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package actions

import (

var solTemplate = "/usr/share/saptune/SolutionTemplate.conf"

// SolutionAction  Solution actions like apply, revert, verify asm.
func SolutionAction(writer io.Writer, actionName, solName, newSolName string, tuneApp *app.App) {
    switch actionName {
    case "apply":
        SolutionActionApply(writer, solName, tuneApp)
    case "list":
        SolutionActionList(writer, tuneApp)
    case "verify":
        SolutionActionVerify(writer, solName, tuneApp)
    case "simulate":
        system.WarningLog("the action 'solution simulate' is deprecated!.\nsaptune will still handle this action in the current version, but it will be removed in future versions of saptune.")
        SolutionActionSimulate(writer, solName, tuneApp)
    case "customise", "customize":
        SolutionActionCustomise(writer, solName, tuneApp)
    case "edit":
        SolutionActionEdit(writer, solName, tuneApp)
    case "create":
        SolutionActionCreate(writer, solName)
    case "show":
        SolutionActionShow(writer, solName)
    case "delete":
        SolutionActionDelete(os.Stdin, writer, solName, tuneApp)
    case "rename":
        SolutionActionRename(os.Stdin, writer, solName, newSolName, tuneApp)
    case "change":
        SolutionActionChange(os.Stdin, writer, solName, tuneApp)
    case "revert":
        SolutionActionRevert(writer, solName, tuneApp)
    case "applied":
        SolutionActionApplied(writer, tuneApp)
    case "enabled":
        SolutionActionEnabled(writer, tuneApp)
        PrintHelpAndExit(writer, 1)

// SolutionActionApply applies parameter settings defined by the solution
// to the system
func SolutionActionApply(writer io.Writer, solName string, tuneApp *app.App) {
    if solName == "" {
        PrintHelpAndExit(writer, 1)
    if len(tuneApp.TuneForSolutions) > 0 {
        // already one solution applied.
        // do not apply another solution. Does not make sense
        system.ErrorExit("There is already one solution applied. Applying another solution is NOT supported.", 1)
    applySolution(writer, solName, tuneApp)

// SolutionActionList lists all available solution definitions
func SolutionActionList(writer io.Writer, tuneApp *app.App) {
    jsolutionList := []system.JSolListEntry{}
    jsolutionListEntry := system.JSolListEntry{}
    setColor := false
    fmt.Fprintf(writer, "\nAll solutions (* denotes enabled solution, O denotes override file exists for solution, C denotes custom solutions, D denotes deprecated solutions):\n")
    for _, solName := range solution.GetSortedSolutionNames(solutionSelector) {
        jsolutionListEntry = system.JSolListEntry{
            SolName:     "",
            NotesList:   []string{},
            SolEnabled:  false,
            SolOverride: false,
            CustomSol:   false,
            DepSol:      false,
        format := "\t%-18s -"
        if len(solution.OverrideSolutions[solutionSelector][solName]) != 0 {
            // override solution
            format = " O" + format
            jsolutionListEntry.SolOverride = true
        if len(solution.CustomSolutions[solutionSelector][solName]) != 0 {
            // custom solution
            format = " C" + format
            jsolutionListEntry.CustomSol = true
        if _, ok := solution.DeprecSolutions[solutionSelector][solName]; ok {
            // deprecated solution
            format = " D" + format
            jsolutionListEntry.DepSol = true
        if tuneApp.IsSolutionEnabled(solName) {
            // enabled solution
            format = " " + setGreenText + "*" + format
            jsolutionListEntry.SolEnabled = true
            setColor = true

        solNotes := ""
        for _, noteString := range solution.AllSolutions[solutionSelector][solName] {
            if setColor {
                // notes of an enabled solution
                // check for manually reverted notes
                j := tuneApp.PositionInNoteApplyOrder(noteString)
                if j < 0 {
                    // noteID was reverted manually
                    solNotes = solNotes + " " + setRedText + setStrikeText + noteString + resetTextColor
                } else {
                    solNotes = solNotes + " " + setGreenText + noteString
            } else {
                solNotes = solNotes + " " + noteString
        format = format + solNotes
        if setColor {
            format = format + resetTextColor
            setColor = false
        format = format + "\n"
        //fmt.Printf(format, solName)
        fmt.Fprintf(writer, format, solName)
        jsolutionListEntry.SolName = solName
        jsolutionListEntry.NotesList = solution.AllSolutions[solutionSelector][solName]
        jsolutionList = append(jsolutionList, jsolutionListEntry)
    remember := bytes.Buffer{}
    if system.GetFlagVal("format") == "json" {
        writer = &remember
    result := system.JSolList{
        SolsList: jsolutionList,
        Msg:      remember.String(),

