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Test Coverage
package app

import (

// define saptunes main configuration file and variables
const (
    SysconfigSaptuneFile = "/etc/sysconfig/saptune"
    TuneForSolutionsKey  = "TUNE_FOR_SOLUTIONS"
    TuneForNotesKey      = "TUNE_FOR_NOTES"
    NoteApplyOrderKey    = "NOTE_APPLY_ORDER"

// App defines the application configuration and serialised state information.
type App struct {
    SysconfigPrefix  string
    AllNotes         map[string]note.Note         // all notes
    AllSolutions     map[string]solution.Solution // all solutions
    TuneForSolutions []string                     // list of solution names to tune, must always be sorted in ascending order.
    TuneForNotes     []string                     // list of additional notes to tune, must always be sorted in ascending order.
    NoteApplyOrder   []string                     // list of notes in applied order. Do NOT sort.
    State            *State                       // examine and manage serialised notes.

// InitialiseApp load application configuration. Panic on error.
func InitialiseApp(sysconfigPrefix, stateDirPrefix string, allNotes map[string]note.Note, allSolutions map[string]solution.Solution) (app *App) {
    app = &App{
        SysconfigPrefix: sysconfigPrefix,
        State:           &State{StateDirPrefix: stateDirPrefix},
        AllNotes:        allNotes,
        AllSolutions:    allSolutions,
    sysconf, err := txtparser.ParseSysconfigFile(path.Join(app.SysconfigPrefix, SysconfigSaptuneFile), true)
    if err == nil {
        app.TuneForSolutions = sysconf.GetStringArray(TuneForSolutionsKey, []string{})
        app.TuneForNotes = sysconf.GetStringArray(TuneForNotesKey, []string{})
        app.NoteApplyOrder = sysconf.GetStringArray(NoteApplyOrderKey, []string{})
    } else {
        app.TuneForSolutions = []string{}
        app.TuneForNotes = []string{}
        app.NoteApplyOrder = []string{}
    // Never ever sort app.NoteApplyOrder !

// PrintNoteApplyOrder prints out the order of the currently enabled notes
func (app *App) PrintNoteApplyOrder(writer io.Writer) {
    if len(app.NoteApplyOrder) != 0 {
        fmt.Fprintf(writer, "\ncurrent order of enabled notes is: %s\n\n", strings.Join(app.NoteApplyOrder, " "))

// AppliedNotes returns the currently applied Notes in 'NoteApplyOrder' order
func (app *App) AppliedNotes() string {
    var notesApplied string
    for _, note := range app.NoteApplyOrder {
        if _, ok := app.IsNoteApplied(note); ok {
            notesApplied = fmt.Sprintf("%s%s ", notesApplied, note)
    notesApplied = strings.TrimSpace(notesApplied)
    return notesApplied

// PositionInNoteApplyOrder returns the position of the note within the slice.
// for a given noteID get the position in the slice NoteApplyOrder
// do not sort the slice
func (app *App) PositionInNoteApplyOrder(noteID string) int {
    for cnt, note := range app.NoteApplyOrder {
        if note == noteID {
            return cnt
    return -1 //not found

// SaveConfig save configuration to file /etc/sysconfig/saptune.
func (app *App) SaveConfig() error {
    sysconf, err := txtparser.ParseSysconfigFile(path.Join(app.SysconfigPrefix, SysconfigSaptuneFile), true)
    if err != nil {
        return err
    sysconf.SetStrArray(TuneForSolutionsKey, app.TuneForSolutions)
    sysconf.SetStrArray(TuneForNotesKey, app.TuneForNotes)
    sysconf.SetStrArray(NoteApplyOrderKey, app.NoteApplyOrder)
    return ioutil.WriteFile(path.Join(app.SysconfigPrefix, SysconfigSaptuneFile), []byte(sysconf.ToText()), 0644)

// GetSortedSolutionEnabledNotes returns the number of all solution-enabled
// SAP notes, sorted.
func (app *App) GetSortedSolutionEnabledNotes() (allNoteIDs []string) {
    allNoteIDs = make([]string, 0)
    for _, sol := range app.TuneForSolutions {
        for _, noteID := range app.AllSolutions[sol] {
            if i := sort.SearchStrings(allNoteIDs, noteID); !(i < len(allNoteIDs) && allNoteIDs[i] == noteID) {
                allNoteIDs = append(allNoteIDs, noteID)

