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package note

import (

// ParameterNoteEntry stores the parameter values set by a Note
type ParameterNoteEntry struct {
    NoteID string
    Value  string

// ParameterNotes includes a list of applied notes, which manipulate the
// given system parameter
// the entries are stored in exactly the order the Notes were applied.
// So you get a (timeline) chain of applied parameter values
type ParameterNotes struct {
    AllNotes []ParameterNoteEntry

// GetPathToParameter returns path to the serialised parameter state file.
func GetPathToParameter(param string) string {
    return path.Join(SaptuneParameterStateDir, param)

// IDInParameterList checks, if given noteID is already part of the
// parameter list of notes
func IDInParameterList(noteID string, list []ParameterNoteEntry) bool {
    for _, note := range list {
        if note.NoteID == noteID {
            return true
    return false

// ListParams lists all stored parameter states. Return parameter names
func ListParams() (ret []string, err error) {
    if err = os.MkdirAll(SaptuneParameterStateDir, 0755); err != nil {
    // List SaptuneParameterStateDir and collect parameter names from file names
    dirContent, err := os.ReadDir(SaptuneParameterStateDir)
    if os.IsNotExist(err) {
        return []string{}, nil
    } else if err != nil {
    ret = make([]string, 0, len(dirContent))
    for _, pname := range dirContent {
        ret = append(ret, pname.Name())

// CreateParameterStartValues creates the parameter state file and inserts
// the start values.
func CreateParameterStartValues(param, value string) {
    pEntries := ParameterNotes{
        AllNotes: make([]ParameterNoteEntry, 0, 64),
    pEntries = GetSavedParameterNotes(param)
    if len(pEntries.AllNotes) == 0 {
        system.DebugLog("Write parameter start value '%s' to file '%s'", value, GetPathToParameter(param))
        // file does not exist, create start entry
        pEntry := ParameterNoteEntry{
            NoteID: "start",
            Value:  value,
        pEntries.AllNotes = append(pEntries.AllNotes, pEntry)
        err := StoreParameter(param, pEntries, true)
        if err != nil {
            system.WarningLog("Failed to store start values for parameter file '%s' for parameter '%s'", GetPathToParameter(param), param)

// AddParameterNoteValues adds note parameter values to the state file.
func AddParameterNoteValues(param, value, noteID string) {
    pEntries := ParameterNotes{
        AllNotes: make([]ParameterNoteEntry, 0, 64),
    pEntries = GetSavedParameterNotes(param)
    if len(pEntries.AllNotes) != 0 && !IDInParameterList(noteID, pEntries.AllNotes) {
        system.DebugLog("Write note '%s' parameter value '%s' to file '%s'", noteID, value, GetPathToParameter(param))
        // file exis
        pEntry := ParameterNoteEntry{
            NoteID: noteID,
            Value:  value,
        pEntries.AllNotes = append(pEntries.AllNotes, pEntry)
        err := StoreParameter(param, pEntries, true)
        if err != nil {
            system.WarningLog("Failed to store note '%s' values for parameter file '%s' for parameter '%s'", noteID, GetPathToParameter(param), param)

// GetSavedParameterNotes reads content of stored parameter states.
// Return the content as ParameterNotes
func GetSavedParameterNotes(param string) ParameterNotes {
    pEntries := ParameterNotes{
        AllNotes: make([]ParameterNoteEntry, 0, 64),
    content, err := os.ReadFile(GetPathToParameter(param))
    if err != nil {
        return pEntries
    if len(content) != 0 {
        _ = json.Unmarshal(content, &pEntries)
    return pEntries

// GetAllSavedParameters reads all saved parameters from the state directory
// fill structure app.AllParameters
func GetAllSavedParameters() map[string]ParameterNotes {
    params := make(map[string]ParameterNotes)
    allParams, err := ListParams()
    if err == nil {
        for _, param := range allParams {
            pEntries := GetSavedParameterNotes(param)
            if len(pEntries.AllNotes) == 0 {
                return params
            params[param] = pEntries
    return params

// StoreParameter stores parameter values to state directory
// Write a json file with the name of the given parameter containing the
// applied noteIDs for this parameter and the associated parameter values
func StoreParameter(param string, obj ParameterNotes, overwriteExisting bool) error {
    content, err := json.Marshal(obj)
    if err != nil {
        return err
    if err = os.MkdirAll(SaptuneParameterStateDir, 0755); err != nil {
        return err
    if _, err := os.Stat(GetPathToParameter(param)); os.IsNotExist(err) || overwriteExisting {
        return os.WriteFile(GetPathToParameter(param), content, 0644)
    return nil

// PositionInParameterList gets the position in the slice AllNotes for a
// given noteID
// return the position of the note within the slice.
// do not sort the slice
func PositionInParameterList(noteID string, list []ParameterNoteEntry) int {
    for cnt, note := range list {
        if note.NoteID == noteID {
            return cnt
    return 0

// RevertParameter reverts parameter values and removes noteID reference
// from the parameter file
// return value of parameter and related noteID
func RevertParameter(param, noteID string) (string, string) {
    pvalue := ""
    pnoteID := ""
    pEntries := ParameterNotes{
        AllNotes: make([]ParameterNoteEntry, 0, 64),
    // read values from the parameter state file
    pEntries = GetSavedParameterNotes(param)
    if len(pEntries.AllNotes) == 0 {
        return pvalue, pnoteID
    lastNote := pEntries.AllNotes[len(pEntries.AllNotes)-1]
    pvalue = lastNote.Value
    pnoteID = lastNote.NoteID
    if lastNote.NoteID == noteID {
        // if the requested noteID is the last one in AllNotes
        // remove this entry and set the parameter value to the 'next to last'
        pEntries.AllNotes = pEntries.AllNotes[:len(pEntries.AllNotes)-1]
        next2lastNote := pEntries.AllNotes[len(pEntries.AllNotes)-1]
        pvalue = next2lastNote.Value
        pnoteID = next2lastNote.NoteID
    } else {
        // if the requested noteID is NOT the last one in AllNotes
        // remove this entry but do not set a new parameter value
        // if the requested noteID has no entry in the parameter file
        // because an override file disabled the parameter setting
        // prevent removal of start value by checking 'entry > 0'
        entry := PositionInParameterList(noteID, pEntries.AllNotes)
        if entry > 0 {
            // the requested noteID is NOT the last one in AllNotes
            pEntries.AllNotes = append(pEntries.AllNotes[0:entry], pEntries.AllNotes[entry+1:]...)
    if len(pEntries.AllNotes) == 1 {
        // remove parameter state file, if only one entry ('start') is left.
    } else {
        //store changes pEntries
        err := StoreParameter(param, pEntries, true)
        if err != nil {
            system.WarningLog("Problems during storing new parameter values")
    return pvalue, pnoteID

// CleanUpParamFile removes the parameter state file
func CleanUpParamFile(param string) {
    remFileName := GetPathToParameter(param)
    if _, err := os.Stat(remFileName); err == nil {

// IsLastNoteOfParameter returns true, if there is no parameter state file
// or false, which means that another note changing the parameter is still
// applied
func IsLastNoteOfParameter(param string) bool {
    chkFileName := GetPathToParameter(param)
    if _, err := os.Stat(chkFileName); os.IsNotExist(err) {
        return true
    return false