// SolutionActionVerify compares all parameter settings from a solution
// definition against the system settings
func SolutionActionVerify(writer io.Writer, solName string, tuneApp *app.App) {
    if solName == "" {
        VerifyAllParameters(writer, tuneApp)
    } else {
        result := system.JPNotes{
            Verifications: []system.JPNotesLine{},
            Attentions:    []system.JPNotesRemind{},
            NotesOrder:    []string{},
        // Check system parameters against the specified solution, no matter the solution has been tuned for or not.
        unsatisfiedNotes, comparisons, err := tuneApp.VerifySolution(solName)
        if err != nil {
            system.ErrorExit("Failed to test the current system against the specified SAP solution: %v", err)
        PrintNoteFields(writer, "NONE", comparisons, true, &result)
        sysComp := len(unsatisfiedNotes) == 0
        result.SysCompliance = &sysComp
        if len(unsatisfiedNotes) == 0 {
            fmt.Fprintf(writer, "%s%sThe system fully conforms to the tuning guidelines of the specified SAP solution.%s%s\n", setGreenText, setBoldText, resetBoldText, resetTextColor)
        } else {
            system.ErrorExit("The parameters listed above have deviated from the specified SAP solution recommendations.\n", "colorPrint", setRedText, setBoldText, resetBoldText, resetTextColor)

// SolutionActionSimulate shows all changes that will be applied to the system if
// the solution will be applied.
func SolutionActionSimulate(writer io.Writer, solName string, tuneApp *app.App) {
    result := system.JPNotes{}
    if solName == "" {
        PrintHelpAndExit(writer, 1)
    // Run verify and print out all fields of the note
    if _, comparisons, err := tuneApp.VerifySolution(solName); err != nil {
        system.ErrorExit("Failed to test the current system against the specified note: %v", err)
    } else {
        fmt.Fprintf(writer, "If you run `saptune solution apply %s`, the following changes will be applied to your system:\n", solName)
        PrintNoteFields(writer, "NONE", comparisons, false, &result)

// SolutionActionRevert reverts all parameter settings of a solution back to
// the state before 'apply'
func SolutionActionRevert(writer io.Writer, solName string, tuneApp *app.App) {
    if solName == "" {
        PrintHelpAndExit(writer, 1)
    // 'ok' only used to control the log messages
    // call RevertSolution in any case to get the chance of clean up
    _, ok := tuneApp.IsSolutionApplied(solName)
    if err := tuneApp.RevertSolution(solName); err != nil {
        system.ErrorExit("Failed to revert tuning for solution %s: %v", solName, err)
    if ok {
        system.InfoLog("Parameters tuned by the notes referred by the SAP solution have been successfully reverted.")
        fmt.Fprintf(writer, "Parameters tuned by the notes referred by the SAP solution have been successfully reverted.\n")
    } else {
        system.NoticeLog("Solution '%s' is not applied, so nothing to revert.", solName)

// SolutionActionChange switches to a new solution even that another solution
// was already applied
// It's basically a 'revert OLDSOLUTION' && 'apply NEWSOLUTION'.
// This will change the Note order in case of additional applied Notes, but
// this is intended and accepted.
// The confirmation can be suppressed by '--force'
func SolutionActionChange(reader io.Reader, writer io.Writer, solName string, tuneApp *app.App) {
    if solName == "" {
        PrintHelpAndExit(writer, 1)
    // check if the new solution really exists
    if !solution.IsAvailableSolution(solName, solutionSelector) {
        system.ErrorExit(`the new Solution "%s" does not exist.
Run "saptune solution list" for a complete list of supported solutions.
and then please double check your input`, solName)