// GetSortedAllNotes returns all SAP notes, sorted.
func (app *App) GetSortedAllNotes() []string {
    allNoteIDs := make([]string, 0)
    for noteID := range app.AllNotes {
        allNoteIDs = append(allNoteIDs, noteID)
    return allNoteIDs

// removeFromConfig removes NoteID from the variables in the configuration
// changes TuneForNotes and NoteApplyOrder
func (app *App) removeFromConfig(noteID string) {
    i := sort.SearchStrings(app.TuneForNotes, noteID)
    if i < len(app.TuneForNotes) && app.TuneForNotes[i] == noteID {
        // remove noteID from the configuration 'TuneForNotes'
        app.TuneForNotes = append(app.TuneForNotes[0:i], app.TuneForNotes[i+1:]...)
    i = app.PositionInNoteApplyOrder(noteID)
    if i < 0 {
        system.WarningLog("noteID '%s' not found in configuration 'NoteApplyOrder'", noteID)
    } else if i < len(app.NoteApplyOrder) && app.NoteApplyOrder[i] == noteID {
        // remove noteID from the configuration 'NoteApplyOrder'
        app.NoteApplyOrder = append(app.NoteApplyOrder[0:i], app.NoteApplyOrder[i+1:]...)

// IsNoteApplied checks, if a note is applied or not
// return true, if note is already applied
// return false, if not is NOT applied
func (app *App) IsNoteApplied(noteID string) (string, bool) {
    rval := ""
    ret := false
    // check against state file first is still ok, don't change
    // because of TuneAll/RevertAll to cover system reboot
    // NoteApplyOrder is filled, but state files are removed
    sfile, err := os.Stat(app.State.GetPathToNote(noteID))
    if err == nil {
        // state file for note already exists
        // check, if note is part of NOTE_APPLY_ORDER
        if app.PositionInNoteApplyOrder(noteID) < 0 { // noteID not yet available
            // bsc#1167618
            // check, if state file is empty - seems to be a
            // left-over of the update from saptune V1 to V2
            if sfile.Size() == 0 {
                // remove old, left-over state file and go
                // forward to apply the note
            } else {
                // data mismatch, do not apply the note
                system.WarningLog("note '%s' is not listed in 'NOTE_APPLY_ORDER', but a non-empty state file exists. To prevent configuration mismatch, please revert note '%s' first and try again.", noteID, noteID)
                rval = "mismatch"
                ret = true
        } else { // note applied
            ret = true
    return rval, ret

// IsSolutionEnabled returns true, if the solution is enabled or false, if not
// enbaled means - part of TuneForSolutions
func (app *App) IsSolutionEnabled(sol string) bool {
    i := sort.SearchStrings(app.TuneForSolutions, sol)
    if i < len(app.TuneForSolutions) && app.TuneForSolutions[i] == sol {
        return true
    return false

// IsSolutionApplied returns true, if the solution is (partial) applied
// or false, if not
func (app *App) IsSolutionApplied(sol string) (string, bool) {
    state := ""
    ret := false
    if len(app.TuneForSolutions) != 0 {
        if app.TuneForSolutions[0] == sol {
            noteOK := 0
            noteCnt := 0
            for _, note := range app.AllSolutions[sol] {
                noteCnt = noteCnt + 1
                if _, ok := app.IsNoteApplied(note); ok {
                    noteOK = noteOK + 1
            if noteOK == noteCnt {
                ret = true
                state = "fully"
            } else if noteOK != 0 {
                ret = true
                state = "partial"
    return state, ret

// AppliedSolution returns the currently applied Solution
func (app *App) AppliedSolution() (string, string) {
    solApplied := ""
    state := ""
    if len(app.TuneForSolutions) != 0 {
        solName := app.TuneForSolutions[0]
        if st, ok := app.IsSolutionApplied(solName); ok {
            solApplied = solName
            state = st
    return solApplied, state

