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package system

// wrapper to rpm command

import (

var alphanumPattern = regexp.MustCompile("([a-zA-Z]+)|([0-9]+)|(~)")

// GetRpmVers return the version of an installed RPM
func GetRpmVers(rpm string) string {
    // rpm -q --qf '%{VERSION}-%{RELEASE}\n' glibc
    notInstalled := fmt.Sprintf("package %s is not installed", rpm)
    rpmVers := ""
    cmdName := "/bin/rpm"
    cmdArgs := []string{"-q", "--qf", "%{VERSION}-%{RELEASE}\n", rpm}

    cmdOut, err := exec.Command(cmdName, cmdArgs...).CombinedOutput()
    if err != nil {
        if len(string(cmdOut)) == 0 || strings.TrimSpace(string(cmdOut)) != notInstalled {
            WarningLog("There was an error running external command 'rpm -q --qf '%%{VERSION}-%%{RELEASE}' %s': %v, output: %s", rpm, err, cmdOut)
        return ""
    for _, line := range strings.Split(strings.TrimSpace(string(cmdOut)), "\n") {
        // ANGI: TODO - was, wenn mehr als eine Paketversion installiert ist
        rpmVers = line
    return rpmVers

/* compare rpm versions
func CmpRpmVers, func CheckRpmVers
build on base of information from
Equal == 0, GreaterThan > 0, LessThan < 0
vers1 is '228-150.22.1', vers2 is '228-142.1'

// CmpRpmVers compare versions of 2 RPMs (installed version, expected version)
// Return true, if installed package version is equal or higher than expected
// Return false, if installed package version is less than expected
func CmpRpmVers(vers1, vers2 string) bool {
    if vers1 == "" {
        // package not installed
        return false
    if vers1 == vers2 {
        // rpm version and release are equal
        return true
    // actV is 228-150.22.1, expV is 228-142.1
    actV := strings.Split(vers1, "-")
    expV := strings.Split(vers2, "-")
    // check rpm version
    ret := CheckRpmVers(actV[0], expV[0])
    if ret > 0 {
        // installed package version is higher than expected
        return true
    } else if ret < 0 {
        // installed package version is less than expected
        return false
    // rpm version is equal, so check rpm release
    ret = CheckRpmVers(actV[1], expV[1])
    //lint:ignore S1008 we want to keep the comments
    if ret < 0 {
        // installed package release is less than expected
        return false
    // installed package release is equal or higher than expected
    return true

// CheckRpmVers compare versions of 2 RPMs (installed version, expected version)
// Return 0 (Equal), 1 (GreaterThan) or -1 (LessThan)
func CheckRpmVers(vers1, vers2 string) int {
    // per definition numbers are greater than alphas
    if vers1 == vers2 {
        return 0
    // get bunches of numbers or characters for comparison
    partsV1 := alphanumPattern.FindAllString(vers1, -1)
    partsV2 := alphanumPattern.FindAllString(vers2, -1)
    nrParts := len(partsV1)
    if len(partsV1) > len(partsV2) {
        nrParts = len(partsV2)
    // compare each bunche of numbers or characters
    for i := 0; i < nrParts; i++ {
        p1 := partsV1[i]
        p2 := partsV2[i]
        r10 := []rune(p1)[0]
        r20 := []rune(p2)[0]
        // searching for 'tildes'
        // first character in bunch - []rune(p1)[0]
        if r10 == '~' || r20 == '~' {
            if r10 != '~' {
                return 1
            if r20 != '~' {
                return -1
        if unicode.IsNumber(r10) {
            // actual vers part is a number
            if !unicode.IsNumber(r20) {
                // actual vers is numeric, expected vers is alpha, so actual vers is higher
                return 1
            // both are numbers, trim leading zeros
            p1 = strings.TrimLeft(p1, "0")
            p2 = strings.TrimLeft(p2, "0")
            // longest string wins, no need for further comparison
            if len(p1) > len(p2) {
                return 1
            } else if len(p2) > len(p1) {
                return -1
        } else if unicode.IsNumber(r20) {
            // actual vers part is a alpha, but expected vers part is a number
            return -1
        // both parts are alpha, so use simple string compare
        if p1 < p2 {
            return -1
        } else if p1 > p2 {
            return 1
    // the bunches were all the same. Check, if separators of bunches have been different
    if len(partsV1) == len(partsV2) {
        return 0
    // look for a tilde in a bunch/part past the minimal number of bunches/parts
    // could not be found in the for loop above because it's outside of the loop range
    if len(partsV1) > nrParts && []rune(partsV1[nrParts])[0] == '~' {
        return -1
    } else if len(partsV2) > nrParts && []rune(partsV2[nrParts])[0] == '~' {
        return 1
    // at least the highest number of bunches/parts wins
    if len(partsV1) > len(partsV2) {
        return 1
    return -1