    if len(tuneApp.TuneForSolutions) > 0 {
        // already one solution applied.
        oldSol := tuneApp.TuneForSolutions[0]
        if oldSol == solName {
            system.NoticeLog("Solution '%s' already applied, nothing to do.", solName)
            system.ErrorExit("", 0)
        system.NoticeLog("Exchange applied solution '%s' with new solution '%s'", oldSol, solName)
        if !system.IsFlagSet("force") {
            txtConfirm := fmt.Sprintf("Do you really want to exchange the applied solution (%s) with the new solution '%s'?", oldSol, solName)
            if !readYesNo(txtConfirm, reader, writer) {
                system.ErrorExit("Solution action 'change' aborted by user interaction", 0)
        // revert old solution
        if err := tuneApp.RevertSolution(oldSol); err != nil {
            system.ErrorExit("Failed to revert tuning for the old solution %s: %v", oldSol, err)
        system.InfoLog("Change solution - revert of old solution '%s' done.", oldSol)
    // apply new solution
    system.InfoLog("Change solution - apply new solution '%s'.", solName)
    applySolution(writer, solName, tuneApp)

// SolutionActionEnabled prints out the enabled solution definition
func SolutionActionEnabled(writer io.Writer, tuneApp *app.App) {
    if len(tuneApp.TuneForSolutions) != 0 {
        fmt.Fprintf(writer, "%s", tuneApp.TuneForSolutions[0])
    //system.Jcollect(strings.Join(tuneApp.TuneForSolutions, " "))

// SolutionActionApplied prints out the applied solution
func SolutionActionApplied(writer io.Writer, tuneApp *app.App) {
    var appSol system.JAppliedSol
    partial := false
    solApplied, state := tuneApp.AppliedSolution()
    if state == "partial" {
        fmt.Fprintf(writer, "%s (partial)", solApplied)
        partial = true
    } else {
        fmt.Fprintf(writer, "%s", solApplied)
    if solApplied != "" {
        appSol = system.JAppliedSol{
            SolName: solApplied,
            Partial: &partial,

// SolutionActionCustomise creates an override file and allows to editing the
// solution definition override file
func SolutionActionCustomise(writer io.Writer, customSol string, tuneApp *app.App) {
    if customSol == "" {
        PrintHelpAndExit(writer, 1)
    solFName := customSol
    if !strings.HasSuffix(customSol, ".sol") {
        solFName = fmt.Sprintf("%s.sol", customSol)
    } else {
        customSol = strings.TrimSuffix(customSol, ".sol")
    if !solution.IsAvailableSolution(customSol, solutionSelector) {
        system.ErrorExit("Solution '%s' does not exist.", customSol)

    editSrcFile := ""
    editDestFile := ""
    fileName, _ := getFileName(solFName, SolutionSheets, ExtraTuningSheets)
    ovFileName, overrideSol := getovFile(solFName, OverrideTuningSheets)
    if !overrideSol {
        editSrcFile = fileName
        editDestFile = ovFileName
    } else {
        system.NoticeLog("Solution override file already exists, using file '%s' as base for editing", ovFileName)
        editSrcFile = ovFileName
        editDestFile = ovFileName

    changed, err := system.EditAndCheckFile(editSrcFile, editDestFile, customSol, "solution")
    if err != nil {
        system.ErrorExit("Problems while editing solution definition file '%s' - %v", editSrcFile, err)
    if changed {
        // check, if solution is active - applied
        if _, ok := tuneApp.IsSolutionApplied(customSol); ok {
            system.NoticeLog("Your just edited Solution is already applied. To get your changes to take effect, please 'revert' the Solution and apply again.\n")
        } else if tuneApp.IsSolutionEnabled(customSol) {
            system.NoticeLog("Your just edited Solution is enabled, but not applied yet. To get your changes to take effect, please apply the just edited Solution or start saptune.service\n")
        } else {
            system.NoticeLog("Do not forget to apply the just edited Solution to get your changes to take effect\n")
    } else {
        system.NoticeLog("Nothing changed during the editor session, so no update of the solution definition file '%s'", editSrcFile)