// NoteSanityCheck checks, if for all notes listed in
// NoteApplyOrder and TuneForNotes a note definition file exists.
// if not, remove the NoteID from the variables, save the new config and
// inform the user
func (app *App) NoteSanityCheck() error {
    // app.NoteApplyOrder, app.TuneForNotes
    errs := make([]error, 0)
    for _, note := range app.NoteApplyOrder {
        if _, exists := app.AllNotes[note]; exists {
            // note definition file for NoteID exists
        // bsc#1149205
        // noteID available in apply order list, but no note definition
        // file found. May be removed or renamed.
        system.ErrorLog("The Note ID '%s' is not recognized by saptune, but it is listed in the apply order list.\nMay be the associated Note definition file was removed or renamed via command line without previously reverting the Note.\nSaptune will now remove the NoteID from the apply order list to prevent further confusion.", note)
        if err := app.SaveConfig(); err != nil {
            errs = append(errs, err)

        // idea to first check for existence of section file and then
        // check the state file will NOT work in case that the apply
        // was done with a previous saptune version where NO section
        // file handling exists
        fileName := fmt.Sprintf("/run/saptune/sections/%s.sections", note)
        // check, if empty state file exists
        if content, err := ioutil.ReadFile(app.State.GetPathToNote(note)); err == nil && len(content) == 0 {
            // remove empty state file
            _ = app.State.Remove(note)
            if _, err := os.Stat(fileName); err == nil {
                // section file exists, remove
                _ = os.Remove(fileName)
        } else if err == nil {
            // non-empty state file
            if _, err := os.Stat(fileName); err == nil {
                // section file exists, try revert
                // without section file a revert is
                // impossible as the fall back, the
                // Note definition file no longer exists
                _ = app.RevertNote(note, true)
            } else {
                // non empty state file, but no chance to revert
                _ = app.State.Remove(note)
        } else if _, err := os.Stat(fileName); err == nil {
            // no state file, but section file exists, remove
            _ = os.Remove(fileName)

    err := sap.PrintErrors(errs)
    return err

// GetNoteByID return the note corresponding to the number, or an error
// if the note does not exist.
func (app *App) GetNoteByID(id string) (note.Note, error) {
    if n, exists := app.AllNotes[id]; exists {
        return n, nil
    return nil, fmt.Errorf(`the Note ID "%s" is not recognised by saptune.
Run "saptune note list" for a complete list of supported notes.
and then please double check your input and /etc/sysconfig/saptune`, id)

// GetSolutionByName return the solution corresponding to the name,
// or an error if it does not exist.
func (app *App) GetSolutionByName(name string) (solution.Solution, error) {
    if n, exists := app.AllSolutions[name]; exists {
        return n, nil
    return nil, fmt.Errorf(`solution name "%s" is not recognised by saptune.
Run "saptune solution list" for a complete list of supported solutions,
and then please double check your input and /etc/sysconfig/saptune`, name)

// handleCounterParts will save the counterpart values of parameters
func handleCounterParts(currentState interface{}) bool {
    forceApply := false
    if reflect.TypeOf(currentState).String() == "note.INISettings" {
        // in case of vm.dirty parameters save additionally the
        // counterpart values to be able to revert the values
        addkey := ""
        _, exist := reflect.TypeOf(currentState).FieldByName("SysctlParams")
        if exist {
            for _, mkey := range reflect.ValueOf(currentState).FieldByName("SysctlParams").MapKeys() {
                switch mkey.String() {
                case "vm.dirty_background_bytes":
                    addkey = "vm.dirty_background_ratio"
                case "vm.dirty_bytes":
                    addkey = "vm.dirty_ratio"
                case "vm.dirty_background_ratio":
                    addkey = "vm.dirty_background_bytes"
                case "vm.dirty_ratio":
                    addkey = "vm.dirty_bytes"
                case "force_latency":
                    forceApply = true
                if addkey != "" {
                    //currentState.(note.INISettings).SysctlParams[addkey], _ = system.GetSysctlString(addkey)
                    addkeyval, _ := system.GetSysctlString(addkey)
                    //func (v Value) SetMapIndex(key, val Value)
                    reflect.ValueOf(currentState).FieldByName("SysctlParams").SetMapIndex(reflect.ValueOf(addkey), reflect.ValueOf(addkeyval))
    return forceApply

