuneApp.TuneForNotes) > 0 {
        for _, noteID := range tuneApp.TuneForNotes {
            fmt.Fprintf(writer, noteID+" ")
        notTuned = false
    fmt.Fprintf(writer, "\n")
    fmt.Fprintf(writer, "enabled Notes:            ")
    if len(tuneApp.NoteApplyOrder) != 0 {
        fmt.Fprintf(writer, "%s", strings.Join(tuneApp.NoteApplyOrder, " "))
    fmt.Fprintf(writer, "\n")
    fmt.Fprintf(writer, "applied Notes:            ")
    appliedNotes := tuneApp.AppliedNotes()
    fmt.Fprintf(writer, "%s", appliedNotes)
    fmt.Fprintf(writer, "\n")
    // initialise
    jstat.ConfSolNotes = []system.JSol{}
    jstat.AppliedNotes = []string{}
    jstat.AppliedSol = []system.JAppliedSol{}
    jstat.AppliedSolNotes = []system.JSol{}
    if appliedNotes != "" {
        jstat.AppliedNotes = strings.Split(appliedNotes, " ")
    if appliedSol != "" {
        appSol := system.JAppliedSol{
            SolName: appliedSol,
            Partial: &partial,
        jstat.AppliedSol = append(jstat.AppliedSol, appSol)
        appSolNotes := system.JSol{
            SolName:   appliedSol,
            NotesList: appliedSolNotes,
        jstat.AppliedSolNotes = append(jstat.AppliedSolNotes, appSolNotes)
    jstat.ConfiguredSol = tuneApp.TuneForSolutions
    if solName != "" {
        confSolNotes := system.JSol{
            SolName:   solName,
            NotesList: tuneApp.AllSolutions[solName],
        jstat.ConfSolNotes = append(jstat.ConfSolNotes, confSolNotes)
    jstat.ConfiguredNotes = tuneApp.TuneForNotes
    jstat.EnabledNotes = tuneApp.NoteApplyOrder
    return notTuned

// printSaptuneVers prints saptune version
func printSaptuneVers(writer io.Writer, saptuneVersion string, jstat *system.JStatus) {
    // print saptune rpm version and date
    // because of the need of 'reproducible' builds, we can not use a
    // build date in the 'official' saptune binary, so 'RPMDate' will
    // report 'undef'
    fmt.Fprintf(writer, "saptune package:          '%s'", RPMVersion)
    if RPMDate != "undef" {
        fmt.Fprintf(writer, " (%s)", RPMDate)
    fmt.Fprintf(writer, "\n")
    fmt.Fprintf(writer, "configured version:       '%s'\n", saptuneVersion)
    jstat.RPMVersion = RPMVersion
    jstat.SaptuneVersion = saptuneVersion

// printStagingStatus prints the status of the staging area
func printStagingStatus(writer io.Writer, jstage *system.JStatusStaging) {
    fmt.Fprintf(writer, "staging:                  ")
    stagingSwitch := getStagingFromConf()
    if stagingSwitch {
        fmt.Fprintf(writer, "enabled\n")
    } else {
        fmt.Fprintf(writer, "disabled\n")
    stNotes, stSols := listStageNotesAndSols()
    fmt.Fprintf(writer, "staged Notes:             %s\n", strings.Join(stNotes, " "))
    fmt.Fprintf(writer, "staged Solutions:         %s\n", strings.Join(stSols, " "))
    jstage.StagingEnabled = stagingSwitch
    jstage.StagedNotes = stNotes
    jstage.StagedSols = stSols
    fmt.Fprintln(writer, "")

// printSaptuneStatus checks for running saptune.service and print status
func printSaptuneStatus(writer io.Writer, jstat *system.JStatusServs) (bool, bool, bool) {
    remember := false
    saptuneStopped := false
    stenabled := false
    fmt.Fprintf(writer, "saptune.service:          ")
    if system.IsServiceAvailable(SaptuneService) {
        stat := ""
        enabled, err := system.SystemctlIsEnabled(SaptuneService)
        if err != nil {
            system.ErrorExit("%v", err)
        if !enabled {
            stat = "disabled"
            remember = true
        } else {
            stat = "enabled"
            stenabled = true
        active, err := system.SystemctlIsActive(SaptuneService)
        if active == "" {
            system.ErrorExit("%v", err)
        if active != "active" {
            saptuneStopped = true
        fmt.Fprintf(writer, "%s/%s\n", stat, active)
        jstat.SaptuneService = []string{stat, active}
    } else {
        fmt.Fprintf(writer, "not available\n")
        jstat.SaptuneService = []string{}
    return saptuneStopped, remember, stenabled

// printSystemdStatus prints the state of the systemd
func printSystemdStatus(writer io.Writer, jstat *system.JStatus) bool {
    chkHint := false
    state, err := system.GetSystemState()
    fmt.Fprintf(writer, "systemd system state:     %s\n", state)
    jstat.SystemdSysState = state
    if err != nil {
        chkHint = true
    return chkHint

