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package system

// Implement a parser for /etc/security/limits.conf.

import (

var consecutiveSpaces = regexp.MustCompile("[[:space:]]+")

// SecurityLimitInt is an integer number where -1 represents unlimited value.
type SecurityLimitInt int

// SecurityLimitUnlimitedValue is the constant integer value that represents unrestricted limit.
const SecurityLimitUnlimitedValue = SecurityLimitInt(-1)

// SecurityLimitUnlimitedString are the string constants that represent unrestricted limit.
var SecurityLimitUnlimitedString = []string{"unlimited", "infinity"}

func (limit SecurityLimitInt) String() string {
    if limit == SecurityLimitUnlimitedValue {
        return SecurityLimitUnlimitedString[0]
    return strconv.Itoa(int(limit))

// ToSecurityLimitInt interprets integer limit number from input string.
// If the input cannot be parsed successfully, it will return a default 0 value.
func ToSecurityLimitInt(in string) SecurityLimitInt {
    in = strings.TrimSpace(in)
    for _, match := range SecurityLimitUnlimitedString {
        if match == in {
            return SecurityLimitUnlimitedValue
    i, _ := strconv.Atoi(in)
    return SecurityLimitInt(i)

// SecLimitsEntry is a single entry in security/limits.conf file.
type SecLimitsEntry struct {
    LeadingComments    []string // The comment lines leading to the key-value pair, including prefix '#', excluding end-of-line.
    Domain, Type, Item string
    Value              string

// SecLimits Entries of security/limits.conf file. It is able to convert back
// to original text in the original entry order.
type SecLimits struct {
    Entries []*SecLimitsEntry

// ParseSecLimitsFile read limits.conf and parse the file content into memory
// structures.
func ParseSecLimitsFile(fileName string) (*SecLimits, error) {
    limitsConfFile := "/etc/security/limits.conf"
    content, err := os.ReadFile(fileName)
    if err != nil {
        content, err = os.ReadFile(limitsConfFile)
        if err != nil {
            return nil, ErrorLog("failed to open limits config file: %v", err)
    return ParseSecLimits(string(content)), nil

// ParseSecLimits read limits.conf text and parse the text into memory structures.
func ParseSecLimits(input string) *SecLimits {
    limits := &SecLimits{Entries: make([]*SecLimitsEntry, 0)}
    leadingComments := make([]string, 0)
    splitInput := strings.Split(input, "\n")
    noOfLines := len(splitInput)
    for lineNo, line := range splitInput {
        line = strings.TrimSpace(line)
        if strings.HasPrefix(line, "#") {
            // Line is a comment
            leadingComments = append(leadingComments, line)
        } else if fields := consecutiveSpaces.Split(line, -1); len(fields) == 4 || len(fields) == 3 {
            val := ""
            if len(fields) == 4 {
                val = fields[3]
            // Line is an entry
            entry := &SecLimitsEntry{
                LeadingComments: leadingComments,
                Domain:          fields[0],
                Type:            fields[1],
                Item:            fields[2],
                Value:           val,
            limits.Entries = append(limits.Entries, entry)
            // Get ready for the next entry by clearing comments
            leadingComments = make([]string, 0)
        } else {
            // Consider other lines (such as blank lines) as comments
            // seems that strings.Split(input, "\n") adds an additional new line to the split result, which should not end up in the resulting SecLimits structure
            if lineNo < (noOfLines - 1) {
                leadingComments = append(leadingComments, line)
    // add the comment section. Needed, if the file only contains
    // comments, but no entries to not loose this comments
    entry := &SecLimitsEntry{
        LeadingComments: leadingComments,
    limits.Entries = append(limits.Entries, entry)
    return limits

// Get return string value that belongs to the entry.
func (limits *SecLimits) Get(domain, typeName, item string) (string, bool) {
    for _, entry := range limits.Entries {
        if entry.Domain == domain && entry.Type == typeName && entry.Item == item {
            return entry.Value, true
    return "", false

// GetOr0 retrieves an integer limit value and return.
// If the value is not specified or cannot be parsed correctly, 0 will be returned.
func (limits *SecLimits) GetOr0(domain, typeName, item string) SecurityLimitInt {
    val, _ := limits.Get(domain, typeName, item)
    return ToSecurityLimitInt(val)

// Set value for an entry. If the entry does not yet exist, it is created.
func (limits *SecLimits) Set(domain, typeName, item, value string) {
    for _, entry := range limits.Entries {
        if entry.Domain == domain && entry.Type == typeName && entry.Item == item {
            entry.Value = value
    // Create a new entry
    limits.Entries = append(limits.Entries, &SecLimitsEntry{
        Domain: domain,
        Type:   typeName,
        Item:   item,
        Value:  value,

// ToText convert the entries back into text.
func (limits *SecLimits) ToText() string {
    var ret bytes.Buffer

    for _, entry := range limits.Entries {
        if entry.LeadingComments != nil && len(entry.LeadingComments) > 0 {
            ret.WriteString(strings.Join(entry.LeadingComments, "\n"))
        // prevent useless empty lines
        if entry.Domain != "" && entry.Type != "" && entry.Item != "" && entry.Value != "" {
            ret.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf("%s %s %s %s\n", entry.Domain, entry.Type, entry.Item, entry.Value))
    return ret.String()

// ToDropIn convert the entries back into text.
func (limits *SecLimits) ToDropIn(lim []string, noteID, fileName string) string {
    var ret bytes.Buffer
    //add saptune specific comment
    comment := fmt.Sprintf("### %s\n### file autogenerated by saptune!\n### requested by Note %s\n###\n### Please do NOT change or delete!\n###\n", fileName, noteID)

    for _, entry := range limits.Entries {
        if entry.Domain == lim[0] && entry.Type == lim[1] && entry.Item == lim[2] {
            ret.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf("%s %s %s %s\n", entry.Domain, entry.Type, entry.Item, entry.Value))
    return ret.String()

// ApplyDropIn overwrite file 'dropInFile' with the content of this structure.
func (limits *SecLimits) ApplyDropIn(lim []string, noteID string) error {
    // /etc/security/limits.d/saptune-<domain>-<item>-<type>.conf
    limitsDropDir := "/etc/security/limits.d"
    dropInFile := fmt.Sprintf("%s/saptune-%s-%s-%s.conf", limitsDropDir, lim[0], lim[2], lim[1])
    if _, err := os.Stat(limitsDropDir); os.IsNotExist(err) {
        if err := os.MkdirAll(limitsDropDir, 0755); err != nil {
            return ErrorLog("failed to create needed directories for the limits drop in file: %v", err)
    return os.WriteFile(dropInFile, []byte(limits.ToDropIn(lim, noteID, dropInFile)), 0644)

// Apply overwrite /etc/security/limits.conf with the content of this structure.
func (limits *SecLimits) Apply() error {
    return os.WriteFile("/etc/security/limits.conf", []byte(limits.ToText()), 0644)