// TuneNote apply tuning for a note.
// If the note is not yet covered by one of the enabled solutions,
// the note number will be added into the list of additional notes.
func (app *App) TuneNote(noteID string) error {
    savConf := false
    aNote, err := app.GetNoteByID(noteID)
    if err != nil {
        return err
    solNotes := app.GetSortedSolutionEnabledNotes()
    searchInSol := sort.SearchStrings(solNotes, noteID)
    searchInNote := sort.SearchStrings(app.TuneForNotes, noteID)
    if !(searchInSol < len(solNotes) && solNotes[searchInSol] == noteID) && !(searchInNote < len(app.TuneForNotes) && app.TuneForNotes[searchInNote] == noteID) {
        // Note is not covered by any of the existing solution, hence adding it into the additions' list
        app.TuneForNotes = append(app.TuneForNotes, noteID)
        savConf = true
    // to prevent double noteIDs in the apply order list
    i := app.PositionInNoteApplyOrder(noteID)
    if i < 0 { // noteID not yet available
        app.NoteApplyOrder = append(app.NoteApplyOrder, noteID)
        savConf = true
    if savConf {
        if err := app.SaveConfig(); err != nil {
            return err

    // check, if system already complies with the requirements.
    // set values for later use
    conforming, _, valApplyList, err := app.VerifyNote(noteID)
    if err != nil {
        return err

    // Save current state for the Note in any case
    currentState, err := aNote.Initialise()
    if err != nil {
        system.ErrorLog("Failed to examine system for the current status of note %s - %v", noteID, err)
        return err
    forceApply := handleCounterParts(currentState)
    if err = app.State.Store(noteID, currentState, false); err != nil {
        system.ErrorLog("Failed to save current state of note %s - %v", noteID, err)
        return err

    optimised, err := currentState.Optimise()
    if err != nil {
        system.ErrorLog("Failed to calculate optimised parameters for note %s - %v", noteID, err)
        return err
    if len(valApplyList) != 0 {
        optimised = optimised.(note.INISettings).SetValuesToApply(valApplyList)

    if conforming && !forceApply {
        // Do not apply the Note, if the system already complies with
        // the requirements.
        return nil
    if err := optimised.Apply(); err != nil {
        system.ErrorLog("Failed to apply note %s - %v", noteID, err)
        return err

    return nil

// TuneSolution apply tuning for a solution.
// If the solution is not yet enabled, the name will be added into the list
// of tuned solution names.
// If the solution covers any of the additional notes, those notes will be removed.
func (app *App) TuneSolution(solName string) (removedExplicitNotes []string, err error) {
    removedExplicitNotes = make([]string, 0)
    sol, err := app.GetSolutionByName(solName)
    if err != nil {
    if i := sort.SearchStrings(app.TuneForSolutions, solName); !(i < len(app.TuneForSolutions) && app.TuneForSolutions[i] == solName) {
        app.TuneForSolutions = append(app.TuneForSolutions, solName)
        if err = app.SaveConfig(); err != nil {
    for _, noteID := range sol {
        // Remove solution's notes from additional notes list.
        if i := sort.SearchStrings(app.TuneForNotes, noteID); i < len(app.TuneForNotes) && app.TuneForNotes[i] == noteID {
            app.TuneForNotes = append(app.TuneForNotes[0:i], app.TuneForNotes[i+1:]...)
            removedExplicitNotes = append(removedExplicitNotes, noteID)
            if err = app.SaveConfig(); err != nil {
        if _, ok := app.IsNoteApplied(noteID); ok {
        if err = app.TuneNote(noteID); err != nil {

// TuneAll tune for all currently enabled solutions and notes.
func (app *App) TuneAll() error {
    for _, noteID := range app.NoteApplyOrder {
        if _, err := os.Stat(app.State.GetPathToNote(noteID)); err == nil {
            // state file for note already exists
        if _, err := app.GetNoteByID(noteID); err != nil {
            _ = system.ErrorLog(err.Error())
        if err := app.TuneNote(noteID); err != nil {
            return err
    return nil

