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package system

import (

var schemaDir = "file:///usr/share/saptune/schemas/1.0/"
var supportedRAC = map[string]bool{"daemon start": false, "daemon status": true, "daemon stop": false, "service apply": false, "service start": false, "service status": true, "service stop": false, "service restart": false, "service revert": false, "service reload": false, "service takeover": false, "service enable": false, "service disable": false, "service enablestart": false, "service disablestop": false, "note list": true, "note revertall": false, "note enabled": true, "note applied": true, "note apply": false, "note simulate": false, "note customise": false, "note create": false, "note edit": false, "note revert": false, "note show": false, "note delete": false, "note verify": true, "note rename": false, "solution list": true, "solution verify": true, "solution enabled": true, "solution applied": true, "solution apply": false, "solution change": false, "solution simulate": false, "solution customise": false, "solution create": false, "solution edit": false, "solution revert": false, "solution show": false, "solution delete": false, "solution rename": false, "staging status": false, "staging enable": false, "staging disable": false, "staging is-enabled": false, "staging list": false, "staging diff": false, "staging analysis": false, "staging release": false, "revert all": false, "lock remove": false, "check": false, "status": true, "version": true, "help": false}

// jentry is the json entry to display
var jentry JEntry

// JMsg is a single log message and it's severity/priority
type JMsg struct {
    // Priority of the log messages as defined AT
    Prio string `json:"priority"`
    // The log message itself
    Txt string `json:"message"`

// JMessages contains all log messages normally printed on the screen in the
// order they were created
type JMessages []JMsg

// JResult is the result (output) of the command.
type JResult interface{}

// JObj is a string, a string pointer or a bool for some parts in the result
// of the command.
type JObj interface{}

// JEntry defines the global structure of our json object
type JEntry struct {
    // URI to the schema definition
    Schema string `json:"$schema"`
    // saptune timestamp of the time this JSON object was created
    Created string `json:"publish time"`
    // The entire saptune command as it was called
    CmdLine string `json:"argv"`
    // PID of the saptune process creating this object
    Pid int `json:"pid"`
    // The saptune command (classifier), which was execute
    // realm + command, no options, no parameter
    Cmd string `json:"command"`
    // The return code the saptune command terminated with
    CmdRet int `json:"exit code"`
    // The result (output) of the command.
    CmdResult JResult `json:"result"`
    //Contains all log messages normally printed on the screen in the
    // order they were created
    CmdMsg JMessages `json:"messages"`

// emptyResult defines an empty result
type emptyResult struct {

// notSupportedResult is the result type definition for commands not yet
// supported for json output
type notSupportedResult struct {
    Implemented bool `json:"implemented"`

// versResults is the result type definition for 'saptune version'
type versResults struct {
    ConfVers string `json:"configured version"`

// configuredSol is for 'saptune solution enabled'
type configuredSol struct {
    ConfiguredSol []string `json:"Solution enabled"`

// JAppliedSol is for 'Solution applied' in
// 'saptune status' and 'saptune solution applied'
type JAppliedSol struct {
    SolName string `json:"Solution ID,omitempty"`
    Partial *bool  `json:"applied partially,omitempty"`

// appliedSol is for 'saptune solution applied'
type appliedSol struct {
    AppliedSol []JAppliedSol `json:"Solution applied"`

// appliedNotes is for 'saptune note applied'
type appliedNotes struct {
    AppliedNotes []string `json:"Notes applied"`

// notesOrder is for 'saptune note enabled'
type notesOrder struct {
    NotesOrder []string `json:"Notes enabled"`

// JNoteListEntry is one line of 'saptune note list'
type JNoteListEntry struct {
    NoteID       string `json:"Note ID"`
    NoteDesc     string `json:"Note description"`
    NoteRef      JObj   `json:"Note reference"`
    NoteVers     string `json:"Note version"`
    NoteRdate    string `json:"Note release date"`
    ManEnabled   bool   `json:"Note enabled manually"`
    SolEnabled   bool   `json:"Note enabled by Solution"`
    ManReverted  bool   `json:"Note reverted manually"`
    NoteOverride bool   `json:"Note override exists"`
    CustomNote   bool   `json:"custom Note"`

