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4 hrs
Test Coverage
package actions

import (

// define max column width
var fmtmax = 30

// PrintNoteFields Print mismatching fields in the note comparison result.
func PrintNoteFields(writer io.Writer, header string, noteComparisons map[string]map[string]note.FieldComparison, printComparison bool, result *system.JPNotes) {
    // initialise
    colFormat := ""
    colCompliant := ""
    compliant := "yes"
    printHead := ""
    noteField := ""
    footnote := make([]string, 16)
    reminder := make(map[string]string)
    override := ""
    comment := ""
    hasDiff := false
    pExp := ""
    noteLine := system.JPNotesLine{}
    noteList := []system.JPNotesLine{}

    colorScheme := getColorScheme()
    // sort output
    sortkeys := sortNoteComparisonsOutput(noteComparisons)

    // setup table format values
    fmtlen0, fmtlen1, fmtlen2, fmtlen3, fmtlen4, format := setupTableFormat(sortkeys, noteComparisons, printComparison)

    // print
    noteID := ""
    for _, skey := range sortkeys {
        comment = ""
        keyFields := strings.Split(skey, "§")
        key := keyFields[1]
        printHead, noteID, noteField = getNoteAndVersion(keyFields[0], noteID, noteField, noteComparisons)
        override = strings.Replace(noteComparisons[noteID][fmt.Sprintf("%s[%s]", "OverrideParams", key)].ExpectedValueJS, "\t", " ", -1)
        comparison := noteComparisons[noteID][fmt.Sprintf("%s[%s]", "SysctlParams", key)]
        if comparison.ReflectMapKey == "reminder" {
            reminder[noteID] = reminder[noteID] + comparison.ExpectedValueJS
        // set compliant information according to the comparison result
        hasDiff, compliant = setCompliant(comparison, hasDiff)

        // check inform map for special settings
        inform := getInformSettings(noteID, noteComparisons, comparison)

        // prepare footnote
        compliant, comment, footnote = prepareFootnote(comparison, compliant, comment, inform, footnote)

        // print table header
        if printHead != "" {
            printHeadline(writer, header, noteID, noteComparisons)
            printTableHeader(writer, format, fmtlen0, fmtlen1, fmtlen2, fmtlen3, fmtlen4, printComparison)

        // print table body
        // define variable pAct here and not at the beginning as we need
        // the 'address' of the variable some lines below
        pAct := strings.Replace(comparison.ActualValueJS, "\t", " ", -1)
        if comparison.ActualValueJS == "PNA" {
            pAct = "NA"
        noteLine.ActValue = &pAct
        pExp = strings.Replace(comparison.ExpectedValueJS, "\t", " ", -1)
        tableColumns := make(map[string]string)
        if printComparison {
            // verify
            if system.IsFlagSet("show-non-compliant") && (strings.Contains(compliant, "yes") || strings.Contains(compliant, "-")) {
                // print only non-compliant rows, so skip the others
            colFormat, colCompliant = colorPrint(format, compliant, colorScheme)
            tableColumns = map[string]string{"type": "verify", "colFormat": colFormat, "note": noteField, "parameter": comparison.ReflectMapKey, "expected": pExp, "override": override, "actual": pAct, "compliant": colCompliant}
        } else {
            // simulate
            tableColumns = map[string]string{"type": "simulate", "colFormat": format, "parameter": comparison.ReflectMapKey, "actual": pAct, "expected": pExp, "override": override, "comment": comment}
        printTableRow(writer, tableColumns)
        noteLine = collectMRO(noteLine, compliant, noteID, noteComparisons, comparison, pExp, override, printComparison, comment, footnote, pAct)
        noteList = append(noteList, noteLine)

    // print footer
    reminderList := []system.JPNotesRemind{}
    printTableFooter(writer, header, footnote, reminder, hasDiff, &reminderList)
    if result != nil {
        if printComparison {
            // verify
            result.Verifications = noteList
            result.Simulations = []system.JPNotesLine{}
        } else {
            // simulate
            result.Verifications = []system.JPNotesLine{}
            result.Simulations = noteList
        result.Attentions = reminderList