// RevertNote revert parameters tuned by the note and clear its stored states.
func (app *App) RevertNote(noteID string, permanent bool) error {

    noteTemplate, err := app.GetNoteByID(noteID)
    if err != nil {
        // to revert an applied note even if the corresponding
        // note definition file is no longer available, but the
        // saved state info can be found
        // helpful for cleanup
        noteTemplate = note.INISettings{
            ConfFilePath:    "",
            ID:              "",
            DescriptiveName: "",

    // Remove from configuration
    if permanent {
        if err := app.SaveConfig(); err != nil {
            return err

    // Revert parameters using the file record
    // Workaround for Go JSON package's stubbornness, Go developers are not willing to fix their code in this occasion.
    var noteReflectValue = reflect.New(reflect.TypeOf(noteTemplate))
    var noteIface interface{} = noteReflectValue.Interface()
    if err := app.State.Retrieve(noteID, &noteIface); err == nil {
        //var noteRecovered note.Note = noteIface.(note.Note)
        var noteRecovered = noteIface.(note.Note)
        if reflect.TypeOf(noteRecovered).String() == "*note.INISettings" {
            noteRecovered = noteRecovered.(*note.INISettings).SetValuesToApply([]string{"revert"})

        if err := noteRecovered.Apply(); err != nil {
            return err
        } else if err := app.State.Remove(noteID); err != nil {
            return err
    } else if !os.IsNotExist(err) {
        return err
    return nil

// RemoveSolFromConfig removes the given solution from the configuration
func (app *App) RemoveSolFromConfig(solName string) error {
    i := sort.SearchStrings(app.TuneForSolutions, solName)
    if i < len(app.TuneForSolutions) && app.TuneForSolutions[i] == solName {
        app.TuneForSolutions = append(app.TuneForSolutions[0:i], app.TuneForSolutions[i+1:]...)
        if err := app.SaveConfig(); err != nil {
            return err
    return nil

// RevertSolution permanently revert notes tuned by the solution and
// clear their stored states.
func (app *App) RevertSolution(solName string) error {
    sol, err := app.GetSolutionByName(solName)
    if err != nil {
        return err
    // Remove from configuration
    if err := app.RemoveSolFromConfig(solName); err != nil {
        return err

    // The tricky part: figure out which notes are to be reverted, do not revert manually enabled notes.
    notesDoNotRevert := make(map[string]struct{})
    for _, noteID := range app.TuneForNotes {
        notesDoNotRevert[noteID] = struct{}{}
    // Do not revert notes that are referred to by other enabled solutions
    for _, otherSolName := range app.TuneForSolutions {
        if otherSolName != solName {
            otherSolNotes, err := app.GetSolutionByName(otherSolName)
            if err != nil {
                return err
            for _, noteID := range otherSolNotes {
                notesDoNotRevert[noteID] = struct{}{}
    // Now revert the (sol notes - manually enabled - other sol notes)
    noteErrs := make([]error, 0)
    for _, noteID := range sol {
        if _, found := notesDoNotRevert[noteID]; found {
            continue // skip this one
        if err := app.RevertNote(noteID, true); err != nil {
            noteErrs = append(noteErrs, err)
    if len(noteErrs) == 0 {
        return nil
    return fmt.Errorf("Failed to revert one or more SAP notes that belong to the solution: %v", noteErrs)

// RevertAll revert all tuned parameters (both solutions and additional notes),
// and clear stored states, but NOT NoteApplyOrder.
func (app *App) RevertAll(permanent bool) error {
    allErrs := make([]error, 0)

    // Simply revert all notes from serialised states
    otherNotes, err := app.State.List()
    if err == nil {
        for _, otherNoteID := range otherNotes {
            // check, if empty state file exists
            if content, err := ioutil.ReadFile(app.State.GetPathToNote(otherNoteID)); err == nil && len(content) == 0 {
                // remove empty state file
                _ = app.State.Remove(otherNoteID)
            if err := app.RevertNote(otherNoteID, permanent); err != nil {
                allErrs = append(allErrs, err)
    } else {
        allErrs = append(allErrs, err)
    if permanent {
        app.TuneForNotes = make([]string, 0)
        app.TuneForSolutions = make([]string, 0)
        app.NoteApplyOrder = make([]string, 0)
        if err := app.SaveConfig(); err != nil {
            allErrs = append(allErrs, err)
    if len(allErrs) == 0 {
        return nil
    return fmt.Errorf("Failed to revert one or more SAP notes/solutions: %v", allErrs)

