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package note

SAP notes tune one or more parameters at a time.

Each note is capable of inspecting the system to determine current parameter values, assist each parameter
in calculating an optimised value, and apply all parameters.

A system can be tuned for more than one note at a time.

import (

// SaptuneParameterStateDir defines the directory where to store the
// parameter state files
// separated from the note state file directory
const SaptuneParameterStateDir = "/run/saptune/parameter"

// Note defines the structure and actions for a SAP Note
// An SAP note consisting of a series of tunable parameters that can be
// applied and reverted.
// Parameter is immutable. Internal state changes can only be made to copies.
type Note interface {
    Initialise() (Note, error) // Inspect all tuning parameters and return.
    Optimise() (Note, error)   // (Re)calculate all parameters, but do not apply.
    Apply() error              // Apply all tuning parameters without further calculation.
    Name() string              // The original note name.

// TuningOptions is the collection of tuning options from SAP notes and
// 3rd party vendors.
type TuningOptions map[string]Note

// GetTuningOptions returns all built-in tunable SAP notes together with those
// defined by 3rd party vendors.
func GetTuningOptions(saptuneTuningDir, thirdPartyTuningDir string) TuningOptions {
    ret := TuningOptions{}
    // Collect those defined by saptune
    _, files := system.ListDir(saptuneTuningDir, "saptune tuning definitions")
    for _, fileName := range files {
        ret[fileName] = INISettings{
            ConfFilePath:    path.Join(saptuneTuningDir, fileName),
            ID:              fileName,
            DescriptiveName: txtparser.GetINIFileDescriptiveName(path.Join(saptuneTuningDir, fileName)),

    if thirdPartyTuningDir == "" {
        return ret

    // Collect those defined by 3rd party
    _, files = system.ListDir(thirdPartyTuningDir, "3rd party tuning definitions")
    for _, fileName := range files {
        if fileName == "solutions" || strings.HasSuffix(fileName, ".sol") {
        // ignore left over files (BOBJ and ASE definition files) from
        // the migration of saptune version 1 to saptune version 2
        if fileName == "SAP_BOBJ-SAP_Business_OBJects.conf" || fileName == "SAP_ASE-SAP_Adaptive_Server_Enterprise.conf" {
            system.InfoLog("GetTuningOptions: skip old note definition \"%s\" from saptune version 1.", fileName)
            system.InfoLog("For more information refer to the man page saptune-migrate(7)")
        if !strings.HasSuffix(fileName, ".conf") {
            // skip filenames without .conf suffix
            system.InfoLog("skip file \"%s\", wrong filename syntax, missing '.conf' suffix", fileName)

        id := strings.TrimSuffix(fileName, ".conf")
        // get the description of the note from the header inside the file
        name := txtparser.GetINIFileDescriptiveName(path.Join(thirdPartyTuningDir, fileName))
        if name == "" {
            // no header found in the vendor file
            // fall back to the old style vendor file names
            // support of old style vendor file names for compatibility reasons
            system.InfoLog("GetTuningOptions: no header information found in file \"%s\"", fileName)
            system.InfoLog("falling back to old style vendor file names")
            system.WarningLog("old style vendor files are deprecated. For future support add header information to the file - %s", fileName)
            // By convention, the portion before dash makes up the ID.
            idName := strings.SplitN(fileName, "-", 2)
            if len(idName) != 2 {
                system.InfoLog("GetTuningOptions: bad file name \"%s\"", fileName)
            } else {
                id = idName[0]
                // Just for the cosmetics, remove suffix .conf from description
                name = strings.TrimSuffix(idName[1], ".conf")
        // Do not allow vendor to override built-in
        if _, exists := ret[id]; exists {
            system.InfoLog("GetTuningOptions: vendor's \"%s\" will not override built-in tuning implementation", fileName)
        ret[id] = INISettings{
            ConfFilePath:    path.Join(thirdPartyTuningDir, fileName),
            ID:              id,
            DescriptiveName: name,
    return ret

// GetSortedIDs returns all tuning option IDs, sorted in ascending order.
func (opts *TuningOptions) GetSortedIDs() (ret []string) {
    ret = make([]string, 0, len(*opts))
    for id := range *opts {
        ret = append(ret, id)