// collectMRO collects the data for machine readable output
// given parameter - Attention - order of parameter is important!
// noteLine, compliant, noteID, noteComparisons, comparison, pExp, override,
// printComparison, comment, footnote, pAct
func collectMRO(stuff ...interface{}) system.JPNotesLine {
    nLine := stuff[0].(system.JPNotesLine)
    noteComp := !strings.Contains(stuff[1].(string), "no")
    nLine.NoteID = stuff[2].(string)
    nLine.NoteVers = txtparser.GetINIFileVersionSectionEntry(stuff[3].(map[string]map[string]note.FieldComparison)[stuff[2].(string)]["ConfFilePath"].ActualValue.(string), "version")
    nLine.Parameter = stuff[4].(note.FieldComparison).ReflectMapKey
    nLine.ExpValue = stuff[5].(string)
    nLine.OverValue = stuff[6].(string)
    nLine.Compliant = &noteComp

    if strings.Contains(stuff[1].(string), "-") {
        nLine.Compliant = nil
    if stuff[7].(bool) {
        // verify
        nLine.Comment = ""
    } else {
        // simulate
        nLine.NoteID = ""
        nLine.NoteVers = ""
        nLine.Comment = stuff[8].(string)
        nLine.Compliant = nil
    noteFNs := []system.JFootNotes{}
    fns := system.JFootNotes{}
    for _, fn := range strings.Fields(stuff[8].(string)) {
        indx := fn[1 : len(fn)-1]
        idx, _ := strconv.Atoi(indx)
        if idx > 0 {
            fns.FNoteNumber = idx
            fns.FNoteTxt = stuff[9].([]string)[idx-1]
        noteFNs = append(noteFNs, fns)
    nLine.Footnotes = noteFNs

    if stuff[10].(string) == "NA" || stuff[10].(string) == "PNA" || stuff[10].(string) == "all:none" {
        nLine.ActValue = nil
    return nLine

// sortNoteComparisonsOutput sorts the output of the Note comparison
// the reminder section should be the last one
func sortNoteComparisonsOutput(noteCompare map[string]map[string]note.FieldComparison) []string {
    skeys := make([]string, 0, len(noteCompare))
    rkeys := make([]string, 0, len(noteCompare))
    // sort output
    for noteID, comparisons := range noteCompare {
        for _, comparison := range comparisons {
            if comparison.ReflectFieldName == "Inform" {
                // skip inform map to avoid double entries in verify table
            if len(comparison.ReflectMapKey) != 0 && comparison.ReflectFieldName != "OverrideParams" {
                if comparison.ReflectMapKey != "reminder" {
                    skeys = append(skeys, noteID+"§"+comparison.ReflectMapKey)
                } else {
                    rkeys = append(rkeys, noteID+"§"+comparison.ReflectMapKey)
    skeys = append(skeys, rkeys...)
    return skeys

// setupTableFormat sets the format of the table columns dependent on the content
func setupTableFormat(skeys []string, noteCompare map[string]map[string]note.FieldComparison, printComp bool) (int, int, int, int, int, string) {
    var fmtlen0, fmtlen1, fmtlen2, fmtlen3, fmtlen4 int
    format := "\t%s : %s\n"
    // define start values for the column width
    if printComp {
        // verify
        fmtlen0 = 16
        fmtlen1 = 12
        fmtlen2 = 9
        fmtlen3 = 9
        fmtlen4 = 7
    } else {
        // simulate
        fmtlen1 = 12
        fmtlen2 = 10
        fmtlen3 = 15
        fmtlen4 = 9

    for _, skey := range skeys {
        keyFields := strings.Split(skey, "§")
        noteID := keyFields[0]
        noteField := fmt.Sprintf("%s, %s", noteID, txtparser.GetINIFileVersionSectionEntry(noteCompare[noteID]["ConfFilePath"].ActualValue.(string), "version"))
        comparisons := noteCompare[noteID]
        for _, comparison := range comparisons {
            if comparison.ReflectMapKey == "reminder" || comparison.ReflectFieldName == "Inform" {
            if printComp {
                // verify
                if len(noteField) > fmtlen0 {
                    fmtlen0 = len(noteField)
                // 3:override, 1:mapkey, 2:expval, 4:actval
                fmtlen3, fmtlen1, fmtlen2, fmtlen4 = setWidthOfColums(comparison, fmtlen3, fmtlen1, fmtlen2, fmtlen4)
                format = "   %-" + strconv.Itoa(fmtlen0) + "s | %-" + strconv.Itoa(fmtlen1) + "s | %-" + strconv.Itoa(fmtlen2) + "s | %-" + strconv.Itoa(fmtlen3) + "s | %-" + strconv.Itoa(fmtlen4) + "s | %2s\n"
            } else {
                // simulate
                // 4:override, 1:mapkey, 3:expval, 2:actval
                fmtlen4, fmtlen1, fmtlen3, fmtlen2 = setWidthOfColums(comparison, fmtlen4, fmtlen1, fmtlen3, fmtlen2)
                format = "   %-" + strconv.Itoa(fmtlen1) + "s | %-" + strconv.Itoa(fmtlen2) + "s | %-" + strconv.Itoa(fmtlen3) + "s | %-" + strconv.Itoa(fmtlen4) + "s | %2s\n"
    return fmtlen0, fmtlen1, fmtlen2, fmtlen3, fmtlen4, format