// VerifyNote inspect the system and verify that all parameters conform
// to the note's guidelines.
// The note comparison results will always contain all fields, no matter
// the note is currently conforming or not.
func (app *App) VerifyNote(noteID string) (conforming bool, comparisons map[string]note.FieldComparison, valApplyList []string, err error) {
    theNote, err := app.GetNoteByID(noteID)
    if err != nil {
    if reflect.TypeOf(theNote).String() == "note.INISettings" {
        // workaround to prevent storing of parameter state files
        // during verify
        theNote = theNote.(note.INISettings).SetValuesToApply([]string{"verify"})
    // Run optimisation routine and compare it against current status
    inspectedNote, err := theNote.Initialise()
    if err != nil {
        return false, nil, nil, err

    // to get Apply work:
    optimisedNote, err := theNote.Initialise()
    if err != nil {
        return false, nil, nil, err
    // if used inspectedNote as before, inspectedNote and optimisedNote
    // will have the same content after 'Optimise()'
    // so CompareNoteFields wont find a difference and NO Apply will done
    //optimisedNote, err := inspectedNote.Optimise()
    optimisedNote, err = optimisedNote.Optimise()
    if err != nil {
        return false, nil, nil, err
    if reflect.TypeOf(theNote).String() == "note.INISettings" {
        // remove workaround to not affect the 'comparison' result
        inspectedNote = inspectedNote.(note.INISettings).SetValuesToApply(make([]string, 0))
        optimisedNote = optimisedNote.(note.INISettings).SetValuesToApply(make([]string, 0))
    conforming, comparisons, valApplyList = note.CompareNoteFields(inspectedNote, optimisedNote)

// VerifySolution inspect the system and verify that all parameters conform
// to all of the notes associated to the solution.
// The note comparison results will always contain all fields from all notes.
func (app *App) VerifySolution(solName string) (unsatisfiedNotes []string, comparisons map[string]map[string]note.FieldComparison, err error) {
    unsatisfiedNotes = make([]string, 0)
    comparisons = make(map[string]map[string]note.FieldComparison)
    sol, err := app.GetSolutionByName(solName)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, nil, err
    for _, noteID := range sol {
        conforming, noteComparisons, _, err := app.VerifyNote(noteID)
        if err != nil {
            return nil, nil, err
        } else if !conforming {
            unsatisfiedNotes = append(unsatisfiedNotes, noteID)
        comparisons[noteID] = noteComparisons

// VerifyAll inspect the system and verify all parameters against all enabled
// notes/solutions.
// The note comparison results will always contain all fields from all notes.
func (app *App) VerifyAll() (unsatisfiedNotes []string, comparisons map[string]map[string]note.FieldComparison, err error) {
    unsatisfiedNotes = make([]string, 0)
    comparisons = make(map[string]map[string]note.FieldComparison)
    for _, solName := range app.TuneForSolutions {
        // Collect field comparison results from solution notes
        unsatisfiedSolNotes, noteComparisons, err := app.VerifySolution(solName)
        if err != nil {
            return nil, nil, err
        } else if len(unsatisfiedSolNotes) > 0 {
            unsatisfiedNotes = append(unsatisfiedNotes, unsatisfiedSolNotes...)
        for noteName, noteComparisonResult := range noteComparisons {
            comparisons[noteName] = noteComparisonResult
    for _, noteID := range app.TuneForNotes {
        // Collect field comparison results from additionally tuned notes
        conforming, noteComparisons, _, err := app.VerifyNote(noteID)
        if err != nil {
            return nil, nil, err
        } else if !conforming {
            unsatisfiedNotes = append(unsatisfiedNotes, noteID)
        comparisons[noteID] = noteComparisons