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package system

import (

// SaptuneSectionDir defines saptunes saved state directory
const SaptuneSectionDir = "/run/saptune/sections"

// map to hold the current available systemd services
var services map[string]string

// stdOutOrg contains the origin stdout for resetting, if needed
var stdOutOrg = os.Stdout

// OSExit defines, which exit function should be used
var OSExit = os.Exit

// ErrorExitOut defines, which exit output function should be used
var ErrorExitOut = ErrorLog

// ErrExitOut defines the output function, which should be used in case
// of colored output
var ErrExitOut = errExitOut

// InfoOut defines, which log output function should be used
var InfoOut = InfoLog

// DmiID is the path to the dmidecode representation in the /sys filesystem
var DmiID = "/sys/class/dmi/id"

// IsUserRoot return true only if the current user is root.
func IsUserRoot() bool {
    return os.Getuid() == 0

// GetSolutionSelector returns the architecture string
// needed to select the supported set os solutions
func GetSolutionSelector() string {
    solutionSelector := runtime.GOARCH
    if IsPagecacheAvailable() {
        solutionSelector = solutionSelector + "_PC"
    return solutionSelector

// CmdIsAvailable returns true, if the cmd is available.
func CmdIsAvailable(cmdName string) bool {
    if _, err := os.Stat(cmdName); os.IsNotExist(err) {
        return false
    return true

// GetOsVers returns the OS version
func GetOsVers() string {
    // VERSION="12", VERSION="15"
    // VERSION="12-SP1", VERSION="12-SP2", VERSION="12-SP3"
    var re = regexp.MustCompile(`VERSION="([\w-]+)"`)
    val, err := ioutil.ReadFile("/etc/os-release")
    if err != nil {
        return ""
    matches := re.FindStringSubmatch(string(val))
    if len(matches) == 0 {
        return ""
    return matches[1]

// GetOsName returns the OS name
func GetOsName() string {
    // NAME="SLES"
    var re = regexp.MustCompile(`NAME="([\w\s]+)"`)
    val, err := ioutil.ReadFile("/etc/os-release")
    if err != nil {
        return ""
    matches := re.FindStringSubmatch(string(val))
    if len(matches) == 0 {
        return ""
    return matches[1]

// IsSLE15 returns true, if System is running a SLE15 release
func IsSLE15() bool {
    var re = regexp.MustCompile(`15-SP\d+`)
    if GetOsName() == "SLES" && (GetOsVers() == "15" || re.MatchString(GetOsVers())) {
        return true
    return false

// IsSLE12 returns true, if System is running a SLE12 release
func IsSLE12() bool {
    var re = regexp.MustCompile(`12-SP\d+`)
    if GetOsName() == "SLES" && (GetOsVers() == "12" || re.MatchString(GetOsVers())) {
        return true
    return false

// CheckForPattern returns true, if the file is available and
// contains the expected string
func CheckForPattern(file, pattern string) bool {
    if _, err := os.Stat(file); os.IsNotExist(err) {
        return false
    content, err := ioutil.ReadFile(file)
    if err != nil {
        return false
    //check whether content contains substring pattern
    return strings.Contains(string(content), pattern)

// CalledFrom returns the name and the line number of the calling source file
func CalledFrom() string {
    ret := ""
    _, file, no, ok := runtime.Caller(2)
    if ok {
        _, relfile := filepath.Split(file)
        ret = fmt.Sprintf("%s:%d: ", relfile, no)
    return ret

func errExitOut(writer io.Writer, template string, stuff ...interface{}) {
    // stuff is: color, bold, text/template, reset bold, reset color
    stuff = stuff[1:]
    fmt.Fprintf(writer, "%s%sERROR: "+template+"%s%s\n", stuff...)
    if len(stuff) >= 4 {
        stuff = stuff[2 : len(stuff)-2]
    ErrLog(template+"\n", stuff...)

// ErrorExit prints the message to stderr and exit 1.
func ErrorExit(template string, stuff ...interface{}) {
    exState := 1
    fieldType := ""
    field := len(stuff) - 1
    if field >= 0 {
        fieldType = reflect.TypeOf(stuff[field]).String()
    if fieldType == "*exec.ExitError" {
        // get return code of failed command, if available
        if exitError, ok := stuff[field].(*exec.ExitError); ok {
            exState = exitError.Sys().(syscall.WaitStatus).ExitStatus()
    if fieldType == "int" {
        exState = reflect.ValueOf(stuff[field]).Interface().(int)
        stuff = stuff[:len(stuff)-1]
    if len(template) != 0 {
        if len(stuff) > 0 && stuff[0] == "colorPrint" {
            ErrExitOut(os.Stderr, template, stuff...)
        } else {
            ErrorExitOut(template+"\n", stuff...)
    if isOwnLock() {
    if jerr := jOut(exState); jerr != nil {
        exState = 130
    InfoOut("saptune terminated with exit code '%v'", exState)

// OutIsTerm returns true, if Stdout is a terminal
func OutIsTerm(writer *os.File) bool {
    fileInfo, _ := writer.Stat()
    return (fileInfo.Mode() & os.ModeCharDevice) != 0

// InitOut initializes the various output methodes
// currently only json and screen are supported
func InitOut(logSwitch map[string]string) {
    if GetFlagVal("format") == "json" {
        // if writing json format, switch off
        // the stdout and stderr output of the log messages
        logSwitch["verbose"] = "off"
        logSwitch["error"] = "off"
        // switch off stdout
        if os.Getenv("SAPTUNE_JDEBUG") != "on" {
            os.Stdout, _ = os.Open(os.DevNull)