// JNoteList is the whole 'saptune note list'
type JNoteList struct {
    NotesList  []JNoteListEntry `json:"Notes available"`
    NotesOrder []string         `json:"Notes enabled"`
    Msg        string           `json:"remember message"`

// JPNotesLine one row of 'saptune note verify|simulate'
// from PrintNoteFields
type JPNotesLine struct {
    NoteID    string       `json:"Note ID,omitempty"`
    NoteVers  string       `json:"Note version,omitempty"`
    Parameter string       `json:"parameter"`
    Compliant *bool        `json:"compliant,omitempty"`
    ExpValue  string       `json:"expected value,omitempty"`
    OverValue string       `json:"override value,omitempty"`
    ActValue  *string      `json:"actual value,omitempty"`
    Comment   string       `json:"comment,omitempty"`
    Footnotes []JFootNotes `json:"amendments,omitempty"`

// JFootNotes collects the footnotes per parameter
type JFootNotes struct {
    FNoteNumber int    `json:"index,omitempty"`
    FNoteTxt    string `json:"amendment,omitempty"`

// JPNotesRemind is the reminder section
type JPNotesRemind struct {
    NoteID       string `json:"Note ID,omitempty"`
    NoteReminder string `json:"attention,omitempty"`

// JPNotes is the whole 'PrintNoteFields' function
// if we need to differ between 'verify' and 'simulate' this
// can be done in PrintNoteFields' or in jcollect.
type JPNotes struct {
    Verifications []JPNotesLine   `json:"verifications"`
    Simulations   []JPNotesLine   `json:"simulations,omitempty"`
    Attentions    []JPNotesRemind `json:"attentions"`
    NotesOrder    []string        `json:"Notes enabled"`
    SysCompliance *bool           `json:"system compliance"`

// JSol - Solution name and related Note list
type JSol struct {
    SolName   string   `json:"Solution ID"`
    NotesList []string `json:"Note list"`

// JStatus is the whole 'saptune status'
type JStatus struct {
    Services        JStatusServs   `json:"services"`
    SystemdSysState string         `json:"systemd system state"`
    TuningState     string         `json:"tuning state"`
    VirtEnv         string         `json:"virtualization"`
    SaptuneVersion  string         `json:"configured version"`
    RPMVersion      string         `json:"package version"`
    ConfiguredSol   []string       `json:"Solution enabled"`
    ConfSolNotes    []JSol         `json:"Notes enabled by Solution"`
    AppliedSol      []JAppliedSol  `json:"Solution applied"`
    AppliedSolNotes []JSol         `json:"Notes applied by Solution"`
    ConfiguredNotes []string       `json:"Notes enabled additionally"`
    EnabledNotes    []string       `json:"Notes enabled"`
    AppliedNotes    []string       `json:"Notes applied"`
    Staging         JStatusStaging `json:"staging"`
    Msg             string         `json:"remember message"`

// JStatusStaging contains the staging infos for 'saptune status'
type JStatusStaging struct {
    StagingEnabled bool     `json:"staging enabled"`
    StagedNotes    []string `json:"Notes staged"`
    StagedSols     []string `json:"Solutions staged"`

// JStatusServs are the mentioned systemd services in 'saptune status'
type JStatusServs struct {
    SaptuneService JObj    `json:"saptune"`
    SapconfService JObj    `json:"sapconf"`
    TunedService   JObj    `json:"tuned"`
    TunedProfile   *string `json:"tuned profile,omitempty"`

// JSolListEntry is one line of 'saptune solution list'
type JSolListEntry struct {
    SolName     string   `json:"Solution ID"`
    NotesList   []string `json:"Note list"`
    SolEnabled  bool     `json:"Solution enabled"`
    SolOverride bool     `json:"Solution override exists"`
    CustomSol   bool     `json:"custom Solution"`
    DepSol      bool     `json:"Solution deprecated"`

// JSolList is the whole 'saptune solution list'
type JSolList struct {
    SolsList []JSolListEntry `json:"Solutions available"`
    Msg      string          `json:"remember message"`

// jInit creates an initial json entry
// used in system/InitOut
func jInit() {
    created := time.Now().Format("2006-01-02 15:04:05.000")
    rac := realmAndCmd()
    jentry = JEntry{
        Schema:    schemaName(rac),
        Created:   created,
        CmdLine:   strings.Join(os.Args, " "),
        Pid:       os.Getpid(),
        Cmd:       rac,
        CmdResult: emptyResult{},
        CmdMsg:    []JMsg{},

