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package system

// defaultCommand contains all available 'command - action' combinations
var defaultCommand = map[string]bool{
    "daemon start":        false,
    "daemon status":       false,
    "daemon stop":         false,
    "service apply":       false,
    "service start":       false,
    "service status":      false,
    "service stop":        false,
    "service restart":     false,
    "service revert":      false,
    "service reload":      false,
    "service takeover":    false,
    "service enable":      false,
    "service disable":     false,
    "service enablestart": false,
    "service disablestop": false,
    "note list":           false,
    "note revertall":      false,
    "note enabled":        false,
    "note applied":        false,
    "note apply":          false,
    "note simulate":       false,
    "note customise":      false,
    "note create":         false,
    "note edit":           false,
    "note revert":         false,
    "note show":           false,
    "note delete":         false,
    "note verify":         false,
    "note rename":         false,
    "solution list":       false,
    "solution verify":     false,
    "solution enabled":    false,
    "solution applied":    false,
    "solution apply":      false,
    "solution change":     false,
    "solution simulate":   false,
    "solution customise":  false,
    "solution create":     false,
    "solution edit":       false,
    "solution revert":     false,
    "solution show":       false,
    "solution delete":     false,
    "solution rename":     false,
    "staging status":      false,
    "staging enable":      false,
    "staging disable":     false,
    "staging is-enabled":  false,
    "staging list":        false,
    "staging diff":        false,
    "staging analysis":    false,
    "staging release":     false,
    "revert all":          false,
    "lock remove":         false,
    "check":               false,
    "status":              false,
    "version":             false,
    "help":                false,

// newDefaultCommandsMap creates a new 'command - action' map
func newDefaultCommandsMap() map[string]bool {
    var newCommandMap = make(map[string]bool, len(defaultCommand))
    for key, value := range defaultCommand {
        newCommandMap[key] = value
    return newCommandMap

// supportedRACMap contains the supported 'command - action' combinations
// for the json output
func supportedRACMap() map[string]bool {
    var supportedRAC = newDefaultCommandsMap()

    supportedRAC["daemon status"] = true
    supportedRAC["service status"] = true
    supportedRAC["note list"] = true
    supportedRAC["note enabled"] = true
    supportedRAC["note applied"] = true
    supportedRAC["note verify"] = true
    supportedRAC["solution list"] = true
    supportedRAC["solution verify"] = true
    supportedRAC["solution enabled"] = true
    supportedRAC["solution applied"] = true
    supportedRAC["status"] = true
    supportedRAC["version"] = true

    return supportedRAC

// lockCommandsMap contains the supported 'command - action' combinations
// for the saptune locking mechanism
func lockCommandsMap() map[string]bool {
    var lockCommand = newDefaultCommandsMap()

    lockCommand["daemon start"] = true
    lockCommand["daemon stop"] = true
    lockCommand["service apply"] = true
    lockCommand["service start"] = true
    lockCommand["service stop"] = true
    lockCommand["service restart"] = true
    lockCommand["service revert"] = true
    lockCommand["service reload"] = true
    lockCommand["service takeover"] = true
    lockCommand["service enablestart"] = true
    lockCommand["service disablestop"] = true
    lockCommand["note revertall"] = true
    lockCommand["note apply"] = true
    lockCommand["note customise"] = true
    lockCommand["note create"] = true
    lockCommand["note edit"] = true
    lockCommand["note revert"] = true
    lockCommand["note delete"] = true
    lockCommand["note rename"] = true
    lockCommand["solution apply"] = true
    lockCommand["solution change"] = true
    lockCommand["solution customise"] = true
    lockCommand["solution create"] = true
    lockCommand["solution edit"] = true
    lockCommand["solution revert"] = true
    lockCommand["solution delete"] = true
    lockCommand["solution rename"] = true
    lockCommand["staging status"] = true
    lockCommand["staging enable"] = true
    lockCommand["staging disable"] = true
    lockCommand["staging is-enabled"] = true
    lockCommand["staging list"] = true
    lockCommand["staging diff"] = true
    lockCommand["staging analysis"] = true
    lockCommand["staging release"] = true
    lockCommand["revert all"] = true

    return lockCommand