// printHeadline prints a headline for the table
func printHeadline(writer io.Writer, header, id string, noteComparisons map[string]map[string]note.FieldComparison) {
    if header != "NONE" {
        nName := noteComparisons[id]["DescriptiveName"].ActualValue.(string)
        fmt.Fprintf(writer, "\n%s - %s \n\n", id, nName)
    } else {
        fmt.Fprintf(writer, "\n")

// printTableHeader prints the header of the table
func printTableHeader(writer io.Writer, format string, col0, col1, col2, col3, col4 int, printComp bool) {
    if printComp {
        // verify
        fmt.Fprintf(writer, format, "SAPNote, Version", "Parameter", "Expected", "Override", "Actual", "Compliant")
        for i := 0; i < col0+col1+col2+col3+col4+28; i++ {
            if i == 3+col0+1 || i == 3+col0+3+col1+1 || i == 3+col0+3+col1+4+col2 || i == 3+col0+3+col1+4+col2+2+col3+1 || i == 3+col0+3+col1+4+col2+2+col3+3+col4+1 {
                fmt.Fprintf(writer, "+")
            } else {
                fmt.Fprintf(writer, "-")
        fmt.Fprintf(writer, "\n")
    } else {
        // simulate
        fmt.Fprintf(writer, format, "Parameter", "Value set", "Value expected", "Override", "Comment")
        for i := 0; i < col1+col2+col3+col4+28; i++ {
            if i == 3+col1+1 || i == 3+col1+3+col2+1 || i == 3+col1+3+col2+3+col3+1 || i == 3+col1+3+col2+3+col3+3+col4+1 {
                fmt.Fprintf(writer, "+")
            } else {
                fmt.Fprintf(writer, "-")
        fmt.Fprintf(writer, "\n")

// printTableFooter prints the footer of the table
// footnotes and reminder section
func printTableFooter(writer io.Writer, header string, footnote []string, reminder map[string]string, hasDiff bool, noteReminder *[]system.JPNotesRemind) {
    if header != "NONE" && !hasDiff {
        fmt.Fprintf(writer, "\n   (no change)\n")
    for _, fn := range footnote {
        if fn != "" {
            fmt.Fprintf(writer, "\n %s", fn)
    fmt.Fprintf(writer, "\n\n")
    noteRem := system.JPNotesRemind{}
    for noteID, reminde := range reminder {
        if reminde != "" {
            reminderHead := fmt.Sprintf("Attention for SAP Note %s:\nHints or values not yet handled by saptune. So please read carefully, check and set manually, if needed:\n", noteID)
            fmt.Fprintf(writer, "%s\n", setRedText+reminderHead+reminde+resetTextColor)
            noteRem.NoteID = noteID
            noteRem.NoteReminder = reminderHead + reminde
        *noteReminder = append(*noteReminder, noteRem)

// getNoteAndVersion sets printHead, noteID, noteField for the next table row
func getNoteAndVersion(kField, nID, nField string, nComparisons map[string]map[string]note.FieldComparison) (string, string, string) {
    pHead := ""
    if kField != nID {
        if nID == "" {
            pHead = "yes"
        nID = kField
        nField = fmt.Sprintf("%s, %s", nID, txtparser.GetINIFileVersionSectionEntry(nComparisons[nID]["ConfFilePath"].ActualValue.(string), "version"))
    return pHead, nID, nField

// setCompliant sets compliant information according to the comparison result
func setCompliant(comparison note.FieldComparison, hasd bool) (bool, string) {
    comp := ""
    if !comparison.MatchExpectation {
        hasd = true
        comp = "no "
    } else {
        comp = "yes"
    if comparison.ActualValue.(string) == "all:none" {
        comp = " - "
    return hasd, comp

// getInformSettings checks inform map for special settings
func getInformSettings(nID string, nComparisons map[string]map[string]note.FieldComparison, comparison note.FieldComparison) string {
    inf := ""
    if nComparisons[nID][fmt.Sprintf("%s[%s]", "Inform", comparison.ReflectMapKey)].ActualValue != nil {
        inf = nComparisons[nID][fmt.Sprintf("%s[%s]", "Inform", comparison.ReflectMapKey)].ActualValue.(string)
        if inf == "" && nComparisons[nID][fmt.Sprintf("%s[%s]", "Inform", comparison.ReflectMapKey)].ExpectedValue != nil {
            inf = nComparisons[nID][fmt.Sprintf("%s[%s]", "Inform", comparison.ReflectMapKey)].ExpectedValue.(string)
    return inf

