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package solution

Solutions are collections of relevant SAP notes, all of which are applicable to specific SAP products.

import (

// solution constant definitions
const (
    ShippedSolSheets       = "/usr/share/saptune/sols/"
    OverrideSolutionSheets = "/etc/saptune/override/"
    DeprecSolutionSheets   = "/usr/share/saptune/deprecated/"
    SolutionSheets         = "/var/lib/saptune/working/sols/"
    NoteTuningSheets       = "/var/lib/saptune/working/notes/"
    ExtraTuningSheets      = "/etc/saptune/extra/"
    ArchX86                = "amd64"      // ArchX86 is the GOARCH value for x86 platform.
    ArchPPC64LE            = "ppc64le"    // ArchPPC64LE is the GOARCH for 64-bit PowerPC little endian platform.
    ArchX86PC              = "amd64_PC"   // ArchX86 is the GOARCH value for x86 platform. PC indicates PageCache is available
    ArchPPC64LEPC          = "ppc64le_PC" // ArchPPC64LE is the GOARCH for 64-bit PowerPC little endian platform. PC indicates PageCache is available

// Solution is identified by set of note numbers.
type Solution []string

// Architecture VS solution ID VS note numbers
// AllSolutions = map[string]map[string]Solution

// OverrideSolutions contains a list of all available override solutions with
// their related SAP Notes for all supported architectures
var OverrideSolutions = GetOtherSolution(OverrideSolutionSheets, NoteTuningSheets, ExtraTuningSheets)

// CustomSolutions contains a list of all available customer specific solutions
// with their related SAP Notes for all supported architectures
var CustomSolutions = GetOtherSolution(ExtraTuningSheets, NoteTuningSheets, ExtraTuningSheets)

// DeprecSolutions contains a list of all solutions witch are deprecated
var DeprecSolutions = GetOtherSolution(DeprecSolutionSheets, "", "")

// AllSolutions contains a list of all available solutions with their related
// SAP Notes for all supported architectures
var AllSolutions = GetSolutionDefintion(SolutionSheets, ExtraTuningSheets, NoteTuningSheets)

// GetSolutionDefintion reads solution definition from file
// build same structure for AllSolutions as before
// can be simplified later
func GetSolutionDefintion(solsDir, extraDir, noteDir string) map[string]map[string]Solution {
    sols := make(map[string]map[string]Solution)
    sol := make(map[string]Solution)
    currentArch := ""
    arch := ""
    pcarch := ""
    solAllVals := getAllSolsFromDir(solsDir, "", "")
    // add custom solutions to the list
    custAllVals := getAllSolsFromDir(extraDir, noteDir, extraDir)
    solAllVals = append(solAllVals, custAllVals...)

    for _, param := range solAllVals {
        if param.Section == "reminder" || param.Section == "version" {
        if param.Section != "ArchX86" && param.Section != "ArchPPC64LE" {
            // as the function most of the time is called
            // before the logging is initialized use
            // Fprintf instead to give customers a hint.
            fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "Warning: skip unsupported solution section '%s'\n", param.Section)
            //system.WarningLog("skip unsupported solution section '%s'", param.Section)
        if param.Section != currentArch {
            // start a new arch
            if currentArch != "" {
                // save previous arch settings
                sols = storeSols(arch, pcarch, sol, sols)
            currentArch = param.Section
            sol = make(map[string]Solution)
            arch, pcarch = setSolutionArch(currentArch)

        // looking for override solution
        if len(OverrideSolutions[arch]) != 0 && len(OverrideSolutions[arch][param.Key]) != 0 {
            param.Value = strings.Join(OverrideSolutions[arch][param.Key], "\t")
        sol[param.Key] = strings.Split(param.Value, "\t")
    if arch != "" {
        // add custom solutions for last arch
        if len(CustomSolutions) != 0 {
            for cKey, cVal := range CustomSolutions[arch] {
                sol[cKey] = cVal
    sols = storeSols(arch, pcarch, sol, sols)
    return sols

// GetOtherSolution reads override, custom or deprecated solution definition
// from file
func GetOtherSolution(solsDir, noteFiles, extraFiles string) map[string]map[string]Solution {
    sols := make(map[string]map[string]Solution)
    sol := make(map[string]Solution)
    currentArch := ""
    arch := ""
    pcarch := ""
    extra := false
    if solsDir == ExtraTuningSheets {
        extra = true
    // looking for override or extra solution file
    solAllVals := getAllSolsFromDir(solsDir, noteFiles, extraFiles)

    for _, param := range solAllVals {
        if param.Section == "reminder" || param.Section == "version" {
        if param.Section != "ArchX86" && param.Section != "ArchPPC64LE" {
            // as the function most of the time is called
            // before the logging is initialized use
            // Fprintf instead to give customers a hint.
            fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "Warning: skip unsupported solution section '%s'\n", param.Section)

        if param.Section != currentArch {
            // start a new arch
            if currentArch != "" {
                // save previous arch settings
                sols = storeSols(arch, pcarch, sol, sols)
            currentArch = param.Section
            sol = make(map[string]Solution)
            arch, pcarch = setSolutionArch(currentArch)
        // Do not allow customer/vendor to override built-in solutions
        if extra && IsShippedSolution(param.Key) {
            // as the function most of the time is called
            // before the logging is initialized use
            // Fprintf instead to give customers a hint.
            fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "Warning: extra solution '%s' will not override built-in solution implementation\n", param.Key)
        sol[param.Key] = strings.Split(param.Value, "\t")
    if currentArch != "" {
        sols = storeSols(arch, pcarch, sol, sols)
    return sols