// GetNoteHeadData provides description, reference, version and released date
// of a given noteObj
func GetNoteHeadData(obj Note) (desc, vers, date string, refs []string) {
    objConfFile := reflect.ValueOf(obj).FieldByName("ConfFilePath").String()
    if objConfFile != "" {
        desc = txtparser.GetINIFileVersionSectionEntry(objConfFile, "name")
        vers = txtparser.GetINIFileVersionSectionEntry(objConfFile, "version")
        date = txtparser.GetINIFileVersionSectionEntry(objConfFile, "date")
        refs = txtparser.GetINIFileVersionSectionRefs(objConfFile)

// FieldComparison records the actual value versus expected value for
// a note field. The field name has to be the actual name in Go struct.
type FieldComparison struct {
    ReflectFieldName               string // Structure field name
    ReflectMapKey                  string // If structure field is a map, this is the map key
    ActualValue, ExpectedValue     interface{}
    ActualValueJS, ExpectedValueJS string
    MatchExpectation               bool

// CompareJSValue compares JSON representation of two values and see
// if they match.
func CompareJSValue(v1, v2 interface{}, op string) (v1JS, v2JS string, match bool) {
    v1JSBytes, err := json.Marshal(v1)
    if err != nil {
        _ = system.ErrorLog("CompareJSValue: failed to serialise \"%+v\" - %v", v1, err)
    v2JSBytes, err := json.Marshal(v2)
    if err != nil {
        _ = system.ErrorLog("CompareJSValue: failed to serialise \"%+v\" - %v", v2, err)
    v1JS, err = strconv.Unquote(string(v1JSBytes))
    if err != nil {
        v1JS = string(v1JSBytes)
    v2JS, err = strconv.Unquote(string(v2JSBytes))
    if err != nil {
        v2JS = string(v2JSBytes)

    switch op {
    case "", "==":
        match = v1JS == v2JS
    case ">=":
        v1JSi, _ := strconv.Atoi(v1JS)
        v2JSi, _ := strconv.Atoi(v2JS)
        match = v1JSi >= v2JSi
    case "<=":
        v1JSi, _ := strconv.Atoi(v1JS)
        v2JSi, _ := strconv.Atoi(v2JS)
        match = v1JSi <= v2JSi

// CompareNoteFields compares the content of two notes and return differences
// in their fields in a human-readable text.
func CompareNoteFields(actualNote, expectedNote Note) (allMatch bool, comparisons map[string]FieldComparison, valApplyList []string) {
    comparisons = make(map[string]FieldComparison)
    allMatch = true
    grubAvail := false
    // Compare all fields
    refActualNote := reflect.ValueOf(actualNote)
    refExpectedNote := reflect.ValueOf(expectedNote)
    for i := 0; i < refActualNote.NumField(); i++ {
        // Retrieve actualField value from actual and expected note
        fieldName := reflect.TypeOf(actualNote).Field(i).Name
        // Compare map value or actualField value
        if refActualNote.Field(i).Type().Kind() == reflect.Map {
            // Compare map values
            actualMap := refActualNote.Field(i)
            expectedMap := refExpectedNote.Field(i)
            for _, key := range actualMap.MapKeys() {
                if strings.Contains(key.String(), "grub") {
                    grubAvail = true
                actualValue := actualMap.MapIndex(key).Interface()
                expectedValue := expectedMap.MapIndex(key).Interface()
                ckey := fmt.Sprintf("%s[%s]", fieldName, key.String())
                comparisons[ckey] = cmpMapValue(fieldName, key, actualValue, expectedValue)
                if !comparisons[ckey].MatchExpectation && comparisons[ckey].ReflectFieldName == "SysctlParams" {
                    valApplyList = append(valApplyList, comparisons[ckey].ReflectMapKey)
                } else if key.String() == "force_latency" && comparisons[ckey].ReflectFieldName == "SysctlParams" {
                    valApplyList = append(valApplyList, comparisons[ckey].ReflectMapKey)
                if !comparisons[ckey].MatchExpectation && fieldName == "SysctlParams" {
                    // a parameter, which is not supported
                    // by the system ("all:none") should not
                    // influence the compare result
                    // and grub compliance of saptune
                    // integrated notes will be handled
                    // at the end of the compare
                    // all other grub settings treated as
                    // normal parameters
                    // if this should change in the future use
                    // !strings.Contains(key.String(), "grub")
                    // instead of !isInternalGrub(key.String())
                    if actualValue.(string) != "all:none" && !isInternalGrub(key.String()) && !(system.IsXFSOption.MatchString(key.String()) && actualValue.(string) == "NA") && actualValue.(string) != "PNA" && key.String() != "VSZ_TMPFS_PERCENT" {
                        allMatch = false
        } else {
            // Compare ordinary field value
            // ConfFilePath, ID, DescriptiveName
            comparisons[fieldName] = cmpFieldValue(i, fieldName, refActualNote, refExpectedNote)
            if !comparisons[fieldName].MatchExpectation {
                allMatch = false
    if allMatch && grubAvail {
        allMatch = chkGrubCompliance(comparisons, allMatch)