// setWidthOfColums sets the width of the columns for verify and simulate
// depending on the highest number of characters of the content to be
// displayed
// c1:override, c2:mapkey, c3:expval, c4:actval
func setWidthOfColums(compare note.FieldComparison, c1, c2, c3, c4 int) (int, int, int, int) {
    if len(compare.ReflectMapKey) != 0 {
        if compare.ReflectFieldName == "OverrideParams" && len(compare.ActualValueJS) > c1 {
            // in case of override content of ActualValueJS and
            // ExpectedValueJS is the same, so one length check
            // is sufficient
            c1 = len(compare.ActualValueJS)
            c1, c3, c4 = chkMaxWidthOfColums([]int{c1, c3, c4})
            return c1, c2, c3, c4
        if len(compare.ReflectMapKey) > c2 {
            c2 = len(compare.ReflectMapKey)
        if len(compare.ExpectedValueJS) > c3 {
            c3 = len(compare.ExpectedValueJS)
        if len(compare.ActualValueJS) > c4 {
            c4 = len(compare.ActualValueJS)
    c1, c3, c4 = chkMaxWidthOfColums([]int{c1, c3, c4})
    return c1, c2, c3, c4

// chkMaxWidthOfColums limits the width of the columns for verify and simulate
// to a defined value. Content of columns need to be wrapped
func chkMaxWidthOfColums(fmts []int) (int, int, int) {
    for w, width := range fmts {
        if width > fmtmax {
            fmts[w] = fmtmax
    return fmts[0], fmts[1], fmts[2]

// getColorScheme reads the color scheme from CLI flag or from saptune
// sysconfig file or sets default
func getColorScheme() string {
    if system.IsFlagSet("show-non-compliant") {
        return "black"
    // check, if CLI flag is available
    scheme := system.GetFlagVal("colorscheme")
    if scheme != "" {
        system.InfoLog("color scheme defined by command line flag - %s", scheme)
    } else {
        // no flag, check sysconfig file
        sconf, err := txtparser.ParseSysconfigFile(saptuneSysconfig, false)
        if err == nil {
            scheme = sconf.GetString("COLOR_SCHEME", "")
            if scheme != "" {
                system.InfoLog("color scheme defined in sysconfig file - %s", scheme)
    if scheme == "" {
        // no flag, no sysconfig file entry - use default
        scheme = dfltColorScheme
    return scheme

// colorPrint sets the color scheme for the 'verify' table print
// following color schemes are supported:
// full-zebra, cmpl-zebra, full-noncmpl, noncmpl
func colorPrint(format, compliant, colorScheme string) (string, string) {
    colFormat := ""
    colCompl := ""
    switch colorScheme {
    case "full-green-zebra":
        // full-green-zebra - whole line is colored green (compliant) or
        // red (not compliant)
        colFormat = colorFormating("green", "red", format, compliant)
    case "cmpl-green-zebra":
        // cmpl-green-zebra - only the content in the Compliant column
        // is colored green (compliant) or red (not compliant)
        colCompl = colorFormating("green", "red", compliant, compliant)
    case "full-blue-zebra":
        // full-blue-zebra - whole line is colored blue (compliant) or
        // yellow (not compliant)
        colFormat = colorFormating("blue", "yellow", format, compliant)
    case "cmpl-blue-zebra":
        // cmpl-blue-zebra - only the content in the Compliant column is
        // colored blue (compliant) or yellow (not compliant)
        colCompl = colorFormating("blue", "yellow", compliant, compliant)
    case "full-red-noncmpl":
        // full-red-noncmpl - only the whole line of the not compliant
        // parameter is colored red
        colFormat = colorFormating("", "red", format, compliant)
    case "red-noncmpl":
        // red-noncmpl - only the content in the Compliant column of the
        // not compliant parameter is colored red
        colCompl = colorFormating("", "red", compliant, compliant)
    case "full-yellow-noncmpl":
        // full-yellow-noncmpl - only the whole line of the not
        // compliant parameter is colored yellow
        colFormat = colorFormating("", "yellow", format, compliant)
    case "yellow-noncmpl":
        // yellow-noncmpl - only the content in the Compliant column of
        // the not compliant parameter is colored yellow
        colCompl = colorFormating("", "yellow", compliant, compliant)
        system.InfoLog("unknown color scheme definition - %s", colorScheme)
    if colFormat == "" {
        colFormat = format
    if colCompl == "" {
        colCompl = compliant
    return colFormat, colCompl