// chkTuningResult verifies the tuning state of the system
func chkTuningResult(writer io.Writer, tuneApp *app.App, jstat *system.JStatus) bool {
    notCompliant := false
    tuningResult := "not-present"
    appliedNotes := tuneApp.AppliedNotes()
    if system.IsFlagSet("non-compliance-check") {
        tuningResult = "unknown (checking disabled)"
    } else if appliedNotes == "" {
        tuningResult = "not tuned"
    } else {
        oldStdout, oldSdterr := system.SwitchOffOut()
        unsatisfiedNotes, _, err := tuneApp.VerifyAll()
        system.SwitchOnOut(oldStdout, oldSdterr)
        if err != nil {
            system.WarningLog("Failed to verify the tuning state of the current system: %v", err)
        } else {
            systemCompiance := len(unsatisfiedNotes) == 0
            if !systemCompiance {
                tuningResult = "not compliant"
                notCompliant = true
            } else {
                tuningResult = "compliant"
    fmt.Fprintf(writer, "tuning:                   %s\n", tuningResult)
    jstat.TuningState = tuningResult
    return notCompliant

// printVirtStatus prints the virtualization environment
func printVirtStatus(writer io.Writer, jstat *system.JStatus) {
    vtype := system.GetVirtStatus()
    system.InfoLog("Following virtualized environment was detected: %s", vtype)
    fmt.Fprintf(writer, "virtualization:           %s\n", vtype)
    jstat.VirtEnv = vtype

// printInfoBlock prints additional info for the status
func printInfoBlock(writer io.Writer, infoTrigger map[string]bool) {
    fmt.Fprintln(writer, "")
    if infoTrigger["remember"] {
        fmt.Fprintf(writer, "Remember: if you wish to automatically activate the note's and solution's tuning options after a reboot, you must enable ")
        if infoTrigger["saptuneStopped"] {
            fmt.Fprintf(writer, "and start saptune.service by running:\n 'saptune service enablestart'.\n")
        } else {
            fmt.Fprintf(writer, "saptune.service by running:\n 'saptune service enable'.\n")
    if infoTrigger["notTuned"] {
        fmt.Fprintf(writer, "Your system has not yet been tuned. Please visit `saptune note` and `saptune solution` to start tuning.\n")
    if infoTrigger["stenabled"] && infoTrigger["scenabled"] {
        fmt.Fprintf(writer, "WARNING! saptune.service and sapconf.service are BOTH enabled!\nOnly one tool may tune the system.\n")
    if infoTrigger["notCompliant"] {
        fmt.Fprintf(writer, "Regarding the tuning state of the system please use 'saptune note verify' for detailed information.\n")
    if infoTrigger["chkHint"] {
        fmt.Fprintf(writer, "The systemd system state is NOT ok.\n")
    if (infoTrigger["stenabled"] && infoTrigger["scenabled"]) || infoTrigger["chkHint"] {
        fmt.Fprintf(writer, "Please call 'saptune check' to get guidance to resolve the issues!\n")

    fmt.Fprintln(writer, "")

// DaemonAction handles daemon actions like start, stop, status asm.
// still available for compatibility reasons
func DaemonAction(writer io.Writer, actionName, saptuneVersion string, tuneApp *app.App) {
    serviceAction := actionName
    if actionName == "start" {
        serviceAction = "takeover"
    if actionName == "stop" {
        serviceAction = "disablestop"
    system.WarningLog("the argument 'daemon' is deprecated!. saptune will forward the request to 'saptune service %s'.\nFor the future please use 'saptune service %s'.", serviceAction, serviceAction)
    switch actionName {
    case "start":
    case "status":
        ServiceActionStatus(writer, tuneApp, saptuneVersion)
    case "stop":
        // disablestop
        PrintHelpAndExit(writer, 1)

// ignoreServiceReload returns true, if 'IGNORE_RELOAD' is set to 'yes' in
// the saptune configuration file. Otherwise it returns false
func ignoreServiceReload() bool {
    ret := false
    sconf, err := txtparser.ParseSysconfigFile(saptuneSysconfig, true)
    if err != nil {
        system.ErrorExit("Unable to read file '/etc/sysconfig/saptune': '%v'\n", err, 2)
    if sconf.GetString("IGNORE_RELOAD", "no") == "yes" {
        ret = true
    return ret

// preventReload implements a workaround to prevent service reload/restart
// during preun/postun from a previous saptune package, which gets triggered
// during package update of saptune
// if triggered by other package updates (like uuidd because of the dependencies
// in the systemd service file) can not be identified at the moment.
// see related sapconf bug bsc#1207899
func preventReload() {
    _, err := os.Stat("/run/saptune_during_pkg_inst")
    if err == nil {
        system.NoticeLog("we are called during a package update of saptune")
        if ignoreServiceReload() {
            system.NoticeLog("And 'IGNORE_RELOAD' is set in saptune configuration file, so nothing to do")
            system.ErrorExit("", 0)