// SwitchOffOut disables stdout and stderr
func SwitchOffOut() (*os.File, *os.File) {
    oldStdout := os.Stdout
    oldSdterr := os.Stderr
    os.Stdout, _ = os.Open(os.DevNull)
    os.Stderr, _ = os.Open(os.DevNull)
    return oldStdout, oldSdterr

// SwitchOnOut restores stdout and stderr to the settings before SwitchOffOut
// was called
func SwitchOnOut(stdout *os.File, stderr *os.File) {
    os.Stdout = stdout
    os.Stderr = stderr

// WrapTxt implements something like 'fold' command
// A given text string will be wrapped at word borders into
// lines of a given width
func WrapTxt(text string, width int) (folded []string) {
    var words []string
    fallback := false

    if strings.Contains(text, " ") {
        words = strings.Split(text, " ")
    } else {
        // fallback (e.g. net.ipv4.ip_local_reserved_ports)
        words = strings.Split(text, ",")
        fallback = true
    if len(words) == 0 {
    foldedTxt := words[0]
    spaceLeft := width - len(foldedTxt)
    noSpace := false
    for _, word := range words[1:] {
        if word == "\n" {
            foldedTxt += word
            spaceLeft = width
            noSpace = true
        if len(word)+1 > spaceLeft {
            // fold; start next row
            if fallback {
                foldedTxt += ",\n" + word
            } else {
                foldedTxt += "\n" + word
            if strings.HasSuffix(word, "\n") {
                spaceLeft = width
                noSpace = true
            } else {
                spaceLeft = width - len(word)
                noSpace = false
        } else {
            if noSpace {
                foldedTxt += word
                spaceLeft -= len(word)
                noSpace = false
            } else if fallback {
                foldedTxt += "," + word
                spaceLeft -= 1 + len(word)
            } else {
                foldedTxt += " " + word
                spaceLeft -= 1 + len(word)
            if strings.HasSuffix(word, "\n") {
                spaceLeft = width
                noSpace = true
    folded = strings.Split(foldedTxt, "\n")

// GetDmiID return the content of /sys/devices/virtual/dmi/id/<file> or
// an empty string
func GetDmiID(file string) (string, error) {
    var err error
    var content []byte
    ret := ""
    fileName := fmt.Sprintf("%s/%s", DmiID, file)
    if content, err = ioutil.ReadFile(fileName); err == nil {
        ret = strings.TrimSpace(string(content))
    } else {
        InfoLog("failed to read %s - %v", fileName, err)
    return ret, err

// GetHWIdentity returns the hardwar vendor or model of the system
// needs adaption, if the files to identify the hardware will change or
// if we need to look at different files for different vendors
// but the 'open' API GetDmiID exists for workarounds at customer side
func GetHWIdentity(info string) (string, error) {
    var err error
    var content []byte
    fix := ""
    fileName := ""
    ret := ""

    switch info {
    case "vendor":
        if runtime.GOARCH == "ppc64le" {
            fix = "IBM"
        } else {
            fileName = fmt.Sprintf("%s/board_vendor", DmiID)
    case "model":
        if runtime.GOARCH == "ppc64le" {
            fileName = "/sys/firmware/devicetree/base/model"
        } else {
            fileName = fmt.Sprintf("%s/product_name", DmiID)
    if fileName != "" {
        if content, err = ioutil.ReadFile(fileName); err == nil {
            ret = strings.TrimSpace(string(content))
        } else {
            InfoLog("failed to read %s - %v", fileName, err)
    if fix != "" {
        ret = fix
        err = nil
    return ret, err

// StripComment will strip everything right from the given comment character
// (including the comment character) and returns the resulting string
// comment characters can be '#' or ';' or something else
// or a regex like `\s#[^#]|"\s#[^#]`
func StripComment(str, commentChars string) string {
    ret := str
    re := regexp.MustCompile(commentChars)
    if cut := re.FindStringIndex(str); cut != nil {
        ret = strings.TrimRightFunc(str[:cut[0]], unicode.IsSpace)
        // strip masked # (\s## -> \s#) inside the text
        re = regexp.MustCompile(`\s(##)`)
        ret = re.ReplaceAllString(ret, "#")
    return ret

// GetVirtStatus gets the status of virtualization environment
func GetVirtStatus() string {
    vtype := ""
    // first check vm (-v)
    virt, vm, _ := SystemdDetectVirt("-v")
    if virt {
        // vm detected
        vtype = vm
    // next check container (-c)
    virt, container, _ := SystemdDetectVirt("-c")
    if virt {
        // container detected
        if vtype == "" {
            vtype = container
        } else {
            vtype = vtype + " " + container
    // last check for chroot (-r)
    // be in mind, that the command will not deliver any output, but only
    // return 0, if it found a chroot env or 1, if not
    virt, _, _ = SystemdDetectVirt("-r")
    if virt {
        // chroot detected
        if vtype == "" {
            vtype = "chroot"
        } else {
            vtype = vtype + " chroot"
    if vtype == "" {
        vtype = "none"
    return vtype

// Watch prints the current time
func Watch() string {
    t := time.Now()
    //watch := fmt.Sprintf("%s", t.Format(time.UnixDate))
    watch := t.Format("2006/01/02 15:04:05.99999999")
    return watch