// SolutionActionEdit allows to editing the custom/vendor specific
// solution definition file and NOT the override file
func SolutionActionEdit(writer io.Writer, customSol string, tuneApp *app.App) {
    if customSol == "" {
        PrintHelpAndExit(writer, 1)
    solFName := customSol
    if !strings.HasSuffix(customSol, ".sol") {
        solFName = fmt.Sprintf("%s.sol", customSol)
    } else {
        customSol = strings.TrimSuffix(customSol, ".sol")

    fileName, extraSol := getFileName(solFName, SolutionSheets, ExtraTuningSheets)
    ovFileName, overrideSol := getovFile(solFName, OverrideTuningSheets)
    if !extraSol {
        system.ErrorExit("The Solution definition file you want to edit is a saptune internal (shipped) Solution and can NOT be edited. Use 'saptune solution customise' instead. Exiting ...")

    changed, err := system.EditAndCheckFile(fileName, fileName, customSol, "solution")
    if err != nil {
        system.ErrorExit("Problems while editing Solution definition file '%s' - %v", fileName, err)
    if changed {
        // check, if solution is active - applied
        if _, ok := tuneApp.IsSolutionApplied(customSol); ok {
            system.NoticeLog("Your just edited Solution is already applied. To get your changes to take effect, please 'revert' the Solution and apply again.\n")
        } else if tuneApp.IsSolutionEnabled(customSol) {
            system.NoticeLog("Your just edited Solution is enabled, but not applied yet. To get your changes to take effect, please apply the just edited Solution or start saptune.service\n")
        } else {
            system.NoticeLog("Do not forget to apply the just edited Solution to get your changes to take effect\n")
        if overrideSol {
            system.NoticeLog("Solution override file '%s' exists. Please check, if the content of this file is still valid", ovFileName)
    } else {
        system.NoticeLog("Nothing changed during the editor session, so no update of the solution definition file '%s'", fileName)
    if !solution.IsAvailableSolution(customSol, solutionSelector) {
        system.ErrorExit("Solution '%s' contains errors. Please check carefully.", customSol)

// SolutionActionCreate helps the customer to create an own solution definition
func SolutionActionCreate(writer io.Writer, customSol string) {
    fileName := ""
    if customSol == "" {
        PrintHelpAndExit(writer, 1)
    if !strings.HasSuffix(customSol, ".sol") {
        fileName = fmt.Sprintf("%s%s.sol", ExtraTuningSheets, customSol)
    } else {
        fileName = fmt.Sprintf("%s%s", ExtraTuningSheets, customSol)
        customSol = strings.TrimSuffix(customSol, ".sol")

    if solution.IsShippedSolution(customSol) {
        system.ErrorExit("Solution name '%s' already in use for a solution definition shipped by saptune. Please use another name for your solution definition.", customSol)
    if solution.IsAvailableSolution(customSol, solutionSelector) {
        system.ErrorExit("Solution name '%s' already exists in %s. Please use 'saptune solution edit %s' instead to edit the custom solution file or choose another filename for your solution definition.", fileName, ExtraTuningSheets, customSol)
    if _, err := os.Stat(fileName); err == nil {
        system.ErrorExit("File for solution definition '%s' already exists in %s. Please use 'saptune solution edit %s' instead to edit the custom solution file or choose another filename for your solution definition.", fileName, ExtraTuningSheets, customSol)
    changed, err := system.EditAndCheckFile(solTemplate, fileName, customSol, "solution")
    if err != nil {
        system.ErrorExit("Problems while editing solution definition file '%s' - %v", fileName, err)
    if !changed {
        system.NoticeLog("Nothing changed during the editor session, so no new, custom specific solution definition file will be created.")
    } else {
        system.NoticeLog("Solution '%s' created successfully. You can modify the content of your Solution definition file by using 'saptune solution edit %s' or create an override file by 'saptune solution customise %s'.", customSol, customSol, customSol)

// SolutionActionShow shows the content of the Solution definition file
func SolutionActionShow(writer io.Writer, solName string) {
    if solName == "" {
        PrintHelpAndExit(writer, 1)
    // check if solution really exists
    if !solution.IsAvailableSolution(solName, solutionSelector) {
        system.NoticeLog("Solution '%s' does not exist. Nothing to do.", solName)
        system.ErrorExit("", 0)
    solFName := fmt.Sprintf("%s.sol", solName)
    fileName, _ := getFileName(solFName, SolutionSheets, ExtraTuningSheets)
    cont, err := os.ReadFile(fileName)
    if err != nil {
        system.ErrorExit("Failed to read file '%s' - %v", fileName, err)
    fmt.Fprintf(writer, "\nContent of Solution %s:\n%s\n", solName, string(cont))