// checkSolutionNotes checks, if all note files used in the override or custom
// solution file are available in the working area or in /etc/saptune/extra
func checkSolutionNotes(param txtparser.INIEntry, fileName, noteFiles, extraFiles string) bool {
    noteState := true
    // ANGI TODO additional check in /usr/share/saptune/note and WARNING
    // that the working area does not include the needed note for
    // the solution, but the package store (and/or staging area) does.
    for _, noteID := range strings.Split(param.Value, "\t") {
        if param.Section == "reminder" || param.Section == "version" {
        // first check in the working area
        if _, err := os.Stat(fmt.Sprintf("%s%s", noteFiles, noteID)); err != nil {
            // noteID NOT found in working area
            if extraFiles != "" {
                // check for custom note files
                if _, err := os.Stat(fmt.Sprintf("%s%s.conf", extraFiles, noteID)); err != nil {
                    // as the function most of the time is
                    // called before the logging is
                    // initialized use Fprintf instead to
                    // give customers a hint.
                    fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "Attention: Definition for note '%s' used for solution '%s' in file '%s' not found in '%s' or '%s'\n", noteID, param.Key, fileName, noteFiles, extraFiles)
                    //system.WarningLog("Definition for note '%s' used for solution '%s' in file '%s' not found in %s", noteID, param.Key, fileName, extraFiles)
                    noteState = false
            } else {
                // as the function most of the time is called
                // before the logging is initialized use
                // Fprintf instead to give customers a hint.
                fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "Attention: Definition for note '%s' used for solution '%s' in file '%s' not found in '%s'\n", noteID, param.Key, fileName, noteFiles)
                //system.WarningLog("Definition for note '%s' used for solution '%s' in file '%s' not found in %s", noteID, param.Key, fileName, noteFiles)
                noteState = false
    return noteState

// setSolutionArch sets arch and pcarch variables regarding the current
// architecture read from the solution file
func setSolutionArch(curArch string) (arch, pcarch string) {
    switch curArch {
    case "ArchPPC64LE":
        arch = "ppc64le"
        pcarch = "ppc64le_PC"
    case "ArchX86":
        arch = "amd64"
        pcarch = "amd64_PC"

// storeSols stores the collected solutions in the solution map
// related to the last current architecture read from the solution file
func storeSols(arch, pcarch string, sol map[string]Solution, sols map[string]map[string]Solution) map[string]map[string]Solution {
    newSol := make(map[string]Solution)
    if system.IsPagecacheAvailable() {
        for key, val := range sols[pcarch] {
            newSol[key] = val
        for key, val := range sol {
            newSol[key] = val
        //sols[pcarch] = sol
        if len(newSol) != 0 {
            sols[pcarch] = newSol
        newSol = make(map[string]Solution)
    for key, val := range sols[arch] {
        newSol[key] = val
    for key, val := range sol {
        newSol[key] = val
    //sols[arch] = sol
    if len(newSol) != 0 {
        sols[arch] = newSol
    return sols

// GetSortedSolutionNames returns all solution names, sorted alphabetically.
func GetSortedSolutionNames(archName string) (ret []string) {
    ret = make([]string, 0, len(AllSolutions))
    for id := range AllSolutions[archName] {
        ret = append(ret, id)

// getAllSolsFromDir retrieves all defined solutions from the solution files found in the given
// directory
func getAllSolsFromDir(solsDir, noteFiles, extraFiles string) []txtparser.INIEntry {
    solAllVals := make([]txtparser.INIEntry, 0, 64)
    _, files := system.ListDir(solsDir, "saptune solution definitions")
    for _, fName := range files {
        if strings.HasSuffix(fName, ".conf") {
            // skip custom defined note definition files
        if fName != "solsdeprecated" && !strings.HasSuffix(fName, ".sol") {
            // silently skip filenames without .sol suffix
            // do not print a warning as in case of override we can not filter out
            // the node definition files as they do not have a suffix.
        solName := strings.TrimSuffix(fName, ".sol")
        fileName := fmt.Sprintf("%s%s", solsDir, fName)
        content, err := txtparser.ParseINIFile(fileName, false)
        if err != nil {
            // as the function most of the time is called
            // before the logging is initialized use
            // Fprintf instead to give customers a hint.
            fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "Error: Failed to read solution definition from file '%s'\n", fileName)

        notesOK := true
        for _, param := range content.AllValues {
            param.Key = solName
            if noteFiles != "" {
                // check, if all note files used in the override or custom
                // solution file are available in the working area or in
                // /etc/saptune/extra
                notesOK = checkSolutionNotes(param, fileName, noteFiles, extraFiles)
                if !notesOK {
                    // skip solution definition, because one or more notes
                    // referenced in the solution definition do not have
                    // a note configuration file on the system
            solAllVals = append(solAllVals, param)
            //solAllVals = append(solAllVals, content.AllValues...)
    return solAllVals

// IsAvailableSolution returns true, if the solution name already exists
func IsAvailableSolution(sol, arch string) bool {
    found := false
    for _, solName := range GetSortedSolutionNames(arch) {
        if sol == solName {
            found = true
    return found

// IsShippedSolution returns true, if the solution is shipped by the
// saptune package (from /usr/share/saptune/solutions)
func IsShippedSolution(sol string) bool {
    fileName := fmt.Sprintf("%s%s.sol", ShippedSolSheets, sol)
    if _, err := os.Stat(fileName); err == nil {
        return true
    return false

// Refresh refreshes the solution related variables
func Refresh() {
    CustomSolutions = GetOtherSolution(ExtraTuningSheets, NoteTuningSheets, ExtraTuningSheets)
    OverrideSolutions = GetOtherSolution(OverrideSolutionSheets, NoteTuningSheets, ExtraTuningSheets)
    AllSolutions = GetSolutionDefintion(SolutionSheets, ExtraTuningSheets, NoteTuningSheets)