// jWriteMsg appends messages from logging to the json entry
// instead of writing to stdout/stderr
// used in system/logging
func jWriteMsg(prio, msg string) {
    var jmsg JMsg
    if GetFlagVal("format") != "json" {
    jmsg.Prio = prio
    jmsg.Txt = msg
    jentry.CmdMsg = append(jentry.CmdMsg, jmsg)

// jOut writes the json output to stdout
// used in function system/ErrorExit
func jOut(exit int) error {
    var err error
    if GetFlagVal("format") != "json" {
        return err
    // reset stdout to original setting
    os.Stdout = stdOutOrg
    jentry.CmdRet = exit
    data, err := json.Marshal(jentry)
    if err == nil {
    return err

// JInvalid is the answer of an invalid saptune call
// used in function action/PrintHelpAndExit
func JInvalid(exitStatus int) {
    if exitStatus != 0 {
        jentry.Schema = schemaName("invalid")
        jentry.Cmd = "invalid"
    ErrorExit("", exitStatus)

// JnotSupportedYet is the answer of a command without json support yet
// used in function action/SelectAction
func JnotSupportedYet() {
    rac := realmAndCmd()
    if GetFlagVal("format") != "json" || racIsSupported(rac) {
    jentry.CmdResult = notSupportedResult{Implemented: false}
    ErrorExit("", 1)

// Jcollect collects the result data
func Jcollect(data interface{}) {
    rac := realmAndCmd()
    if GetFlagVal("format") != "json" || !racIsSupported(rac) {
    switch res := data.(type) {
    case string:
        if rac == "version" {
            jentry.CmdResult = versResults{ConfVers: res}
    case []string:
        if len(res) == 1 && res[0] == "" {
            // replace empty string by empty slice
            res = make([]string, 0)
        if rac == "note enabled" {
            jentry.CmdResult = notesOrder{NotesOrder: res}
        if rac == "note applied" {
            jentry.CmdResult = appliedNotes{AppliedNotes: res}
        if rac == "solution enabled" {
            jentry.CmdResult = configuredSol{ConfiguredSol: res}
        //if rac == "solution applied" {
        //    jentry.CmdResult = appliedSol{AppliedSol: res}
    case JAppliedSol:
        // "saptune solution applied"
        var appSol appliedSol
        if res.SolName != "" {
            appSol.AppliedSol = append(appSol.AppliedSol, res)
        } else {
            appSol.AppliedSol = make([]JAppliedSol, 0)
        jentry.CmdResult = appSol
    case JSolList, JNoteList, JStatus, JPNotes:
        //"solution list", "note list", "status", "daemon status", "service status", "note verify", "solution verify", "note simulate", "solution simulate":
        jentry.CmdResult = res
        WarningLog("Unknown data type '%T' for command '%s' in Jcollect, skipping", data, rac)

// schemaName returns the schema string
func schemaName(name string) string {
    return fmt.Sprintf("%ssaptune_%s.schema.json", schemaDir, strings.Replace(name, " ", "_", -1))

// realmAndCmd returns the realms name and the command name, if available
func realmAndCmd() string {
    rac := CliArg(1)
    if CliArg(2) != "" {
        rac = rac + " " + CliArg(2)
    if rac == "" {
        // check for alias
        if IsFlagSet("version") {
            rac = "version"
        if IsFlagSet("help") {
            rac = "help"
    return rac

// racIsSupported checks, if the combination 'realm command' has json support
func racIsSupported(rac string) bool {
    if _, ok := supportedRAC[rac]; !ok {
        // rac not a valid combination
        // return true to let PrintHelpAndExit later do it's job
        return true
    return supportedRAC[rac]

// JNoteListEntryInit initialises a JNoteListEntry variable
// used in NoteActionList
func JNoteListEntryInit() JNoteListEntry {
    newListEntry := JNoteListEntry{
        NoteID:       "",
        NoteDesc:     "",
        NoteRef:      make([]string, 0),
        NoteVers:     "",
        NoteRdate:    "",
        ManEnabled:   false,
        SolEnabled:   false,
        ManReverted:  false,
        NoteOverride: false,
        CustomNote:   false,
    return newListEntry