// SolutionActionDelete deletes a custom solution definition file and
// the corresponding override file
func SolutionActionDelete(reader io.Reader, writer io.Writer, solName string, tuneApp *app.App) {
    if solName == "" {
        PrintHelpAndExit(writer, 1)
    solFName := fmt.Sprintf("%s.sol", solName)
    fileName, extraSol, err := chkFileName(solFName, SolutionSheets, ExtraTuningSheets)
    // check if solution file exists - allow deletion of 'wrong' solutions
    if os.IsNotExist(err) {
        system.ErrorExit(`the Solution "%s" is not recognised by saptune.
Run "saptune solution list" for a complete list of supported solutions.
and then please double check your input`, solName)
    txtConfirm := fmt.Sprintf("Do you really want to delete Solution '%s'?", solName)
    ovFileName, overrideSol := getovFile(solFName, OverrideTuningSheets)

    // check, if solution is active - enabled
    if tuneApp.IsSolutionEnabled(solName) {
        system.ErrorExit("The Solution file you want to delete is currently in use, which means the Solution is already enabled/applied.\nSo please 'revert' the Solution first and then try deleting again.")

    if !extraSol && !overrideSol {
        system.ErrorExit("The Solution file you want to delete is a saptune internal (shipped) Solution and can NOT be deleted. Exiting ...")
    if !extraSol && overrideSol {
        // system solution, override file exists
        txtConfirm = fmt.Sprintf("Solution to delete is a saptune internal (shipped) Solution, so it can NOT be deleted. But an override file for the Solution exists.\nDo you want to remove the override file for Solution %s?", solName)
    if extraSol && overrideSol {
        // custom solution with override file
        txtConfirm = fmt.Sprintf("Solution to delete is a customer/vendor specific Solution and an override file for the Solution exists.\nDo you want to remove the override file for Solution %s?", solName)
    if overrideSol {
        // remove override file
        if readYesNo(txtConfirm, reader, writer) {
    if extraSol {
        // custom solution
        txtConfirm = fmt.Sprintf("Solution to delete is a customer/vendor specific Solution.\nDo you really want to delete this Solution '%s'?", solName)
        // remove customer/vendor specific solution definition file
        if readYesNo(txtConfirm, reader, writer) {

// SolutionActionRename renames a custom Solution definition file and
// the corresponding override file
func SolutionActionRename(reader io.Reader, writer io.Writer, solName, newSolName string, tuneApp *app.App) {
    if solName == "" || newSolName == "" {
        PrintHelpAndExit(writer, 1)
    // check if old solution name really exists
    if !solution.IsAvailableSolution(solName, solutionSelector) {
        system.ErrorExit(`the Solution "%s" is not recognised by saptune.
Run "saptune solution list" for a complete list of supported solutions.
and then please double check your input`, solName)
    // check if new solution name already exists
    if solution.IsAvailableSolution(newSolName, solutionSelector) {
        system.ErrorExit("The new name '%s' for Solution '%s' already exists, can't rename.", newSolName, solName)
    txtConfirm := fmt.Sprintf("Do you really want to rename Solution '%s' to '%s'?", solName, newSolName)
    solFName := fmt.Sprintf("%s.sol", solName)
    fileName, extraSol := getFileName(solFName, SolutionSheets, ExtraTuningSheets)
    if !extraSol {
        system.ErrorExit("The Solution definition file you want to rename is a saptune internal (shipped) Solution and can NOT be renamed. Exiting ...")
    newFileName := fmt.Sprintf("%s%s.sol", ExtraTuningSheets, newSolName)
    ovFileName, overrideSol := getovFile(solFName, OverrideTuningSheets)
    newovFileName := fmt.Sprintf("%s%s.sol", OverrideTuningSheets, newSolName)

    // check, if solution is active - enabled
    if tuneApp.IsSolutionEnabled(solName) {
        system.ErrorExit("The Solution definition file you want to rename is currently in use, which means the Solution is already enabled/applied.\nSo please 'revert' the Solution first and then try renaming again.")

