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Test Coverage
# 1557506 - Linux paging improvements
# Description:    Tune page cache limit to prevent eviction of SAP applications memory into swap
# Version 14 from 10.08.2015 in English

# SAP-NOTE=1557506 CATEGORY=LINUX VERSION=14 DATE=10.08.2015 NAME="Linux paging improvements"

## Type:    yesno
## Default: no
# Consider to enable pagecache limit feature if your SAP workloads cause 
# frequent and excessive swapping activities.
# It is recommended to leave pagecache limit disabled if the system has low 
# or no swap space.

## Type:    integer
## Default: 1
# Whether or not to ignore dirty memory when enforcing the pagecache limit.
# If set to 0, dirty memory will be freed (written onto disk) when enforcing 
# the pagecache limit.
# If set to 1 (default), dirty memory will not be freed when enforcing the 
# pagecache limit.
# If set to 2 - a middle ground, some dirty memory will be freed when enforcing
# the limit.

## Type:    integer
## Default: ""
# When pagecache limit feature is enabled, the limit value is usually 
# automatically calculated.
# However, the value can be overridden if you set this parameter to the desired
# limit value.
# To remove the override, set the parameter to empty string.