// isInternalGrub - checks, if a grub setting found in the note definition
// is a saptune integrated grub parameter or a customer specific parameter
func isInternalGrub(val string) bool {
    // define saptune integrated grub parameter
    internalGrub := []string{"grub:numa_balancing", "grub:transparent_hugepage", "grub:intel_idle.max_cstate", "grub:processor.max_cstate"}

    for _, item := range internalGrub {
        if item == val {
            return true
    return false

// chkGrubCompliance grub special - check compliance of alternative settings
// only if one of these alternatives are not compliant, modify the result of
// the compare
// restricted to grub parameter shipped with saptune integrated notes
// grub parameter and 'alternative' setting have to be within the same note
func chkGrubCompliance(comparisons map[string]FieldComparison, allMatch bool) bool {
    // grub:numa_balancing, kernel.numa_balancing
    // grub:transparent_hugepage, THP
    // grub:intel_idle.max_cstate, grub:processor.max_cstate, force_latency
    entries := []string{"grub:numa_balancing#kernel.numa_balancing", "grub:transparent_hugepage#THP", "grub:intel_idle.max_cstate#force_latency", "grub:processor.max_cstate#force_latency"}

    for _, item := range entries {
        entFields := strings.Split(item, "#")
        grubEnt := entFields[0]
        alterEnt := entFields[1]
        grubEntry := fmt.Sprintf("SysctlParams[%s]", grubEnt)
        alterEntry := fmt.Sprintf("SysctlParams[%s]", alterEnt)

        if comparisons[grubEntry].ReflectMapKey == grubEnt && !comparisons[grubEntry].MatchExpectation {
            if alterEnt == "force_latency" {
                if (comparisons[alterEntry].ReflectMapKey == alterEnt && !comparisons[alterEntry].MatchExpectation && comparisons[alterEntry].ActualValue != "all:none") && allMatch {
                    allMatch = false
            } else {
                if comparisons[alterEntry].ReflectMapKey == alterEnt && !comparisons[alterEntry].MatchExpectation && allMatch {
                    allMatch = false
    return allMatch

// cmpMapValue compares map values
func cmpMapValue(fieldName string, key reflect.Value, actVal, expVal interface{}) FieldComparison {
    op := ""
    if key.String() == "force_latency" && actVal.(string) != "all:none" {
        op = "<="
    actualValueJS, expectedValueJS, match := CompareJSValue(actVal, expVal, op)
    if strings.Split(key.String(), ":")[0] == "rpm" {
        match = system.CmpRpmVers(actVal.(string), expVal.(string))
    if strings.Split(key.String(), ":")[0] == "systemd" {
        match = system.CmpServiceStates(actVal.(string), expVal.(string))
    if expVal == "" {
        // if the expected value is empty, the parameter value will
        // be untouched
        // this case should not influence the compare result
        // so set match to true
        match = true

    if key.String() == "reminder" {
        // a diff in the reminder section should not influence the
        // compare result. So set macth to true
        match = true

    fieldComparison := FieldComparison{
        ReflectFieldName: fieldName,
        ReflectMapKey:    key.String(),
        ActualValue:      actVal,
        ExpectedValue:    expVal,
        ActualValueJS:    actualValueJS,
        ExpectedValueJS:  expectedValueJS,
        MatchExpectation: match,
    return fieldComparison

// cmpFieldValue compares ordinary field value
func cmpFieldValue(fNo int, fieldName string, actNote, expNote reflect.Value) FieldComparison {
    actualValue := actNote.Field(fNo).Interface()
    expectedValue := expNote.Field(fNo).Interface()
    actualValueJS, expectedValueJS, match := CompareJSValue(actualValue, expectedValue, "")
    fieldComparison := FieldComparison{
        ReflectFieldName: fieldName,
        ActualValue:      actualValue,
        ExpectedValue:    expectedValue,
        ActualValueJS:    actualValueJS,
        ExpectedValueJS:  expectedValueJS,
        MatchExpectation: match,
    return fieldComparison