    if extraSol && overrideSol {
        // custom solution with override file
        txtConfirm = fmt.Sprintf("Solution to rename is a customer/vendor specific Solution.\nDo you really want to rename this Solution '%s' and the corresponding override file to the new name '%s'?", solName, newSolName)
    if extraSol && !overrideSol {
        // custom solution
        txtConfirm = fmt.Sprintf("Solution to rename is a customer/vendor specific Solution.\nDo you really want to rename this Solution '%s' to the new name '%s'?", solName, newSolName)

    if readYesNo(txtConfirm, reader, writer) {
        renameDefFile(fileName, newFileName)
        //rewriteSolName(solName, newSolName, newFileName)
        if overrideSol {
            renameDefFile(ovFileName, newovFileName)
            //rewriteSolName(solName, newSolName, newovFileName)

// rewriteSolName rewrites the solution name inside the solution definition file
func rewriteSolName(oldName, newName, newFile string) {
    // open source file
    fn, err := os.Open(newFile)
    if err != nil {
        system.ErrorExit("Can not open file '%s' - %v", newFile, err)
    defer fn.Close()
    // create temp file
    tmpfn, err := os.CreateTemp("", "replace-*")
    if err != nil {
        system.ErrorExit("Unable to create temporary file - %v", err)
    defer tmpfn.Close()
    // replace the solution name while copying from fn to tmpfn
    if err := replaceSolName(fn, tmpfn, oldName, newName); err != nil {
        system.ErrorExit("Unable to rewrite the solution name - %v", err)
    // close files
    if err := tmpfn.Close(); err != nil {
        system.ErrorExit("Problems writing temporary file - %v", err)
    if err := fn.Close(); err != nil {
        system.ErrorExit("Problems closing file '%s' - %v", newFile, err)
    // overwrite source file with the temporary used file
    if err := os.Rename(tmpfn.Name(), newFile); err != nil {
        system.ErrorExit("Cannot copy the temporary used file to ''%s' - %v", newFile, err)

// replaceSolName replaces the solution name in the file
func replaceSolName(r io.Reader, w io.Writer, oldSol, newSol string) error {
    var re = regexp.MustCompile(fmt.Sprintf("^%s[[:space:]]*=", oldSol))
    newSName := fmt.Sprintf("%s =", newSol)

    // use scanner to read line by line
    sc := bufio.NewScanner(r)
    for sc.Scan() {
        line := sc.Text()
        line = re.ReplaceAllString(line, newSName)
        if _, err := io.WriteString(w, line+"\n"); err != nil {
            return err
    return sc.Err()

// getNoteInSol checks, if a Note is part of a Solution
// returns Solution names
func getNoteInSol(tApp *app.App, noteName string) (string, string) {
    noteInSols := ""
    noteInCustomSols := ""
    sols := []string{}
    for sol := range tApp.AllSolutions {
        sols = append(sols, sol)
    for _, sol := range sols {
        for _, noteID := range tApp.AllSolutions[sol] {
            if noteName != noteID {
            // note is part of solution sol
            if len(noteInSols) == 0 {
                noteInSols = sol
            } else {
                noteInSols = fmt.Sprintf("%s, %s", noteInSols, sol)
            // check for custom solution
            if len(solution.CustomSolutions[solutionSelector][sol]) != 0 {
                // sol is custom solution
                if len(noteInCustomSols) == 0 {
                    noteInCustomSols = sol
                } else {
                    noteInCustomSols = fmt.Sprintf("%s, %s", noteInCustomSols, sol)
    return noteInSols, noteInCustomSols

// applySolution will apply the given solution
func applySolution(writer io.Writer, solName string, tuneApp *app.App) {
    removedAdditionalNotes, err := tuneApp.TuneSolution(solName)
    if err != nil {
        system.ErrorExit("Failed to tune for solution %s: %v", solName, err)
    fmt.Fprintf(writer, "All tuning options for the SAP solution have been applied successfully.\n")
    if len(removedAdditionalNotes) > 0 {
        fmt.Fprintf(writer, "\nThe following previously-enabled notes are now tuned by the SAP solution:\n")
        for _, noteNumber := range removedAdditionalNotes {
            fmt.Fprintf(writer, "\t%s\t%s\n", noteNumber, tuneApp.AllNotes[noteNumber].Name())