// colorFormating sets the colors for compliant and non compliant lines in
// 'saptune verify' output
func colorFormating(colCmpl, colNonCmpl, txt, compliant string) string {
    colFormat := ""
    if strings.Contains(compliant, "yes") {
        if colCmpl == "green" {
            colFormat = setGreenText + txt + resetTextColor
        if colCmpl == "blue" {
            colFormat = setBlueText + txt + resetTextColor
    if strings.Contains(compliant, "no") {
        if colNonCmpl == "red" {
            colFormat = setRedText + txt + resetTextColor
        if colNonCmpl == "yellow" {
            colFormat = setYellowText + txt + resetTextColor
    return colFormat

// printTableRow prints one row of the table
// If needed the lines of the override column, the expected column and the
// actual column will be wrapped after 'fmtmax' characters
// if override exists, expected == override, so compare of width of expected and
// actual column is sufficient
func printTableRow(writer io.Writer, rowElements map[string]string) {
    wrappedActual := system.WrapTxt(rowElements["actual"], fmtmax)
    wrappedExpected := system.WrapTxt(rowElements["expected"], fmtmax)
    wrappedOverride := system.WrapTxt(rowElements["override"], fmtmax)
    linesAct := len(wrappedActual)
    linesExp := len(wrappedExpected)
    linesOver := len(wrappedOverride)
    if linesAct == 1 && linesExp == 1 && linesOver == 1 {
        if rowElements["type"] == "verify" {
            fmt.Fprintf(writer, rowElements["colFormat"], rowElements["note"], rowElements["parameter"], rowElements["expected"], rowElements["override"], rowElements["actual"], rowElements["compliant"])
        } else {
            // simulate
            fmt.Fprintf(writer, rowElements["colFormat"], rowElements["parameter"], rowElements["actual"], rowElements["expected"], rowElements["override"], rowElements["comment"])
    wrappedElements := map[string][]string{"wrappedActual": wrappedActual, "wrappedExpected": wrappedExpected, "wrappedOverride": wrappedOverride}
    printWrappedRow(writer, wrappedElements, rowElements)

// printWrappedRow prints the wrapped columns of one verify output row
// twist - true - compare order ACT, EXP
// twist - false - compare order EXP, ACT
// if override exists, expected == override
func printWrappedRow(writer io.Writer, wrappedElem map[string][]string, rowElements map[string]string) {
    var wrappedA, wrappedB, wrappedC []string
    firstLine := true
    twist := false

    if len(wrappedElem["wrappedActual"]) >= len(wrappedElem["wrappedExpected"]) {
        twist = true
    if twist {
        wrappedA = wrappedElem["wrappedActual"]
        wrappedB = wrappedElem["wrappedExpected"]
    } else {
        wrappedA = wrappedElem["wrappedExpected"]
        wrappedB = wrappedElem["wrappedActual"]
    wrappedC = wrappedElem["wrappedOverride"]
    noLinesB := len(wrappedB)
    noLinesC := len(wrappedC)
    colB := ""
    colC := ""

    for c, colA := range wrappedA {
        // ANGI todo <=
        if c < noLinesB {
            colB = wrappedB[c]
        } else {
            colB = ""
        if c < noLinesC {
            colC = wrappedC[c]
        } else {
            colC = ""
        printRow(writer, twist, []string{colA, colB, colC}, rowElements)
        if firstLine {
            firstLine = false
            rowElements["note"] = ""
            rowElements["parameter"] = ""
            rowElements["compliant"] = ""

// printRow prints now the row of the table
func printRow(writer io.Writer, twist bool, cols []string, rowElements map[string]string) {
    if twist {
        if rowElements["type"] == "verify" {
            fmt.Fprintf(writer, rowElements["colFormat"], rowElements["note"], rowElements["parameter"], cols[1], cols[2], cols[0], rowElements["compliant"])
        } else {
            fmt.Fprintf(writer, rowElements["colFormat"], rowElements["parameter"], cols[0], cols[1], cols[2], rowElements["comment"])
    } else {
        if rowElements["type"] == "verify" {
            fmt.Fprintf(writer, rowElements["colFormat"], rowElements["note"], rowElements["parameter"], cols[0], cols[2], cols[1], rowElements["compliant"])
        } else {
            fmt.Fprintf(writer, rowElements["colFormat"], rowElements["parameter"], cols[1], cols[0], cols[2], rowElements["comment"])